Obama’s lie to Kyl reveals his true objective: open borders AND amnesty [Reader Post]


It is commonly understood that securing the border would make it EASIER to grant citizenship to our current crop of illegal aliens. Few Americans want to kick long-time illegals out of the country, but people know that if the borders are not secured first then any talk of amnesty will increase the flood of illegal immigration as Mexicans jump across the border to get in on it and to get in line for future amnesties. That will make our illegal alien problem worse, not better, making amnesty a non-starter. Only if the borders are secured first does amnesty becomes viable.

So why did Obama pretend in his discussion with Senator Kyl that securing the border would make it HARDER to achieve amnesty? Here is Kyl’s account of the discussion:

“The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”

An Obama spokesman issued a nominal denial that actually confirmed Obama’s linking of border security to amnesty, and Senator McCain now adds that Obama also told him that he would not move on border security without amnesty.

Thus we have a conundrum. Obama is saying something extraordinarily impolitic: that he is holding border security hostage to amnesty. Yet this impolitic admission is clearly not true. Our unsecured border is the great obstacle to the passage of any sort of amnesty. The only reason to admit such a damaging falsehood is if the truth is even worse, and indeed, we can be certain that this is the case.

If Obama wanted both border security and amnesty then he would secure the border today, paving the way for some sort of amnesty later in his term. He is adamantly against this path, yet we know that does want half of it: he does want amnesty. The only conclusion is that what he actually wants is amnesty without border security. In other words: his goal is to kill the hostage.

Which is no surprise. Our entire Democrat political class is in favor of amnesty without border security, especially after the last amnesty-without-border-security bill, signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986, worked out so well for them. The ’86 amnesty spawned the prospect of future amnesties, which in the absence of border security only added to the flow of illegal immigration (almost entirely Hispanic):

Between 87 and 88 the number of illegal aliens dipped from 5 million to 2 million as 3 million illegals took advantage of the amnesty to become American citizens. The number of illegals was back up to 5 million by 1996 and has grown apace ever since. This has been good for Democrats, who Hispanic voters favor by a wide margin (voting 67 to 31 for Obama over McCain in 2008), so it is not surprising that Democrat politicians are highly motivated both to grant amnesty (so current illegal Mexicans can vote), and to keep the border open (to bring in more future Democrats).

Of course Democrats cannot be honest about this strategy of securing their own power by serving foreign interests. Such treason sits very poorly with vast majority of Americans of both parties, so Obama tried to hide the full maliciousness of his agenda by admitting only half of it: that he is holding border security hostage. It’s nice to get that much on him. Just understand the full import. Obama has no intention of swapping the border-security hostage for any amount of concessions. He means to take the concessions AND kill the hostage.

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Our borders need to be secured, even if “We The People” have to take it upon ourselves to do it. Shut the border down tight. Only people to cross are illegals being sent south. People living in the border states need to arm themselves if they havn’t already done so. Obama had better secure the border soon as it is one of the primary duties of the POTUS. If he doesn’t he will have a full blown civil war on his hands. One that he cannot win. Your move Barry.

McCain? After Juan is re-elected, he’ll make yet another “sudden reversal” and begin his amnesty crusade all over again. I would love NOTHING more than a JD victory in the primary, but it just isn’t going to happen. But then perhaps if Juan had run the same sort of weak, mindless, limp-wristed campaign against JD that he did against Hussein, we would indeed have a new Arizona senator. Juan only attacks other republicans it seems. Leftist, America hating Dems are “out of bounds!”

Look up Operation Wetback in 1953. It’s been done before – let’s do it again!

And it needs to be secured though at least two terms of President and Congress before I trust them to keep it closed.

Yep, I think by now 80% of America has figured it out … AMNESTY and OPEN BORDERS.

Obama also told him that he would not move on border security without amnesty.

Maybe Obama will suspend airport screenings if he doesn’t get amnesty.

Maybe Obama will cede California to Mexico if he doesn’t get his way.

Holding the discharge of his duties to enforce the Constitution of the US hostage to his whims is grounds for impeachment.

No, being CiC, sounds like grounds for a firing squad…

ALEC rawls: hi, OF COURSE,it should be done before anythings else; that is the proof of what the people here are saying is the truth that he doesnt care about what AMERICANS say and want to secure his own agenda to become the supreme leader for a life time of giving misery and destruction of the real AMERICANS by substitute them with alliens from countrys of AMERICANS haters, who will outnumber the CONSTITUTION’s followers, for generations to come. the youngs
should know that is very important. bye

SARAFAN: the APPARANCES are tricky sometimes, you get fooled by it, most of the time. bye 🙄

Care to explain your statement, Sarah? I read the article…it says nothing that indicates that Kyl lied.

Clarification is a good thing…!

The rest of America had better wake up…fast…we’re getting to the point it will be too late.

Btw…McRINO, I hope you eat JD’s dust …nobody is phonier in congress than you are and have been for years.

Sarafan…. if McChrystal is responsible for what goes on/ is said by those directly beneath him…. why do YOU see fit that this does NOT apply to Obummer???? What’s good for the goose….

Yeah,I have no love for McCain… that limp wristed Campaign he ran, he all but GAVE Obummer the Presidency!!! He may be a Vet, and I respect him for that, but as a POLITICIAN, he blows!!

Conservatives foaming at the mouth about amnesty, when their own *god*, Ronald Reagan did exactly that. Conservatives are full of sh*t.


It’s called do not repeat past mistakes, conservatives learned, liberals…..their sanity is in question.

Ha, nice try.

JACARANDA: hi, by your name, I dont know if you’r one of them, but you can not compare the amount of illegals at that REAGAN ERA, IT’s 100 per cent more as it is now. bye 🙄

Great, you only get one amnestly, it has been done, it is over, deal with it if you missed the boat, go home. Actually, you have had two now, we had the mini-amnestly back under Bush. It is time to round ALL of them up and send them ALL home, where ever they came from: Mexico, UK, Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Nigira, Hati….

When we need Doctors, we should allow doctors to immigrate.
When we need engineers, we shoudl allow engineers to immigrate.
When we need lawn-care specialist, we should put our own kids to work to teach them a work ethic.

ROB in KATY: absolutly the way it should be done, in every countrys of the free world. bye 🙄

Jacaranda.. Nice try nothing. Reagan took a shot at it. We know now, it doesn’t work, doing it that way. They just take advantage and build on it…. so sure, it was wrong!
INSANITY is defined as repeating the same thing, over and over, and expecting a DIFFERENT result each time!!! You freely admit it failed.. yet seem to support doing it AGAIN!! Well at least now, we have a complete understanding of YOUR mental state….. HA, Nice try!!

I’ve been thinking this over, and to ‘best’ benefit the Democrats in November mid-term elections, Obama would have to grant a mass amnesty by the first weeks of August. This is assuming a general requirement that a person has to be a state citizen and registered as a voter at least 90 days prior to the election. (Except in a few locations where it is 60 days, and a handful who foolishly or corruptly allow registration and voting on the same day.)


I got an e-mail yesterday that included several illegal immigration cartoons and photoshops. One referred to the illegals as “undocumented democrats.” I don’t doubt that’s how this administration views them.

Remember the funny business Clinton and Gore pulled before their second term election, expediting the process to insure a large number of applicants became citizens in time to vote, all done before backround checks and paperwork completed.

I think we can expect this administration to pull off something similar with an “in your face” attitude.