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CURT: hi, YOU HAVE A special way of getting your FA commenters in a right balance of minds and souls, with all thoses diffrent pictures of the GLOBE, and some of the UNIVERSE. thak you. bye 🙄

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I AM an OBAMA Scholar

What is with these leftists?
Students are directed to chant “I am an Obama scholar.”
From Tom Ficklin in New Haven

Obviously, that separation of church and state rule only applies to Christianity.
Praising their demagogue Obama is OK.

For I, am an Obama scholar.
An Obama scholar.
And I will strive to be.
Outstanding. Brilliant.
I will achieve. I will be motivated with a positive attitude.

(But no transcripts to prove it!)

Bill Hennessey added this in the comments:

Quick quiz: name five countries, past or present, where the youths were required to chant praises to their omnipotent ruler? Any five. Then add together the number of innocent people those regimes slaughtered for political expediency.

OK, Name Five…

On a lighter and brighter note:

U.S. Discovers $1T in Afghan Mineral Deposits

A team of U.S. geologists and Pentagon officials has discovered vast mineral wealth in Afghanistan, conceivably enough to turn the scarred and impoverished country into one of the world’s most lucrative mining centers, a senior military official told Fox News on Monday.

“There is stunning potential here,” Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of the United States Central Command, told the New York Times in a report published Monday. “There are a lot of ifs, of course, but I think potentially it is hugely significant.”

Americans discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, including iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium, according to the report. The Times quoted a Pentagon memo as saying Afghanistan could become the “Saudi Arabia of lithium,” a key raw material in the manufacture of batteries for laptops and cell phones.

The report said the U.S. Geological Survey began aerial surveys of Afghanistan’s mineral resources in 2006, using data that had been collected by Soviet mining experts during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s. Promising results led to a more sophisticated study the next year.

Then last year, a Pentagon task force that had created business development programs in Iraq arrived in Afghanistan and closely analyzed the geologists’ findings. U.S. mining experts were brought in to validate the survey’s conclusions, and top U.S. and Afghan officials were briefed.

So far, the biggest mineral deposits discovered are of iron and copper, but finds include large deposits of niobium, a soft metal used in producing superconducting steel, as well as rare earth elements and large gold deposits in Pashtun areas of southern Afghanistan, the report said.

If they actually start mining the infrastructure will blossom and they can stop growing those damn poppies! 👿

I see a war for mineral control up next in the ‘Stan.

As in any War, it is ALL about control of the Real Estate.

This could serve as a great incentive for NATO and CENTCOM to stay long enough to Secure and Stabilize the Afghan State for economic development, growth of necessary Infrastructure to support any mining. Security is a must for that enterprise and it must be eventually provided by the Afghan Government as NATO Forces cannot stay there indefinitely for their experiment in Democracy to be successful.

OT – Democracy and Islam are like oil and water. Can’t see that working. Need a secular government. The Quran won’t let those people get away with that, at least in the long run. Should not have told those yahoos what they had. By doing so just created a whole new set of problems. We will get sucked in there for the next 50 yrs.

@Minuteman26, By their choice it is an Islamic Republic and bears the potential to be Democratic in a generation or so. There are Tribal issues and acceptance of a Central Government will be difficult but with the discovery of the mineral resources the Afghan people will be evolving both politically and economically as the resources are developed.

The important thing is that the development of the resources will bring them into this century rapidly and out of the hard scratch poverty that has existed for all of the previous centuries. If any Nation Building takes place it will be by their hands and design. It is a gamble for them but with support from folks other than Russia, China or interference from Iran, the opportunity can reward the Afghanis.

Secular? You bet, Risky business for them? Yes. But development of THEIR resources has the potential to provide interaction with Western technology and ideas that will bring about changes and infrastructure that they desperately need. Just keep the filthy hands of the UN off their business and very good things can happen. Their previous GDP was Terrorism and Opium poppies.
That is now subject to change.

OT – Islamic Republic is kind of like “military intelligence”. I applaud your optimism but don’t see any of these Islamic countries ever becomming anything but a dictatorship or theocracy. The countries you mentioned plus the UN will have their collective noses under the tent concerning these mineral finds. In a perfect world this find would be a boon to the Afgan infrastructure but wer’re talking fifth century here. It won’t end well. My war was Vietnam. I already know the outcome. Espicially with this CIC. By the way today is the birthday of the US Army. I hope you folks have some free time for a celebration.

For the Welcome Home that You never got… 🙂

I am Combat Arms, an over educated Airborne Infantry Soldier, not a Nation Builder or Diplomat,
and it is My Job to eliminate Bad People and Break their Toys. I have the task of making it Possible for Nation Building to happen when the dust clears and the threat to safety, security and those that inflict terror, murder and mayhem have their faces on milk cartons. I am a War College and International Relations Grad but not a social worker, an engineer or a butcher, baker, candlestick maker or an Indian Chief. My Staffers do those things so State Department Pogues can show up and hopefully not execute version 6.0 of failed US Foreign Policy and make a mess of things.

I just make bad places safer so good things are possible. I have no political ambitions but know bad policy or cheap politics when I see it. I despise career politicians but admire Patriots.

Take Care Pardner!
Happy Birthday Army!
235 Candles on that cake today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. loved the videos. bye 🙄

OT – Thanks for the video. As for me, I’m a retired Aviation Officer who started out in SF. Served two tours in RVN as a huey driver, airlift platoon leader and aviation safety type. Was with the 101st, Americal and 1st Avn Bde during that period. Needless to say I don’t like Communists having gone against them during those two tours. It disturbs me that we now have asshats of that persuasion in the current administration. I intend to insure they are not there long. In my opinion the ragheads are no better. Both ideologies are enemies of our Republic. Good luck and good hunting to you and your men. Most of all stay safe. And again Happy Birthday Army!

Report: Most Philadelphians Not Fit For Military


A nonprofit group says that up to 90 percent of young Philadelphians are ineligible for military service because of criminal records, obesity or lack of education.

Pennsylvania-based Mission: Readiness released its report Monday. It says 1 million Pennsylvanians are ineligible for the same reasons.

Mission: Readiness is made up of more than 150 retired generals and admirals. The group wants state and federal funding for pre-kindergarten programs that it says give children a solid foundation for academic and personal success.

The report says 145,000 Philadelphians ages 18 to 24 cannot meet the military’s medical, moral and mental standards.

Nationally, the Department of Defense estimates that 75 percent of young adults are disqualified from military service.

OBAMA SUX… That’s all…. :mrgreen:

CURT: hi, now that pink thermometer looks better, best to you. bye 🙄

OLD TROOPER: hi, they should teach them to sing . bye 🙄 like this: I am an AMERICAN scholarl, AND I will strive to be, outstanding, brilliant, I will achieve. I will be motivated with a positive attitude,
to become an OUTSTANDING AMERICAN. that’s sound better

Here is my post on the Seattle officer hitting the teenagers who were resisting.

When I saw the video I winced, knowing how people were going to react.

Truth is the, as I put in my post, the two violated the agreement that exists between the police and the citizenry. Only since PC and liberals took over did “f-ing” with the police become a pastime.

The guy is in trouble, not because he was wrong, but because he works here.

#17: I really like your version of the song, bees. When I was in school we used to sing all the old patriotic songs in music class and at assemblies. Not only did it make us proud to be Americans, but it also united us as people. With all the forces out there trying to do us harm and divide us, we need to remember that we are one nation — indivisible. We saw that spirit demonstrated in a big way after 9-11. We can’t afford to forget it.

TOOTHFAIRY: you’r absolutly right; that’s exactly what it suppose to mean, and the president and all who work there are not RULERS or KINGS AND QUEEN, THEY ARE THE SERVANT of AMERICANS, who posess the real POWER on THEM.

@Minuteman26…. Remember that some of us served with Military Intelligence insignia on our brass.

@archer52: while I’m sure that some people think that officer did wrong (there are always some…) the overwhelming majority think he was justified. For example look at the thread at

About Radley Balko

(a libertarian civil liberties site). The commenters, who are on the whole none too friendly to cops, almost all side with the cop. I’d say that he looks like he needs more training in subduing a resisting suspect (he comes across kind of ineffectual) but you can’t expect everyone who wears a police uniform to be some sort of stupendous jiujitsu badass. Certainly he deserves props for resolving things with a minimum of force.

BBARTLOG: hi, the officer,all of them learn to respond quickly to assaults or anythings criminal:
HE DID JUST THAT; the woman assault him, she is guilty, thoses law inforcment officers are taking a lot of abuses that are not brought to public knowledge, for sure, she learn a lesson,and that’s what she needed to learn. bye 🙄