The Well From Hell [Reader Post]


The Well From Hell

Nero Fiddled while Rome burned
The city became one huge urn
Our Gulf Coast now is dieing
The President, he be denying

While black oil and sludge is invading
It’s the pretense of guilt, He’s evading
With volunteers and guts, Jindal fights for life
Their sand bags and shovels against all odds
He meets the Black Death and it’s strife
While Obama gives an approving nod

So pleased a Community Organizer is alive and well
Federal resources sit idle, but not the Well from Hell
Obama schemes for political action and traction
Jindal screams forget politics, we need decisive action

Obama realizes he does his best thinking while playing hoops
He don’t know nothing about wells, and clean up is for poops
Like Nero of old, Obama plays with the round ball he loves
There will be plenty of photo ops, showing measured concern
But for now, its a pick up game of shirts and skins
He tells his opposition, if you plan to advance, I must win

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SKOOKUM: oh my GOD, it’s terrible to see that; your poem describe very well, what is going on. bye 🙄

You can *almost* fit those lyrics to the melody from ‘Eve of Destruction’, but it doesn’t match quite right on every line.

SKOOKUM: thank you for describing the situation; yes the ACADIENS are very good people i live and made friends with some, they have suffer in the past when the british send them in boats,they end up in LOUSIANA , but some stayed and hide in the woods, and the indians show them what was good to eat in the forest,and they help them to survive all thoses times,there are some that married indian, men and woman, i am not acadian myself but i have admiration for their brave and courage to have gone through thoses hard time. bye 🙄