Obama’s Cambridge Moment….Blames BP For Spill And Says They Will Pay



Obama’s Katrina:

On April 29th, Ron Gouget, who once managed Gulf spill response teams, publicly pilloried the administration’s response to the tragic oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Gouget is an expert when it comes to these matters: he helped create the 1994 plan that allowed expedited burning of oil as soon as a major spill had occurred — without having to wait for permission or approvals….”They had pre-approval. The whole reason the plan was created was so we could pull the trigger right away instead of waiting ten days to get permission,” Gouget said. “If you read the pre-approval plan, it speaks about Grand Isle, where the spill is. When the wind is blowing offshore out of the north, you have preapproval to burn in that region. If the wind is coming onshore, like it is now, you can’t burn at Grand Isle. They waited to do the test burn until the wind started coming onshore.”

Asked why officials waited for a week before conducting even a test burn, Gouget said, “Good question. Maybe complacency was the biggest issue. They probably didn’t have the materials on hand to conduct the burn, which is unconscionable.”

He said the NOAA officials involved at the Unified Command Center in Louisiana know how to respond to spills, and know burning should have started as soon as possible after the initial release was detected. Gouget said they may have been overruled… “This whole thing has been a daily strip tease. At first they thought it was just the diesel, then they said the well wasn’t leaking. It’s unfortunate they didn’t get the burning going right away. They could have gotten 90 percent of the oil before it spread.”

And where is the MSM?

They would be hanging Bush in effigy if this had happened during his Administration but nope….Obama’s in and instead they give air time to him as he blames BP before all the facts are in….cough Cambridge cough

The president vowed that the administration, while doing all it could to mitigate the environmental and economic disaster, would require well-owner BP America to bear all costs.”BP is responsible for this leak. BP will be paying the bill,” Obama, with rain dripping from his face, said in Venice, a Gulf Coast community serving as a staging area for the response.

Believe me….he doesn’t know this. No one does yet and its quite possible this will be in the court system for years. Obama’s words will come back to bite him in the end, as it did during Cambridge.

But he needs a bad guy so people won’t ask the questions that should be asked.

Why did it take so long to respond to this?

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Remember BP used to have those carbon footprint commercials? I read some where, that right after the climategate scandal BP sent out word that they would not be partaking in the Global Warming issue anymore. I think it is a reason this administration is being so rough on BP, oh and they hate big oil!!!! They are thugs, I could go on but you get the idea!

I was just wondering, why don’t they make drilling rigs out of steel? You know, the kind of steel the 9/11 truthers tell us wont melt or collapse from a simple petroleum fire.

I must be missing something here.
Put me some knowlege.

Any first year law student would know what almost all people have figured out that the tortfeasor pays the bill for negligence. However, our disgusting president comes out with a statement saying the same thing, like wow, this is tremendous news.

I wonder what would have been or may be well be said, that the well was sabotaged by deliberately and intentionally setting underwater charges to start this entire tragic environmental event?

Oh where was our prez for the first 9 days before he got went on a tour of the damage?

jensad 🙂

As usual, Obama’s “Immediately Blame Someone Team” acted to blame SOMEONE, even before all the facts are known. It is reassuring to know that there is already someone to blame for something that we aren’t sure what happened. I will sleep well tonight knowing that Obama has already blamed somebody.

I read on one blog that BP leased this rig to another company and THAT company was operating it. If so, this would be another time when Obama didn’t let facts get in the way of who HE wants to blame.

I’m so glad the accountant-in-chief showed up to let us know who was going to foot the bill, because that was the real hindrance here. Accounting.

Not lack of leadership.

Not lack of initiative.

Not lack of action.

But accounting.

Thank you, Mr. President, for clearing that up.

Hmmm… BP would be liable, if they were negligent… but someone else owns and runs the platform…

And, if this was an unforseen “Act of God” (ie somthing no one ever thought of), would BP still be liable?

But then, our Precedent, the Lawyer, has already apparantly been Judge, and Jury, and assigned blame.

Did the lame stream media blame God or Bush for Katrina? There’s your answer.

Well…so much for an investigation, due process or the rest of that legal business.
Will the Pretender do this by Royal Edict, Executive Order or at gunpoint?

Seizure of assets? If BP stops drilling, refining or selling product in the US this could get very interesting. The Global impact will quite simply be a stunning event to say the least.

Someone needs to inform this boy wonder that there is a legal process, evidence to be gathered and due process to be performed before anyone pays a dime. All things considered, there is much more to this than He can comprehend or begin to understand before he assigns guilt to any party here.

Constitutional Scholar My A$$!

”BP is responsible for this leak.”

Consider the range of definitions: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/responsible

Responsible seems like an entirely appropriate word to me.

Perhaps Americans would be happier if Obama had suggested that the taxpayers would pay? Maybe he should have said the whole problem was the government’s responsibility?

I can’t imagine Gouget will be seeing much air time on CNN.

the burn ? maybe you forgot that the whole mess was already burning it blew up. And old trooper is right. Exxon STILL hasn’t paid up for the Exxon Valdez. The United States Coast Guard is in charge. Direct your vitriol at them but don’t stop the Drill Baby Drill chorus either

the test burn failed miserably the oil is to thin on the surface because it has already passed through 1 one mile column of water

Louisiana here……… it seems there were at least 3 companies involved………BP….I think Transocean was the one that leased it……..and Halliburton……..however, who built and maintained this rig?……..and who made each individual part??? So………I would say to lay blame so quickly is (as in his character) a wee bit “ridiculous”…….. So maybe after all is done and we get our coast back………he and these companies can sit down and have a beer……….OH and how about the families of the 11 dead workers……or those who were hurt…..did I miss it or has he even mention them????

JOHN RYAN:hi, does that mean that the oil passing thru water has distilled and became “oil and water to a certain fraction? and did it lost it’s value on the market as i think so? 🙄 bye

C’mon people. Y’all are missing the obvious here. New photographic evidence proves what a lot of people are thinking.



The way I heard it, the oil is a light grade that spreads out a lot as it rises almost a mile up from the bottom. The slick on the surface is spread too thin to keep burning. To get a good burn you’ve got to concentrate it by surrounding it with floating barriers, but the spill covers too big of an area to capture it like that.

I read today that the leakage rate of 5,000 barrels per day is a low-end estimate. There are other estimates based on satellite images that run as high as 20,000 barrels per day. Nobody really knows for sure.

Even without the ‘Responsibility” issues to be assigned to “All and Sundry”, the total shut down of the Fishing and other Maritime related businesses will have a quite staggering effect on the Local Economies of the Gulf States Re: Civil Damages or Punitive Compensation.

If proper Due Process follows, we could be looking at decades of litigation at the least. In US Courts, Due Process is mandatory for assignment of any liability or damages whatsoever. The same for International Courts.

Now…until a thorough investigation is completed, Due Process is administered and the Engineering, Maintenance and Construction details are fully established by the gathering up of Evidence, lets hold Our Horses on “Responsibility” or Liability”. I am not a Lawyer but my knowledge of the Court Systems, in the US and Abroad, and the appropriate Constitutional aspects of this lead me to believe that it is way too early for Anyone of Any Pay grade to go popping off or speculating.

Including the POTUS, as We would not want anyone of any Office to prejudice the outcome, Now Would we?

(Least of all a non practicing Attorney/Community Organizer without Bar Membership Anywhere)

Let the rock throwing begin but throw long as I am not sitting in your back yard. 😀

OLD TROOPER:do you think that there is a danger of diplomatic hurt if accusations are done to fast? bye 🙄

, Quite possibly. Over reaction is quite common in the International venue.

We need to allow ALL of the facts to be collected in an orderly fashion. We need the decorum of Due Process and not “Finger Pointing” done by anyone until the full extent of the Clean Up Measures, Damages and Costs can be legitimately assessed by Experts and the path forward can be established.

Do We want thoughtful and Legal Due Process or a reactionary, knee jerk Trial in the Media to be the path? Lets allow a process that is determined by Logic and Technology and not Political or Emotional ire to rule here. Politicizing this tragedy is both foolhardy and incredibly cheap and stupid.

This is both a US and International issue. Lets allow cooler heads to prevail.

(International Waters and all)

RIDE A PALE HORSE:hi, what does it mean,thoses 2 guys on the water coming ashore? 🙄 bye

I have read this may have been a deliberate act versus an ‘accident’. What do you think? barack, barry, steve or whatever his name is instituted a media blackout when a Russian newspaper was telling the story about sabotage.

why would he do that? supressing news from RUSSIA.

Are you all referring to the story that No. Korea torpedoed the oil rig? It has gone the rounds and round again, the latest iteration I saw is that this is a foretelling of Ragnarok. 😯 I think we should do what we can to reinforce Old Trooper’s advice not to go off half-cocked.
So here’s my conspiracy theory:
NK getting to the Gulf without our noticing it would be quite a feat in their old subs. If it was a Commie plot I’d look at Venezuela. They sell oil themselves. They have a lot of ugly friends, some with subs, like the Russians. In fact Russian subs have been around fairly often on our side of the world. Maybe they would sell Chavez a little drone sub, or something, that could do the job and disappear. Since this story about NK was started by the Russians, we are left uncertain; do they have something against NK? Did they pick them because we all know they are so crazy they might do anything? Or maybe the Koreans are happy to be the fall guys if it furthers Chavez. Or whomever.

Do you have any links or supporting information sources about Pres Obama blocking media from Russia
Russian media speculating that the oil rig was intentionally damaged?

It seems that Obama had forgot the 1994 plan to Burn the oil. Said plan required some fire booms but in spite of the Coast Guard telling one and all that they had everything needed, Fire booms were not on the list of things on hand.
Reading the story I found that the Feds did have one they just forgot about it.

PATTER:hi,you had mention a while ago,that you write storys;this would make a good conspiracy book;by the way,do you sell your books and where?. 🙄 bye

Beez on #20…

“those two guys” … on the second shot, the two returning have Bush’s face and Cheney’s photoshopped on the two guys…

Maybe al Qaeda bought a narco submarine from a South American drug cartel’s smuggling fleet. (If we’re going to work up a conspiracy theory, we might as well make it movie material.)

ilovebeeswarzone, I design games, like computer and phone games, and write for them. Sometimes it’s like a story and sometimes it’s like writing long dull lists, or instructions. I wish I could show you some examples but atm I don’t see how because they are not available publicly yet. I have been deep in conspiracy theories starting two years ago because of a really big RPG project–this involves a lot of conversation, like writing a play. I have actually written about 50,000 words, the equivalent of a small novel, and rewritten my much more prolific partner’s approx. 200,000 words in that time–English is not his first language. Plus other stuff. Does that help?

SUEK: hi, i must look stupid,but i did not reconise them for sure,although i am stupid sometimes, 🙄 bye thank’s


LOL!! suek (#27) has your answer. Look at both pics again, closely.

thank’s PATTER;if you write a book sometimes ,i’ll buy one,i like thoses kind of storys. 🙄 bye

RIDE A PALE HORSE:hi, they look like dynamite. 🙄 bye

RIDE A PALE HORSE:I get the whole story;very funny,it did sink in,slowly 🙄

RIDE A PALE HORSE;i like it;you could have put a brainless head but i would have gone after you to appologyse,but i would have diserve it just the same; 🙄 bye


Stick around pal, eventually you’ll get my sense of humor, sick as it is. Well, I mean you’ll understand it, God forbid you should be like me……….lol!!

RIDE A PALE HORSE;do’nt change,as you are who we like,but it must be lonely up there sometimes,what would someone do without smart laughter; 🙄 bye

SUEK;hi,who is CHENEY PHOTOSHOP,I dont think i ever met him; 🙄 bye

I read on Rush’s website and I agree that Sheila Jackson of the EPA should be in charge. Put a helmet on and start directing. Oh she don’t know hockey pucks. She knows plane flights, meetings, and waving to admirers. Many Earth Day wakes were held and she was cheer leading. I wonder if Cheney could be a guest director, WHEN WE NEED HIM MOST. Sheila Jackson could cook the hamburgers when needed.

One thing that MUST be pointed out, the National Guard response after Katrina was mostly from *other* states, the 256th BCT, La. Army National Guard, was in Kuwait City, processing out after a one year tour in Baghdad and still under federal orders for several weeks thereafter…

3,500 Guard men and women had to watch on TV as their state was blown away while they were off taking part in George W. Bush’s excellent adventure…

Well, oddly, and I am sure it’s pure coincidence, but guess where the 256th BCT is right now??

Camp Victory, Baghdad… Another tour and another disaster in Louisiana…

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, they were gone when Katrina hit, and now they are gone again and the oil disaster happens..

Yeah, it’s just a coincidence…

TexasFred, there are Louisiana National Guard troops in on State Active Duty right now in Louisiana. The 256th BCT is Infantry and not CBR Decon units or have maritime capability.
It is purely coincidental and unfortunate indeed but no conspiracy.

I’m so tried of people like TexasFred. So tired and PO’d. The old, really stupid refrains about GWB. Get a life man.

@Adirondack Patriot: Somehow I think Obama would like the title “Accountant-In-Chief.” Anything that has the ring of authority.

TOM in CA: hi,why are you so tired?:TEXAS FRED is one of our smart commenter,do’nt pick on him;we have not seen you around lately,are you okay,keep well; 🙄 bye

GREG:hi,what you wrote is a possibility to be real,if we think of a plot ,it could come to real event,just like an idea pop out and generate other ideas to finaly make it concrete;i think that from now ,thoses riggs will have to be closely protected,i wonder if there is a way to spot smalls subs approching;who would be best to do that security check. 🙄 bye

Barack Hussein Obama is NOT an American



Janet Napolitano stated that we the Gov. had resources on the oil spill site since “DAY ONE”. This talking point is being parroted by the MSM. The fact is, we did not have any fire booms ready to deploy in the Gulf.

Tom in CA – You’re entitled to YOUR opinion and say, just as I am…

Me saying “taking part in George W. Bush’s excellent adventure” set you off? It’s a “stupid refrain”?

Did I defame Bush? In ANY way? Are you looking for a reason to fight? If I had denigrated Bush, maybe you’d have a reason, but I didn’t, I made a statement, “taking part in George W. Bush’s excellent adventure”..

Tom, I’m not a doctor, but dude, you really need to work on some stress relief… :mrgreen:

Or not… 😈

@John ryan:

Exxon STILL hasn’t paid up for the Exxon Valdez.


The Exxon Valdez dumped 260,000 barrels of oil, and Exxon spent $3.14 billion on cleanup. Do the math, and Exxon spent nearly 600 times more on cleanup and litigation than what the oil was worth at that time.

The entire article is worth the read, if you haven’t seen it already.