A bit of humor while facing an onslaught of propaganda…


Okay… if ya’ll haven’t wandered over to Lucianne today to see their crew’s daily photo grin, I just had to pass it on. ‘toonist Dave Granlund was johnny on the spot with this one. Needless to say, the O’admin, the O’attorneys, and “da won” himself, left the POTUS wide open for this.

“Reasonable suspicion” …. hummmmm I guess that explains all that “civil rights” grumbling going on in the WH, eh? Echoing thru the halls 24/7, you must be hearing, “Oh Eric? Eric?? *ERIC!* Has anyone seen Holder!!???”

Guess we’d better brace ourselves for the “birther” onslaught now….

But the humor becomes more muted when you learn that Obama officials are urging the AG to sue Arizona.

“The president had strong words to say and the attorney general had strong words to say,” said one law enforcement official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because no decision has been made. “Considering that it’s signed into law, and Arizona is doing a lot of pomp and circumstance, do you see a friendly way out of this?”

There was no friendly way “out” of O’healthcare either. And as we saw there, the WH just brings in the battering rams… Pelosi and Reid. For Arizona, they’ll be facing Obama’s AG office.

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News Update on those following the placing “off-limits” of documents regarding Obama’s past: Hawaii will no longer accept requests for release of Obama’s birth certificate. Looks like the fix is in. As I’ve often said, if they would just release the documents, they could shut the “birthers” up. The fact that they don’t, wont, and that they continue to hide the evidence that supposedly would prove the “birthers” wrong, tends only to give credence to all the theories that there is a conspiracy to hide “the truth about Obama”:


I’m sure Obama will follow up his “strong words” with a really really strong letter. 🙄

Obama could always get a UN resolution against Arizona.

@Savage, I looked for that type of activity this morning. Surprisingly, I didn’t see any …..yet.
Though, I did see a “progressive contributor” in Forbes cite the the “King of Conservative Neo-Know-Nothings, Rush Limbaugh, who never misses an opportunity to inveigh against the creeping Yer-a-peeing-anus-ation under Obama .
Limbaugh correctly points out how this hypocritical regime has embraced emulating Europe in all ways, excepting their immigration policies.

The number one job of government – at any level – is to protect its citizens. Too many politicians forget that part, especially Democrats and more specifically, Obama.

Until the current immigration laws are replaced, they should be followed. For the current laws to be ignored by the Chief Executive is disgraceful (this includes Obama’s predecessors).

If millions that enter the country illegally can be granted amnesty and citizenship, why even have immigration laws, bureaucracies, paperwork, waiting lists, background checks, paperwork (x2), waiting periods, etc.

To me, control of the border and keeping track of who is entering is a major function of keeping the citizens safe, especially in a post 9/11 world. This include denying entry to some.

The Arizona government is protecting its citizens. All illegals that decide to leave Arizona should head on over to San Francisco and enjoy the enlightenment of Gavin Newsome’s administration.

I guess the silver lining in this last 16 months with the Zero Regime in control, is that the American people should be starting to realize that there is no such thing as a centrist Democrat. That no matter how much they try to paint themselves as fiscally conservative, or for a strong national defense, it is all a lie to get elected. It is harder to hide an agenda which is being inflicted on a population than in campaign rhetoric.

Arizona, doing the job the Federal won’t do; trying to protect its citizens as specified in the U.S. Constitution, Section 7; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections (the May Day protests) and repel INVASIONS.

We here in the border states know that we have been invaded. And the federal government has done NOTHING to stop it. Armed Mexican military have crossed our borders and even help a Border Patrol agent at gunpoint. That, my friends, is an act of war.

Instead, while Mexico does what Cuba did, when Cuba emptied its prisons and dumped those prisoners in boats to float to the U.S., Mexico not only does nothing to stop its citizens from entering our nation illegally, it prints out laminated maps (making them weather proof) to give to those Mexican citizens who are leaving that hell hole so they know the best routes to enter the U.S. illegally. What Mexico, and all nations south, is doing is making us take care of the people they don’t want because they don’t produce anything of value. An uneducated peon with a 3rd grade education doesn’t benefit Mexico so they dump them on the U.S. and expect us to take care of them.

And while the left will cry over our being the world’s “police”, they want us to be the world’s “nanny”.


I said back then that with all the criminals we were accepting from Cuba that crime would increase and Drug would become uncontrollable. Time and Jimmy Carter has proven me correct.

Arizona may have passed and signed it with pomp and circumstance, but Obama and his henchmen are attacking it with Pompous Assed Circumspection….that’s lying to the crowd while looking around to see if they’re buying it. 😆

Personally I hope that as promised, there are huge demonstrations on May 1 from the left and the illegals (but I repeat myself) because it was the backlash generated by their previous demonstrations that prompted large numbers to impress on their congressmen that they wanted borders and arrests of illegals, and stopped Immigration “reform” last time. 😉

Hah! Go ahead and sue lefties. The law is roughly the same as the federal laws. Watch us win and your fortunes deteriorate further as people see you for what you are-the open borders party.

I find it interesting that the Obama administration wants to sue Arizona because it is interfering with Federal law that they have no interest in enforcing, but the administration is outraged that states would sue them over the dubious constitutionality of certain parts of Obamacare.

We’re well used to legal wrangles here. Other blogs’ comments make me think a lot of people don’t understand how we make laws here. 2 strong process going that act as a counterbalance for either populist or legislative excesses (and the legislature has come up with doozies before). Either a bill goes through the bicameral legislature in the usual way, or a law is proposed by referendum. Petitions for a law or change are circulated. There are very precise rules on when they must be filed, how many signatures, how the question is worded (eg, can’t have two different items like “Should the state charge an extra 1 cent tax and give the tax to lost pelicans?”). When a petition is filed the signatures are checked and it is either accepted for the next election or rejected. If a referendum gets on the ballot and is passed, it takes a supermajority of the legislature to pass a bill overturning it. Almost every law passed by referendum is subject to court challenges and they are often overturned as flawed, which is different from the legislature nullifying them.
Challenging laws and legislating by referendum is an ongoing sport we’re well familiar with, so no need to worry about AZ, we’re used to being laughed at and we will chew it over thoroughly for at least a year. The usual suspects have already got some petitions up. One is from Gary Peter Klahr, a disbarred gasbag and perpetual candidate and gadfly who is our very own pale shadow of Sharpton. The other is from pro-Mex advocacy groups. There is a Pima county law officer suing, different process, and the Pima county sheriff says it’s racist and he won’t enforce it. Probably some people in Pima county, like Grijalva, is influenced by drug cartels and coyotes.

I’ve heard there are a number of grounds on which the AZ law can be challenged. But I wish the Governor and people of the state well. I hope they prevail.

Auntie Obama, they can challenge it all they like. Laws are challenged frequently. The legislature is going home for a few months, having gotten their work done (unlike in Nappie’s day when they were always overtime). When they get back they will examine the challenges and start on the ripostes. 🙂 This is why they set aside the “birther” bill, no more time in the regular session and already someone has thought of a loophole. It will be ba-a-a-ck before you know it. I feel sure that even if any of these petitions against the bill make it on the ballot, they will be voted down.

PS–First I check FA then the news. 😆 Look at this:

This is too cool. Tucson especially is a hotbed of agitprop teachers, and, you aren’t safe with charter schools either because there is an Islamic group spreading them over the country under innocent names like Busy Bee Academy (made up). But they have one in Tucson and one around here.
(Wait for the RAAAACIST screams. The ones in Tucson are definitely in the Reconquista mode. Evil Americans, evil whites, poor Mexicans, poor Indians, all victims of the evil evil racist white republicans.)

What’s endangering the law is not so much local opposition, but that it may come into conflict with the US Constitution. Conservatives have pointed this out. I hope it’s upheld. Texas is considering enacting a similar law.

Auntie Obama, The law is a copy of a Federal law. They’d have to argue that only the Feds can follow Federal laws, that the Constitution limits immigration enforcement to them. It seems to me a laughable argument that we wouldn’t be permitted to enforce the same law the Feds have, but if it doesn’t fly, I feel sure that in the meantime busy minds will be thinking of other things. Just as I’m sure the current reaction was foreseen and considered by Brewer, Horner, et al. And in a karmic sense it can only be bad for the Administration to use the Constitution to put others down, so I say, bring it on. I want to see the Constitution bite the Administration back.

I try to get as much info as I can about something new I have learned. I don’t just accept it at that time. I have mostly questions about Obama being a US citizen. Things I have learned are as follows:

(1) Obama’s dad was either Kenyan or British at Obama’s birth. Britain owned Kenya at the time. His dad could not have passed on US citizenship.

(2) At the time Obama was born Hawaii issued “Live Birth” certificates at will. An individual could walk into the office and say they were born there and be issued a “Live Birth” certificate.

(3) At the time Obama was born Hawaii had a law that said for a mother to pass on US citizenship to her child she had to have lived in Hawaii for five years. Obama was born less than five years after his mother moved to Hawaii, so she couldn’t pass on US citizenship to her son.

All this information only give me more questions, not answers. I would like to see the law changed so that a person’s grandparents and parents had to be born here. That way their family has ROOTS her. The way it is now, a couple can come from another life style, raise their kids with the idea that that is the life style the USA should have, then that child can be president with the idea of changing the USA to that life style.

Just for the record, I still can’t put the words Obama and president together in print or voice. It just doesn’t sound or look right. I noticed that some Fox reporters refer to Obama as “Mr. Obama.”

This is too cool. Tucson especially is a hotbed of agitprop teachers, and, you aren’t safe with charter schools either because there is an Islamic group spreading them over the country under innocent names like Busy Bee Academy (made up). But they have one in Tucson and one around here.
(Wait for the RAAAACIST screams. The ones in Tucson are definitely in the Reconquista mode. Evil Americans, evil whites, poor Mexicans, poor Indians, all victims of the evil evil racist white republicans.)

Hey Patter. Good to see a fellow Arizonan on the board.
I’m familiar with the Tucson school you talk about and their hatred of whites and America. I was surprised to hear that some 9/11 terrorists were involved with a mosque there until I heard about Tuscon’s leftist problem. That led to me learning more and more about how the left has taken over there. I recently posted on a Tucson newspaper forum and admitted students of that HS were screaming their heads off of about how racist, etc. the law was. Disgusting to think we are funding a HS that teaches hate of the very people and country they are part of.

Grijalva is one of the reconquista types who is a Mexican first, second, and third, then an American. He hates America and is openly working to undermine it’s security to the benefit of Mexico. Anyone who doesn’t believe me should look up his stated beliefs, comments, and bills he’s tried to get passed in congress.

My prediction is that at some point some leftist judge or group of judges (9th Circuit) will say it’s unconstitutional. Ultimately, I’m predicting it will be determined as constitutional.

Grijalva is also too thick with the socialist-commie nexus from Chicago. And if he turned out to have a lot of Mexican friends along the border, well, we know how reliable their cops and military are. It’s way too handy to be the bigwig along 300 miles of border.
Mexico would straighten out if they reinstated the death penalty and summarily applied it to every narcoista.

Many moons ago when I was enrolled at the Intelligence School at Ft. Huachuca, I remember Tucson as a grand place and dinner at the Pinnacle Peak steakhouse was a fine alternative to Army Mess Facility grub.

That was way before the Invasion from the South and packing a firearm was optional and not necessary for my personal security. I firmly support the recent Arizona laws on both Border Security and Open Carry for firearms. We have Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas now. California surrendered a few years ago so they should receive no further US Tax Payer funding. Send Mexico the bills and make Pelosi, Boxer, Waxman and Feinstein surrender their seats in DC. Then send troops to the Nevada, Oregon and Arizona borders.

The issue is US and State Sovereignty, Border Security in time of War, enforcement of Federal Laws on Immigration and defeating armed and dangerous Invaders. The Moslem issue is just another failure of Homeland Security and Intelligence gathering in my opinion. Madrassas in America just does not pass the smell test for me. Nor does Reconquista curriculum in US public schools.

When I am done in the Stans will I have to worry about armed conflict in CONUS?
It is looking like it from what I am hearing from here. This characterizes Obama Nation
but is not the America that I was raised in.