Humiliating Our Closest Allies, Courting Our Worst Enemies


Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama casts a shadow on the Israeli and American flags while speaking at an event to honor the 60th anniversary of Israel’s independence in Washington.
Mark Wilson – Getty Images

“Jerusalem is not a settlement; it’s our capital,”
-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The area in question in the city of Jerusalem is a historically Jewish neighborhood that is today overwhelmingly Jewish. How is this “an assault on America” (Axelrod) and “insult” (Sec of State Clinton) to us?

There are 7 parts to the decision-making process of gaining authorization to build these new houses (they are in the 4th stage). We’re not talking about a “settlement”. This is a Jewish neighborhood, in Jerusalem, Jewish before there even was a state of Israel. Over 80% currently living there are religious Jews. There never was a Palestinian village there, no Palestinians were ever relocated…So why does Israel need a U.S. stamp of approval to build new housing within its own capital city? What business is it for President Obama/America to involve in Israeli housing policy?

David J. Kramer at Shadow Government asks the question, Friend or Foe: Does the Obama administration know the difference?

Some are calling Congressman Mike Pence, “unpatriotic” for “undermining” the President on foreign policy (like Democrats never did or said anything that undermined the 43rd president). Pence is acknowledging what the American people believe: That Israel is one of our most cherished allies. Is it Pence or Obama, then, who is undermining American foreign policy?

Michael Medved:

During Joe Biden’s Middle East visit, American media focused on Israeli plans to build 1,600 housing units in a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem but a simultaneous Palestinian provocation received no attention. In its administrative center of Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority dedicated a traffic circle, and promised an heroic statue, to honor Dalal Mughrabi—a notorious terrorist. In 1978, this nineteen-year-old militant led a gang of eleven in the “Coastal Road Massacre”—seizing two passenger buses and a taxi, and butchering 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children. Mughrabi died in a gun battle with police, but she’s revered as a Palestinian heroine.

A decision by America’s ally to build new homes in its own capital city drew Washington’s condemnation, but Americans made little complaint about formal honors for a killer who slaughtered more than three dozen innocent Jews some thirty years ago.

According to a Jerusalem Post polling, most Israelis seem to regard President Obama as being more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israel.

Well, I can’t even begin to imagine why:

The Americans made every effort to downplay the visit. As during his last visit in November, Netanyahu was invited to the White House at a late hour, without media coverage or a press conference. If that were not enough, the White House spokesman challenged Netanyahu’s observation at AIPAC that “Jerusalem is not a settlement.”

The Americans didn’t even wait for him to leave Washington to make their disagreement known. It was not the behavior Washington shows an ally, but the kind it shows an annoyance.

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It isn’t our business or OBAMA’S. He just wants to stick his nose in everything for his own ego thinking he will be hailed as some world hero.

Barrack Hussein Obama … the middle name that McCain refused to speak. Otherwise known as the shortened ‘Obozo statist’.

Of course he knows, of course he knows…….they ALL know….it’s all part of the agenda.

It don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Obama is anti-Semitic, hell he’s anti-freedom, anti-liberty, and anti-American. But he is not anti-dictator or anti-tyrant, just look at the bunch he’s got in the White House, all radical anti-American scum.

They are leftist…not the ‘centrist’ the MSM claims…..classic leftist ideology.

We have a third world President.

One of the reasons a lot of Americans find Obama oddly foreign is that he had an oddly foreign childhood: his formative years were spent in Indonesia. His half-sister, Maya Soetoro Ng, was born there. The rest of Obama’s childhood was spent in Honolulu, a Pacific Ocean capital soaked in East Asian culture.

What’s this got to do with Israel, Britain, or indeed with Europe? Plenty. Obama is the first US president who was raised without cultural or emotional or intellectual ties to the US or Britain or Europe. The British and the Europeans have been so enchanted with ‘America’s first black President’ that they haven’t been able to see what he really is: America’s first Third World president.

Forget Obama’s Chicago black cadence. It is a fake. He copied from the kind of black preachers that were unknown to him until he was a grown man and inventing his political image. What the Obama administration has near-wiped from the president’s personal history is that his only childhood links with America were as a schoolboy in a fashionable private school in Asia-dominated Hawaii, where he was raised by his white, bank executive grandmother.

Chicago is not Obama’s homeland. It never was his formative influence. The president’s world view is more aligned with that of Indonesia.

While BeBe was at the W/H, his party was forced to sit in a room for a couple of hours, while Obama went and had dinner with some other guests.

It is the first time the Israeli PM didn’t eat with the president while there…in history.

Obama has also diverted a weapons shipment from Israel to Diego Garcia (we have a huge base there). The weapons were paid for, and the contract begun long ago. Obama never told Israel about the diversion, until the ships were on the way there. They included the new small but effective bunker-busters, and some helo’s.

This home-building thing is a red herring. If it wasn’t that, it would have been something else.

George Mitchell it seems, has been getting along swimmingly with the Pali P/M…and they have responded by launching more missiles.

The answer lies in Obama’s freudian slip…. “My Muslim faith” and his public declaration “I am one of them”

Anyone notice that Obama hasn’t been to “church” since he began his presidency? Why bother, he no longer has to maintain the charade, he’s already reached the highest office in the land.

How were Conservatives never able to get video from the LAT of the Muslim/PLO dinner Obama attended? Surely someone would cough it up for the right price.
Same thing goes for all his college records? The liberals always get their hands on those things by hook or by crook!

Israel has shown in the last few weeks that they are not serious about peace. That’s a fact. And if they are supposed to be out allies, why did they spit in our faces when VP Biden was there with the announcement of new settlements being built on contested land and despite agreements to the contrary?

Dirty Sanchez,
Jerusalem isn’t a settlement or outpost. It’s their home where they have been for 80 years. They’ve been building all this time. When buildings get old they need revamping. It’s a Jewish area. There are no Palestinians being tormented. To say it is a contested area is as made up as the howls over how Al-Aksa Mosque is threatened.

Dirty Sanchez,
You have it exactly backwards! Obama has been making it clear to Israel that, under his administration, the US is not Israel’s allies. In fact, we are the worst enemies.

Regarding Israel’s interest in peace vs the Arab nations – don’t try to rewrite history.

Wordsmith, do you see no connection between Obama’s stance on settlements and our larger Middle East concerns? I agree with you that, in a vacuum, certainly America chooses Israel over the Iran or any other aggressive neighbor, for that matter. Our commitment to their defense is unwavering and has been reiterated unambiguously time and again, recently by Biden in Israel. But we’re not dealing with a vacuum. We’re embroiled in two wars and American lives and treasure are affected by the political climate in the region. So is it not possible that the administrations’ stance has more to do with an attempt to move the peace process forward and pull moderate Arab states over to our side, away from Iran, something they can’t publicly do as long as the contentious Palestinian issue is front page news? Many of these nations with large Sunni populations are natural enemies of Iran, but as long as radical elements continue churning out propaganda about ‘occupied Palestine’ the US is going to have to deal with more complications in the Middle East. There are many moderate Israelis who feel the same way and don’t want the Israeli government kowtowing to the Settlement movement. With the timing of the announcement to coincide with Biden’s visit, I actually think the Israeli government tried to make a power-play, thinking that Obama would back down because he was embroiled in domestic concerns (ie Health Care) and it backfired. The President held his ground. I would contend that, right or wrong, this is entirely a strategic decision, not a personal decision predicated by Obama’s background or his kindergarten experiences. I can’t imagine Secretaries Gates and Clinton or the Joint Chiefs of Staff going along with any decision that wasn’t vetted through a purely strategic lens with American interests in mind.

Fox News is reporting that a South Korean Navy ship has been possibly struck by a torpedo and is sinking,many sailors reportedly killed.

bulwark: Another Democratic diversion………they learned it from Bill Clinton.

Tom: Can you imagine a scenario where Hamas, al-Qaida, et all, tell Hillary Clinton privately that unless the US repudiates Israel, they will start the terrorist bombing on American soil? I think Secretary Gates, the Joint Chiefs, etc, etc, would acquiesce very quickly, for what other American ‘strategic interest’ are the Palestinians, etc?

Israel has been giving, giving, giving, since 1948, they have offered treaty after treaty that has been rejected for the simple reason that the Arab ideal of eliminating Israel completely is always first and foremost on the table.

Just a thought……

I feel sorry for Netanyahu. He is an extremely intelligent and learned warrior. I do not know how Obama, Biden or Hillary can ever really communicate with him as there is no commonality with the characteristics which he has, specifically experience, integrity, and common sense. He probably sees them as selfish undisciplined children.

@Dirty Sh**forbrains:

Israel has shown in the last few weeks that they are not serious about peace.

Here’s how the Left “thinks” and why they get EVERYTHING wrong, …EVERYTHING!

Israel has been trying to appease MONSTERS for over 30 years, and for every concession we receive death and destruction. But DumbSchmuck throws out the lies, just because we don’t just lay down and die. Been there, done that. It’s time for a change, G-D willing.

Anyone who supports those BEASTS (Obama’s good buddies) is one of them. So take your Leftist lies, and shove ’em!

Fen Petraeus has clearly stated that the building of this housing in East Jerusalem will place added danger on our troops. What is more important to the USA than the safety of our troops ? Housing development ?

JR, Einstein was a brilliant physicist but lousy at politics. I would argue something similar for Petraeus.
It should also be noted as a good soldier he takes his orders and tries to put the best spin on them. Yes, it could be his sincere feelings, but I have a hard time believing he truly believes what you have posted.

Dirty Sh**forbrains:

Yes Yon, that describes him exactly. Why he hasn’t been banned for such a vulgar name is beyond me. He picked his name for pure offensive value. Mods, google his name and see what I mean.
To make maters worse it’s clear it supports terrorism with it’s open hatred of Israel. True open minded individuals are welcome in my book. Vermin like DS are not.
Not my site, do what they will, blah, blah, blah…

He’s a real dick.

Israel knows all about ticking off it’s allies when it uses fake passport taken from UK, France, Germany, Ireland and Australia. I guess it won’t be stealing US passports because they don’t want the cheques to stop coming in.

What the Obubba administration is claiming is that East Jerusalem IS occupied territory, as it was taken in the 1967 war. That’s curious, for if the Arabs had won that war, there would not be an Israel today, as the rest of the world turned a blind eye in 1967 and left Israel to it’s own devices.

The Arabs were all set to take over the remainder of Jerusalem, but instead, Israel prevailed and threw the Arabs out altogether. Israel took the Sinai from Egypt and Golan Heights from Syria. As was the case with Gaza Strip for Egypt and West Bank for Jordan, these were already ‘occupied’. Israeli troops were less than 100 km from Cairo and less than 50 km from Damascus and Amman when the Arabs threw in the towel.

Now the bullies are bemoaning the ‘occupation’, even though they occupied the same tracts of land previously, including East Jerusalem. ‘The Palestinians’ are just a straw man as they actually represent the entire Arab world with their terrorist attacks on Israel.

It is curious that the US ignores the ‘Manifest Destiny’ policy it used to ‘occupy’ most of the United States of America.

The Arabs have stated unequivocally that there will be no ‘peace’ until Israel is ‘pushed into the sea.’ The ‘peace process’ is simply a means to that end; Israel gives up territory, a ‘treaty’ is made, the Arabs break it, Israel bows to world opinion to go back to the negotiating table, makes another treaty, the Arabs agree, then break it, the process begins again…..backed into a corner, the Israelis retaliate………Russia comes to the aid of the Arabs…..World War III….Armageddon.

you have to stick with your allied in these times we are in,and ISRAEL has shown already he is our allied and is a force in fighting hate in thoses around their borders who no matter what you say wont take away their core full of deathwish that is pass thru generations down, they had many chances to bring peace to their own ,and every time some rise up to tell of peace,they are attack as dangerous for the community,

Israel knows all about ticking off it’s (SIC) allies when it uses fake passport (SIC) taken from UK, France, Germany, Ireland and Australia. ”

Because, of course, MI6, or the SAS, or other shadowy UK counter-intelligence agencies, never use fake foreign passports on missions, do they, old boy?

But the point is moot, as it is fairly obvious that MOSSAD had nothing to do with these alleged “passports”; a “clue” so conveniently and quickly unearthed by the clueless Dubai authorities, who normally couldn’t find their arse with both hands.

#1. MOSSAD fakes would have been perfect and would not have incorporated ID PHOTOGRAPHS that would not pass muster at any EU passport control.

#2. 11 so-called MOSSAD agents would NOT have left such a “perfect” CCTV trail, thus burning themselves forever internationally.

Also remember that the only soldier killed when during the Raid on Entebbe was Benjamin N’s brother. So he knows what kind of scum he is dealing with when he deals with the “religion of peace”.

What really continues to surprise me is that “other half” (went looking at articles on the web about the horrific behavior of Nobammy towards Israel) are whooping it up and so happy that Obama treated one of our closest allies like dirt.

Some people are going to get a rude awakening of the truth of the written word, particularly if we turn our backs (well, continue to turn our backs that is, with this worst president in the history of the USA) on Israel. Being the right wing, knuckle dragging, bible clinger that I am, I take the words of that book quite literally when it talks about what God does with those who are Israel’s enemies.

jlfintx … “What the Obubba administration is claiming is that East Jerusalem IS occupied territory, as it was taken in the 1967 war.”

Yes, it’s a good job Obama wasn’t around in 1814. He would have supported the British “taking back” Washington from those pesky “American” occupiers who beat them in the 1776 war.

Smith, David Jack:

Please read again.

Obama has no knowledge of the history of the region beyond when the muslims had control of Jerusalem. It is obvious that in his mind, Jerusalem has always been a muslim holding and creation. It is no small wonder that the influences in his administration and his life are and have been anti-semitic in ideology. I feel for the Israeli people and I hope that they understand that much of America supports them and their actions in the middle east.

x, int jlf


This is not unlike Obama’s treatment of Harper when Harper was slid into the White House through a back door, let in by a low level clerk. Obama couldn’t be bothered to get off his ass to meet the Head of State of America’s biggest trading partner. What was he really telling Canada?

Now this collective buffoonery in the White House, insults the only democratic country in the middle east.

. . . And the MSM doesn’t have a problem with any of this.


I’ve have no doubt M15 etc uses fake passports but when was the last time they got caught using genuine allied countries passports? Haha – of course MOSSAD agents can pass CCTV undetected as they are obviously invisible.

Dalai has somehow become one of my daughter’s hero’s. I can see why. I have his books, and hold him in high regard, she loves his words…

When that picture came out, she came bursting out of her room, crying. She asked if I’d seen it, and I answered in the affermative…


It’s hard having to harden your child’s heart to the reality that is this administration. She’s no pie-in-the-sky high schooler, and in fact she runs the MCROTC program, and is very up-to-date with what’s going on. After all, I’M HER DADDY!

I pointed out the calm happy look the man seems to always have, to make her see how much “above” he is over Obama and Co. It’s all I can do.


@John ryan:

Wrong again, John, as usual.

“In a talk given at St. Anselm College, Petraeus said that recent reports claiming he had blamed Israel for US military deaths were erroneous.

The claim that he blamed support for Israel for American deaths was completely false, he said. “There is no mention of lives anywhere in [the report]… It doesn’t say that at all,” he stated.”

You do Arafat and Obama proud.


Also, FYI, an Important historical note…

In 1948, Jordan attacked Israel and took East Jerusalem and what we call Judea and Samaria, what they call “The West Bank.” Most of the world never recognized the legitimacy of THAT occupation of OUR Land. So, when we RETOOK those territories in 1967, we were merely reacquiring what was rightfully ours to begin with.

“The settlements are not located in “occupied territory.” The last binding international legal instrument which divided the territory in the region of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza was the League of Nations Mandate, which explicitly recognized the right of Jewish settlement in all territory allocated to the Jewish national home in the context of the British Mandate.”

Huh, the Arabs are liars? What a shocker!

As I have mentioned different times, Obama wants to be king, not president, and he can’t be king in a republic (we are not a democracy). He honors those who have achieved the goals he wants, and condemns those who are in his way to getting his kingdom.


I’ve got mixed feelings about the D.L.

On the one hand, he’s treated like crap by world leaders.

On the other, he’s as clueless about the dangers of Islam as G.W.,2588,0,0,1,0

And, even worse, he’s “troubled by Israel’s treatment of the [so-called] ‘palestinians’.”

After visiting the Holy Land, though, he could not help but notice the dire poverty and social instability facing the Palestinian people, as opposed to the relative comfort and wealth in Israel proper. He notes that this inequality does not contribute to a culture of peace.

Can he really be THAT superficial? Could he really be that unable to figure out that a lazy violent people dedicated primarily to destruction is NOT going to be prosperous, no matter what one does to try to help them?

Sorry, but if he’s not astute enough to not be fooled by their transparent propaganda, then he really isn’t all that he’s cracked up to be. He may not be a “bad” person himself, but if he’s that easily conned, then I’m at best still out on the fence on him.

He was very supportive of Bush vis a vis Iraq, and Bush showed him the respect he deserves.

He may seem “superficial”. I think that’s the wrong word. Maybe naive would be better?

But in reality, he isn’t that either. I’ve been to his talks. His observed “inequality” with Israel is more a comment about the Pali’s than about Israel, and he’s fully aware about radical Islam, as he’s referred to the evil that is the Taliban many times. (They blew up his favorite statues in Afghanistan.)

In his view, if the Moslem’s took on some Buddha, things might not be so bad. In his view, all creatures have potential for enlightened-good.

Keep this in perspective…He’s a religious figure, not a politician, and no matter what, he did not deserve being pushed out the back door with the garbage.


“He may seem “superficial”. I think that’s the wrong word. Maybe naive would be better?”
OK, but naive isn’t a plus in a world leader, especially when dealing with demons. Don’t get me wrong, I have heard a number of very positive things about him from Jewish sources. All I’m saying is that we can’t see him as an unquestioned authority on matters he’s “naive” about. Bush was too, btw, (“Islam is a religion of peace“) but I have nothing but respect for G.W.’s integrity, if not his folly.

“He’s a religious figure, not a politician,….”

No, he is both, as his role in pleading Tibet’s case against China has made it necessary for him to also be a politician.

“….he did not deserve being pushed out the back door with the garbage.”
I’m with you on that, but I expect no more from O’Bungler, who treats anyone he doesn’t like with contempt. If America wants better, next time they should not vote for Kenyan trailer trash.

Anyway, I believe that he, like Bush, is an honest guy trying to do the best he can. I’m just saying that we can’t just assume that as a religious person, he’s necessarily right about everything, especially when there’s evidence to the contrary. It can happen, but in his case he’s made some mistakes, so just be careful. That’s all.

(and that clown “Tom” thinks we don’t ever have differences of opinion, Feh to him)

p.s. – D.L.’s support of Bush on Iraq is another item for the “plus” column, btw.


UPDATE TO MY LAST… (to spew boy John ryan)

Lefty freaks, showing us the “love” as only a Lefty can.

And if that Schmuck REALLY cared about our troops, he would be screaming to get rid of the incompetent usurper in the White House, whose policies do more to harm them than anything else.

See also here…

And it just keeps getting “better.”

Obama is a zit on the face of the world, and the Lefties like ryan are the pus that ooozes from it. (because sometimes being nice just isn’t the right thing to do)


LOL. He should have used a dousing rod, and got a nickle back for returning the bottle.

I hear ya, bud. In all honesty, I can’t disagree with any of it.

On one hand it’s hard to tolerate those who seem not to want to fight in a manner that is by all accounts necessary.

On the other hand, my heart has a warm spot for those who continue to push for being “nice”.

I very much want our world to become what he wishes. I’m under no illusion as to what it takes to get there. I just like the smiling-friendly dood. He is the “balance” to those of us who have seen the horror. I also know that nobody is “right about everything”. (Except BRob 😉 )

Because I’ve been to where he (and humanity) sees as “bad”, I can agree with him that it was…and is…Bad indeed. The radio had to be silenced in Grenada. 4 Cubans were in the way.
Even today I wonder if they had kids? His words (and others) helped me accept my actions.

I wish to God that we didn’t need Warriors. I thank that same God that my son is one of them, and that long ago I helped bring freedom to an island of innocents …
It’s not easy feeling all that at the same time.

My son was supposed to be a fireman or a doctor, or something…But duty called…
Goddammit, duty called again! Here… my son is ready. As his father was, and as his uncles* were.


“The radio had to be silenced in Grenada. 4 Cubans were in the way.”

And I hear you. And thanks. You did what you had to. The ones responsible for their deaths are the Lefties who gave neither them nor you any choice. One day they WILL all be gone, and please G-d it will be sooner than later.

Also, please G-d your son will succeed, come home safely and with honor.
“(Except BRob 😉 )” LOL!

Well, I’ll Be…! Small world, sort of? My ex-wife’s father (and my children’s grandfather) is a Wetzel.

Gary’s older brother served in the Navy during WW2, then joined the Army, serving during both the Korean and Vietnam wars. His younger brothers also served in Nam. One as an Army medic, and the other as a scout, who lost a leg due to friendly fire. My dad’s little brother served in Nam as a Marine, and my Dad was in the Navy just prior to Nam (57-9) as a radio/radar tech. My Dad’s dad worked in the resistance during the occupation of Holland. My Mom’s Dad married a Dutch chick, and got the hell out prior to WW2 breaking out, and moved to Wisconsin.

What these freakin NeoFascist’s will never understand, is that we all want was to pet kitteh’s all day with our wives and children, and wish they would work as hard at convincing those who would kill us (and them), to be like “Da Lama”, as they do at trying convince us “sheepdogs” to accept non-violence.

We already believed…now we need the lefties and peacemongers like Da Lama go teach “them”.




….but not as long as clowns like Obama are able to fool the masses into electing them. The jerk keeps alienating our best allies. Now it’s the UK…

“I hate Obama with every strand of DNA in my body, we just lost our two best allies, Israel and the UK thanks to this shithead and his hope and change….”

So much for “repairing” our image in the world. Do you think the MSM will take note? …me neither.