Health care *still* doesn’t go away as Obama plans “PR blitz” tour


One would think that the only good thing that comes to those who totally oppose O’health care is that, after today, we wouldn’t have to listen to it 24/7 anymore. Nor listen to Obama’s continual campaign talking points.

But noooooo…. the torture is set to continue. According to Michael Shear at WaPo, Obama’s got his 747 gassed up for a national public relations “blitz” designed to pitch…. get this… *health care*.

Apparently, it’s not enough to shove it down our throats. Now he’s determined to torture us until we tell him how much we love this nonsense.

President Obama is set to begin an immediate public relations blitz aimed at turning around Americans’ opinion of the health-care bill, assuming the House passes it, White House officials said Sunday afternoon as they waited for the final votes.

Planning inside the West Wing for the post-vote period has proceeded quietly, even as the president and his allies on Capitol Hill have been fighting for the measure’s passage.

Reshaping the legislation’s image will take place in three phases, aides said: the immediate aftermath; the seven months until the November midterm elections; and the several years that follow, during which many provisions in the measure will gradually take effect.

Driving the message during those periods is the belief among Obama’s top advisers that Republicans have boxed themselves into a corner with unanimous opposition to the legislation and talk of a repeal.

“The Republicans have way overshot the runway in their criticism of health reform,” said White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer.

Pfeiffer’s got to be kidding…. Just how does he equate a supermajority Congressional vote with the approval of the nation? It may even be more pertinent to point out to the WH talking mouthpieces that even the supermajority refused to vote for the bill… and the bare majority that did were bribed, paid, and/or threatened to do so.

Yeah…. American politics at it’s best. Pelosi announces she was “humbled” after the vote. With her audacity of corruption, she should be.

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They must think we are totally stupid. I say we shock’em sober in November and vote them all out of office. Starting with Stupak. We are not stupid. We have the Power to take our Country back from the edge; BUT we must all stand together and fight, show up to the town halls, continue to phone, email and fax our demands to local, state and federal reps (such as they are), we campaign against them and most of all, we show up at the polls and we Vote Them Out of Office and WE Vote In Only Those who have the guts to push for a REPEAL.


This is great! The more these idiots remind people about ramming HC down our throats, the more likely voters will be to remember their opposition and anger. Not to mention the boon that is an Obama speech – y’know, the constant gaffes and lies that make for great political ads.

I really dislike it when people are poor winners.

I thought these guys would try to drop this like a stone. It’s the economy stupid, well that doesn’t work very well on stupid. Just keep rubbing salt into the collective wound of the public and all will be well. Meanwhile, the world waits for no one. What will happen in Iran or Afghanistan? Will Israel just wait for 0bama before they launch a load on Iran? What if our credit rating really does drop? Will we get inflation? How can businesses contemplate expansion when they are faced with taxes in this legislation and the headwind of higher taxes in 2011 when the Bush tax cuts expire? And now that pre-existent diseases are covered, can private insurers cope with a federal government mandating premiums substantially lower than the medical costs incurred?
Perhaps he is intentionally trying to inflame the public and provoke a really cataclysmic reaction. Then he will transition form soft tyranny to hard tyranny.

Doesn’t this jerk ever shut up? He needs to have a serious selfl-examination. His voice grates on my nerves, and seeing him on TV sends shivers down my spine as if someone just walked over my grave. Somebody needs to tell him to STFU!!! What a disingenuous tool!