Democrat Pollsters: MSM & Obama Deluded If They Believe Americans Want ObamaCare


Patrick H. Caddell, political commentator and former pollster along with Douglas E. Schoen, a pollster, and the author of The Political Fix: Changing the Game of American Democracy, from the Grassroots to the White Housewrote an op-ed in the Washington Post describing how deluded the media and Democrat politicians have become on ObamaCare:

Their blind persistence in the face of reality threatens to turn this political march of folly into an electoral rout in November. In the wake of the stinging loss in Massachusetts, there was a moment when the president and the Democratic leadership seemed to realize the reality of the health-care situation. Yet like some seductive siren of Greek mythology, the lure of health-care reform has arisen again.

As pollsters to the past two Democratic presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, respectively, we feel compelled to challenge the myths that seem to be prevailing in the political discourse and to once again urge a change in course before it is too late. At stake is the kind of mainstream, common-sense Democratic Party that we believe is crucial to the success of the American enterprise.

Bluntly put, this is the political reality:

First, the battle for public opinion has been lost. Comprehensive health care has been lost. If it fails, as appears possible, Democrats will face the brunt of the electorate’s reaction. If it passes, however, Democrats will face a far greater calamitous reaction at the polls. Wishing, praying or pretending will not change these outcomes.

Nothing has been more disconcerting than to watch Democratic politicians and their media supporters deceive themselves into believing that the public favors the Democrats’ current health-care plan. Yes, most Americans believe, as we do, that real health-care reform is needed. And yes, certain proposals in the plan are supported by the public.

However, a solid majority of Americans opposes the massive health-reform plan. Four-fifths of those who oppose the plan strongly oppose it, according to Rasmussen polling this week, while only half of those who support the plan do so strongly. Many more Americans believe the legislation will worsen their health care, cost them more personally and add significantly to the national deficit. Never in our experience as pollsters can we recall such self-deluding misconstruction of survey data.

They describe the lastest Obama salvo as nothing more then fighting the last war…not the new one. The last one is lost already and they have so deluded themselves, so insulated themselves, they can’t even see the cliff approaching:

…the country is moving away from big government, with distrust growing more generally toward the role of government in our lives. Scott Rasmussen asked last month whose decisions people feared more in health care: that of the federal government or of insurance companies. By 51 percent to 39 percent, respondents feared the decisions of federal government more. This is astounding given the generally negative perception of insurance companies.

CNN found last month that 56 percent of Americans believe that the government has become so powerful it constitutes an immediate threat to the freedom and rights of citizens. When only 21 percent of Americans say that Washington operates with the consent of the governed, as was also reported last month, we face an alarming crisis.

Health care is no longer a debate about the merits of specific initiatives. Since the spectacle of Christmas dealmaking to ensure passage of the Senate bill, the issue, in voters’ minds, has become less about health care than about the government and a political majority that will neither hear nor heed the will of the people.

The authors also bring up that the only way to turn this failure around is to bring the best idea’s of both parties together “such as purchasing insurance across state lines, malpractice reform, incrementally increasing coverage, initiatives to hold down costs, covering preexisting conditions and ensuring portability” and leave all the backroom dealmaking, armtwisting, and the corrupt attempts at getting this bill passed (ie reconciliation or holding no vote at all) behind.

But Obama and his cronies have blinders on, and whether they know it yet or not, they WILL be falling off that cliff.

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I am in the NY 29th Congressional District. As my district no longer has a representative due to Eric Massa leaving office, the people of this district have NO representation if this new taxation for Health Care is imposed. This is an historic tea party issue. Governor Paterson must call for a special election by 3/14 if we are to have the election machines available for this election. Please help us here in the NY 29th. Can anyone in Albany, NY get the Governor’s attention on a Saturday?
It is highly likely that a conservative will win this seat and can vote the will of this district.
Thank you to those who can help.

Let the bastards pass it. It will cost them BIG in November. One step backwards, two steps forward.

And yes, we can repeal it in the same unconstitutional manner it was passed.

Two can play that game.

They know it’s unpopular, but when have Marxists ever cared what the people wanted?

Leftists know damned well the American people don’t want any part of this health care fraud. Problem is, they don’t CARE!!! Never before have these thugs been so close to the utter enslavement of 300 million people and they are not about to let the opportunity pass by.

@Light Dawns:


@ Steve Poyzer

Please stick around. Your views are always welcome here.

Thank you, that is very kind! I appreciate the support.

And because you seem to be more humble then most, I’ll do it for you. 😉

What can the big O do, he’s put everything into this monstrosity; he picked the fight and there’s no way out now without losing face personally, except to pass something. He’s as deluded as everyone fighting to a hopeless end. So they spin it that maybe we don’t like it now, but we will when it is passed. This is so desperate I can’t remember anything like it. Also read on Yahoo that O wants the Senators to give up all their special deals, and they are lukewarm. The best part about the Senate bill is that so many have already started thinking about Constitutional challenges.

I’m just hoping that bad results for the Dems in Nov. doesn’t translate to some plan B where O declares an emergency and martial law. Between now and then all his support needs to be attacked continuously. Getting Holder would be a big help.

Mssrs Caddell and Schoen are my two favorite Democrats in the entire world. Both are reasonable and cordial, not overbearing and boorish as are many in their party. Further, they have the good sense not to participate in the suicide pact now being pursued by the Dems.

That being said, I wish them both all the best and I hope the entire Democrat party self-destructs right down to the last irrational spendthrift .

I’ve always said “Someday Liberals will be the death of all of us”, and we’re seeing it now. There is only one way we can ever hope to create new industry (To create new jobs), pay off this enormous national debt, make ourselves energy independent (To make us immune from blackmail) and strengthen our National Security…..ALL IN ONE STEP. Change this disastrous National Energy Policy, and TO HELL WITH HEALTH CARE! Listen up: Energy is what keeps us from living in mud huts making sharp sticks. The high cost of energy is transferred to every product or service manufactured or provided. The lost jobs are not coming back because the industries that created those jobs have left. To create new jobs, a new industry needs to be created. It’s time to bury America’s ridiculous National Energy Policy (which has brought America to it’s knees) and A) Harvest and refine Oil Shale into Shale Oil ( an estimated 2 TRILLION Barrels lay in the “Green River Deposit.” Google that. For comparison, THE ENTIRE WORLD has used roughly 1 trillion barrels since the stuff was discovered 160 years ago). And B) The gasification and conversion of Coal into liquid hydrocarbon SynFuel. (The “Fischer–Tropsch process” was invented by the Germans 70-years ago. Google that to learn more. It helped fuel their Panzer and Luftwaffe Divisions. Germany has no Oil, and was under blockade after WW1). America has more BTU’s of energy in coal than OPEC has in oil, and that’s a fact. Presto. Millions of jobs created that can never be outsourced. Caterpillar, Westinghouse, Union Pacific Rail,GE, Dupont, Steel…you name a company or industry not affected. Land Reclamation, a new industry paid for by taxing coal and Oil Shale mined at 50-cents a ton. Sales and Income Tax Revenues increase as “entitlement spending” decreases, reversing deficits. And finally, National Security is strengthened, no more wars over oil, politically or otherwise. (And we snicker as we watch – 1) energy costs go down, 2) people have more discretionary income to spend, 3) manufacturing returns to take advantage of lower costs, and 4) the economies of every OPEC member implode). There, I just restored America to greatness. Are you grinning yet?

Never before have these thugs been so close to the utter enslavement of 300 million people and they are not about to let the opportunity pass by.

They can’t “enslave” us. If we are to be enslaved, it’s because we let it happen to ourselves.

Ivan: You’re correct, and you’re wrong. See, every advanced civilization was destroyed from within, by “The 5th Column.” Obamatrons can’t actually enslave us, but they CAN destroy us, to set up their grand plan for absolute power. How? Look at the financial crisis.

Spotting economic collapse may sometimes be hard, but we can always see unsustainable finances, supported by cheap credit. Obamatrons will not act to stop it, and in fact will encourage collapse because “all calamity” builds their own political support; “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Collapse is always associated with any time the actual market value for any asset diverges from a reasonable estimate of its “fundamental” value. As in housing collapse or Dot-Com Bubble.
Just look at the numbers. Our National Debt is almost as large as our National GDP. (80+% if you use 13-Trillion Debt).
About 50 percent of this debt is foreign owned. Every 1 percentage point rise in interest rates means America needs to send an additional .8 percent of GDP abroad to those bondholders.
Now you know why The Fed has Interest Rates pegged at basically zero. But it won’t be able to do that if investors demand more interest for more risk.
What if interest rates rise to, say, 5% – a modest premium for a country which continues to refinance even the interest on that National Debt without actually paying a cent out of its own pocket to reduce it. America would need to send at total of AN ADDITIONAL 4% of GDP abroad per year, once they rollover the existing stock of debt to these new rates, and about 1/3 of ours is due to roll over in less than 5-years.
This is simply impossible and unheard of for any long period of history.
If debt looks like it will explode as a percent of GDP, then a spectacular collapse is in the cards.

Given there’s a definite bubble in our debt, should we expect politicians to help deflate this gradually? Definitely not – in fact, their statements support in recent days and weeks support keeping the debt bubble going and set us all up for a greater crash later. (Keynesian economics).

These Obamatrons must surely know this is a Ponzi scheme, i.e., people can get out of bonds only to the extent that new investors come in, or else either that rate will skyrocket (bankrupting us) or the bonds will become as worthless as our currency (Also bankrupting us). At best, this does nothing more than postpone the crisis – in the business, it is known as “kicking the can down the road.” At worst, it encourages less informed people (including perhaps pension funds) to buy bonds as smarter people (and big banks, surely) take the opportunity to exit.

Obama’s Legacy

Ivan: You’re correct, and you’re wrong. See, every advanced civilization was destroyed from within, by “The 5th Column.” Obamatrons can’t actually enslave us, but they CAN destroy us, to set up their grand plan for absolute power. How? Look at the financial crisis.

We fall from within because we let it happen.

What Moron didn’t see Obama was a Marxist back in 2007 and early 2008?

Sorry, if the American public votes for the likes of Reid, Pelosi and Obama they deserve what they get, in spades times 10.

The American people called their congressional reps by a factor of 300-1 against TARP, then proceeded to vote for those who opposed the will of the people.

Americans should be taking to the streets to shut down D.C. over the criminality yet are more interested in American Idol and Football games.

Sorry, I don’t give the electorate a pass for their failure to take their responsibilities seriously.

As much as the Progressives are trying to enslave the population thru their entitlement programs and the buying of American business and financial institutions, they need unarmed citizens for that to work.

Needless to say ObaMaos election ensured that is not the case…

Unarmed? Bobachek, there are more firearms than people in this nation.

I think the lefties know the game is up on gun-control. You don’t see them making much noise in that regard.

Ivan: Sorry, if the American public votes for the likes of Reid, Pelosi and Obama they deserve what they get, in spades times 10.

Hello? And what of the 47-48% of us who did *not* vote for Obama? Or those not in Nevada or California residence that have no say in resending that corrupt political trash to Congress over and over?

Seems a bit harsh to condemn the entire nation to the O’bamageddon because of the uneducated choices of the prozac laden O’faithful, and the DemWits in NV/CA, Ivan.

its never been a matter of caring or not caring. Ideologues don’t work that way. Its what they know is best for you, that matters.

The little boy who cried wolf factor is relevant here. As the federal government cries wolf on health care, global warming and other issues, they create an attitude in the public that the government can do nothing right. When the federal government actually peruses a just cause or appropriate course of action, the majority of the population will not believe that they are telling the truth.

At the risk of losing significant expertise, I am starting to believe what the tea parties are advocating. Limit legislative terms. Get rid of perks for being a legislator. Make sure that legislators and administrators understand that they work for the people. The people do not exist to provide them a platform and a living.

In some respects, Ivan is right. We did let this happen by trusting those we elected to do the right thing. Reid and Pelosi can be in the house and senate but would not have the power if we in our states didn’t vote for others who support their agendas.

50% of voters are democrats because they are on the dole. They rely on entitlements to live. So they vote for democrats who promise them “more free stuff” by taxing the “evil” rich. So they vote for for these stupid schemes. I wish we could take all the damned socialists and send them to California and force them to secede. Then they can see how well they prosper without middle america to support their stupid fantasies of ‘free everything’ and ‘anything I need must be a right’ stupidity.

Steve In Tulsa:

Ah c’mon. There are lots of us in California who aren’t liberals. What about us?

Send them to Massachusetts or Illinois or New York.

@Steve In Tulsa:

It is more aptly known as economic slavery!

The progressives, liberals and Democrats rail against the Conservatives, Constitutionalists and Republicans as being the “racists” and hating the poor. However how much more hatred of the poor could there be than sentencing the poor to a lifetime or perhaps several generations to an system of economic subservience in order to gain votes. This abhorrent practice of enslaving the poor into a system of economic entrapment and loss of liberty, opportunity and hope is as diabolical as anyone could imagine.

Who are the real racists? It is those who take away the hope, ability and power to better ones lot in life and that my friends is exactly what the Democrats, Liberals and Progressives have done.

I am a Dallas Cowboy fan. When they are in a game playing the hated Skins, I would not expect Wade Phillips to be taking play-calling suggestions from either Joe Gibbs or Dan Snider. Likewise, I know one thing: if the GOPers are kindly suggesting that the Dems should not pass health care reform because it will hurt the Dems.

I should also point out the dismal track record that GOPers have on predicting anything — whether the effects of the Clinton tax hikes in 1994, the effects of the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, or the Iraq War. I think GOPers are so poor at predicting because they tune out any information that clashes with their preconceived notion.

Dems here is a thought: since the GOPers would not, one thinks, be inclined to give you any information that is helpful to you, you need to do the exact 180 degree opposite to what they say. And since GOPers have no credible track record on predicting the outcomes of any policy choices, take their prediction of a collapse of the health care system as a metaphysical certainty the the health care system will be strengthened dramatically.

Steve in Tulsa —

If you look at the federal spending, the Blue States (where the Dems are) are donor states and he Red States are pigs at the trough. So your whole schtick about Dems being on the dole is, of course, asinine. The day that conservative Red States stop sucking all the tax dollars from the Blue States will be the day cons can lecture anyone else about welfare and being on the dole. I suspect, however, that that day will never come.

Steven G. —

Speaking of racism, I’ll give you a hint who is injecting race into a federal health care policy debate . . . .

I heard that Obama stuck in student loans will be government run into the health care bill. Can anyone explain to me what student loans have to do with health care? Guess Obama just wanted the government to have full control of another part of private industry. God help us all until this useless piece of crap is ousted out of office along with his communist, criminal friends he has hanging around the WH.

Ah c’mon. There are lots of us in California who aren’t liberals. What about us?

Send them to Massachusetts or Illinois or New York.

At this point John, you should have moved out of enemy territory a long time ago. Your tax dollars are doing nothing more than aiding and abetting the socialization of America.

Stay at your own risk, but don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Madlyn, you made a classic mistake: you trusted that cons would be telling you the truth about anything relating to Barack Obama. Wasn’t he supposed to round up all the guns and create concentration camps and give all the jobs to minorities and socialize all of America and use his speech to the school kids to indoctrinate them like Chairman Mao? None of that happened . . . not because wingnuts “rose up” to oppose it, but because it was nothing more that a delusional con dream in the first place. The student loan thing is up there with “death panels” in the pantheon of “b.s. con talking points that are disconnected from reality.”

billy bob: The student loan thing is up there with “death panels” in the pantheon of “b.s. con talking points that are disconnected from reality.”

I see the news doesn’t reach your backwoods urban area.

From Newsweek on Friday,

In another twist in the health-care-reform saga, the Democrats announced Thursday a plan to include the contested Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) as a part of the final reconciliation bill sent to the Senate.

…. snip….

The trick is whether grouping student-aid legislation with health-care reform would “kill the bills” or bolster both. Sen. Thomas Harkin (D-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, suggested by linking the two bills that health-care reform would be more likely to pass.

This one’s especially good for you, since you’re reading impaired, billy bob. It’s got a video of the C-Span video of the announcement.

Congressional Democratic leaders talked about the education reconciliation bill. The legislation that would redirect bank subsidies to student loans and Pell Grants. Senator Tom Harkin said the best way to pass the bill is to attach it to a health care bill using budget reconciliation.

Congressional Democratic leaders talked about the education reconciliation bill. The legislation that would redirect bank subsidies to student loans and Pell Grants. Senator Tom Harkin said the best way to pass the bill is to attach it to a health care bill using budget reconciliation.

You owe Madlyn, as well as all “cons” an apology…. we won’t be holding our breath, and will content ourselves for again showing you to be the underinformed, gullible and arrogant fool.


again from that brain fart, billy bob: Wasn’t he supposed to round up all the guns and create concentration camps and give all the jobs to minorities and socialize all of America and use his speech to the school kids to indoctrinate them like Chairman Mao? None of that happened . . . not because wingnuts “rose up” to oppose it, but because it was nothing more that a delusional con dream in the first place.

Talk about “wingnuts”, and your usual broad paintbrush and class warfare….

Perhaps you may point out any authored post here that suggested Obama would create concentration camps? It’s even more hilarious that he’d “give all the jobs” to minorities… uh, *what* jobs would that be, billy bob? Checked unemployment lately? Of course, he has been busy expanding government jobs as fast as he can get away with…. save the nation’s citizenry rising up in street protests about the rapid expansion of government and irresponsible spending.

No need to indoctrinate school kids to Mao since that Ayers’esque “social justice” curriculum in public schools has predated starry eyed rock star Obama by a few decades… that’s already happened, and is old news. Can’t blame Obama for that…. but I do hold progressives like you responsible for that. And it’s successful effect is noted by you being the walking-talking-typing poster child.

@Madalyn: What student loans and health care have in common? Power grab.

Mata —


OK, I will go SLOW here . . .

Remember the supposed “Slaughter rule” or whatever y’all called it? What ever happened to that? Nothing. Because it was a figment of the imagination. Same thing with the student loans. Unless it is in the fcuking bill, it is not in the bill. Reread the woman’s post, Mata, you fool! She wrote:

“I heard that Obama stuck in student loans will be government run into the health care bill. ”

Now go to the actual CLIP FROM C-SPAN YOU NINNY! And what did Harkin say? He said that he felt is should be in the health care package. He did not say it would be in it and he acknowledged that seven Dems opposed including it at all! So from where do you get “Obama put it into health care” or that it was actually in the bill?

You cons really need to stop. You are exaggerating, making things up out of whole cloth, and just flat out lying. You think that is a credible way to debate something? Just ridiculous . . . .

Yes, billy bob… we go slow for you because we have to.

If you will refer to my comment on the SlaughterHouse rule thread last Thursday, you will note that I never figured it would pass muster, and was most likely a dead issue. I also made the comment that since the only sources I had heard about it were GOP, I wasn’t sure if it of the strategy in floating such a rule. So… if I knew then what I agree that it was possible the SlaughterHouse rules was a figment of the GOP imagination….

… that is until I heard the Chris Wallace guests today… one Dem, one GOP Senator. The Dem (can’t remember… been busy this AM) was saying that the Slaughterhouse rule wasn’t necessarily dead in their plans yet… despite the Parliamentarian’s opinion it’s a no go.

So much for “figment of imagination”.

Unless it is in the fcuking bill, it is not in the bill. Reread the woman’s post, Mata, you fool! She wrote:

“I heard that Obama stuck in student loans will be government run into the health care bill. ”

Now go to the actual CLIP FROM C-SPAN YOU NINNY! And what did Harkin say? He said that he felt is should be in the health care package. He did not say it would be in it and he acknowledged that seven Dems opposed including it at all! So from where do you get “Obama put it into health care” or that it was actually in the bill?

Considering that only the Obama disciples have “seen” the reconciliation bill, how do you know it isn’t in there, billy bob? The Dems say it’s to be added… but then they haven’t seen it yet either.

So who made you god of the Obama WH basement that you know what’s in, or not in the reconciliation bill, bubba? I suggest you are just as much in the dark, however you prefer to believe and trust in politicians’ “just words”. No, wait… you don’t believe or trust Harkin here, do you? You just say Madlyn’s wrong.

I suggest that unless you can prove that Harkin is lying, and that it’s NOT in the bill, YOU are the liar. Other than that, I’m willing to take Pelosi and the dems involved with the reconciliation bill that what they say they put in, is what they are planning to put in.

still, the devil in the details… of which you possess none.

Mata, you did not even listen to that clip you posted, did you? Here is a hint: never link to something you don’t understand.

If you had actually listened to what Harkin said, he was talking about what he WANTED TO DO and what he thought would get more votes for health care. No one said it was in the bill or would be in the bill. You are simply making sh*t up and trying to see if it would stick.

When all is said and done, one thing is clear: there will be a vote by next Sunday

And another thing is clear: Pelosi thinks she can win.

And as someone pointed out before: Pelosi has not lost a single one of these votes since she began running the show.

Your fetishization of procedure, the disingenuous complaints about reconciliation, its all rubbish. It’s ahistorical navel gazing that misses the bigger picture. Yep, health care may be Obama’s Waterloo . . . but somebody won at Waterloo, didn’t they?

I’m well aware of what Harkin said both in print and in video, billy bob. Unlike you, I am proficient in both reading, and interpreting story book pictures… plus can do math with my shoes on.

What you seem to discount is that “the bill”, done up in the backroom by the Obama disciples, is not completed, and that they are still working on how to finesse it in order to payoff House Dems… cajoling them into voting a law into enactment they don’t want based on promises for later legislation. What comes to mind is the ol’ saying, “I’ll be glad to pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today….”

Therefore you definitively state it’s *not* in the bill, when you are… as usual… clueless as to what that final bill will be. We only know of their intentions. And their intentions clearly state they believe adding the Pell Grants/student loans to the health care reconciliation bill gives them a better chance of it’s passage.

So until you… Mr. in the know billy bob… can produce a final bill to us that shows what they intend to put in, is in fact, NOT in there, you are still on your usual mode of blowing smoke from your ass.

John– You are precisely correct. Marxists have NEVER cared about the people. To them people are as valuable as eggs and as V. Lenin said. “You must break some eggs to make an omelet”. His ideological followers are currently involved in cooking up a great big American Omelet.


The student loan thing is up there with “death panels” in the pantheon of “b.s. con talking points that are disconnected from reality.”

Mr. ParaLegal2, you might want to get on da horn wit SanFranGranNan’s office for a new list of talking points:

Student loans to be in healthcare package – Pelosi
Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:47am EST

WASHINGTON, March 12 (Reuters) – U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Friday the final version of a broad healthcare overhaul would include a revamp of the student loan program but not a government-run health insurance option.

Pelosi said the House could take up the final changes to the overhaul within a week as congressional leaders launch a final push to pass President Barack Obama’s top legislative priority.

Yep, there’s a clearly demonstrated “disconnect[ ] from reality” here…what do you plan to do about your condition?

Why do you all spar with that clodhopper Brob? As with 99% of liberals, they are clueless. Few of them have any real world experience outside of a book. I am sick of them. Personally I don’t think he has any thing to do with Law. What real Attorney says ‘I am working on a lawsuit’?

He is probably a teachers aide in Political Science at some jerkwater college. Between his paper route and 1 class a day he is sitting in a smelly, cockroach infested coffee shop wearing his stupid looking ‘I’m smart glasses’ and drinking ‘green harvested herbal tea and blogging on a free computer. He lives with his ma in the basement….ah, you get the point.

Sorry, this hayseed has had it with those folks….

Tom in CA


Seems like Brob knows nothing about the undead. Sweetie when you shine the light of day on any blood sucking fiend it runs away even if it pretends to be the speaker of the house, or the senate majoirty leader. Are you so stupid to truely believe Nancy Pelosi and friends would do something so obviously unconstitional as the Slaughter Rule with every right wing talk show host screaming bloody murder about it? No they just are going to retreat to their coffins and recover. See that’s why libs don’t like alternative media, it’s like a big fat sun lamp. Ten years ago, the unholy trinitiy of Pelosi, Reid and Obama would have gotten with bull crap like that, because MSM wouldn’t have said anything about it, but now since you don’t have a monopoly and have lost your crediblitlity the ugly pus ridden face of Liberalism is out there for all the world do see. Now the only question is whether or not the republicans have enough sense to drive a stake through your heart and cut off your head, not likely but i can dream. The problem with the GOP is that they are friendly vampire hunters. For some reason they do not to realize there is no wayto be civilized with you because the minute they turn out the lights you all back bigger meaner and nastier than before. One Bright spot is that many americans are starting to realize that it’s not a bright idea to invite liberals into your home.

One Bright spot is that many Americans are starting to realize that it’s not a bright idea to invite liberals into your home.

Nor onto your blog. There comes a point where discourse is impossible, and the offensive turd needs to be flushed. I’m all for the give-and-take of differing views and positions, but this has crossed over to enabling an pathology.

I’m giving RBob something else to complain about!! – What part of NO, WE DON’T WANT THIS HEALTHCARE BILL TO PASS do the dems not understand? I was always under the impression you had to have a little semblence of brains to be on capital hill. What in the world has happened. When someone says “No, I don’t want that”, why does a politician have the audacity to say “You are going to get it whether or not you want it. It’s for your own good”. GIVE ME A BLEEPING BREAK!!!

BRob is a thread hijacker. If he didn’t always have to throw in sneers and pejoratives he might pass as a conversationalist, because it’s always ok to have a “devil’s advocate” or even a deluded liberal in a serious discussion. Defined as one where the topic is adhered to and buttressed or rebuffed by evidence and testing, not insults and wild speculation and anecdotes. But clearly he gets off on pushing people’s buttons, he’s a troll, and no one should feed him, he’s only looking to bite your fingers. (is that you, sfhillary?)


Aisle @#32 needs you on your hands and knees, removing your excrement from the cyber floors.

Proposed reconciliation bill…

Subtitle A—Increasing College Access and Completion

Now, let me help… so take your shoes off. This is a really big number. In fact sooooo big that you may want to gather your o’faithful, prozac sucking, gullible buds and have them remove their shoes as well so you can comprehend something this big. Are you ready? … wait for it…

It’s on pg 2101 of the 2309 pages of your peers manure. That’s a 2, followed by a 1… followed by a zero (like YOUR POTUS and Congressional leadership)… and ending in a ONE. Maybe if we do this in binary, you might get there. The prime reason I didn’t tell you to start reading on 2….. 0……….9………………….8.

We are all awaiting your solo humble pie eating contest, and apologies to Madlyn. If not, we’re always happy to remind you that that the big L on your forehead is indelible.

ROTFLMAO! Yeah… it’s a real “figment” of our imaginations. ROTFLMAO!!!

oh billlllllllly bubba? Do you need a reminder of your cyber shame? I do know it’s hard for you to actually read. Perhaps I’ll help again?

The billy bob hit parade of “student loan” faux pas…

Now go to the actual CLIP FROM C-SPAN YOU NINNY! And what did Harkin say? He said that he felt is should be in the health care package. He did not say it would be in it and he acknowledged that seven Dems opposed including it at all! So from where do you get “Obama put it into health care” or that it was actually in the bill?

You cons really need to stop. You are exaggerating, making things up out of whole cloth, and just flat out lying. You think that is a credible way to debate something? Just ridiculous . . . .


If you had actually listened to what Harkin said, he was talking about what he WANTED TO DO and what he thought would get more votes for health care. No one said it was in the bill or would be in the bill. You are simply making sh*t up and trying to see if it would stick.


…. fish in a barrel. billy bob, you are so damned entertaining.


Maybe if we do this in binary, you might get there.


Page: 00110010 00110001 00110000 00110001 00001101 00001010

Nope. That would confuse him to no end. He’s only a Chicago laywer.

Hexidecimal might be easier: 32 31 30 31


Yeah, figured that out when starting to play with the conversion, Patvann. But, ya know, figured keeping it to ones and “ZEROs”… since he’s got that penchant for zeros… seemed like it might be a good idea.

But I figured he might be able to handle one or two “twos” if he took off his loafers.

Hey… what was that billy bubba was saying about “predictions”?


Dang I love it when his own prove him as an ass within hours.


I just *love* the smell of desperation in the morning….. :0)

(NSFW – Language)

Mr. ParaLegal2,

I tried to warn you off man.

I really did.


Hey Mata,

Take a gander at this section (page 1167):

Subtitle B—Public Health Insurance Option


(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—For years beginning with Y1, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (in this subtitle referred to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall provide for the offering of an Exchange-participating health benefits plan (in this subdivision referred to as the ‘‘public health insurance option’’) that ensures choice, competition, and stability of affordable, high quality coverage throughout the United States in accordance with this subtitle. In designing the option, the Secretary’s primary responsibility is to create a low-cost plan without compromising quality or access to care.

Smells like public option to me.


What part of NO, WE DON’T WANT THIS HEALTHCARE BILL TO PASS do the dems not understand?

I asked that same question in another thread and was basically told by BRob that it’s gonna pass whether I want it to or not, and that it will be good for the country whether we “cons” agree or not. He doesn’t seem to understand, nor do I believe he wants to understand that twice as many people STRONGLY OBJECT to Obamacare than strongly agree to it, and whether or not it’s allowed constitutionally doesn’t matter one iota to him.


I have to agree with you about BRob and his thread hijacking. I much prefer to have an intelligent discussion with Cary, even though we disagree on most things about Obamacare.


That video is disturbing somewhat, but I am reminded of what the country was like(the cow) when the “ONE”(the train), was sworn in to office and our government then became an unholy beast with three heads.

Maybe you were going for a different analogy with the video, but that is what I saw.


Well John, that wasn’t quite the analogy I was looking for…since the cow in the vid has no hope.

The US (the cow), while still being pursued by “The Won” (the train) we haven’t been dealt the final blow yet.

At this point we’ve recognized the danger, we’re running away from the train, but we’re still on the tracks.

BRob…ParaLegal ExtraordinaireTM on the other hand, just stands there watching the train, listening to the horn blasts while making no effort to keep himself from being run over.

Gotcha A.C. , lol.

I figured that wasn’t what you meant, but that was my first thought. Hopefully the US doesn’t end up like the cow in that video, and will get off the tracks sometime in the near future.

As for it referring to BRob, I see your point, although if any of us were that train engineer, I think we’d be more enthusiastic about it actually hitting him.