Silent No More [Reader Post]

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I am one of those “typical Americans” who has lived much of my life in a political dead zone. Life has been good, and “Politics” have been in the distant background most of my life. There were stretches when I didn’t even vote. I was oblivious.

Fast forward to 2008. I smelled snake oil with Obama and I couldn’t put my finger on it, other than the shady connection with ACORN. At that time I was only getting my news from the lame stream media. The week before the election my brother & I were celebrating our birthdays, and I realized that everyone in the room (except me) was seized by the fever of Obamamania. And then my brothers liberal girlfriend singled me out by saying “with your feelings about guns do you have to vote for McCain?” Bitch, I thought. Time to educate myself about what I knew I didn’t like, but was unable to articulate.

I began to realize that it was a luxury to take for granted our constitution and all the freedoms that I enjoyed. Perhaps in the past I was living in a more innocent time. Or perhaps not. But today that luxury has vanished. Today we must be vigilant to the forces that are FAST at work to destroy our way of life.

Now I understand how insidious this president, and all the radical leftists he surrounds himself with, really is. I can more readily recognize his deeds, and his blatant disregard for the constitution that is crafted to constrain him and the congress. I can see that no president has the power to fire the CEO of a private corporation. There is no authority to take over a car company & blow off the stock holders & hand the keys to the UAW. There is no company who is too big to fail. There is no debt that can be resolved by borrowing more money to become solvent. There is no such thing as zero consequences for reckless deficit spending and printing trillions of dollars of freshly minted paper, with nothing to back it up but more debt to China. Capitalism is not a bad thing, our country has grown & prospered because of it. The quickest way to kill our economy is to insist on policies of “equality” which really mean redistribution of wealth. There is no constitutional mandate to require citizens to purchase any good or service simply because they are citizens. There is no country on this planet with open borders. There is no sense in pushing “climate” legislation based on junk science. There is no morality in using executive orders to bypass congress to allow the EPA to set restrictive economically stifling rules about carbon emissions. The is no logic in designating carbon dioxide, the gas we breathe out of our own bodies with every single breath as hazardous!! It is insanity for our own government to power grab our lands and waterways and to refuse to allow our own abundant gas & oil reserves to be explored and used responsibly for our own country’s welfare, while we are simultaneously loaning Brazil billions of our tax dollars to drill for oil in their country. And to turn a blind eye to Islamic extremism even in our own military, just for “political correctness” is one of the stupidest things in the 21st century, to be sure. And it is nothing but tyranny to hear that our own government is contemplating taking over our private IRAs & savings “for our own good” because we must be too stupid to manage our own money. This is so Orwellian that even George’s head must be spinning!

“if you are not outraged then you are not paying attention!!!” I wish for my 20~something niece and her generation to be aware. To be vigilant. To be stewards of our future. I want her and all of us to be smart and strong and educated. All Americans who treasure liberty & freedom must never forget that freedom & liberty once lost are rarely restored.

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Excellent, PatriotGirl! From the lovely picture you chose to share with us to the content of your post, very well done! You certainly live up to your handle, heartfelt welcome to FA!

I am reading a novel now which describes the Soviet Union as greedy, corrupt, stealing from the wealthy and giving to those who haven’t earned it.

With the experience of attending the Tea Party Rally in Washington last September and being among tens of thousands of people just like you and me (no radicals), I found this woman’s insight into the current political situation to be right on point.


Patriot girl is right on track. If you believe the “News Media” ya got rocks in your head. There is a sweet talker in DC that is promising free candy. Yeah Right!! Free? Who’s gonna pay for it? Our youths are too stupid to realize they’re being fed a line of lies and are hooked like a fish, listening and voting for this anti-American sweet talking idiot. Hitler promised change in Germany. They got it! If you don’ think this is going to be a serious problem, history will repeat itself.

Why is the Media so hell-bent in backing this morons medical plan that will do nothing but destroy us. The crooks in congress don’t want it for themselves. They have their oun plan. They even rejected a small cost of living raise for all retirees 2010 & 2011, but voted themselves a fat $5000 a year raise. I have had it with these crooks.

In November, Vote them out, the incumbents MUST GO. Kick these usless bums out of office!


Patriot Girl: Did your brother dump the liberal girl friend or is the rest of the family still caught up in Obamamania?

PATRIOT GIRL,that should be heard inside the four corners of AMERICA the SUPER POWER of all the WORLD.

Best post I’ve read, ever.

Patriot Girl, if we can educate and motivate 70% of the electorate, we will never need to endure another Socialist in the White House again, continue writing.

No doubt your brother’s liberal girlfriend has yet to experience the miserable hell of breaking up with that smooth-talking bad-boy.

I am a 48 year old experienced woman; what shocked me most about the 2008 election is seeing the Sisterhood willfully get down on their knees to stroke the Smooth-Talking-Bad-Boy-in-Chief’s magnificence while knowing he will loot, pillage and plunder her children and grandchildren.

The most despicable aspect to the Sisterhood is that even after the Smooth-Talker beats her and steals from her children and her grandchildren She will still get down on her knees to stroke his magnificence while telling him how much she loves and needs him.

Sisterhood-Oprahfried Ladies of The View- you haven’t come a long baby.

As a matter fact, despite all the actions to help you break the glass ceiling, your song remains the same tire worn out bitches of victim-hood.

And then my brothers liberal girlfriend singled me out by saying “with your feelings about guns do you have to vote for McCain?” Bitch, I thought.
I laughed out loud.. ha

I’ve been paying fairly close attention since the the Nixon adminstration packed me off to Vietnam for a year. The conclusion I’ve arrived at after some 40 years of thoughtful observation is that the truth can generally be found somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, the loudest voices these days always seem to come from out on either edge.

I’d like for my peers to actually grow a brain and stop blindly supporting policies without understanding the repercussions down the road, but my type and I can’t get our voices heard. We’re truly outnumbered here, and speaking out against any leftist policy like the health care reform makes them label us as spawns of Satan.


Amen, Sister. I too have felt that women haven’t come that far along. It just seems that the sisterhood gets dumber and dumber. That is what a goodlooking man will do to the brains. Scramble them.

Well, PatriotGirl… you have sauntered into the FA saloon with a bang, girl. Congratulations on a very wonderful post.

Excellent post PatriotGirl too many fell for the under the spell of the smooth talking community orginizer and voted for “Hope & Change” and got instead Misery & Dispair.

The photo accompanying your post is inspiring. . . I can almost feel the soft breeze playing with the flags and I was reminded of my neighborhood run this past weekend.

On Saturday, I stayed within my addition to run instead of trekking to my favorite nearby park course. During my run, I observed NO Obama bumper stickers on ANY neighborhood cars BUT the very noticeable increase of American Flags now gracing more and more of my neighbors’ homes. . .got a lump in my throat as this is quite a reversal from November 2008!

Hope your brother found a girlfriend not addicted to O’Kool-aid!!!!!!

Great post !
And I love the picture !

Thank you FA community for your warm welcome! I felt the presence of kindred spirits when I first landed on this blog, and I really appreciate your enthusiast support. For those of you who have commented on my photo (I am also a photographer of sorts) this shot was taken in a tiny little town in Northeastern California called Adin, somewhere between Fall River Mills & Alturas, along Hwy 299. Americana still lives, even in California!

Missy: thank you! Your encouragement means so much to me.

Mike’s America: Yes, my bro still has the same girlfriend. I haven’t had the opportunity to have a one on one with her since, but it is coming, and I am loaded for bear!! The others who were there I have not seen since, nor do they matter. My mother, who is 87, and loved “O” so much that a photo of himself & the Mrs actually adorned her bedroom door in her senior home, has turned on him in disgust. Wow! The earth shifted with that one!

Scrapiron: Thank you! I am humbled.

Skookum: Your posts inspired me to give it a go. You keep writing as well, I love your stories.

Leah: WE outnumber them. Don’t ever think otherwise! Who cares how the libtards label us for goodness sake!

MataH: Thank you! You’re warm welcome is so appreciated!

For those who may be interested here is a link to some of my photos of the area in Northern CA where I took this flag shot:


I snooped at your photos, all of them, now I don’t think I need a vacation at all. Haven’t enjoyed myself looking at photos since I proweled through all of Skye’s. You both have an eye for beauty and are so talented.

While at the apple orchard, I could smell the apples, enjoyed barn night and the wedding. Annie’s Garden is definately a place I would love to visit someday and after seeing all the shots of your dahlias, asters, sunflowers, I was hoping to see your gardens and there they were, you didn’t disappoint, beautiful.

Loved the Older Than Dirt Cake and Caturday with Loki and Spook was so much fun. Hubby went out for breakfast because I had my nose in your blog. Thanks so much!

BTW, I think you might enjoy Mike’s beautiful shots of his gardens:

PATRIOTGIRL,thank you it is a real gift to see all thoses scenerys and the artist is so talented thoses flowers look so real wonderfull,bye


Bees. I was supposed to be in a wheelchair by 60 and I’ve passed that, am still mowing and shoveling out the drive, every time I mow or shovel, I appreciate that I can still do it. I know that that old chair is coming but, the internet can be such a gift and with people like PatriotGirl, Skye and Mike that share their beautiful talent with us it lessons the dread that’s coming. I hope that they keep it up because it will certainly be something I will want to visit in the future. It took me away to places that were beautiful today, felt like being there. Such talent, so appreciated!

MISSY you should include yourself with them because without you there would be a hole, just like we would miss you a lot, i think that you are great and you also make us laugh so with your smart humor ,bye


Hi Missy, Wow! You honor me so much by taking the time to look through all of my photos! I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed them, and I laughed when you said that you let your hubby go to breakfast without you. Too funny! I will look forward to checking out Mike’s photos, hopefully tomorrow. Thanks for the link. I would love a link to see Skye’s work too, if there is one. Thanks again Missy for your support, and for making me feel so welcome here!! Jannie, a.k.a. PatriotGirl

MISSY AND PATRIOT GIRL..where where y’all yesterday at [AMERICA’ADDICTION….we had some action there i was looking for you’s,check it up bye


I’ve been busy repairing the cat damage on the porch, spiffing up the gardens and getting ready for my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren that are coming in from Colorado on the 26th. They want to be here when our new great-grandaughter is due to arrive on the 29th. Exciting times are coming soon for our family.

You are special Bees, always look forward to your posts and thank you for thinking of us, speaking for Patriot Girl too, I’m sure she would agree.

PatriotGirl, I came here from my site,and read your POST, and thought we haven’t seen her
since a long time and enjoyed the post saying wow she’s right on the beam,
I went down and saw MISSY, and I thought we haven’t seen her since a long time,
and went down and MY EYES HIT THE DATE,
ding dong I caught on,
and you’re post is a living POST, even more solid now,
thank you today WEDNESDAY august 2011, MY HOW TIME FLY

MISSY, YES, I think of you often,
you have to come back, and I quote some of you’re own quote sometimes,
and I’m running out of them, I need some more,
take care, you did finish the house painting by now,
I have a family of hummingbirds ,now getting ready to go south,
they are still drinking the sweet water now and for the first time in all those years of having them , I saw a mother drink the water and the baby humm waiting still in mid air and the mother fed him her too standing still feeding the small youngster, never seen that one before,
incredibly stunning
so when you see them arrive, they like that sweet water that is 5 cups of boiling water and put one cup of sugar, mix until clear, let it cool and put in a glass bottle in the fridge, i put a 3’4 cup in a small jar and when I fill up the hummer bottle i take the 3/4 jar out for a while to take the temperature of the house and then it’s ready to fill in the hummer bottle
they will come soon

PatriotGirl: Kudos for a succinct summary of all that’s gone wrong since the snake took office.