President Obama Asks Congressional Democrats to Fall on Two Swords [Reader Post]

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Now that Obama is sounding the death knell for many Congressional Democrats, he now intends to deliver to deliver the proverbial coup de gras with the immigration bullet to the back of their heads. He is now pushing for a ‘pathway to citizenship’ for the ten to forty million illegal aliens residing in the United States. In an unprecedented move, he has said, they will be expected to pay a fine, pay taxes, and obey the law. These harsh moves will surely be met with opposition from immigration reform proponents who will view the requirements as an imposition to illegal aliens working here illegally and drawing heavily upon the welfare coffers of states like California who supports one third of the welfare population in the United States and the illegal alien population occupies one third of the prison population of the US.

With the United States is suffering under the burden of an unemployment rate that is over ten percent, the idea of suddenly making as many as 40 million illegal aliens into citizens overnight and then dealing with the onrush of three to four times as many relatives who will want legal entry into the US after the initial proceedings is for some reason seen as logical by the once loyal unions of the US who follow Obama like blind lap dogs looking for handouts. The once patriotic unions have now placed themselves directly in the camp of Socialism for a position of power and the ever present collection of Obama Money, the new key work for the indigent and criminal class.

Due to the substantial loss of legal American voters, through the Obama Ill-Health Plan, President Obama is faced with the necessity of creating new voters who will owe him their votes during the 2012 election. Otherwise the chances of reelection are slim to none.

Democrat Congressional members are seen as disposable in the interests of Social Democrats or International Progressive Socialism. The three Obama initiatives designed to destroy the US economy and bring America to its knees are Obama Care, Immigration Reform, and Cap and Trade. With these three Initiatives installed, the loss of Congressional majorities will no longer matter, because Socialism will have succeeded in forcing its foot in the door and will have the move to remake America in a Socialist Dystopia will be well on its way. With a new group of uneducated voters and the unwavering support of Blacks and the Communist/Socialists; it is possible the Democrats can obtain enough of a majority to complete America’s transformation to Socialism.

The Socialist and Communist useful Idiots are waiting breathlessly to see how this will play out. Obama is about to accomplish, with his fatalistic kamikaze congressional sycophants, what Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Hitler, Ho Chi Minh only dared to dream about; the establishment of an Authoritarian Socialist State in the country that is the Beacon of Freedom to the World.

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Isn’t that the closest Obama ever came to saluting the flag?

I’d bet that Obama thinks that is his index finger … maybe thats a Indonesian or Hawian version of “thumbs up” …

NO, Hussein…F*** YOU!!!

Why doesn’t he just start wearin’ those cool baggy BBall shorts like Jordan? Maybe some dreads? I love this loss of decorum. He’s cool!


Your photo of President Obama reminded me of the time my father caught me giving that finger to my sister. “Boy-o,” he said, “if you have a problem with that finger, I can help you with it.”

Soros must have one hell of a retirement package for the Bamtard!

You can’t make this stuff up.

I don’t think Texas will willingly participate in a Socialist America. There are probably several other states of the same mindset.

The Obamanauts came to power on the wings of a fawning media and an uninformed (or deceived) electorate. The path they are taking is extremely dangerous and I am sure they know it. I just wonder who the power is behind the teleprompter forcing these issues. Not to get all conspiratorial, but are there dark forces that Obama fears more than the electorate? It sure seems so.

here’s one ;ZUBI DIAMONDwho wrote the book [wisard of wallstreet]said agenda of SOROS and othter shottsellards is clear ;their purposeis toloote AMERICA bye

Just stealing the jobs Americans used to have … I bet that works well with upwards of 35 million Americans out of work, according to the latest BLS numbers.

That is actually called a “Hawiian Good Luck Sign.” Look it up. 🙂

So far in my neighborhood I think there’s been a loss of illegals, but that doesn’t mean they left the US. Although many have. We think about 100,000 have left the state (AZ), and I can believe it. But for many it’s no big deal to go back to Mexico, they’ve gone back and forth a lot. Mexico needs their men back anyway. And we don’t need the coyote wars and drug wars that have crept north. What we ought to do is figure out a way to make these expats go home and bring civilization to Mexico before things get so chaotic that they start asking for asylum, which some already are.

pat, he doesn’t look like he is wishing anyone ‘Good Luck’. Thats the most pi$$ed -off look for saying good luck, I have ever seen. When horses have that look in their eyes they are ready to kick you, buck you off, or run over you. But BoBo has probably crapped his trousers and really needs to go somewhere for help.

It’s a simple concept, Skook. The “path to citizenship” is to repad his voting coffers with new citizens, replacing the moderate Dems and Indy’s, fleeing from support.

Yes Mata, he will need someone to vote for him in ’12, if he can win his primary. Blacks, ‘Law Professors’. Communists, CO’s and Unions probably comprise less than 30% of the electorate: I am betting that it will be the heaviest turnout in history, to vote for any one else. Oh I forgot the Acorn members if they aren’t in prison and the graveyard vote in Philly and Chicago, they always vote Democrat.

Typical Alynski tactic-overload! If this guy is not clinically insane, I don’t know what is. Will McCain, and Graham, and the other rhinos comes to his aid?
Liberals abort their offspring, and yes, it has to be replaced with immigration voters.

President Obama salutes his country…

I’ve only been to Hawaii once but had the distinct impression there were a lot of Hawaiians who didn’t like the rest of the US, regardless of having a communist background or not.

I predicted months ago that Obama would go this route. It was in the cards in his vow to change the USA. Not only would this change the framework of this country but it would deliver votes to the democrat party in gratitude for their enacting that law. Think about it. We don’t have enough semi and not so semi illiterate people who are citizens already thanks to our education system. He and the dims want to add all the illiterate people Mexico is burdened with and take them off Mexico’s hands. All those people will be a drain to the country and not an asset in anyway. Besides jumping ahead of all the people who followed the rules and applied for citizenship.


Graham has already visited the WH to colloborate on immigration in the last few days. McCain sent his stooge because McCain is up for re-election in November and Graham has two more years. Like all politicians, they think the public will forget by 2012 and they probably will.

I’ve seen second graders that use the same “finger salute”. You’d think the President of the United States would show some class, but alas, if the only class you have is LOW, that pretty well says it all.

BARBARAS hi,is in that more important to deal with immigration as a priority before the locals get pushed out to make way for thoses illegals? but who has the gut to do it in government as we see it but the people are so angry that it will happen i beleive on the turn of the road,keep hopping for better days bye

Think how fast his immigration reform flies through as the dem party comes to terms with just how many of them will be losing their seats. They will be voting that in and giving them amnesty/voting rights to save their sorry behinds.


I picked up on that too. We were out there for 10 days, while on Maui we decided to take that road around the island. As we were passing through a village up in the mountains a group of young men started yelling and shaking their fists at us, they were hostile, quite frightening. If you stick with the touristy areas it isn’t so bad, but, you can tell they are just tolerating your presence. I also noticed that they really catered to the Japanese tourists, strange.

Simple, there are many Hawaiians with Japanese connections. And, the Japanese are formidable tourists! They’re everywhere, it’s a market to respect. What was funny, we went on to Samoa, which was very laid back (this is long ago, it’s much more crowded now), made friends, went on to Fiji. The Samoans cried and protested that the Fijians would eat us! Then we were driving out in the boonies, on Fiji, this very fierce looking guy accosted us. 🙂 He wanted a cigarette and was really very friendly, although he couldn’t speak English. So all around the world, people have their suspicions of the ones just over the horizon.

Effyou, you Kenyan-Indonesian hybrid. You’re a disgrace to both of those countries. Scat!

@Pat. I went to Fiji in 1971. You couldn’t find nicer, friendlier people who are willing to share whatever they have. I once tried to give a young boy a dollar after he climbed a palm to cut off a coconut for me, and then skillfully cut out a perfect square at one end from which I could drink the delicious juice. It wasn’t milky, but clear. He looked puzzled when I gave him the dollar. The old Fijian man who was with me said that the kid didn’t know what money was. Very few did. I think it’s changed now. The Indians were the money people of Fiji. MG! Did I ever enjoy my 10 days there. It was a vacation layover on my way to Sydney on business.

Fifty years prior to my visit, the Fijians were still cannibals. You can understand why the Samoans were a little anxious.

PS: Up yours Obie. Go home, you Indonesian.

there must be a paragraft in the CONSTITUTION to protect the people from elected appointees in any position of government to implement rules and regulations that are proven to be COPIEDs from foreins countrys government that are not compatible to the law of the land ,therefor being in conflict with AMERICANS freedom laws conceives by the FOUNDING FATHERS.