As Key Democrats Bolt From ObamaCare The Administration Continues To Be Deaf To America

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Excellent commentary by Dan Gerstein at Forbes about the Democrats pushing to pass the behemoth known as ObamaCare even though most of America does not want it:

As I listened to the same tone-deaf talking points from the congressional Democrats at the White House health care summit last week, I was reminded of the classic excuse politicians use about their comments being taken out of context. In this case, and many others, the Democrats are suffering from the exact opposite problem–their arguments and actions are not taking in the context of the times. Indeed, over the past 14 months they have continually been trying to jam a square political peg into a round historical hole. The result has been a disastrous fit with the public mood and a deepening credibility gap.

This failure to factor can be traced back to the watershed vote on the stimulus bill, the Democrats’ single big accomplishment in the Obama era. The Democrats considered the $787 billion recovery package not just an essential step for saving the economy from depression, but also a first strike in White House’s “big bang” strategy. It would, by their way of thinking, build political momentum for a range of other major Obama agenda items like climate change. But for much of the public, the poorly conceived and marketed stimulus plan was the last straw in the unsettling explosion of government and debt that began with the bipartisan bailout bonanza in the waning days of the Bush administration.

Ever since that dividing line was crossed, the Democrats have seemed to be operating in a hermetically sealed political vacuum, impervious to the public’s changing post-crash priorities and diminishing tolerance for big government solutions. The complex, sector-remaking cap-and-trade bill is a perfect example. That plan may have been a tough but closeable sell in a stable economy, given the short-term sacrifices we would have to make to secure the long-term rewards. But it was a dead letter in a near-depressed economy with a mistrustful electorate prone to believe the most damning attacks about higher taxes and lost jobs. Yet the Democrats plowed ahead with a bill in the House and only stopped when Senate moderates bolted.

Dan highlights how unwise the Democrat strategy was to push the health care bill when it was quite clear the public wanted the Administration to focus on the economy.

…As the year went on, and federal spending piled on, concerns about deficits heightened. With even the modestly successful Cash for Clunkers program running out of money, confidence in the Democrats’ ability to deliver on their sweeping reform promises plummeted. Following a series of sweetheart deals for special interests and self-interested politicians to curry favor, faith in the legitimacy of the process and the integrity of the bill eroded. The more the Democrats wrote off these reasonable warning signs as nothing but Republican fear-mongering, the more they drove off the frustrated middle. Now most polls show only 35% to 40% of Americans support the president’s plan.

Us conservatives understand why they are pushing so hard for this. They are hoping that once the benefits kick in the people will love them again, and just as Medicare and Medicaid is untouchable, so will ObamaCare be.

This is perhaps the greatest example of the Democrats’ enveloping myopia. They may reflexively put issues in silos, but average Americans don’t. Most voters are impressionistic, especially independents and moderates of both parties. They look at the whole of what you have done and the how of what you have done. If Democrats ram through an unpopular trillion-dollar health care bill in this climate, with Congress’ approval rating at 15%, they may well cement their image as the worst of Washington and sever their claim on the public’s trust for years to come. Even if ObamaCare delivers over time–and if it avoids the substantial premium increases that the Massachusetts universal care system has produced–it most likely will be too little too late.

Any wonder now why there is complete chaos up on the hill?:

U.S. Rep. Michael Arcuri, D-Utica, said Tuesday he would vote against the Senate version of the health care bill that could soon go before the House of Representatives for approval.

An influential House progressive says he’s less likely to vote for the final healthcare reform bill now that the White House has incorporated Republican ideas — which could indicate a serious problem is brewing among liberals as Democratic leaders try to figure out a way to finish work on the legislation.

“As I weigh it, I think — for me — a ‘no’ vote is something that I continue to lean toward,” Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., the co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, told Salon in a brief interview off the House floor Wednesday. “Especially the last additions — that was kind of a slap in the face for all of us who fought for the public option.”

As House Democratic leaders cast around for votes to pass the Senate’s healthcare reform bill (followed by a reconciliation measure that “fixes” parts of the bill), the three Democrats who voted against the bill last fall and plan to retire after this year are prime targets for lobbying. But if Rep. Brian Baird, D-Wash., is any indication, that may mean the bill is in trouble.

In a brief interview with Salon Tuesday night, Baird didn’t sound particularly enthusiastic about the prospect of switching his vote. “I get all these people advocating, calls and letters, saying vote one way or the other,” he said. “I don’t know how they know what’s going to be in it — because I sure don’t.”

And finally:

The lone Republican who voted for it last fall, Joseph Cao of Louisiana, has said he’s voting “no” on the current version. (Another “no” vote among the Democrats last time, Parker Griffith, is now a Republican.)

I thought Cao was the lone announced “yes” to flip to “no,” but he may soon have company:

But as a member of the centrist Blue Dog Coalition, Mr. Cardoza is not convinced that Mr. Obama’s bill offers the right prescription. It lacks anti-abortion language he favors, and he does not think it goes far enough in cutting costs. So while he voted for the House version — “with serious reservations,” he said — he is now on the fence.


Interestingly, one of the nine potential members of the Suicide Squad may have decided to turn down the offer: Tennessee Democrat John Tanner “has told colleagues he has no intention of switching his vote, said one Democratic lawmaker who has spoken with him.”

And it all comes down to power. The economy is in shambles and this Administration is pushing for a trillion more dollars to be spent all in the hopes of addicting millions of new victims on their Socialism heroin.

They hope these new addicts will vote more of them into office ensuring they keep that power for decades to come.

Who cares if it destroys this country….its power they thirst for.

But as Dan describes above, this strategy may “well cement their image as the worst of Washington and sever their claim on the public’s trust for years to come.”

We can only hope because they have sure proven they don’t deserve that trust.

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It could destroy the Democrat Party for decades, leaving it as a non-viable political entity; thus insuring that Liberals, Social Democrats, and Progressive Socialists form a new party from the ashes of the once noble Democrat Party. A part that was hijacked by the Progressive Socialists and has now ruined itself in front of the world with traitorous acts and politicians; ignoring the will of the people they, the Elite leadership of the Democrat Party, have written their own death warrant, a fate it deserves!

Our system of representative government has been based on representation, not the centralized government control of a few Elites who take their own course based on their own ideas of how best to run a country, while ignoring the will of the people; such governments have been toppled in the past and it is not inconceivable that this government could meet the same fate.

Skook, it is amazing how tenaciously governments like this can hold on to power, even in decline.
They have a machine in place that almost guarantees that their national brainwashing campaign will continue even after they are out of “Power” in D.C. and state governments.

The machine has gone far beyond anything the Soviets dreamed of in terms of effectiveness, and consists of the MSM News (which today makes “Pravda”s best look like they mailed it in), the schools from K-12-PhD, the Hollywood/Pop-music machine, including late-nite TV and the Morning Shows, and the sitcoms and the crime-dramas, all of whose scripts are jam-packed with the pavlovian repetition of memes, and the book and magazine publishing and promotion industry.

These elements have combined to form a nonstop Marxist megaphone, and now, starting just a few weeks ago, it has begun employing the same “rubbing raw the sores of discontent (that their masters create)” Community Organizing tactics employed by Alinsky disciples.

If we get to the point in 2012 where we are still These United States, we will definitely have a non-Democrat president. Unfortunately that Marxist megaphone will be louder and more fanatical than ever, and it reaches FAR more people than the few tools we have, such as FoxNews and the New Media online. If the nation is in even more chaos when this happens, when there is a majority of Republicans or even actual Conservatives (hey, I can dream), those are the people that will be blamed when there are breadlines and jobless riots.

If Obama and the current dems realize they will be out of power soon, they also realize that when their planned destruction of America comes to fruition, most of the evidence of it will happen during the out-of-power phase, they will probably successfully demonize the Republicans and conservatives – just like Community Organizers do, just like they did with respect to Fannie/Freddy – and ride back to power. The nation will demand our (conservative) heads, despite the truth. Short attention-span nation.

Most “black” churches are part of that megaphone, as well. A great percentage of them are ACORN-like arms of the Democrat party, preaching Marxism and white-hate while holding a Bible.

Sure FoxNews is big, got the best ratings by far.

They have the schools, the TV, the silver screen, and the books and magazines and newspapers.

Which reaches more? It’s not even a contest.

OT, sorta.

Obama Continuing to use Constitution for Toilet Paper.

h/t Purple Avenger, AoSHQ

“The Obama administration lifted the veil Tuesday on a highly-secretive set of policies to defend the U.S. from cyber attacks…

…Homeland program known as Einstein…

…The program is designed to look for indicators of cyber attacks by digging into all Internet communications, including the contents of emails, according to the declassified summary…”

In the 50’s and earl 60’s we read, with horror, of the indoctrination of school children, employed by the Soviets and the Maoists. We considered a night mare of unbelievable horror.

Recently, I was talking to a bunch of University students about running a business, not that I am a prime example of success, and I asked them what classes they were taking. They told me they were virtually required to take a Marxist ‘studies’ course nearly every semester. They were required to read Karl Marx in several classes, and to buck the system would adversely affect your grade. This was in Vancouver. I still find the experience to be surreal.

I wish I had the time to take classes with those kids and be their point man, I can argue and intimidate fairly well and if I gt a C, that’s fine with me.

We will need to be creative, these kids were suspicious of their spoon fed propaganda; but how many college students have the time or the courage to stand up to these Marxists in tweed. Movements have started with less ability and knowledge than we have. Creativity and becoming involved is the answer, allowing the Marxists to steal the curriculum from K-thru 16 was a big mistake.

Hollywood is being exposed as a medium whose talent with writing and acting is second string at best. Independents can overcome this Marxism influence, but we must provide the impetus. It may take generations to return this country to its former greatness, the key may be with our returning vets, we need to lay the groundwork, so that when they return to school and enter into politics they have a background in non-Marxist thought.

You have a great way of expressing yourself; you are making a contribution. As long as we provide material, we can help these young people overcome their previous indoctrination by the Marxists. The fruits of our labor may not be realized until we are gone, but it is important to express ourselves, so that children yet to be born can live in freedom.

“You have a great way of expressing yourself; you are making a contribution. As long as we provide material, we can help these young people overcome their previous indoctrination by the Marxists. The fruits of our labor may not be realized until we are gone, but it is important to express ourselves, so that children yet to be born can live in freedom.”

Thanks, Skookum. I just need to get over the fatalism – my main de-motivator.

The Dim plan seems to be to take the loses in November to get the health plan which will then be there forever and waiting for them. The problem with that is that it looks like the RINO’s are starting to get clobbered in the primaries and the polls. So there could be not only a Republican take over of the House of Reps but a conservative takeover. There are Republicans in the House right now that are drooling over the thought of the subpoenas and contempt charges they can apply to the executive branch and its buddies. I can see ethics charges spinning off of House investigations to drag a whole lot of Democrats into legal quagmires and and public relation nightmares. I don’t think Obama care could survive that. Some of the experienced Dems can see payback rolling down the mountain if Obama doesn’t get spoked. Soros would be wise to take an overseas vacation in November.

Toadold, you have visionary skills that see only the best for our future. May you have a long and productive life!

the, REP could even start at the beginning of the election forgotten contributions from abroad too of course they need time to gather notes and facts on each details but there ‘s a time for every things in life it is to pick the exact right time to hit, bye