And here we thought Maxine Waters was the most ignorant member of Congress.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Sunday that Republicans have left their mark on the healthcare bill and should accept that the bill will go forward.”They’ve had plenty of opportunity to make their voices heard,” she said on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning. “Bipartisanship is a two-way street. A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes. Republicans have left their imprint.”
A bill can be bipartisan without bipartisan votes?
This retarded statement comes after the equally retarded call to her cohorts to back ObamaCare even if it means they lose their jobs:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged her colleagues to back a major overhaul of U.S. health care even if it threatens their political careers, a call to arms that underscores the issue’s massive role in this election year.Lawmakers sometimes must enact policies that, even if unpopular at the moment, will help the public, Pelosi said in an interview being broadcast Sunday the ABC News program “This Week.”
“We’re not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress,” she said. “We’re here to do the job for the American people.”
~~~It’s unclear whether Pelosi’s remarks will embolden or chill dozens of moderate House Democrats who face withering criticisms of the health care proposal in visits with constituents and in national polls. Republican lawmaker unanimously oppose the health care proposals, and many GOP strategists believe voters will turn against Democrats in the November elections.
This woman believes that moderate Democrats, who are getting an earful about the tragedy that is ObamaCare, will willingly support a bill that is certain to send them packing.

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Curt, at first I thought Pelosi had become a metaphysicist: “The unrest which keeps the never stopping cock of metaphysics going is the thought the non-existence of the world is just as possible as its existence.” William James (1842-1910) Psychologist and Philosopher.
However on closer analysis employing Herculean perspicuity, I can say with confidence that she is both from the Greek tradition of epicedium, the singing of a mourning song over the dead and of the Roman tradition of nenia, professional wailers who were hired in Roman funeral processions to cry lamentations over the dead; I had no idea Pelosi was so steeped in the classics: I have a new found respect for this lunatic from San Francisco.
She is amazaing. Her public displays of ignorance are only surpassed by 0-bama himself!!
What is truly amazing is that she can say that with a straight face. I guess that comes from lying to the American people all these years. Wouldn’t it be something, if the liberals in her district yank her out for not passing the monstrosity that is known as ObamaCare? Poetic justice I suppose
Pelosi, solid proof that medical marijuana and botox kill brain cells.
Even media ownership cannot protect a STUPID individual when she insists upon doing live TV!!
Well, I suppose pro-life democrats wouldn’t have gotten so many restrictions on the use of public healthcare dollars all on their own. Their positions were empowered in the House by the presence of a solid block of republican NO votes, without which they could have been ignored. I’d guess there might have been other concessions made to minority democratic positions that wouldn’t have happened without the republicans.
You said “retarded”! Twice! Beware the wrath of … ummm… somebody who objects to the word or somebody who will call you a hypocrit for using the word while praising Palin.
Frankly, Pelosi deserves all the support we can give her in her quest for Democrat office sacrifice. You go, girl!! All the way back to San Francisco.
You said *retarded* 😕
Gonna incur the wrath of Palin man… 😛
Oh, I see. It’s hypocritical to praise Sarah while using a word she doesn’t like.
You’re kidding right?
I disagree with Sarah about using that word, and disagree with every politician about one thing or another. Disagreed with Bush on many issues also but still supported him and believed him to be a great President.
There is no perfect candidate.
But I do agree with Sarah on most things and support her immensely.
Hypocritical not.
She’s either a wet brain from all the high priced boozing she does on taxpayer dime or her disassociation with reality and her general confusion over simple facts is spilling out again. They need to spend some porkulousy to see if the bacteria called botox has affected her mind too. Porkulousy for Pelousy. Perhaps that was too kind of a statement and she’s just a flat out blithering idiot and always has been.
The sad thing is that all the Obots will now take that phrase, along with all the other nonsense they learned on the previous night’s Daily Show, and repeat it endlessly.
Conservaties have had plenty of opportunity to voice their ideas…one meeting is plenty of opportunity?? And bipartisan is not when you ask conservatives to go along with your ideas when they disagree w them. I think most liberals are mentally ill. That is the only logical explanation for their ignorant comments like this one.
She actually makes sense when she’s not smoking crack. That must have been sometime in the last decade.
What alternate universe is this (rhymes with witch) from ??? Bueller? Anyone?
I’ll toss this in just for the heck of it:
So, let me see if I have this straight. Politicians who know they will be voted out of office are still supposed to vote FOR ObamaCare so they can be a stepping stone for Queen Pelosi. Is that correct?
She is acting like a queen more and more all the time. She thinks that just because she WANTS something that she should get it. I hope at her next election she gets what most of us in the USA want; an eviction notice for her.
I sent her, Reid, and Obama their PINK SLIP. I printed it on PINK paper and mailed it to them. I suggest others do the same thing. Word it the way you want, but mine said “(person’s name in big letters)HERE IS YOUR PINK SLIP (pink slip in big letters). THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT ON (date of their next election) YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED YOUR SERVIC IS NO LONGER WANTED. PLEASE PREPARE TO: (1) CLEAN OUT YOUR DESK (2) RETURN GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (3) LEAVE (4) DON’T COME BACK
She means that the bill can be drafted to include input from both sides of the isle. ie. Coburn’s idea to send in undercover patients to protect against fraud – EXCELLENT idea. Those of us in food service deal with “secret shoppers” to insure we’re doing our jobs correctly, why shouldn’t a health care professional?
Pelosi is the scariest thing we’ve had in Congress in recent times.
She’s like the non-stop, mission-must-be-fulfilled killing robot from the future in the original “Terminator” film, with Arnie as the killing machine. Just when you think the metal monster is down and dead… OH NO! An ugly head rears up…