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Here is his performance:
Ofreakinbama barry soetoro picks his nose on live TV today at the healthscare summit.
Classy ghetto guy in a tailored suit. They used to call them pimps.

stop the presses, we have a booger eating moron for President.



Promoting Pan-Jihadists on FOX News: To the Morons Who Worship Glenn Beck

He’s good at pointing out why some of the Lefties are wrong, but isn’t capable of seeing why some others are, and has no trouble joining them. He’s a clever entertainer, but apparently a fool.




You should be aware that the out of context global warming partial quote they used for that article is from way back in either 2002 or 2004…he talked about it on his show today but I don’t have time at the moment to look up the exact date and exact quote.

However, quite a lot has changed since then, eh?

During that time period, there was some evidence of an upward temp trend. Of course that temp trend, and its’ supporting data, have now vanished.

Plus, if you care to search for it, Beck has been clearly and consistently in the non man made global warming camp for many, many years.

Finally, be aware that Schlussel is more than a bit over the edge.

I could go through a list of stuff she has posted that is questionable but I quit reading her stuff when she blamed Palin for her teenage daughter getting pregnant.

As a parent of two, soon to be three, teenagers I can assure you that you cannot control them every second of their lives. I can also assure you that they will do things that go 180 degrees in the opposite direction from what they have been taught all their lives.

Schlussel may or may not have children of her own, I don’t know. What I do know for sure is that once you’ve raised a couple of teens, you realize that things are not so nice and neat as some would have you to believe.

For anyone to point a bony finger of accusation at a parent without some sort of evidence to support the claim is beyond the pale.

Don’t blindly follow or believe everything that she, or anyone else, tells you and in return I won’t blindly follow or believe everything that Beck, or anyone else, tells me.

@Aye Chihuahua:

“I won’t blindly follow or believe everything that Beck, or anyone else, tells me.”

That’s all I’m saying, as well, Aye.

Have a great weekend.

Thank God for Glenn Beck.