Breitbart VS Daryle Lamont Jenkins UPDATE

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Aaron Gardner, shared this video of his confrontation with Daryle after his humiliating debate with Breitbart at CPAC.

Daryle LaMont Jenkins, of one people project, decided to call Andrew Breitbart a racist. Afterwards I confronted Daryle on the tactics he is using.

What a race pimp. Should Breitbart be worried about being added to Daryle’s ‘Rogues Gallery‘ at One People Project?

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Can you guys get me press credentials next year? My 270 pounds of muscle and bone, tempered with a cold serious stare, has a calming effect on race baiters, thugs, and Communists.

Wow .. what a BIGOT!!

Jenkins must have a ‘PhD’ in Alinsky Studies!

Classic Leftist definition of the word RACIST—– anyone who disagrees with me.


The definition of racist is far more cynical than that. It means any white person who has the temerity to actually be conservative. By that I mean, any person who uses logic to discriminate between behaviors which lead to failure and evil, and those behaviors which lead to success and good. In the liberal mindset, Since no behavior can be considered better than any other, any lasting success which is not the product of blind luck, must have resulted from some form of chicanery. Since all behaviors are equal, any gain in wealth must have been stolen from those who did not accumulate as much. Therefore, any victim class has been robbed by anyone who is successful. The only way this narative can be justified is by painting all those who engage in the more successful behaviors as racists. It also requires us to ignore all conservatives of color. (B-Rob from Clevecago is always ranting about the lack of Black People in the GOP, even though there are many.) This mindset also requires the elevation to criminal status any conservative person to those same evils perpertrated by the thugs championed by liberals. (Refer to Ward Churchill calling the victims of 911 as little Eichmans.)

It will always be a fool’s erand to use logic and facts in a debate with Daryl Lamont, or any like him. His mind set will not permit this on the most basic level. To the Liberal, life is zero sum, there is no difference between behaviors which lead to success, and those which lead to failure, all cultures are equal. Their belief in equality is not centered around opportunity, but around garuntees of results.

Well stated, Flyover.

Ugh! My hope is that most of the rest of the nation is getting so very sick of this leftist/liberal faux racism bullshit. It really is quite tiresomely obvious.

Just think, the bastard was an Ohio cop for a number of years before he decided to become a full time PC hustler. God only knows how many white skinned “conservative looking” tax payers he harassed and abused while he had a badge.