John McCain will again battle to remain a US Senator.
John McCain (the man) is a patriot and an American hero. Honored and respected by many Americans for what he endured as a prisoner of war for the USA. John McCain (the politician) is a maverick and an American icon. He knows the political machine inside-out in which he has been a part of for quite some time now. He is a knowledgeable and wise man that understands the concept of “out with the old, and in with the new”. He directly introduced to America Sarah Palin and indirectly help put Barack Obama into office. He also indirectly inspired the Tea Party movement and re-energized the conservative ideology. What an interesting person he has proven to be, even today!
My question is will this November election be his last?
Art thought to ponder:
“INSPIRED to become an American president he fell short and caused a conservative movement to become inspired!” –Carlos Pijeira
Here is the artwork drawing that I did Ronald Reagan on Flickr. Enjoy!
SJ Reidhead, the post did open, must have been a code error on MY part, nice re-write too… That’s only a partial of what WAS there… But that’s OK, it’s YOUR delusion and you HAVE been exposed!
Again… 😛
OK, I was wrong, SJ Reidhead did NOT delete the post nor edit it that I can find, it was taking that POS blog so long to load it was timing out, so, that’s GREAT, the original words ARE there, for all to see…
Pinko Flamingo indeed… 😛
@Rodney G. Graves:
Yeah, the Pink Flamingo lady is more like a loon.
I actually got her to admit in comment #3 here that the things she posts on her blog are based on her opinions, not on facts.
This thread was interesting as well.
It’s sad that she’s part of our group, but I guess every tent needs a freak show.
PS…I have screen shots of other “interesting” threads and comments from her site as well like this one where she lied about Robert Stacy McCain. Even when the truth was repeatedly pointed out to her she refused to retract or correct it stating cryptically… “I have the links” but refusing to share them.
Aye Chihuahua: Yeah, the Pink Flamingo lady is more like a loon.
LMAO… Seriously, LMAO… 😛
CARLO such talent in you the shades the eye brow all so perfect thank you.
I do not mind you making fun of me. BUT – you are lying about my posts, and what I write.
cease and desist
I base my work on FACT.
Do not lie about my work.
I do not mind your opinion, but do not slander my good name or my work.
The Pink Flamingo
P. S. Just for Texas Fred: I’ve posted the offending article at The Pink Flamingo.
Cease and desist or what?
You gonna sue the internet? The proof is posted, you’re nutty as a fruitcake… If that hurts, seek help, soon…
@SJ Reidhead:
Who is lying about your posts and what you write?
You LIED about me.
As a writer I MUST be careful about how I document my work. The field in which I work and specialize in requires documentation. I am extremely careful because I my reputation is only as good as my documentation.
Yes, I write my opinion, but I also document what I write.
The Pink Flamingo
Oh goody.
Ms. FeatherHead, teh loon of the Interwebz thinks I lied about something.
Really? Where, precisely?
Show me.
Be careful though. Be sure that you can prove that I “LIED” because that is what you’re claiming.
Your claim. Your onus.
And remember…I have your words documented.
Of course you can feel free to retract your accusation in the absence of the necessary proof.
You are truly amazing.
I stand by my work.
Are you still in a snit because I said something you did not like about R. S. McCain? Golly, get a life. The man was profiled by the SPLC. Yes, I know in the strange see no evil world of the the brain dead far right the SPLC is the ultimate evil, but sorry, the documentation is there.
Please, go ahead and say all the nasty stuff you want to say. I really don’t have time to play your little mind games.
The Pink Flamingo
Aye @ 60,
You forgot to demand the apology that goes along with being unable to prove such a scurrilous accusation.
After reading the original material, it’s clear the author is, excuse the redundancy, a liberal loon. Not only is the content the usual gibbering babble of that species, she seems unacquainted with spell checking technology and the sort of advanced English grammar found in the typical G.E.D. curriculum. I suppose she might seem better for a while if she took heed of “the one’s” example and relied on a teleprompter to mask the core incompetence.
@SJ Reidhead:
I’m still waiting on you to show me specifically where I “LIED” about you.
In all the drivel you posted in number 61 above you failed to provide that information.
So, where is it?
Where’s your proof? Your evidence? Your documentation?
If indeed, I am guilty of that which you accuse me of, you could certainly prove it. Right?
Face it Ms. FeatherHead. You’re a lying liar and you’ve been called out over and over and over again about it with documented proof. Proof, I remind you again, that I screen captured and stored away for an occasion such as today.
Now you’ve waddled yourself into my domain to accuse me of being a liar when you have no proof whatsoever to support your accusation because, after all is said and done, that accusation is nothing more than yet another falsehood that you are attempting to perpetuate.
You see, you’re at a distinct disadvantage here.
The readers of this site know nothing about you outside of the few words you’ve written here and those that you’ve spattered about at your poorly written, lightly trafficked, barely readable site.
On the other hand, the readers here know me. They know my integrity. They know my dogged and relentless and unapologetic pursuit of the truth.
They know that I don’t walk myself out onto a limb unless I have the documentation to prove my contentions.
You said:
Again I’ll ask you:
Where’s your proof? Your evidence? Your documentation?
Of course I don’t really expect an answer…but by failing to respond and by not attempting to prove your contention you’ve shown all of us that your words are nothing more than guano.
Exit question:
When did lying and perpetuating myths about others become a “conservative value”?
Carlos, your drawing of John McCain is wonderful. And I just looked at some of your others. Your subjects’ eyes are simply stunning… you actually capture the character of each person and make him/her come alive. Your drawing of GWB is deeply moving. Even tho I am not a fan of Obama’s, your dwg of him is also stunning. Except I want to say you’ve put more empathy into his eyes than I’ve ever seen. But I am admittedly biased.
Who are all the strange people in here who are obsessed with McCain bashing? I don’t understand that. It’s why I no longer listen to Rush Limbaugh or Hannity or most of the rest of the talkers. I am very proud of my vote for McCain and I happy I got to meet him and Cindy and shake John’s hand in Feb. 08. I do not understand the so-called conservatives who spend so much time going after officials with whom they agree probably 80-90% of the time. Yet these same people will be the first to tell us the Obama administration is the END OF THE WORLD. If they really believed that, they wouldn’t waste a second agitating within the Right spectrum. That’s why I think people like this are probably really Lefties, maybe even paid to do this kind of nonsense.
Anyway, Carlos. I very much appreciate your kind words about Sen. McCain, and your exceptionally warm and skilled pencil work.
I am still trying to figure out what the little bee in your bonnet is, not that I really care.
There is a difference between “TRUTH” and “FACT” that can be documented. I like to use documented facts. If you are still in a guy crush thing over R. S. McCain because I referred to his nasty little associations, then deal with it. He has them.
“…time assistant national editor Robert Stacy McCain resigned from The Washington Times. McCain was particularly close to managing editor Fran Coombs, who had assigned him to write the paper’s “Culture, Et Cetera” section.
McCain, who was once a member of the neo-Confederate hate group League of the South, often filled these briefs with items from hate sites. A foe of interracial marriage, McCain regularly quoted neo-Confederate activists favorably in his stories. In 2005, stories freelanced by McCain to the website of the conservative newspaper Human Events were scrubbed after that publication’s editor, Thomas Winter, was given information by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report about McCain’s racism.
This Tuesday, Hatewatch contacted McCain for comment about the managerial changes at the Times. McCain, who then seemed upbeat, told Hatewatch that he felt that newly named executive editor John Solomon was a “stand-up guy.” McCain added, “Of course, the newsroom was shocked by the back-to-back announcements that both Wes Pruden and Fran Coombs were leaving,” and called both men “excellent newspapermen.” He especially praised Coombs — who has his own history of ties to white supremacy — for being “the cog that turned the wheel, the straw that stirred the drink” at the Times….”
I guess this is what you are trying to find.
The Pink Flamingo
Well, I went and read the comment at The Pinko Flamingo, and it looks to me like the Pinko loon said, “I really am tired of you questioning me about the way I am looking at things. I don’t think I’ve stated that I am presenting absolute facts, but my opinion. There’s a difference.”
Now that is a direct copy and paste from The Pinko Flamingo Blog…
But, I’m sure that we’re taking it out of context, not reading it properly or just made it fit OUR own devices…
SJ Reidhead has been telling people for a long while now that I too lied on her and misquoted her, even though I used copy and paste of her exact words.
SJ Reidhead has been had, and I’m sorry for stirring a firestorm but you folks just had to see this past screed from the truly delusional wannabe blogger known as The Pink Flamingo…
Cease and desist… I am still LMAO over that one… Kind of like a 5 year old that can’t get their way, “You better stop it or I’m gonna tell on you… ”
Thanks for the laughs Cindy, I had forgotten just how far out in Looneyville you really were… 😛
@SJ Reidhead:
Do try and remain focused.
Here, again, is what you said:
I’ll ask again, like I’ve asked multiple times already:
Where’s your proof? Your evidence? Your documentation?
Yep. That’s right Fred.
That’s exactly what she said:
View at
Sheer loonacy.
That’s what it is.
Sheer loonacy.
@SallyVee #65 post.
I do not think you can remotely understand the sheer anger the word, “McCain” brings out in the American Air Craft industry due to his massive support of AirBus and his assaults on Boeing in the past over different issues. Millions of dollars of industry has been lost to local businesses due to previous treatments of Boeing by McCain and the general fallout of such actions on private jet industries within America’s Borders such as Cessna and Hawker Beechcraft. The fallout damages to the stalling of the fueltanker deal for the Air Force has given Wichita’s unemployement numbers a running head start at expanding before the rest of the nation, while giving AirBus the ablity to move into Wichita cheaply due to building foreclosures as businesses slowly shut down due to declining purchasing power of laid off workers. And to add insult to injury, AirBus is using a dirty practice of business by either shipping in its labor force or hiring exculsively out of the Nation and shipping in most of its labor force to avoid the wages Boeing paid to its labor force before lay off.
Ontop of this, he was one of the few Republicans to support the Democrat assault on Private aircraft usage by businesses during the fleeting days of the automakers flew in to Captial Hill to ask for a bailout. The damages onto the Aircraft Industry from this attack has left well 7,000 employees of Cessna unemployed within Wichita, me being one of them. When sales for Cessna and Beechcraft sharply dropped, parts vendors and tool suppliers soon found themselves out of a job which easily makes that number 12,000 or more. Stores that served these labor groups suddenly dried up also had to close due to lack of customers. It’s a domino effect that McCain’s political policies have helped generate, and for that I do not remotely support him. Infact I do think he’s on the blacklist for certain businesses here… a few private jet ones.
I am not a Union loving person. I’m just trying to find a job in this labor dessert. I fear to see what it’s like for Boeing in Washington state for the Aircraft industry.
@Mr. Irons:
You should be aware that Sally Vee is one of Ms. FeatherHead’s very few comment contributors over at the bird cage.
Notice how Sally Vee appeared here within mere moments of teh Interwebz loon getting her feathers plucked on this thread?
The post you are responding to is the first and only time that Sally Vee has posted here.
Strange isn’t it?
Strange indeed, and I cast doubt on such people calling themselves “conservative”, as they don’t yield (to what I deem to be) conservative values. It is rather odd that such “conservatives” are those used as examples by the Chris Matthews and the likes in their talking points…
My gut feeling tells me that people like Matthews forge themselves such blog entries when not behind the camera to make a case of their talking points. It’s rather easy to do a, “friend of a friend of a friend of mine” said so case with blog entries in terms of passing off such sources as fact. But I’m just now rambling.
Thank you very much for your kind words, Sally. And thank you for taking the time to look at my other artwork pieces.
Flopping Aces has provided me with a wonderful opportunity for me to share my work with America and the rest of the world. I can only hope for more creative exposure in the near future!
Good Lord, Chihuahua… living up to your identity of the yipping heel nipper. Go fetch or something will you.
Mr. Irons, I find your story deeply distressing and cannot express sufficient empathy. I do not take a position because I’m not informed enough to dispute anything you say on the personal level. I recall a couple years ago reading a long and surprising piece on the Boeing-Airbus conflict – some might say conflagration. My impression then was that very smart & good people on both sides of the issue had persuasive but polar opposite ideas and views. Leaving me very much unsettled and out of my depth. Knowing your situation renews my interest. Do you think it’s fair to say that your industry was headed for tumult due to a variety of factors and shifting trends, other than political meddling?
I do wish you all good fortune and opportunity. Have you looked at the rather robust aviation activity in Charlotte, NC which I’m told is a delightful place to live.
Oh! Looky, looky.
Ms. FeatherHead’s cage mate has shown up full of fluff, bluster, and insult…but no value or substance.
Of course I’m not surprised…birds of a feather and all that.
Is there nothing at all in my posts you care to try and refute?
No? I didn’t think so.
Sally, I care not for your pity nor your sheer ignorance of the matters of the Aircraft Industries. Public jet transports market globaly were in grave trouble for 2004 to 2007 fiscal years, of which is market share dominated by AirBus of which I must point out is suffering from faulty crafts. Boeing has maintained a status quo of meeting the “break even point” to maintain employement levels for the last few years to prevent the massive layoffs that have now happened by relying on private contracts and military contracts for Private Military Companies. Cessna’s sales figures for 2004 up to Janurary 1st of 2009 were rock solid and were climbing till investors and creditors of various buyers paniced that Congress would be pounding down their doors with regulations and audits after the Automobile bailout hearings. Even Bell Helicopter, a sister company of Cessna within Textron’s composite enterprise was fiscaly successful for even 2007 when the supposed “recession” started.
If Boeing is rewarded the fueltanker deal with the Air Force, this would mean easily 50,000 jobs to be supplied to American workers in Washington, Utah, Kansas, Iowa, and a few other states that supply the raw materials and electronics used to create each tanker. McCain has made it rather clear he would rather see Airbus be rewarded with the contract and give jobs that are desperately needed for Americans to a foriegn nation of whom modern day allegiances rest on decaying ground.
Do NOT mock me with your suggestion of AirBus hell that is N.C. It’s hardly smelling like a rose economicaly itself due to the recent failures of AirBus passenger liners in the news. As I said before, I do not need your ignorance.
I’ll say one thing, Sally V really grabbed my attention with that heel biter remark!