Will He Hold On To Power? [Reader Post]



John McCain will again battle to remain a US Senator.

John McCain (the man) is a patriot and an American hero. Honored and respected by many Americans for what he endured as a prisoner of war for the USA. John McCain (the politician) is a maverick and an American icon. He knows the political machine inside-out in which he has been a part of for quite some time now. He is a knowledgeable and wise man that understands the concept of “out with the old, and in with the new”. He directly introduced to America Sarah Palin and indirectly help put Barack Obama into office. He also indirectly inspired the Tea Party movement and re-energized the conservative ideology. What an interesting person he has proven to be, even today!

My question is will this November election be his last?

Art thought to ponder:

“INSPIRED to become an American president he fell short and caused a conservative movement to become inspired!”
–Carlos Pijeira

Here is the artwork drawing that I did Ronald Reagan on Flickr. Enjoy!

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John McCain IS the definition of RINO…

I don’t know where you come from Carlos, but you lost ME right after the part about McCain’s military service, that was all I could think of to NOT criticize this poser for…

My question is will this November election be his last? I certainly hope so…

Pasture… McCain
McCain… Pasture

I thank John S. McCain for his service and wish him the very best in his retirement from public life.

This is disgusting.

First, no one in their right mind would vote for J. D. Hayworth. The man is tainted, while probably not corrupt, has had is big toe in the dirty water with Abramoff to the point where he could not even be re-elected in his own Congressional district. Now, the conservative tea partying kool aid drinkers think Hayworth can carry the state? Someone needs to have their head examined.

Something very nasty is going on in the far right conservative world that is infecting even those who can think straight. A loss for McCain is the loss of a Senate seat. I am more interested in defeating Obama and preserving what we have left of this country. I could care less about conservative “purity” which is nothing but a rank repudiation of everything Reagan ever believed in.

If that makes me a RINO then so be it. I cannot fathom the irrational mind-set of people who are interested only in purity and libertarian, Glenn Beck inspired ideals.

God help us all!

The Pink Flamingo

@TexasFred: I’m no big fan of McCain and have criticized his less than conservative positions to his face and at length.

But I’m willing to cut him some slack. Lately he’s been a very strong and effective leader in opposition to Obama’s wrongheaded fiscal and national security policies.

Would I be upset if J.D. Hayworth beats him in the primary? No. Every Senator deserves to have a strong primary fight every so often and McCain more than most.

I also won’t be too upset if McCain wins the primary and goes on to be re-elected.

And anyone who wants to call me a RINO better be loaded for bear because I am.

McNasty wasted his hero status decades ago. However he did
1) stop President Bushe’s tax cut from being made perment.
2) conspired with Finemen to limit Free Speech
3) denied score of conservative candidates from becomes judges
4) sank any hopes of drilling for our own oil in the US using the Gang of 14.
5) attacked the GOP more venomently then the opposition in his POTUS run.
This man is not moraly fit ie his first wife, to be in the senate and NO opponent
can be worse.
One big benefit if he loses maybe he will tumble other rinos…such as Hatch

McCain is not my favorite but I do not think JD can win in the general.
There is a very attractive veteran in Tucson the Ds will run against JD. McCain is not perfect but he would win in the general hands down.
This is a vendetta for JD, there are plenty of Ds in Az he could have run against.

Forrest Mump.

To paraphrase Patton

““I would rather have a Democrat in front of me than McCain having my back.”

Fantom @ 8


My question is will this November election be his last?

I hope so.

One thing is certain,this J.D. character ain’t no Marco Rubio,who I expect can far outshine Sarah by 2012.

JD Hayworth will be a great Senator for the State of Arizona! His positions on immigration, fiscal responsibility, radical Islam and federal government size are right on target.

It was a disgrace to have my HR district go to Harry Mitchell. The true definition of a bought out democrat politician.

Yes, time for Maverick to mosey out to pasture.

With his voting record over the past generation, somehow I can’t see how a McAmnesty win much serves anyone in the GOP, to say nothing of conservatives. Don’t forget, this is the guy who was in negotiations with the dimocraps to bolt the Republican party in 2001, only to lose the brass ring of posh committee assignments to jumpin’ jim jeffords. Don’t forget, this is the “Republican” Senator who votes with the lefties at least half the time.

How often do you think the Democrat would vote with the Democrats?

skat @ 15, Inconclast @ 14

That’s a problem for the Democratic whip. As far as the Republican’s go, McCain needs to.

Thank you for your service, John S. McCain, and enjoy your retirement from public life.

You got to take your help when and where you can get it! I know McCain has fallen short on several issues; ideally we shouldn’t have to work with someone like him when he has such obvious blind spots. But he has shown some true testicular fortitude at certain key times on certain patriotic necessities, especially lately. By the same logic, we should not have supported Scott Brown – and we would have lost a priceless opportunity. For one thing, any man who has been 100% pro-life, at some times when it was very hard to be so, has earned my respect as a man of conscience and someone you can work with. My assessment last year was that he was an old school man of character, at least, and filled with patriotic impulses unlike the One we ended up with! Go ahead and point out where he’s gone wrong loudly; heckle him if you want, but don’t hand the Democrats a free seat!

Influential and consistently un-reliable is as good as in the enemy camp.

@Rodney Graves: He’s not consistently un-reliable. In fact, all this year he’s been VERY reliable.

John McShamnesty epitomizes what’s been wrong with the clueless, spineless Republicans over the past 10 years. If Obama had been a Republican (hard to imagine) and McCain had been the Democrat (not a stretch), Obama would have STILL won!

McShamnesty is dependable given he will always sell out conservative values. He’ll bluster with righteous indignation over our soldiers, than vote to give away our freedoms over some DC knows best entitlement.

JD, just keep reminding folks that Johnny Mac suspended his campaign last fall to go “fix the economy”. $850 billion later, he gave us TARP.

Let Goldman Sachs give him a job next December. They owe the man.

I don’t enjoy defending McCain, but seriously, folks? Apparently McCain Derangement Syndrome is a real affliction.

@Serfer62 #5:

1) stop President Bushe’s tax cut from being made perment.

Something worth considering:

This is one of those issues where the whole story and context is important. From Kevin Stach of the Wall Street Journal:

In 2001, with the bitter primary battle still fresh, Mr. McCain voted against the final Bush tax-cut package. Why would he deviate from a pro-growth, tax-cutting position, built up over 17 years in Congress and dozens of votes, even after running on a tax-cut plan himself in 2000?Mr. McCain’s protest that he wanted spending cuts to accompany the Bush tax cuts has persuaded few conservatives. But what is not remembered is that, two weeks earlier, Mr. McCain voted to approve the final version of the Budget Resolution — the blueprint used by congressional committees for spending and tax bills — which included $1.35 trillion in tax cuts (the Bush proposal) coupled with a $661 billion cap on discretionary spending. When the promised spending cap never materialized, Mr. McCain denounced the wasteful earmarks and pork-barrel spending that he felt jeopardized the budget, and lodged the now famous protest vote against the tax cuts.

To not recognize the reason why, is to distort his record when it comes to tax cuts. In his 25 years serving in the Senate, he has never voted for a tax increase. And he has pledged to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. Nothing in his record should indicate he is untrustworthy on this.

2) conspired with Finemen to limit Free Speech


McCain-Feingold was a piece of useless, misguided legislation but it’s done no serious damage to the country, the constitution or the conservative pro-life cause. After nearly seven years on the books, robust and impassioned discussion of political issues and candidates is more vibrant and free-wheeling than ever. The pro-life movement (with McCain’s enthusiastic support) has made substantial progress in the last seven years, changing minds and hearts and driving abortion rates to their lowest point in 29 years—unimpeded by McCain-Feingold. More people are involved in donating to candidates and causes than before the legislation, and there’s been an increase in the broadcast of campaign ads and distribution of political materials, not a reduction. Does any American – particularly those in key primary states – honestly believe we now have a shortage of political ads on TV? Those who say that McCain-Feingold took away free speech make no more sense than leftists who claim that the Patriot Act destroyed civil liberties or crushed dissent: their arguments remain utterly disconnected from the real world experience of every American. Hard-hitting, free wheeling debate is alive and well in the land of the free. McCain favored counterweights to lobbyist influence and the corrupting impact of money in politics because he saw that commercial involvement as a powerful force toward corporate welfare and government expansion—betraying the small government ideals he has always embraced.

Furthermore, for someone who is supposedly responsible for a vast assault on our free speech, McCain introduced the “Broadcaster Freedom Act”, as a valiant effort to protect talk radio- the medium that has been mercilessly unrelenting in their witch-hunt-styled hysteria to disown him as a true consevative- from Democratic Party attempts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

3) denied score of conservative candidates from becomes judges

Senator McCain has supported every conservative judge who has ever come up for nomination, including in the lower courts. And he strongly supported voting to have Alito confirmed. What about the “Gang of 14”?

John McCain organized “The Gang of Fourteen” to win- not to block -the Confirmation of Conservative Judges, and his efforts succeeded in the Senate.

This group of seven Republicans and Seven Democrats (representing a full 14% of the US Senate, obviously) ultimately broke the logjam that had delayed confirmation of some of the most conservative nominees of President Bush. Because of McCain’s leadership, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito won Supreme Court confirmation without filibuster from the Democrats. He also secured the previously blocked confirmations of Appellate Judges William Pryor, Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen, and Brett Kavanaugh, previously filibustered by Democrats. At the same time, McCain and his “gang” managed to protect the right to filibuster – an important tool with obvious value now that Republicans find themselves in the minority. McCain has never opposed a Republican nominee for the Supreme Court; unlike some of his prominent fellow Republicans, he actively supported the nomination of Judge Robert Bork. His disagreement with Senate Republican leader Bill Frist on the “Gang of Fourteen” issues involved questions of tactics, not the goal of securing a judiciary that honors the principles of strict construction.

5) attacked the GOP more venomently then the opposition in his POTUS run.

Please be specific: How did he attack the GOP “more venemously/vehemently” than the opposition in 2008?

@Iconoclast #14:

Don’t forget, this is the guy who was in negotiations with the dimocraps to bolt the Republican party in 2001,


Only because you probably want to believe the worst about him. Truth is: He didn’t bolt from the Republican party now, did he?

I, for one, do not support nor love McCain’s political policies towards Boeing Aircraft. His assaults on Boeing in the past over various issues, most recent being the Air Force Tanker contract, have cost Kansas and Washington state critical industry to sustain the local economies of both States. I am sickened by this man for being bribed by AirBus to charter and promote that piece of worthless hunk of metal for an airplane maker within our borders while local businesses are treated like urchins. This man does not earn my respect, no matter how much he’s seen, “the conservative” light of things now. He’ll give lip service to only sweeten the ears of would be voters and businessmen, and should be viewed onto with caution.

@ Wordsmith # 21

With respect, sir, your linked reference is to an event which occurred nearly four years after that which I addressed. The clinton “endorsement” was a statement about her personally, blurted in response to an unanticipated inquiry, not one of principle or policy.

During the 2000 NH Primary, the Senator was my preferred candidate and, to my shame, garnered my vote . . . by, literally, lying to my face (although I don’t recall if he exposed his disingenuity a few months further in the primary process or it was later). So, originally, at least, I had a very high opionion of him, ‘K?

You are correct, “he didn’t bolt.” But *ONLY* because jeffords beat him to it . . . *NOT* because of principle. He may in fact be true to his principles; I don’t know. What I *do* know is that his overall record is one of voting with the dimocraps roughly as often with his own party – and frequently on the wrong side of issues which are of concern to me.

I don’t trust him – for cause – and believe a large part of the problem we have in this nation is because of this sort of “Republican” dimocrap lite which so readily yields to / collaborates with the left. Could the people of AZ do worse? Absolutely – see, e.g., janet napolitano. But that doesn’t mean Hayworth might not be better or that Mr. “hands across the aisle” will do all that much to mitigate the disaster of liberalism.

In my heart I believe that McCain did his best to lose the election, going so far as to support attacks on Obama’s integrity, which turned out to be disastrous.
He also allowed his campaign staff to trash Palin after the election for whatever reason, and did nothing to stop the slander.

John McCain has a deep, abiding contempt for the United States–the Nation which he holds responsible for his years of torture in Hanoi. In his perpetual attempt to “get even” with a country and people by whom he was “betrayed”, he has cheerfully led the way in undermining the Constitution and the individual rights and liberty of American citizens. Whether by the creation of 40 million “illegal” citizens, trampling on the Constitution via McCain/Feingold or helping to put a Marxist, America hating, traitor in the White House, McCain has not missed a beat in his arrogant, self-serving drive to fulfill a “you’ll be sorry” pledge made during his captivity. I genuinely believe this to be the case. McCain is a danger to this nation…virtually in the league of Obama and friends.

“while there are plenty of bad Republicans, there are no good Democrats”

Ann Coulter


I find I must beg to differ both with you, and with Miss Coulter.

Ted Kennedy and John Murtha are both good Democrats.

While I would follow LCDR John McCain into harm’s way, I have no use for Sen. John McCain.

Putting aside all of his lawless and unconstitutional positions on illegal aliens and campaign finance, I will never forgive him for running one of the worst Presidential campaigns in history.

Really. Can anyone tell me what he stood for? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?

He didn’t learn from John Kerry that being a veteran and campaigning with your wife will get you through the primaries, but you must offer more in the General Election for the people to elect you to the most powerful elective office on the planet.

He stands for nothing and he has no vision. That’s why in a mere four months, Sarah Palin stood out like a beacon in his foggy, lackluster campaign.

He’s a maverick, but only against conservatives. He is never a “maverick” against liberals or the anti-American media. Maverick? Not so much.

Good bye, John McCain. You took our support and squandered it for some non-existent, illusory concept of non-partisanship. Thanks to you, we now have President Obama.

McCain derangement is alive and spreading. Too bad, he isn’t perfect. I live in AZ and I’m with all the ones who say JD will not prevail against a good Dem, McCain is a better chance. Arizona is no longer the bastion of hard-core Republicanism it once was. There are many Hispanics and they know JD has kissed up to Indians while saying throw the Mexicans out–they may remember that.

Mac is an opportunist and a realist and consequently has talked to Dems. Oh the horror. I don’t believe at all that he is trying to destroy the country, though. You’re confused with Obama. JD was abrasive as a rep and never saw a piece of pork he didn’t like; McCain at least can be bullied into shame about the many, many times he’s complained about earmarks. I’m an independent so I can’t vote in the primary, but it wouldn’t be for JD. He should stay on the air and whip up conservative sentiment.

Rodney Graves @16
No, an Arizona Democrat Senator will be OUR problem! Any Democrat will be to the left of McCain on every issue, will vote with the Democrats on every issue and we will be left with less power and influence than we have now.

skat @ 30,

Better get yourself busy for McCain then. I already sent my contribution to JD.

Absolutlely, John McCain wanted to lose his bid for the presidency! McCain knew that if he let Obama win, John could win in 4 years, possibly setting himself up as president for life! Sarah Palin was in on the nefarious plot – promised a gig at Fox until she and McCain can take over as rulers.

One problem, you guys can’t make up your minds if McCain helped Obama by being too easy on him or by being too hard on him.

Rodney Graves@31,
You might as well send it to Rodney Glassman, the Democrat candidate.

Anyone notice that John Shadegg, Jeff Flake, and Trent Franks, all of whom are real conservatives and have worked with JD in the House, endorsed John McCain? Doesn’t that raise any flags for you? Please, please don’t even say they are RINOS or sell-outs!

Sheriff Joe’s endorsement of JD doesn’t mean much. I agree with Sheriff Joe on his positions, but he endorsed Janet Napalitano over Matt Salmon for Arizona governor. His endorsement put Napalitano over the top. Why did he do that? Aripiao wanted to be the Republican gubernatorial candidate, plain and simple. Janet’s governorship didn’t work out too well for the sheriff.


Don’t much care about mutual backscratching. Don’t matter to me that Sarah Palin has repaid her debt by endorsing and campaigning for McCain.

I thank John S. McCain for his service, and wish him well in retirement from public life.

On Drudge, McCain admits to being “misled” about the Tarp bailout. Really, John? It took you 15 months to figure that out all by yourself, did it?

I’m sorry. 24 years is more than enough for this man to be Senator. What is it with these people that they continue on, for ever? Is Robert Byrd running again? Is he even got a pulse? It would be different if they brought sound judgment to the chamber. But this “I was misled” mea culpa? Shouldn’t there be some sort of shame, and admittance that he should go quietly into the night?

What do you hope to accomplish with 6 more years, Juan McShamnisty?


Indeed. If a 24 year veteran of the Senate is that easily misled, then he lacks the judgment to continue to serve. If he’s lying for political expediency, then he’s unworthy.

Choose one and ride it, John, though I do thank you for your service and wish you the very best in your retirement from public life.

Rodney Graves@34,
Yes, I’m sure it all boils down to back scratching. Shadegg, Flake, Franks, Palin would never make a decision based on integrity or personal convictions. They want the worst candidate and senator, because they don’t care anything about America or Arizona. It’s all about who can do the most for them. Wow

Yeah, because we need more of that leadership that John McCain showed in gifting America with the Amnesty bill, filibusters on judicial appointments, TARP, McCain-Feingold (AKA the George Soros Enabling Act), and his 2008 Presidential campaign: you know, the one where he showed that toal amateur Socialist from Chicago what was what.

He’s done enough damage to America for one career. Time to go home, John,


I thank John S. McCain for his service and wish him well in his retirement from public life.

“Will He Hold On To Power? ”

Nope. It isn’t his to hold onto. He didn’t even bother to run to the right in ’08, the only reason he’s doing it now is the tea party movement. For a party that has the elephant as a mascot some have a very short memory.

I believe McCain will win and he is the best candidate to help defeat the libs.

Tom N @ 41,

You may be right. Then again…

Come election time, McCain comes home and talks like a Conservative, then he goes back to Washington and votes like a liberal.

@SJ Reidhead You may be a lot of things, I thought a Conservative HATER was more of a proper definition?? Should I break out that post from a while back?? The one you deleted after the TRUTH about you came out? The one that exposed your anti-Conservative views??

Oh what the heck, everyone needs to share in this lunacy… Keep in mind, SJ Reidhead deleted the post a few weeks after she made it because she was taking MASSIVE heat from any and everyone that read this.. Enjoy:

I HATE Conservatives – A Moonbat Exposed


More like PinkoFlamingo…

That’s it.

Dear Texas Fred:


I did not delete any post. I do not delete posts. You do need to get a life, that post was so long ago. I don’t even remember when I wrote it. I think it was on the old blog. If so, it’s still there. I do not delete posts. I stand by my work.


The Pink Flamingo


Bad week to stop huffing?

OK Cindy, I guess that post not popping up is a code error… LMAO…

And I know, when you rant that much it’s tough to remember, but I didn’t lie, and the words, direct quotes from your OLD blog, are there for ALL to see…

The TRUTH hurts huh?? 😛

@Sam: I saw Ann say this. She wants it on her tombstone.

I am so sick of McCain. Have been for years. It is way beyond time for him to go. I think November will be his last.