To implicate Taxed Enough Already in Joseph Stack’s airplane attack on the Austin IRS building, AP reporter Jim Vertuno claims that the 1995 Oklahoma bombing was a tax protest:
The tax protest movement has a long history in the U.S. and was a strong component of anti-government sentiments that surged during the 1990s. That wave culminated in the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people. Several domestic extremists were later convicted in the plot.
Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh said otherwise. Like Stack, McVeigh provided a manifesto of his motivations. In “Why I bombed the Murrah building,” McVeigh said that he was avenging the slaughter of the Branch Dividians at Waco. (Other letters also mention Ruby Ridge.) He never mentions taxes.
So is Vertuno’s mis-description of McVeigh’s motivation a bald lie, knowingly misleading readers in an attempt to rewrite history more congenial to his presumptions? Or is this mere ignorant presumption by a another of AP’s leftist ideologues, assuming that whatever is most congenial to his presumptions must be the truth?
Either way, it is clear that he has no interest in what is actually true. If Vertuno does not know that he is misleading his readers it is only because he does not care whether he is misleading them, or he would have bothered to check. No shoe leather required. Just Google “McVeigh” and “motive.” The first search result is from The New York Times:
TERROR IN OKLAHOMA – THE OVERVIEW – TERROR IN OKLAHOMA – THE …Apr 25, 1995 … Mr. McVeigh’s motive appears to center on his extreme anger over the deaths of more than 80 people in the fiery assault in Waco, …
Misfeasance or malfeasance, it should be a firing offense either way. If AP were a real news organization, instead of a propaganda arm of the Democrat-left, Vertuno would be gone.
Stack was actually a leftist, ending his manifesto with a paean to communism:
The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.
To pin him on the Tea Party, Washington Post contributor Jonathan Capehart deliberately misquoted Stack, omitting his paean to communism without the use of ellipses. As Ace notes:
This was no mistake. This was a deliberate alteration of a document in order to lie to the audience.
Lies of omission (Capehart) or commission (Vertuno) are standard industry practice. Every day, our Democrat-dominated media spins every story for maximum partisan advantage. That means only telling the truth when there is no left-wing advantage in lying, or when lying spends too much of the media’s dwindling believability to be the best way to serve their partisan ends.
Does the baldness of the Vertuno and Capehart lies make them miscalculations? Not at all. Look at Vertuno’s case. He gets his lie in the print edition of numerous papers, pretending that the Oklahoma bombing was a tax protest. Only a very small percentage of readers will remember 15 years after the fact what McVeigh was actually about, so Vertuno has a good chance of rewriting history for a lot of people. The only correction will come in the conservative blogosphere, where everybody already knows that AP can’t be trusted. Thus he gets a lot of partisan mileage at very little cost, even for a straightforward lie.
Very simply, near monopoly control of the established media is gigantic advantage, and those who are willing to use it for maximum propaganda value can achieve a lot. It is going to be a long road to take these dirtbags down.
The vicious smears against the Tea Party movement are only going to get worse. The Clinton smear machine is back.
Perhaps, since the Tea PArty movement is small and localised enough to acually be asociated to specific individuals leading local groups, perhaps,,, they could file a lawsuit for defamation/slander/lible?
As to whether Vertuno’s lie about the Oklahoma bombing is libelous, I should clarify that he does not mention the Tea Party movement by name, but instead (in what I quoted) refers to the “long history” of “the tax protest movement.” Tea Parties are the current incarnation of the tax protest movement (TEA=Taxed Enough Already, though the real focus is on spending), so Vertuno is clearly implicating the Tea Partiers, but since he does not use the Tea Party name, I’m pretty sure he would be insulated from suit.
Capehart was not so coy. He directly misquoted Stack’s manifesto in order to wrongly attach this domestic terrorist to the Tea Party movement. This is analagous to a news outlet claiming that Jeffery Dahmer was a Democrat or a Republican, when he actually wasn’t (a purely hypothetical example–I have never seen Dahmer’s politics discussed). The Dhamer example would probably be actionable. The only difference in the Capehart case is that there is no definitive Tea Party organization to take up suit, allowing Capehart to deny he was referring to any specific group or person.
That puts him back in the same boat as Vertuno, who did not slander a particular party, but an entire historical movement. Should current members of that movement be able to sue for that slander? Probably a bad idea, but there is a case to be made.
The teabaggers have enough wackjobs in their midst that no one need exaggerate their nuttiness. Just look at the posters and watch the interviews on youtube, explaining themselves in their own words. “Keep your government hands off my Medicare” being the best summary of the lack of knowledge and insight in that crew. It is easy to rail against overspending; it is another thing to oppose any reductions in the very programs that are making us go broke.
@BRob: You’ve got some nerve calling other people ignorant. You’ve been nailed countless times here for being nothing more than a parrot for distorted, willfully ignorant talking points provided by George Soros.
And the fact that you insult the tea partiers with your vile sexual reference is yet another example of why you are beneath contempt.
and, here come’s brob

I’m sure many have seen youtube videos of the left’s…..Keith Olbermann, Mike Malloy, Rosie and Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Michael Moore, Bill Maher, David Schuster, the Pinkos, ANSWER, etc. all representitives of the left….and, lets not forget Janeane Garafalo… appears that her own dog knows what she’s good for in this youtube video:
Outside of lefty infiltrators, members of the tea party movement are extraordinary patriots, salute!
Mike, you f-idiot. As I have shown before, they all started this by rallying people to “teabag” various and sundry Dems. When you propose “teabagging” people, you run the risk of being called a “teabagger.”
And I noticed that you did not actually respond to the central point: there are a ton of unhinged nuts associated with the teabaggers. There is simply no disputing that fact.
Missy — nice attempt at changing the subject. But my point remains: youtube is NOT A FRIEND of the teabaggers. Because the camera don’t lie.
And this is interesting: the original article, which you guys panned, said NOTHING about teabaggers or about McVeigh being an anti-tax protester. You folks made that up!
What he said, which is obviously true, is that anti-tax protest was a huge part of the anti-government protests in the 90s. Gordon Kahl and the Posse Committatus nuts, for example. And the anti-government protest obviously led to Waco and Ruby Ridge and OK City. I know you folks wish that wingnuts were NOT behind the worst incident of terrorism in US history before 9/11, but there it is . . . .
Nonsense. Let’s see, we have all seen the video of SEIU thugs beating the snot out of a man selling “Don’t Tread On Me Flags.” We’ve seen many videos of speeches by tea party participants whose goals are to protect the Constitution. We’ve seen the video of the mall in DC after the the tea party march, and remembered the video of the condition of the mall after the Inaguration, what a stark difference, your team left it looking like a garbage pit.
We’ve seen videos, many of them that I doubt you bothered to even look at because you, brob, are a one trick pony, am thinking it’s of the stationary type on a carosel just going round and round in your own little world.
Missy, yet again, you bring in something else entirely unrelated to the nuts among the teabaggers. Why do you keep changing the subject? Oh, never mind, I know why you are changing the subject: because the truth hurts.
Yes, I am a “one trick pony.” I exist to keep you people honest . . . no, that’s not true: I am here to introduce some honesty to this place. See, you cons are in a fantasy world that is self-reinforced. I don’t ascribe to your nonsense, so I can bring a little taste of reality to the table.
@BRob: You know what you are saying is offensive and yet you say it anyway. I would think someone who has been PROVEN over and over and over to be WRONG, WRONG and MORE WRONG, would be a bit more careful about insulting the very people who are schooling him.
I have dust mites in my carpets who think they are king of the world too. Until I show up with my vacuum cleaner.
Mike, you claim you are a smart guy. And the best you can come up with is . . . George Soros? W.t.f. is wrong with you?
Oh, I get it! You can’t actually REFUTE what I say, so your resort to personal attacks! Sorta like the dumb kid in the back of the class who doesn’t know the answer, so he tries to disrupt things to distract people from recognizing how ignorant he is.
The subject, Mike, was whether the teabaggers have some serious nuts among them. Why don’t you try to offer some counter to that claim instead of changing the subject to (a) whether people who are threatening to teabag other people should be called teabaggers, or (b) whether George Soros (whoever the hell he is) would approve of this discussion? I think the reason is the same reason no one tried to argue that the Palin rallies in 2008 did NOT have a bunch of racist nutcakes making fools of themselves: because the truth is what it is.
BRob can’t even spell his correct name BOob.
I don’t know why anyone responds to this Brown Bagger. He isn’t here for honest debate or discussion and he has no point other than to harass by being an ass.
I know that we like to be better than the lefty blogs and not go around banning or blocking people just because we disagree with them. But I do think there is a valid and reasonable motive in banning someone who comes here just make vile comments and accusations and incite contentious exchanges with no intellectual value. I’m pretty sure, just from reading the caliber of the writing by BOob, that he is not what/who he claims to be.
Oh but I wish that he were. Wouldn’t it be high-larry-us to know that we few, we merry band of patriots, can tie up the activities and the limited mental faculty, of some expensive lefty loon of a lawyer, for hours on hours of this petty bickering where they never will make a single iota of progress simply because their posts are so ill-informed and offensive. BOob serves well as a recruiting and re-committing force for our side. One read of this ignorant ass-hat calling us racist nutcakes and those who might have wavered are doubling down.
When I read BOob’s trash it makes me want to drive over to the local college, find a Obama supporter and berate the shit out of them for their simple mined, racial motivated, myopic thinking. It’s like my buddy who carried a laminated photo of the World Trade Center just before collapse in his shirt pocket on his tours to Iraq and Afghanistan.
So, rethinking things all together, maybe we should all thank BOob. This Arrogantly ignorant ass is a perfect motivator to be well informed and doubly committed to destroying his kind where ever we can find them. And to never forget that they are out there. Even in our home towns. Look for them. Let them know that the lights are on now. So it’s time they scurry away to hide under the refrigerator.
Baloney! You want to make an example of a few protesters from a vast assortment of ideas relating to the tea party movement and then you attempt to tell us because of your examples all members of the movement are nuts. But, you refuse to take ownership of the absolute loons on your side, some actually share the views of your representatives in Congress, yet expect the entire tea party movement to be pidgeon holed by your biased views.
Since you obviously ignore links, perhaps you need to go back to the top of the thread and read McVeigh’s letter, he said, he was avenging the deaths of Ruby Ridge and Waco, he also was upset by bombing Iraqi cities during war, but, what would he know.
FA has already refuted your prattle, it’s all in the archives, study it, source it or drop it. My question to you, why is it that you continue to bloviate false information? You have again and again been proven to be a purveyor of leftwing talking points that are not factual, then hide for a few days come back and recite more crap and then claim to be keeping “us” honest? What a laugh!
Claiming to not know who Soros leaves me to believe you are ignorant or a liar.
Missy you simp: the fact is that anti-tax people were well represented among the anti-government types . . . which is what the guy said. My point, of course, remains: there are plenty of nuts among the teabaggers. You know it and everyone else knows it, too. They are the next generation of the unhinged people who populated the Palin rallies . . . you know, the race baiting rednecks who basically ensured Obama the 2008 election by making moderates want nothing to do with Susie Sunshine.
I have never met George Soros and I would not know him if he carjacked me. So why Mike the Genius keeps bringing him up, I don’t know.
@TSgt Ciz: You’re assuming he’s an “expensive lawyer?” Cheap paralegal is more like it.
But yes, he does serve no purpose other than to illustrate how totally devoid of substance the lefties remain. He has no valid point here that is worth considering.
Calling Tea Partiers names and insulting the readers here just proves how empty these Obamatons are.
BOOB, or BLOB… they all fit.
brob, you idiot. They aren’t anti-tax people, they are anti-irresponsible spending of taxes. They are protesting elected representatives that are putting this country in a deep hole leaving astronomical debt to generations following. That is why this vast assortment of protesters have been against BOTH parties. They aren’t against “government” they are against those that govern out of the boundaries of the Constitution.
You decry those in the tea party movement as “nuts” and use a term purposely meant to demean fellow citizens. Definition of tea bagger, that you have been informed of:
“insertion of one man’s sack into another person’s mouth”
IMHO, that puts you smack dab in the librul nut bunch I mentioned several posts above.
Go ahead and trash a broad section of America that doesn’t choose to live in your world at a time when Independents are leaving your camp in droves. They’ve seen it, done it and didn’t want the shirt. You, and what you represent is what people are now recognizing as offensive and you never fail to make an example.
Yeah, I’m sure you haven’t “met” him, peon, and doubt that he would ever need his driver to “hijack” anyone, let alone you. From the websites you’ve posted in the past, your talking points are funded by Soros. I suggest you do a bit of research, kind of like, not knowing the law is no excuse. same-o, same-o.
In the filter. P&T
Speaking of “unhinged nuts”…. and the master of “personal assaults”…. here comes @billy bob, right on cue.
I see… Clinton and Reno’s FBI attacking the Waco compound over gun possession is the tea party movement’s fault now. Or, billy bob, in your extreme racist mind and ‘tude, is everyone who disagrees with federal government overstepping Constitutional boundaries “anti-government”?
More blanket aspersions from Mr. Class Warfare. You can, and should, rail against a government out of control. If you wish to term it anti-government, that’s your erroneous perspective. Me? I consider questioning government and their seizure of unConstitutional powers *very* American.
Missy says:
Consider billy bob’s statement INRE Waco and Ruby Ridge, I have to ask you this, Missy…. When did billy bob get a promotion to idiot from pondscum racist?
But then, billy bob doesn’t like to talk about the racists and radicals sharing his views. Nor does he like to talk about the Panther movement getting a pass for their voter intimidation from his affirmative action obsessed POTUS and DOJ.
Typical. Facts are optional when you want to put on a showcase trial. Really, billy bob… I do hope your paralegals put forth better arguments on your behalf. Good thing your law firm has the huge selection of talent they do. Ample ways to avoid your services with lots of choices.
But as to @TSgt Ciz’s comment, lawsuits are a waste of valuable cash that could be more effectively utilized elsewhere. Besides, you aren’t suing an corporate entity nor party, but a grassroots movement of political beliefs for fiscal responsibility. Just where do you begin?
Even in “blue Oregon”, the liberal citizens are shunning the progressive agenda and BS spending. Received a newsletter from Oregon GOP Rep Dennis Richardson just today. (hard to believe they have any in Oregon, but they do have a few)
Seems they put out a Construction Survey questionaire to several thousand Oregon contractors, of which 500 responded.
The survey was mailed to industry professionals… despite party registration. And considering that a conservative in Oregon is a rare bird anyway, the chances of many of these being Obama voters is a high percentage.
The summary? Pure “tea party” principles…. stop making it hard from the private citizen to make a living, and quit beating up on business. And oh, BTW… lots of comments on those high paid pension making, union government employees and their inefficiency.
Wow… some “radical” anti-government, anti-American principles there… /sarc
So billy bob…. how does it feel to be in political free fall? Gosh darn, it’s sad you don’t recognize it yet. I cry nightly over your lack of astute perspectives… LOL
Then again, maybe you do recognize it… along with YOUR POTUS… and that’s why you live on as an amoeba talking point for “da won”. Perhaps you think you spar with those of the same pathetically low news and research exposure as you?
Here’s one to entertain your day while your paralegals do your work for you…. you and YOUR POTUS have had supermajority control for over a year now, and yet you still can’t accomplish your desired Euro-socialist America.
The irony of this doesn’t hit you yet? The GOP, conservatives and tea party movements are powerless in Congress. The ball was all yours in the b-ball game. You had no opposition that could even make it competitive. Might as well been five men against two on the court.
And you still lose…. Your one term POTUS and his Congress have accomplished nothing but spending the nation’s posterity into deep debt with zip for results.
It comes to this, billy bob. Your own progressive “wackjobs” are in charge…. from Obama, Rahm’bo and Axelrod in the WH to Pelosi and Reid in the chambers. And they can’t even get their own to agree with their idiocy.
’tis going to be a fun midterms, no?
Yo… billy bob. Been dying to ask you this one.
How do you think your party is going to be able to successfully kick the first black POTUS to the curb in 2016 and not appear racist?
Or do you think they’ll swallow hard, and run him anyway, learning lessons in the era of Carter? ‘cus I’m sure he’s not going to go quietly… or else will demand some serious compensation to step aside and save their reputation.
@BRob sez:
Really? Hollywood and the news make a living at that daily. Just how much do you think fits in a camera frame, billy bob?
The answer? Only exactly that which the “director” and his DP wishes….
MH You must have tired from #20 when in #22 you said 2016 rather than 2012.Obama over Romney in 2012 unless right wing hijacks party and to Dems delight nominate Sarah. 2016 great year for distaff side as HRC destroys Palin.
O’Reilly asked Repubs the other night if they were afraid to face Obama one on one. What say you?
BRob Though badly outnumbered you’re putting up a hell of a fight.This Soros crap mystifies me as well.Still seems to me Ron Paul should get major props. for Tea Partiers.
Leftists abandoned truth and fact long ago, about the same time they discovered that neither were ever on their side.