The Four Corpsemen of the Obamaclypse [Reader Post]

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In recent days, concurrent with the apocalyptic “Snowpocalypse” in Washington and the earthquake in Chicago, a deluge and a great shaking of another sort has been shaking the Chicago cabal of President Obama in Washington, D.C. It is awesome serendipity that such similar cataclysms are mirroring each other in this way!

Many leading reasonable Democrats are lashing out at the inner sanctum of Chicago chosen ones surrounding Obama. Steve Clemons, Edward Luce, ex-Governor Doug Wilder of Virginia and others are, for the first time, beginning to be honest about the administrative incompetence and unsuitability of, in particular, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.

The reasons these people are remonstrating spring, of course, from a far different place than those of the majority who are opposing health care and apocalyptic spending. Many of these liberals are frustrated that their once-in-a-lifetime chance to push certain pet causes is slipping through their fingers. Nonetheless, any amount of honesty is precious and praiseworthy.


So many of us tried to warn of the danger of hiring someone with SO little administrative experience who was so entangled with the questionable mindset and tactics of the ‘Chicago Way’ and far-left radicals. Perhaps, all Americans of good will can now agree about the destructiveness of this fearsome foursome and press for their ouster. How much further must we go to realize that the man in charge of hiring and organizing all of this is even more culpable than those he has appointed? I think a lot of Americans have already taken, or, are about to take, that short step to sanity in this election season of 2010.

[I must say that I am indebted for this potent title to Mark Steyn, among others who have used this term over the past year to indicate several groups of Obama-ites.]

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I didn’t know the four horsemen were named Larry, Moe, Curley and Shemp. Although now that I think of the way the government looks these days, it could very well be planned by the Stooges.

Have you noticed that there is no joy in having been completely right about Obama since many months before the election? I’ve got a few Obamanite friends and co-workers. I’ve not had the urge to say “I told you so” these last 12 months. I’m not really an “I told you so” sorta guy, but still.

Before the election, I predicted that within a couple of years of this president’s inauguration, even the Obamanites would be angry. Yes, they would be angry at Obama, but they would also be angry at us, those who knew, and they would be mad at us because we knew and yet we didn’t try harder to convince them. If we had tried half, or even one tenth, as hard to convince them of Obama’s long, bonsai-like, carefully nurtured, plans to destroy the United States as THEY did to convince us that Bush did 9/11, maybe we could have avoided what is soon to come. We weren’t completely silent regarding the truth, but we didn’t put in even close to the amount of effort they did to convince us of a lie.

I think their anger may be justified, if only slightly. We don’t own Hollywood and most of mass media, not to mention the indoctrination mills they call Schools, after all. We couldn’t just produce films and get schools to force high-schoolers and college students to watch them, like they can. We can’t just insert truths into college and k-12 texts like they can with lies.

They do have some advantages.

Great Headline!

Four stars! * * * *

“He had backed Mr Obama because of his promise of “change”, he wrote in an article for Politico.”

Wilder must be as shallow as Obama, to back a candidate over one word, not one promise; one simple word.

Taqman, you hit the nail with a sledge; we don’t have the resources that the Socialists have been setting up for decades, i.e. the indoctrination programs of public education and the universities and the complicity of Hollywood propagandists.

The only way to counter their offense is to take advantage of the public’s thirst for knowledge and truth. There has never been such a wealth of information and talent available to the general public. If we exploit this ‘need to know’ with superior talent, creativity, content, and honesty we will capture the public’s attention. Frankly, the creativity and intellect of the Left isn’t there: listen to a few of their radio shows and tv commentaries to confirm that premise.

We have a tremendous advantage, primarily the fact that they have palmed off corrupt, incompetent, liars on America; if we lose this advantage by nominating and electing inferior people, we will extinguish a grand opportunity to turn America around.

I’d like info on the painting. Who? When? I haven’t seen it and I am curious.

The horse’s expressions look modern, romance novel cover type artist; but the rider on the chestnut is from a classical era. The horse’s legs on the third and fourth horses, especially the pale horse of death, are in impossible or nearly so, leg positions, not a quality of classical painters. Oh well, an intriguing illustration and a great graphic for the article, well done, ML.

Best. Headline. Ever!

These people must know, have known, what Obama is from the very beginning, including Ayres, the birth certificate, Ivy League records. What do they want from our country?


I neglected to give my source. Here is where I got the picture from Google Images:

It caught my attention.


That is corpse-men, please.
The choice, as ever, is freedom or slavery.
That is, as Mark Levin puts it, liberty or tyranny.
That is, in the words of James Hudnall (Big Journalism), Big Government or Limited Government.
The four Chicago Players do not seek a more perfect union.
They want to rule. They are smart, we are dumb, so they will make the rules and we will follow them. They are masters, we are slaves, so we have to be whipped into compliance.
Never, never ever, forget that this Nation was founded by contrarians. My earliest American ancestors were kicked out of TWO countries. Now that is contrarian.
We are in a new world, the world of Flopping Aces, the ability to post one’s opinion, the ability to choose what opinions one reads or hears.
China has gotten the point anyway. They are limiting internet use. It won’t work. They will figure out how to diddle around with photograph bit streams and encode stuff. Any country which can establish a university to train hackers can hack in the other direction!
The old USSR did not get the point. They failed to control the fax warble (I know you can unplug a phone call; how do you interpret the fax warble to know whether it is subversive or not?)
I vividly remember how angry I was when the Congress abandoned Vietnam. But I had no means (except manually typed-out snail mail) to express my rage and hostility at what appeared to me to be very bad decisions.
Watch closely. The internet blog is a revolution on the same order as the printing press. The lesson of the University of Paris: one was required to produce a written copy of the text. Thus attendance was limited to the wealthy, who could hire scribes. After Gutenberg, Paris prohibited printed texts for the next century. Paris never caught up.
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has crashed and burned. Why? Blog power. Inquiring minds got hold of the skewed data and bogus computer programs and ripped the whole thing to shreds. I don’t really care what Steve Nye has to say; he is out of date on the science.
Blog power. Tea parties. A revolt against the Utopian State.
Go. Go. Go.