Can We Start Questioning Global Warming? [Reader Post]

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As we go into the final days of Snowpacolypse, Snowmageddon, ar as one hockey blog writer dubbed it, “Keyser Snowze”, it’s time to ask some real questions from the Global Warmongers. I’ve seen a few reports of journalists claiming that these blizzards are further proof of Climate Change caused by Global Warming. Just to get this straight, when you break down the argument to the most granular level – “The planet is getting colder because it is getting warmer”. Yes, the same people who make this argument with a straight face are the same who derided Bush as an anti-science idiot.

Just to review some of the developments we’ve seen in the last year:

This brings me to my question:

What will cause you to question your belief that GW is a man made threat to our existence unless we take radical action? I know you’re not going to turn your back on GW and your belief in it, but all I am asking is where you start questioning? I know your initial reaction will be to send various articles and studies done by people who have a vested financial interest in promoting GW. Or how about “peer review”? Echo chambers.

Or simply, what will make you question your arguments and start acknowledging the other side’s assertions? You may be asking when I am ready to do the same. I already have. To their credit, a few liberals have responded, but none actually answered my questions.

Are any ready to answer this one?

PS One last note – I need to right a plagiaristic wrong. When I came up with the three questions from the last link I posted I thought they were original thoughts, when I did not realize until later that my first two points were originally written by Wizbang’s Jay Tea. I had repeated them so often that I forgot where they originated. The third question is all mine, though.

Crossposted from Brother Bobs Blog

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The idea of global warming never really scared me. Actually, living in the northeast, I was looking forward to it. But global cooling, especially sudden global cooling via an asteroid or large volcano, has always concerned me. We will immediately need every ounce of fossil fuel we can get our hands on. We will need every foot of tillable land for food and not fuel. Solar panels will be useless and who knows what the wind will do.

As one trained in research methods, I can say that at this point we don’t know anything for sure about whether the world is getting hotter and why. This is because CRU, NOAA, and NASA became the authorities and then let scientists get away with subverting the peer review process. That was when AGW became a religion, because no one was allowed to question it any more.

The high priests of the new religion took care to make sure their god was put in a favorable light and manipulated evidence and monitoring procedures like crazy, it appears. Therefore we can now best proceed by throwing out every paper and citation of those papers and starting over. For those not in academia, this is going to be like being in the car business and learning that all the models for the past 15 years will have to be recalled and scrapped. Whole careers are built on this faulty foundation. I sincerely feel sorry for many who bought into this, because I also have gotten into much smaller information disasters.

When we talk about global warning and how it can’t be happening because of snow in the northern hemisphere, this is wrong too. It’s hot in Rio. The question is, does the coldness in the north balance out heat in the south? We’re talking about averages on a very big scale. Since CRU et al decided to jigger their monitor stations and cherrypick data and “smooth” (average out) data on scales of their own choosing (and this makes all the difference just by itself), we do not know. Fortunately, other countries had their own monitoring stations, but it will take years to go back and re-collect and re-analyze the existing data. I guarantee, new conclusions will be reached because the past will not be reproduceable. This is a much worse scientific blunder than Piltdown man.

We cannot conclude much about the warming trend. It may actually be that the world, as a whole, is getting warmer. I am dubious about the anthropogenic effect of CO2 EXCEPT for the big anthropogenic effect of deforestation, cutting down all those carbon sinks and leaving the bare, dry earth to soak up solar radiation. I would not totally say that people cannot affect the climate, not now when there are close to 6 billion. Now, maybe. I certainly notice a huge difference in the sky now, when flying, compared to 40 years ago. On the ground, I remember when the sky even in a city was black, not pink. More visible junk and heat grabbing construction on the ground. But this AGW stuff started years ago when there were only half as many of us. The doubling of population ought to cause, not necessarily a doubling, but a definitely noticeable effect, if sheer mass is doing it. Yet the effects claimed appear to be have gotten dishonestly. So we don’t know the anthropogenic effect, either.

We were told that the bad hurricane season in 2005 (Katrina, Rita) was proof of the global warming alarmist prediction that stronger and more violent storms would be the norm. This was followed by some of the weakest hurricane seasons in decades. Yet, when we pointed this out we are told that you can’t use the results from just a few years to disprove the global warming theory (apparently you can use one year’s result to prove the theory).

See my quick takes post below. In it I link to the article RFK Jr. wrote about the lack of snow in Washington, DC and how that was proof of global warming. Now, with the largest snow fall on record, the Warmists are trying to spin THAT as proof of global warming.

The Warmers always come back and say that we can’t look at one or two years as proof one way or the other (despite the fact that they do).

So, let’s look at the temperature predicitons of NASA’s James Hansen from 20 year ago and the actual results over that longer time frame:


Yes, it is laughable that when it’s cold instead of hot that the Warmers try and tell us that it fights in with their theory.


Well, the whole question of scale is very important. If you pick a “scale” based on one-year intervals there will be nothing but arguments since there will always be big variations. If you pick a scale based on a thousand years, you will see trends, but it won’t be relevant to people because we are living on a scale of about 100 years. If I were doing this sort of tracking I’d go for things with an intermediate scale, like sunspots and ocean warming. Since so much of our earth is water, which holds heat for a long time (or holds “cold,” ie resists warming just as much as it resists cooling), my money is on ocean temperatures, not atmospheric ones, and how they interact with the sun. And, with all the earthquakes going on, it would not be too surprising to have a big volcanic explosion which will really cool things down.

“Can WE start questioning…” SURE!! We who are not leftist loons or dedicated to the destruction of the free enterprise system have MORE than questioned global warming for quite some time. Unfortunately, even the supposedly “conservative” FOX news has not done a proper job of exposing the global warming fraud.

I think I quit questioning, and moved right on to openly mocking.

AGW must not only be questioned, it must be defeated. The socialist frauds that inhabit the MSM, academia and government have lost all credibility on the subject. To defeat this political fraud we must defeat the socialist democrats who funded the AGW gravy train and boot their non american commie rear ends all the way to cuba in the next elections. IPCC should be defunded. Any employees making government policy decisions based on faulty IPCC data should be investigated fully and held responsible. That includes making EPA release full disclosure has to how they arrived at their decision to classify CO2 as a dangerous pollutant.

i was at the wrong post i will say it again in shorter sentences you said erthquakes and it makes sense for weathers change one year to another @PAT

If the earth is actually in a warming period, and we know that that does happen, it will have effects on us. Similarily, if it is in a cooling period it will have effects. My point was that we don’t know, we lost all our data thanks to CRU et al. So it’s worse than just the AGW carbon trade scam (let’s be specific about the real hoax): we know nothing, we have years of work to recheck every bit of data we do have, and that data only goes back about 160 years with real thermometers. Worse, the reaction to knowing carbon trade is a rip-off will be to ignore more serious and possibly correct science. This is what burns the scientific community up. Not that a theory would be shot down, because they are all the time, but that this theory was so pervasive it casts a shadow on everyone.

It would be good to predict the climate future. It may not be actually possible, but I wouldn’t say we should totally ignore climate science. After all, it’s only about 25 years old. 🙂 what can one expect from such a youngster? especially when its parents were so misguided. Time for foster care.

First off as always, thanks for posting me, Curt!

Mike, I had seen your previous posting – thanks for putting some of your content in your comment.

Excellent points, Pat. You’re reasoning is what has been severely lacking from the pro-warming side of the debate so far.

BTW, just to clarify a point that may have thrown some people – when I titled the post can “We” start questioning, it is mainly targeted at the warmongers. I was always skeptical at best, and after reading “The Skeptical Environmentalist” and seeing how the scientific community reacted I couldn’t read any more of their arguments without assuming that what I was hearing was false, doctored, or somehow manipulated. And don’t get me started on Gore…

question? no, I don’t question. I laugh uproariously at the utter nonsense when people tell me colder weather is a sign of a warming climate. How much cold weather = climate? They know not climate, they know tax and control. Sorry, it’s snowing here today, in South Louisiana, again. Warming? hahahhhaha, all the way to the fireplace.

Now that we see the deception on one issue, why would we assume that they didn’t use deception on other science and medical issues.
Look at a Liberal Left issue that is advanced by science, phsycology, or medical associations and assume they were honest on those but not honest on just global warming???!!!

One good thing has come from the whole controversy.
The research done on ice cores has provided us with a solid basis for temperature variations for the last tens of millions of years, along with carbon dioxide concentrations during that time period.
We have had hot (all of those forests which became coal beds). And we have had cold (all those ice sheets). We have evidence of a tropical climate near Paris. We have evidence of ice sheets a mile thick in North Americal.
We have evidence of long-term variability of the Earth’s orbit around the sun, and suspected periodic variations of the inclination of the Earth’s axis.
We are beginning to suspect that the Sun is more variable than previously thought. There was a huge diminution in sunspot activity from 1650 to 1730, leading many to question Galileo’s observation. There was a contemporaneous period of intense cold, at least in Europe. the cold didn’t help the new colonists in the Americas, either. And this was after the Viking settlements in Greenland were frozen out.
There just are not the tools to generalize from local records to global averages.
It would cost tens of billions of dollars to set up and maintain actual measuring sites, at different altitudes, at enough points on a grid of the Earth, to even know what the current situation is, let alone make accurate predictions.
Do the math.

Someone might want to tell this to Bill Nye

Video: New test of patriotism – AGW belief

I wrote on this topic a few years back. Here were my thoughts, as well as some of my readers:

All is forgiven, Brother Bob. I’m flattered that you thought so highly of my remarks as to repeat, improve, and expand on them, and as far as I’m concerned you didn’t so much as “plagiarize” as “fully cite sources” — your adaption probably qualifies as a “derivative work” and not truly “plagiarism.”

Superb article, BTW.


hi CARY i was cut of on the comment at your site i wanted to say it was very informative and i enjoyed the humor to a serious subject as wheather bye

@Cary: You need to do an updated post. This is an excerpt of your post:

I recently corresponded with someone who held the opinion that the Global Warming theory is nothing more than “junk science”. I don’t know how scientifically sound the theory is, or what the actual realization of it would come to, but does anyone actually believe that we can continue to usurp our earth’s natural resources, pollute our air and water, and continue to take, without having to pay for it somehow?

Explain to me what “usurp our earth’s natural resources, pollute our air and water ” has to do with the Copenhagen strategy of taxing countries and individuals for carbon use and redistributing the wealth to developing countries?

NOT ONE of the Copenhagen plans would reduce the amount of “pollution” by one jot.

Besides, CO2 is NOT a pollutant. It is essential for life and has been at higher levels in our atmosphere than now.

None of the global warmers remedies would do anything to reduce CO2 levels or effect the climate in any way.

If you really want to fund alternative energy, there is a lot easier way to do it than a vastly expensive and totally unnecessary carbon tax.

Many thanks, Jay – praise from you means a lot. You were one of the biggest influences that got me into blogging. If you’re going to be in DC for CPAC I owe you a beer.

@ Cary

Your post was a good read, but left me somewhat disjointed. I think the thrust of your argument was that turning down your thermos and avoiding plastic bags will save the world. You reinforced my main argument that liberals have many grand notions but nothing that actually works in the real world.

That said, I enjoyed your posting and if you have further posts to back your claims I’d be happy to see them.

And on a side note, you threw down a semi-breach of blogger etiquette. If you want to reference your own site, write your arguments, and include supporting links when appropriate. Don’t just say “I have an opinion” and include a link to promote yourself.

Or maybe I am off base – can some of the more seasoned bloggers weigh in? At the end of this post I admitted I have a lot to learn. Any advice on posting/commenting?

@Brother Bob: Thanks for your input. I get your point, but I’m not sure why I’d type something here when I’ve already taken the time to do so and can simply provide a link. I wasn’t aware of any etiquette that would say I should do otherwise. Not sure how you view this as “self promotion” because I sure didn’t.

I think the thrust of your argument was that turning down your thermos and avoiding plastic bags will save the world.

Nope, I didn’t say that. I suggested that taking personal responsibility for our own part could provide personal benefits, if not universal ones.

@Mike’s America: You are correct, I haven’t written in a while. Time and computer issues have slowed things down for me. But thanks for your input, I don’t think these were factors at the time I wrote that, but I believe that what I wrote still has relevance.

@Brother Bob: I think I’m in the filter, but I want to say thank you for the kind words, and for being open to reading my point of view. I do disagree with your point of etiquette, my intention was not “self promotion.” Thank you again.

@Cary – No worries – opposing views are what make the comments more interesting. Thanks for jumping in the fire!

2008 the cry was ‘Global Cooling’ ….. didn’t happen
2009 the cry was “Global Warming’ .. didn’t happen
2010 the cry is ‘Climate Change’ …… can’t argue with that happens every year always has and God wlling we always will experience the wonders of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Gifts from God not from government.

PHILLY nj wow that is straight from your hearth and soul and so intelligently put in order i love it ,bye


Cute post – is that your personal blog?

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