You are missing the elephant in the room. If CO2, which we all produce with every breath that we take, is declared a pollutant it is but a teeny step to the inevitable conclusion that non-productive members of society (the sick, the elderly, the politically incorrect) must “end it all”.
15 years ago
Granny is right. The handwriting is on the wall. Couple that with the demise of Social Security and Medicare….and the easiest way to correct these problems is ?????? You guessed it. I think it is time for a revolution.
15 years ago
“I think it is time for a revolution”.
If not, the time looks like it is coming. The idiocy of the dims in power is starting to show people that they cannot trust their own government. Obambi has NEVER run anything in his life. He just feels that all good flows from the government-when you are a “community activist” it does!
15 years ago
CO2 cannot do what it is advertised as being capable of doing …
If CO2 can be declared a ‘pollutant’ because it is an alleged ‘greenhouse gas’, then why isn’t the biggest alleged ‘greenhouse gas’ water vapor, left off the hook? Or is that the second act coming in the Obama Administration? Once you regulate CO2 and H2O, what else is there left that is unregulatable?
15 years ago
The EPA making CO2 a controlled substance, will cause the price of gas and heating oil to rise .. this rise will force the poor to make decisions between heating their homes and medical/drug expenditures .. thus putting them at risk. Therefore the EPA should control itself. Long ago (during my tenure) EPA started investigating the possibility of regulating “Methane Emissions from Ruminant Livestock.”
It’s not much different from regulating exhalations.
Why don’t all you libs practice holding your breath to save the planet?
Obama claimed that the average American would not bear the brunt of this historic tax-increase: he stated that instead ““It is paid for by the polluters who currently emit dangerous carbon emissions.”
Just compare this outrageous falsehood to Ronald Reagans’ famous quote:
“The most dangerous myth is the demagoguery that business can be made to pay a larger share, thus relieving the individual. Politicians preaching this are either deliberately dishonest, or economically illiterate, and either one should scare us.
Business doesn’t pay taxes, and who better than business to make this message known? Only people pay taxes, and people pay as consumers every tax that is assessed against a business.”
And after the way the rammed this through the House with little debate, without legislators even reading it… and while quarantining the GOP from any meaningful input whatsoever, any foolhardy individuals who still believe Obama’s threadbare “bipartisanship” spiel ought to have their head examined.
Let’s see…according to my calculations, the planet will be in the midst of cold not seen since 1820 by then. Considering the news that snow is falling “down under” during the beginning of the Australian summer, I think I’m on safe ground here.
You are missing the elephant in the room. If CO2, which we all produce with every breath that we take, is declared a pollutant it is but a teeny step to the inevitable conclusion that non-productive members of society (the sick, the elderly, the politically incorrect) must “end it all”.
Granny is right. The handwriting is on the wall. Couple that with the demise of Social Security and Medicare….and the easiest way to correct these problems is ?????? You guessed it. I think it is time for a revolution.
“I think it is time for a revolution”.
If not, the time looks like it is coming. The idiocy of the dims in power is starting to show people that they cannot trust their own government. Obambi has NEVER run anything in his life. He just feels that all good flows from the government-when you are a “community activist” it does!
CO2 cannot do what it is advertised as being capable of doing …
The sheep need to wake up. Thanks for the link to the memo!
As Gomer Pyle used to say, “surprise, surprise, surprise!”
If CO2 can be declared a ‘pollutant’ because it is an alleged ‘greenhouse gas’, then why isn’t the biggest alleged ‘greenhouse gas’ water vapor, left off the hook? Or is that the second act coming in the Obama Administration? Once you regulate CO2 and H2O, what else is there left that is unregulatable?
The EPA making CO2 a controlled substance, will cause the price of gas and heating oil to rise .. this rise will force the poor to make decisions between heating their homes and medical/drug expenditures .. thus putting them at risk. Therefore the EPA should control itself.
Mike, you are too smart to make such a silly statement.
– Larry W
1) We all breath.
2) We all exhale CO2.
3) CO2 is a pollutant.
Which part is silly? Long ago (during my tenure) EPA started investigating the possibility of regulating “Methane Emissions from Ruminant Livestock.”
It’s not much different from regulating exhalations.
Why don’t all you libs practice holding your breath to save the planet?
Obama claimed that the average American would not bear the brunt of this historic tax-increase: he stated that instead ““It is paid for by the polluters who currently emit dangerous carbon emissions.”
Just compare this outrageous falsehood to Ronald Reagans’ famous quote:
“The most dangerous myth is the demagoguery that business can be made to pay a larger share, thus relieving the individual. Politicians preaching this are either deliberately dishonest, or economically illiterate, and either one should scare us.
Business doesn’t pay taxes, and who better than business to make this message known? Only people pay taxes, and people pay as consumers every tax that is assessed against a business.”
And after the way the rammed this through the House with little debate, without legislators even reading it… and while quarantining the GOP from any meaningful input whatsoever, any foolhardy individuals who still believe Obama’s threadbare “bipartisanship” spiel ought to have their head examined.
Welcome Yachika!
We have many articles concerning AGW in the archives
I tend to recommed this one…cuz I wrote it. 🙂
Heads up!!!! Dept. of Energy sends litigation hold notice on all things related to CRU:
Bet they intend to bury the info.
Heads up higher!!!
Put a fork in this fustercluck!
Let’s see…according to my calculations, the planet will be in the midst of cold not seen since 1820 by then. Considering the news that snow is falling “down under” during the beginning of the Australian summer, I think I’m on safe ground here.