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Something similar went on in my youngest daughter’s government class when she was a senior during the Bush 41/Clinton election. She is an asthmatic and had to be tutored at home for most of her senior year. She was in class in September, most in her class were supporting Bush, was home throughout Oct, went back just before the election and the teacher had basically turned his classroom into a campaign for Clinton and most of the students had then swung over to supporting Clinton.

She has always been rather snippy and told him she felt he should keep his politics to himself while on the job. From that point on his attitude toward her went downhill and he was slow getting her lessons to her frustrated tutor, he got the material to her, but he drug his feet, thankfully we only had to deal with him for the rest of the semester.

She only managed to stay in school for a couple more weeks, wound up being tutored at home for the rest of the year. There was something in the school environment that she was allergic to that year only, she was fine during her first three years in that building, the Drs could never figure it out.

But, in a month’s time that teacher had managed to influence four students that were able to vote that year because they were 18. Who knows how many he snagged in his other classes.


Beezy, thanks so much! I’m glad you were able to see the video. After watching it I thought that little five year old girl had better sense and functioned quite well under pressure, far better than what sits in the Oval Office right now.

@Old Trooper 2:

Ha! You’ve had many more take offs than landings. Are you still earning your jump pay? Without a doubt! I can’t remember how often the guys had to jump to maintain their pay back in the 60s at Bragg. My ex loved it so much that whenever he was home he tried to go up every chance he got.

We used to get to see the Golden Knights jump every once in awhile, they were amazing! did you know any of them? How about Squirrel Sprouse? He was legendary among the buddies, they never tired of telling tales of his very dangerous capers. Another name I remember is Batchelor, he was the son of the big guy’s driver, that made him important in the group for some reason.

Ft. Bragg was kind of a wild ride for me. McDonald, the doctor that murdered his family was in his group, then one of his master sgt’s ate one of his landlord’s dogs and was evicted, one ms got mad at his telephone, ripped it out of the wall, took it down to the phone company, threw it on a desk and walked out. Then, another would have us into his home for something new to us, clogging, his wife would counsel me on how and what to freeze, don’t remember their names, but will never forget them. There’s a couple other things I remember but I know better than to talk about it. Olden days of Bragg, probably wouldn’t recognize the place.

MISSY very funny a good way to sell a just cause bye