Feinstein and Boxer have enjoyed Senate Seats they consider as sacrosanct as the Kennedy Senate seat. After the Democrat defeat in Massachusetts, the fear and panic is becoming obvious.
Boxer is willing to concede that Democracy is still alive and well in America. “I think every state is now in play,” Boxer said Wednesday. “Every race is a choice. … You have to make the case that you’re the one on the people’s side, and you have to feel it in your heart, and people have to get it.”
It is reassuring that still considers that the election process is still a part of the American political system, unfortunately, we the electorate are apparently dull or stupid if we can’t see the wisdom of her ‘brilliance’.
One year ago, Obama, a man that no one dares calls particularly intelligent or prophetic declared, “What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them.” How ironic that his deeply profound statement has come to fruition after one year into his less than stellar presidency. A few days ago even smug and arrogant Democrat officials felt the earth shake and they realized, with alarming clarity, that the are actually responsible to their own constituencies and not to Obama’s bizarre Socialist dreams. What a profound realization!
The courageous admission that the voters resent the bribing of Nebraska and Louisiana with public money and closed door negotiations on key health care negotiations are accomplishments that some ideologue Democrat politicians are to be commended for, up till now, they obviously felt Obama and his his Marxist agenda were ‘too big to fail’.
In a desperate move to reconnect with the citizenry, Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., pronounced two key components of the Democratic agenda – health care and climate-change legislation – all but dead. But still she doesn’t want to relinquish the air of arrogance and superiority that is at the core of the Marxist psyche. “I think we need to go slow on health care,” Feinstein said. “People do not understand it. It is so big it’s beyond their comprehension. And if you don’t understand it and somebody tells you it does this or it does that, you tend to believe it, even though it isn’t true. It’s hard to debunk all of the myths out there.” She can also manage to admit defeat without conceding defeat. As for the climate-change legislation she supported: “A large cap-and-trade bill isn’t going to go ahead at this time,” she said. While Obama sits in Washing ton wishing she would keep her self-serving mouth shut until he announces the official party line. We are all sure that Senator Feinstein has read the entire bill and understands it implicitly.
In a major concession to the Constitution, President Obama remarked in regard to the Obama Health Care Plan, “The people of Massachusetts spoke,” and Senator-elect Scott Brown has “got to be part of that process.” Where are the comparisons to Lincoln now? The only transparency of the Obama Administration has been of empty promises and of the Anointed one’s image.
Feinstein admits the voters “didn’t like the stimulus, they didn’t like the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), they didn’t like the automobile bailout,” Feinstein said. “They’re worried. People are smart. They understand what’s happening in their lives and their neighbors’ lives, and they see it on a downhill trajectory.” We the voters were unhappy with these moves while she was promoting these programs and voting for them. Now that her political career is in mortal peril, the voters may have a legitimate concern over her and President Obama’s direction for assuming complete control over the economy and the country itself.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
These career politicians aren’t stupid. Feinstien admits the voters “didn’t like the stimulus, they didn’t like the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), they didn’t like the automobile bailout,” in the article. So tell us, Lady Fein, if you KNEW we didn’t like it, WHY DID YOU DO IT????
If she wants to DO something, how about putting our financial ship BACK ON COURSE? Voting to raise the debt ceiling to $14.3 TRILLION is NOT the solution this American is seeking.
If government KNOWS that a ponzi scheme CAN’T WORK, and makes it illegal; then how could they institute the MOTHER OF ALL PONZI SCHEMES, social security??????
Anybody got an answer to that question?
Soocial Security was FDR’s way of buying votes and power with a future generations money… as was LBJ’s Great Society welfare nation which is no different than Obama’s marxist policies to take over Health Care and make the population more dependent on government and the “elite” that controled the purse strings.
We have 100 years of “progressive” history behind us, and the pattern is always the same and ultimately the results… massive expense, unforseen consequences that tear at the fabric of our nation and ultimately failure that requires further government programs.
We have created generations that are counting on social security and classes of people that have become dependent on the welfare state. It will take some extraordinary men to create an architecture to extradite ourselves from these programs while being fair to those that that still have a claim to the benefits our government promised them and for which they have paid.
Social Security will take 80 years to right… but it can be done. We just haven’t thought of how as of yet. We will figure it out but let’s start entertaining solutions… no matter how unconventional they might seem given the current status quo.
What we need in our government is new, young but experienced (unlike Obama), fresh blood. NOT Diane Feinstein (will be 78 if re-elected), Harry Reid (will be 71 in December), Nancy Pelosi (will be 70 in March), John McCain (in August he will be 74 years OLD) and others of the Geritol generation.
Scott Brown will be a young 51, and experienced, when he takes office. We need Brown and others like him who are honest, true-to-our-constitution, conservatives who truly believe in less government and be righteous to a fault.
I agree that we do NOT need career politicians who become experts at cheating the public rather that representing us. We need elected politicians who will read all proposed legislation before they vote on it — and who will force the publication on the Internet, and C-Span, of all proposed laws for the public to view and opine.
The disarray that Scott Brown has caused in the Democratic Party and the Obama administration is nothing short of phenomenal. It is not simply a message that was delivered from a predominately Democratic state, but also that it was the “Kennedy Throne” that was pushed aside for a breath of fresh air. Dare you believe that Kennedy really didn’t give a heck about voters’ health — or maybe just as much as he cared about Mary Jo Kopeckne at Chappaquiddick? Kennedy left Mary Jo to die and didn’t report the accident that killed her until the following day.
Let’s elect young, fresh, conservative men and women who love and praise our country and our Constitution; who praise our way of life and the many numerous contributions this country has made to the world through a free-enterprise, capitalistic system. The cold war taught us who our enemies are; let’s not forget that Socialism and Communism are anti-American.
Duh, the voters are smart. Honey, the voters don’t have to be smart to figure out the scam you and your ilk are running. Someone doesn’t have to be too smart when things stink like dead fish. The problem is when some highly educated lefties try to ram a socialist agenda down the freedom loving public’s throats. Oh boy, you are the smart ones or as a friend of mine used to say, “educated beyond their intelligence”. You two must be some of those “well behaved ladies” that Arlen Spector was talking about.
I truly believe the senate and congress thought the citizens of the United States are stupid. They thought that perhaps we would vent and complain, but when it came to elections, we wouldn’t step up the plate. Well boxer, feinstein, reid, piliesi et al, we are not stupid, nor dumb and we are tired of your games. Come November you will be OUT!
I don’t like to wish my life away, but I can’t wait until the November elections.
hey donald, the workers paid for their social security. that was the type of far right wing thinging that got the repubs backsides kicked out of office. we need people who care about the american public.
Great commentary guys, thank you!
I know we hear a lot what’s in that so-called healthbill. But I really would like to know in detail, what’s in it, there is a reason it’s almost 2100 pages thick, and lots can be hidden that has nothing to do with healthcare.
My gut tells me that there are some dark issues burried, and if passed , won’t be repealed by proxy.
stodghie, let’s follow your analogy, even though you’ve bought the bill of goods that we somehow have “paid” into social security (as if it was a pension or an IRA or a 401K; it’s not!)
Bernie Madoff’s clients paid for their investments, also. But Bernie spent all the money ($50 Billion?), and guess what? His clients get no money, they just got screwed.
IT’S THE SAME THING WITH OUR CURRENT FORM OF SOCIAL SECURITY. Much sooner than later, someone who has been paying for THEIR SS, IS NOT GOING TO GET IT, WITHOUT BANKRUPTING THE COUNTRY! We may get ours. But our kids? or their kids? Their chances of getting SS are slim and bleak. And given the way Dr. Utopia is spending money, I don’t like OUR chances, either.
You follow me?
so althos, do you plan to put seniors out on the street like the bots do? i follow your comments about the dims sure!
if you kick the seniors in the stomach, what the heck do you have for a country? huh? i thought that when i saw the anti senior attitude of bama and the bots and i think it now about anyone who starts their mantra. guess what you need the seniors to get these idiots out of power. deal with it.
the repubs need the independents and seniors to make a return to power. this far right thinking turned me off years ago when i first left the party. hint hint you won’t win one thing with the idealogues in charge. and these dim thugs will be back in power. is that what you want? asking because that is the issue with repubs!
stodghie, thanks for the input. Of course, you’re right, kicking the seniors in the stomach is no way to return to power. But that doesn’t change the fact that somewhere down the line, in the very near future, ss will bankrupt our country. Whatever happened to “means testing”? I remember Ross Perot was talking about that in ’92. He was saying “why in the world am I getting ss payments, I’m a billionaire!” But nothing came of that, right?
There are two entitlements that are going to ruin our country, and to end them tomorrow may be the fiscally strong thing to do (we are currently at $12.3 trillion in debt and climbing higher) but will have riots in the street.
Welfare and Social Security. We’ve got to fix both, not continue to refinance and simply delay the inevitable.
What do you think?
Here are just a few of the surprises waiting in the HCR bill. 1. EVERYONE must buy health ins. 2. All basic ins. will be the same, ie no catastrophic only for young people, men will pay for mammograms, women will pay for prostate exams. 3. If you don’t want ins. you will be fined according to your income up to $2500/yr. 4. Medicare will be CUT by approx. $480 BILLION over the next ten yrs. 5. Medicaid,(State health care), will be the avenue of choice for the poor and will be funded by the states. Guess what is going to happen to your state taxes? Obama will claim that HE didn’t raise your taxes the state did. 6. Death panel, the famous Palin term that has been decried by Obama and his henchmen is alive and well. Of Course it is not called a death panel, it is called the committee on health care cost and delivery,(Not the actual name), and it will function as the overseer of all health care. They will determine what procedures and what treatments are allowed by doctors and hospitals. When, not if the money supply to this monster begins to fall short, guess what will happen? Older people will not get the treatment they now receive nor the prosthetics such as artificial hips or pace makers etc. As Obama said “Maybe they should take a pain pill instead”. Imagine if Bush had said that! 7. The IRS will be the agency that enforces the entire bill because they have to have total access to all of your income records to assign you your penalty. 8. No malpractice ins. reform 9. No ability for Medicare/Medicaid to negotiate with big PhRMA for lower drug prices. Obama has already worked out a deal with them, behind closed doors, to only give $80 billion over the next ten years as a bribe to get this passed. Negotiating drug prices would net hundreds of billion of dollars over the life of this POS. 10. No importation of drugs from outside the country. Big PhRMA got that for their lousy $80 bil. bribe. 11. All illegal aliens WILL be covered by this bill. The ones that can pay will be allowed to and the ones that can’t will be put on Medicaid. The SCOTUS has already ruled that ANYONE in this country no matter why is entitled to the benefits of its citizens. 11. It starts the taxes and fines immediately for the first three years and it is only in the fourth year that the benefits begin to be doled out. So you have a system that takes in income for ten years and and provides service for 6-7 yrs that they claim is revenue neutral! Also Medicare cuts will begin immediately.
These are the most glaring details but there are so many more that only a lawyer would understand. It also creates about 100 NEW agencies to handle the system.
Now look at the Repub proposals.
1. Tort reform
2. Ins. companies can sell accross state lines.
3. Tax break for any HC premium by individuals. No deals through employer, like auto ins.
4. Portability like auto ins.
5. Pre-exsting condition patitents go into a ins. companies/Gov pool.
Inspectorudy – I read that the medicare cuts will be 21%. Also, the unions will not have to pay on their “Cadillac” insurance for 7 years. That means that you and I pay for them. What a bunch of bull.
Madalyn, I can’t help but ask, what is so special about unions: other than they gave millions and millions to the campaign to get the Marxist elected. For that reason, they don’t have to pay a tremendous tax on their special health care plans.
Take the SEIU one of the biggest drains on the economy of California and other states, the state doesn’t pay their health care, the citizens pay their health care premiums. So now they are provided free health care, that other people pay for and if the private citizen wants to pay for the same coverage as a union member it will cost him a 25% tax on top of the hefty premium. This is so wrong on so many fronts.
In that photo, Boxer is giving us her evil eye look!
As I said in my original post we need to think of solutions that will not unfairly treat those individuals who’ve already made lifetime decisions based upon the promise of social security.
Maybe we should pre-pay social secuirty benefits by putting $50,000 into a private/public trust fund for every new born american citizen and then denying them any access to any further government entitlement programs.
From dividends of this trust fund they would buy disability insurance, health insurance fund their education, unemployment etc… eventually, about 80 – 100 years, no one would be on the current federal entitlement programs and the safety net would be in the hands of the individuals and the trust fund trustees.
Cost 200 billion a year at current birth rates.
The notion that Boxer and Steinman are actually sweating over their positions is well SWEET. What would make it even sweeter is if Pelosi the Princess would get a clue and do some sweating.