I’m very disappointed. We endorsed him. I voted for him. I supported him publicly and privately.
~~~He’s improved America’s image in the world. He absolutely did. But you have to translate that into something. Let me tell you what a major leader said to me recently. “We are convinced,” he said, “that he is not strong enough to confront his enemy. We are concerned,” he said “that he is not strong to support his friends.”
The political leadership of the world is very, very dismayed. He better turn it around. The Democrats are going to get killed in this election. Jesus, looks what’s happening in Massachusetts.
Ya know why this is big? ‘Cause it’s a 100% affirmation that everything Republicans predicted would happen, everything we all saw would happen if Barack Obama was elected…has happened. He is exactly the paper tiger, the accomplish-less man we all expected him to be as President.
Finally-4yrs after he started his eternal campaign for the White House…his strongest supporters are seeing it (and proving that all along they were sucked in by sizzle-not steak; that they are 1 move chess players).
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Well, he did bring down the greatest country in the world, and his “progressive” friends will always honor him for that.
@Rob in Katy:
Yet be wary: It ain’t over til it’s over. Too many power hungry so and sos down there in Washington.
Watch for RINOs running in Nov.
Guess George Soros didn’t want to fund Air America out of bankruptcy again. They’re gone. Not that anyone would much notice since no one listened to them. But still, if it put 4 or 5 “Progressive” Socialists out of work, I’m happy. Moveon.org can go too…some of the most gluttonous Kookaid drinkers/mixers in history.
The affirmative action president is all affirmative yes man and no action. Did anyone other than the retards really expect more from a man with no history and no accomplishments?
If America is a nation of, by, and for the people, should we really be celebrating because ~50% of the population thinks Obama isn’t liberal enough?
I want Obama to fail because his fascist ideas are rejected by the people, not because he isn’t fascist enough.
We are in this spot, because of wanting to appear benefactors, we allowed the non-functional adults to vote without any requirement that they have some “skin” in the game.
And vote they did, they voted their way right into our pockets.
A complete contradiction within one paragraph. Pure idiocy, but, what more should we expect from an admitted former Obama worshipper?
I remember thinking before the election that this inevitable vindication would be bittersweet. While it is somewhat reassuring to be shown clearly that what you know is true and right, and always has been, it is sad, frightening and sickening to see that nearly half my countrymen are so deluded and wrong.
Regarding the quote: Obama’s enemies and Obama’s friends are not who this person thinks they are. This has nothing to do with strength, or conviction. OBAMA HAS BOTH. This has to do with alliances, and ideologies. Just whose side this man is on is a mystery, but it is clear as crystal that it’s not America’s as defined by our Constitution, it’s framers, and as represented by our flag.
He may think he’s on America’s side, in the sense that he is on the side of the America he envisions, the America which he and his allies will destroy and remake.
The man and his allies are destroying America with purpose and much foresight. With as much purpose he is disrespecting, neglecting and even dismantling our alliances, and he is giving comfort, aid, and strength to our enemies.
We have never before had a president who, with all his friends and allies, wish to destroy our nation. We must pray to God that these United States of America will remain so, and will live to see another president, one who loves freedom and one who loves America and all the good for which she has stood. We are in real, immediate danger of being destroyed by the deception and malice of Obama and his allies, and by the gullibility and blindness of half our nation.
Reading the thread, I guess I echo what John said at #5, only with more verbiage. 🙂
Scrapiron @ 4
Affirmative action doesn’t just dumb down the people who are given a pass, but all of society because it comes to be the expectation that people will be, and deserve to be, socially promoted because they are in some way incompetent. Think about it: this applies to any preference system for the disadvantaged. They can’t achieve the best performance level, for whatever reason, so they get built-in excuses. Consequently quality deteriorates everywhere in every way. Lesser expectations lead to lesser academic achievement. We all are familiar by now with both Hillary and Michelle’s theses. Contrast Hillary’s perfect writing as an undergraduate with Michelle’s graduate thesis, some years later but still at a “top tier” university. This is a huge threat to our country–fortunately there are more opportunities to learn now but unfortunately they are poisoned with the lowered standards. I see people taking advanced degrees and unable to write as well as we were forced to in high school.
And OT maybe but there’s an equally invidious logic in granting amnesty to illegals. They are illegal because they were so successful at sneaking, that they not only got here illegally but managed to live productive lives of deceit for a long time. Therefore the system rewards and promotes the most clever and persistent criminals, even if it is a relatively small crime to be in the country improperly. I don’t buy the argument that they are contributing and paying taxes as an excuse for citizenship. Even if they did pay their taxes and won’t get any benefits back (maybe), it is screwing up the information we have about who we are. They shouldn’t get to cut in line ahead of the people who went through the official rigamarole. If the official process for entry is flawed, that should be addressed, not the other problem of illegal entry. The one exception I would make for fast-track citizenship is those who have served for us in the military. I think they should go to the front of the immigration line–when they file properly.