Then President George W. Bush boards Air Force One after speaking about Hurricane Katrina’s damage to the nation on network television from Jackson Square in New Orleans, September 15, 2005.
REUTERS/Larry Downing
Hat tip to the Anchoress for linking this piece, America Betrayed President Bush, written by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro who served on John Kerry’s legal team in the ’04 campaign. FA pretty much said the same thing last year, in regards to the manner in which Obama was being given a pass for continuing Bush era policies for which Bush was excoriated.
Andrea Shea King and Dave Logan also have a great piece up at Big Government on the 43rd president and the pounding he took.
He’s endured a lot of blame. Here’s one more: I blame him for keeping America safe after 9/11, into the final days of his presidency.
God bless George W. Bush! A man who will be vindicated by the history books.
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A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
A lot of Us miss him tremendously.
I plan to send him a nice card for Valentines’ Day. He is a great man and husband, I miss him and I miss Laura! Shame on the radical liberals who attacked him.
Uri, did you see the links in the bottom of the page of the article Word linked to from the Anchoress site?
Both articles are excellent. Thanks Word! Fabulous!
i am so glad someone will try to repair those hard words that we heard so much on news he show resolved and toughness in front of the ennemies i cannot forget his favourit phrase [BRING THEM ON] thank you.
I see CJ got to go to the White House for the milblogger’s conference, what an experience that must have been to be included in quite and elite bunch. He got a good seat too, right next to President Bush.
Big Government has 9 articles about President Bush today, quick, peek before they are replaced:
Thank you, Missy, for giving that link on the articles on President Bush! Those are awesome. I will add them to my President Bush library for sure!
I hope President Bush has seen or will see these articles? I’m sure he’d appreciate them very much.
I voted for him twice and would have voted for him a third time if I had the chance.
He is a genuinely good man who deserves our thanks and respect.
He had more cahon’es on a bad day than the entire present adminstration has ever had.
I am afraid President Bush will never get the respect he is fully due. He had a tough pitch right as he stepped up to the plate. He handled it with great courage and lead the country he obviously loves through a terrible period of history. We are so blessed that the 2000 election turned out the way it did (2004 as well).
We miss you GW and Laura – God Bless!
Bush was a hard-working, self-effacing, ethical man who served his country well during a time of crisis. He was the right man at the right time.
oh, i think with the recent nightmare the dimocrats have wrought on this country, bush’s legacy and repuation will do nothing but improve. i say that as someone who was angry with bush due to deficits and over do.
as i swing to the right and now watch fox, clap for cheney etc, rest assured others are as well.