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Heard from MA friends that ACORN is making calls to registered MA Democrats saying they cannot vote for a republican. My friends, trying to remain low-key, are not speaking up so I was trying to find any stories in print or on-line. Can’t find stories to confirm — except for a comment post in the Boston Herald on-line News.

Anyone else heard this — ACORN-up-to-usual-tricks-story?

No stories, but no surprise that ACORN goes on the assault for Brown, American Voter. He’s been trying to cut them off from MA funds since last fall. Surely you can’t be surprised?

You are most correct. . .I am not surprised but I was trying to find a collaborating story. I was laughing with MA buds that there are probably ACORN workers all over marking up absentee ballots with different color ink pens. . .said they would be wary of election precinct workers wearing soft braces worn by those with sore wrists.

Anyone see this new poll that just came out? Brown up by 4! Their polling sampling is quite interesting. . .and maybe very telling.


More info on the new Suffolk Poll – with Brown ahead. . .cynics are already declaring this will fire up the Dems.


Scott Brown might be a republican, but he is NOT a conservative.

Dankery, don’t know that a conservative is even allowed to cross the MA state line, let alone reside or run for office there LOL.

Brown is a MA GOPer, ala pure Romney style. Perhaps you expect too much of that state. You’d never see a conservative get elected in Oregon or Washington State either. But you might get someone with an R behind their name.

But I’ll tell you what… if Brown can be the deciding vote that stops the health care fiscal tsunami, I’ll be forever grateful and give him profuse thanks. So I’ll be happy for what seems like the small favors… because they may actually turn into big ones.

PS: Proud of me, Mike? :0)

But nice try, oh Dinky D…. liberal troll.

Dankery, the party is actually referred to as the Republican Party, not the Conservative Party. Your Progressive Marxist attempt to sow the seeds of discontent are not working here, try the Huffington Post: they seem to be running out of hot air over there.

Skookum, did you just call me a Marixist Progressive? gross. bye

typical “republicans.”. Anyone who pokes fun of the mainstream political scene must be a radical leftist.

wow, Skook. Another bullseye for you this eve. Got the liberal troll, a’dinka do, to move on! Throw another log and elk side on the fire for me. Missy and I are coming by for a visit! LOL

Too bad a’dinka do left before he figured out we’re not all “republicans”. Then again, really terrific he just left. Not much to add to threads, ya know. Kinda drags down the intelligence threshhold, working with some of these drive bys.

But I have to say, if his spam posts on four threads is an example of “poking fun”, he’s gotta be one boring SOB. Clever of tongue, he is not.

@MataHarley….youre silly

Mata, Mata, sometimes I think you have read more of Shakespeare than you let on, really funny stuff you know. If not, you may be missing a grand opportunity.

I read about a guy in Alaska who took a Ural with a side car that had two wheel drive, installed a diesel engine, 1,000 cc, built a custom frame and drove it in the winter with studded snow tires. A hard corps type of guy.

Mata, you’re silly; about as silly as a straight razor in a knife fight. She cuts wide and deep, and takes no prisoners. In a battle of wits against Mata, most Socialists are unarmed or else they wouldn’t be Socialists.

ah Skook, you are too kind. Actually a’dinka do is a brief observational study in schizoids (can’t hold my attention much longer than “brief”… LOL).

Comes down to this. When you see a fringe bobble head dance thru here on a balance beam, doing the divide and conquer bit, sometimes you just have to push ’em one way or the other to see which way they try to right themselves.

I pushed left since he tried a bit too hard to make his case he was conservative. Gotta weed ’em out, ya know. Beat the bushes. He smelled foul, and I generally push the opposite way since it draws out the venom faster.

In his case, he tried overcorrecting and went to the fringe right. So perhaps he wants us to believe he’s closer to the neo-nazi side, with no tolerance for Christians. Yeah… that’s conservative. snark… Then again, it’s not uncommon for fringe left to wander into conservative forums and play that game as well. So who knows.

Point is, just wanted him to blow his cover. With the linked comment, he did. Checkmate. My job here is done…. :0)

What is evident is that a’dinka do is definitely fringe. Whichever side it falls on in reality, it doesn’t matter. A troll is a troll.

And how did you know I absolutely loved Much Ado About Nothing?

@MataHarley: YOU RINO! 🙂

Hey, even I learn the down and dirty lessons of Alinsky, Mike. *Some* ends are worth the means…. heh

@MataHarley: You say it and no one bats an eye. I say it and all hell breaks loose.

The thing here is that there is a real difference between a Brown and a Coakley. A Massachusetts Republican may be somewhat more liberal than a southern conservative but is still way more conservative than a Massachusetts liberal.

In the case of Scozzofava in NY-23 there wasn’t much difference between her and the Dem. That’s why I supported Hoffman.

We’re going to bump up against this issue again as the year unfolds. Let’s all keep the proper perspective in mind.

Stakes are bigger here, Mike. It’s not a general run of the mill “pick a Dem or GOP” candidate election. This is *the” deciding vote (assuming they don’t stall certification long enough to exclude him). And the only reason we know that is because he pledges it upfront.

But we also know that he’s for a national plan… just not *this* national plan. So a wary eye must be kept. He will not always be the GOP darling he is today.

So I’ll take the time he can buy us, if possible. Am I really enthused? Doesn’t measure up to LTC Allen West, IMHO. Nope. Just another MA pretend Republican… but one who can carry an important mission to DC for us.

So I say bless you, Scott Brown. Go in triumph, and be true to your word on health care.