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I recommend talking directly to him, or the other officers at his companies:


Maybe you can ask for his services as a bouncer for your next get-together.


Then contact every client on his contacts page, and send them the video.

It’s actually quite fun, and costs nothing!

Reporter takes stumble chasing Mass. candidate
AP Spin:

Associated Press – January 13, 2010 12:14 PM ET

BOSTON (AP) – A reporter trying to question Massachusetts Senate candidate Martha Coakley was involved in a scuffle with 1 of her aides.

John McCormack of the Weekly Standard fell Tuesday night as he tried to speak with the Democrat while simultaneously videotaping her and trying to pass a metal grate on a Washington sidewalk.

Photos and video of the incident show Coakley aide Michael Meehan trying to help McCormack up. A scuffle broke out as Meehan tried to block McCormack and determine if he was an operative of a rival campaign.

Coakley is seen ignoring McCormack. The trip prompted criticism, since Coakley was in Washington seeking money from lobbyists while polls show a tightening race.

Republican Scott Brown and independent Joseph L. Kennedy are also seeking to succeed the late Sen. Edward Kennedy.


Do I smell assault charges and a lawsuit. I know I would file one.

“Do I smell assault charges and a lawsuit. I know I would file one.”

The “Justice Department” would probably see to it that it was dismissed.

Department of Justice Invoking Non-Existent Privileges in Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case

Typical of the commies! They are a bunch of jerks!
That is how they act, brutes!

I am wondering when I will read about the wimpy conservative who just might fight back.
I mean what is it with all these conservatives getting pushed around by liberal girlie men, WTF!


When you feel the rage, think about basketball or soccer. What happens when the foul happens? Does not the “victim” of said foul, dramatically fall down clutching the “injured” part of his hyper-athletic body, writhing in pain and anguish? The whistle blows, and 2 point are given in free throws, by a man suddenly returned to perfect form. The red-card comes out and a 75mph free-kick is attempted by a man who 30 seconds ago was looking like he needed the ICU.

When the cameras are rolling, take the shot by the girly-man. It won’t hurt. (Aim your forehead into his fist, it’s 3/4in of bone.)

I’m NOT implying this reporter wasn’t shoved into the metal barricade, but it is in his best interest to play it up, and NOT fight back, unless truly threatened.

If the cameras are NOT on, stomp him into a coma.

Yes PV, you are correct; but one of these days a fascist thug will push a man who doesn’t go down. I think I will attend meetings this year in my best geriatric disguise, and wait for just the right Fascist Marxist thug to take advantage of this old man.

Please G-d, I don’t ask for much, just give me one last opportunity to do some serious ass kicking.

Spike, some of Us are very capable of administering a little mayhem if hands are laid on. The Art of Self defense never goes out of style when the situation clearly dictates that diplomacy is not a viable solution. Had Mr. Meehan pulled that stunt on me, he would most likely be still looking for some of his teeth and wondering where those huge bumps on his melon came from after his “lights” went out.

I do not know what Mr. Meehan’s official function is in the Campaign but I doubt if he is a bodyguard or personal security. He took an opportunity to play the bully but some folks that have not spent their life behind a keyboard would give him an very painful and unpleasant surprise because some of Us are not intimidated by physical force or punk behavior. Unfortunately I have learned that returning the “favor” is the only thing that is understood by confrontational types.

A verbal exchange is not a criminal act. However, Battery is.

When civility and common sense fails going to the next level prevails. It was Assault or Battery depending on the State Statutes and your Right to defend your person is universal regardless of jurisdiction. It is just regrettable that Mass. AG Coakley chose Mr. Meehan’s company that night.
You are known by the company that you keep.

I’m pulling for Scott Brown to win the election because Miz Coakley has made statements to the effect that Al Q and the Taliban are not in my neighborhood when I know they are. I believe that we have enough idiots in the US Senate right now and I don’t recall a quota that needs to be met in that regard.

Awesome! Its in fact remarkable post, I have got much clear idea
concerning from this piece of writing.