HOLY CRAP! Scott Brown is Soaring….



There have been a couple of posts here at FA regarding US Senate Candidate Scott Brown…..

The race is narrowing toward it’s final conclusion on Tuesday.

Today, the Boston Herald endorsed Brown.

Also today, Scott Brown’s campaign is conducting a “Money Bomb”.

What’s that you ask?

Well, they set their goal at $500,000 for the day. When they surpassed that, they moved it to $750,000. When they surpassed that, yes they did, the new goal was set at $1,000,000.

As of the time of this post, the Scott Brown for US Senate campaign had raised


As of 9:47pm EST…


This is an incredible showing for the Republican candidate who is running to fill spot that Ted “the Swimmer” Kennedy formerly held.

Click here for updates and you can donate there too if you like.


It appears that the server is overloaded.

You can go here or here to donate as well.


A juicy snippet from tonight’s debate.

Roll the tape:

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Link for update and contribution comes up ” Internet Explorer cannont display webpage” for me –

They have reached $1,012,059.94 GO BROWN!

Gadzooks!! Is he SMOKIN’ or WHAT? In the immortal words of Tom Petty: “I’m gonna stand my ground and I won’t back down”. Wow! We could use some more of this!

As of 10:08 PM EST it’s now $1,050,156.36!!!


Thanks for the updates — I got my little bit added in

thank god their is hope coming.

Methinks ms martha is in for a bit of a spanking! There is a thing called divine intervention!

“It’s the People’s Seat” oh yes indeedie!!! David Gergen really needs to get a grip!

We the People: “All your seats are belong to us!”

2010 here we come!

He is very good. The only reason why NY23 did not have the tea party candidate win is b/c he is not a charismatic as Scott Brown is.

He is saying statements that people will remember.

That is how, with class, you shut up the DNC, Gergen and other DNC supporters.

You use wit and class and stick to the issues.

Nobody can argue that this is the citizens of MA senate seat.


Dede What’s her name, of the 23rd NY, received 1 million dollars from the RNC before she turned redcoat and endorsed the Democrat. Even then the conservative candidate almost pulled it off.

Scott Brown on the other hand received only $50,000 from the RNC last time I checked; it could be more by now. That’s a pitance for what could be one of the most important Senate races of our lifetimes. Brown represents the 41st vote. The vote that could kill Obama Care.

I have watched Michael Steele making the rounds of the Sunday morning talk shows and not one single mention of the Scott Brown race, it’s importance or a call to action.

The Scott Brown race hightlights the power of the grass roots, call it TEA party if you want. I live in Washington State and volunteered to help Scott’s campaign. They asked that I make just 75 phone calls and if possible call the nationally syndicated talk shows on behalf of Scott Brown. I have done both as well as post on multiple blogs. I am not a Republican, I am an Independent. I represent the power that just a little effort on the part of the grass roots exert in any election regardless of location.

If Scott Brown takes down Ted Kennedy’s seat…. The current crop of liberal/socialist/progressive democrats up for re-election will be quaking in their boots. RHINO’s should be paying attention too!

Michael Steele should be FIRED!!!!!

He’s been an abject failure as the GOP Chair.

Finished at over $1.3 Million !!