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Evening folks. Well, I knew it was only a matter of time before Franken did something stupid. The Dems are looking for any votes they can get and while it seems that Lieberman was likely to vote against it anyway there was no reason for Franken to try to humiliate him. You have to wonder whether Reid had a minor grand mal seizure when he saw this. You know that the GOP will be using this in ads to show just how low the Dem’s have gotten. At least the blue-dogs get to see their fate when their usefulness is gone. It’s actions like this (as well as the troika of Obama, Reid and Pelosi) that give hope to the notion of the GOP taking back the senate as early as 2010.

Okay… what am I missing here that bozo Franken “chairs” anything??? That, in itself, is a bad joke.

Interesting that an idiot that made his way into the Senate through vote fraud organized by ACORN and voters like CRAP, now thinks he is the grand wizard of Senate decorum. Of course it is also customary for Senators to blow through the chamber like it is a gymnasium:

He has definately made it clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that he is not worthy of the office he holds. Over half the folks from Minnesota must be cringing from embarassment. And, who’s bright idea was it to give him the gavel, it’s like giving a lighter to a four year old.

What was great about this is the response it got from McCain. I can tell that he is literally at his wits end with the buffoonery going on in the senate. He said (paraphrase): In my 20+ years in the senate, I have never seen anything like this before. There is something seriously wrong with this body (congress).

Look on the bright side. 534 congress critters now have a free shot at Frankin and Minnesota. They will have their shot and take it when it hurts the worst. Paybacks are he** for the receiver and fun for the sender. Crazy Harry and his clowns have set the dems up for some serious payback when the repub’s take over congress.

The Al Franken(stein) gaff was something to behold. What I can’t understand is why Lieberman still clings to their side of the isle after they way they treated him during his last senatorial election. Lieberman owes these clowns nothing and it’s payback time in spades now….


Crazy Harry and his clowns have set the dems up for some serious payback when the repub’s take over congress.

Have to agree with you there Scrapiron, BUT you know as well as I do, in the past, all the Dems had to do was go on TV and whine that the Republicans are being mean, and the Republicans would start “reaching across the isle”, and end up pulling back a bloody stump. They need to treat them as they have been treated, period. If that means secrete midnight sessions, changing the locks, telling the One, they Won, so be it. I’m so tired of trying to constantly being the nice guy, and ending up taking up the backside trying to “be fair”. We need someone out there constantly remind the voters the crap that the dems have been pulling the last 3 years, out in front of the cameras, and doing it loud and often.


I don’t see anything to get excited about this. One liberal fighting with another liberal. Hell, the more they fight to less they do and the less they do the better off the country is.

Title of my next book: Al Fraken is a Big Fatheaded, Parlimentarian Idiot.

Can’t wait till we get like the British Parliment and start hollering and having fun! Franken is an assclown and i would expect nothing less from this moron.

The real Baffoon is John McCain in all of this. McCain did the same thing to Senator Mark Dayton from Minnesota a few years back. Then he says he has never seen such a thing. I’d say McCain has a very short memory.

Was Franken out of Line? Only by McCains talk not his own actions! What I should really be calling McCain is a Hypocrite!

found on the Daily Kos and elsewhere!!!!

On October 10, 2002 — just ahead of the looming mid-term elections — the Senate rushed a debate on a war authorization giving President Bush the power to use force against Iraq. The resolution ultimately passed the Senate after midnight on an early Friday morning by a vote of 77-23.

During the course of the frenzied floor debate, then Sen. Mark Dayton (D-MN) spoke in favor of an amendment offered by Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) that would have restricted Bush’s constitutional powers to wage war against Iraq. After a minute and a half, Senator Dayton ran out of time, prompting this exchange:

Mr. DAYTON. I ask for unanimous consent that I have 30 seconds more to finish my remarks.

Mr. McCAIN. I object.


LIEberman is a TRAITOR!

Hey Lieb, how much was your cut with the insurers?

@Speaking of buffoons… here comes CRAP right on cue.

Tell me, CRAP… who was the “presiding officer” over that McCain/Dayton exchange? Convenient omission of facts? What a surprise from your buds at KOs.

Perhaps the most insidious Senatorial joke is the Senate putting Franken in a chair, armed with a gavel….

And to the new troll entry…. Lieberman’s status as a sorta conservative on some issues and sorta liberal on others isn’t the issue. The issue is Senate rules, protocol and general respect of aisles… not to mention who gets to hold the gavel and why…


Beat me to it by a whisper.

LOL, Aye. That’s because CRAP’s comprehension of nuances… ala Franken specifically saying “as a Senator…” to preface his remark… slips over his head.

Dumb is dumb… and it’s still a shame that basic idiocy tests, along with legal citizenship, aren’t a requirement prior to voting. sigh…

Got a job yet, CRAP? Or still living off of Congressional extensions because you refuse to be “under employed”? Sorry you aren’t part of the “unemployment “number?

MATA and AYE the real point of the story is:

McCain is without any doubt a a Hypocrite! I noticed you don’t want to speak to that Issue.

Yo buffoon… wasn’t worth addressing as, like in any court of law, an opposing attorney can “object”, but the decision comes from the bench… which just happened to be the Senatorial buffoon “objecting” with the gavel in hand. duh wuh

The protocol of objecting is one thing. That the “objection” comes from the supposedly unbiased gaveled one is another thing entirely.

Speaking of dodging issues, you volunteered to us that you were unemployed as of fall 2008, and blamed Bush. After 11 months of unemployment… well past any normal extension… you let us know you felt is was your right to continue claiming benefits because unemployment existed (at the employers expense) so that you were rightly allowed to ask for your taxpayer hand out to avoid being “underemployed”.

Frankly, I’m hoping you found a position. Best for you, family, and nation. If not… care to volunteer if you still feel justified living on the taxpayer since you don’t want an “underemployed” position?

@Real American Patriot:

CRAP, even after Mata’s expert explanation you still haven’t realized that you’ve brought a basket of apples to a pear festival.


Let me help you…Can you provide an example where the “presiding officer” made the objection?


Didn’t think so.

As my favorite comedian, Tater Salad, likes to say: “You can’t fix stupid.”

Two exit questions for you:

1) How’s the online dating scene nowadays?

2) Does your wife know yet?

Aye, a big part of being a leftist is being massively unaware of how ignorant, close minded, and bigoted one is.
CRAP displays this quite well then further eats his own foot trying to play the moral equivalency game and hijack the thread.

What did Reid think would happen when he gave power to franken-moron? The man has shown himself to mentally unstable on multiple occasions. I get the feeling guys like him were the type found in the SS. However he would have been a paper pusher as I believe him to be a coward.

To all you conservative nut jobs, the “Ozzie and Harriet” era aint coming back!

@martin: I guess you have no problem with the “Stuart Smalley” era.

What a joke you dim Dems are!

@martin, neither is a sense of class, respect or civility for that matter. Franken was a “known quantity and quality” and most likely fraudulently elected. All those “stray” ballots that were “found” gives me pause for thought.

Regardless, the current mode for Liberals seems to be “We won so You All can go to hell” is neither flattering or deserving of applause. Despite your take on it the floor of the US Senate is not a bar room or a Middle School schoolyard where the class bully makes the rules.

I expect Franken to behave like a jackass. That is in character for him. I’m sure that his constituents are very proud of their choice. The floor of the Senate is for taking care of the Nation’s business, not a stage for rude jackasses or a SNL skit. What goes around always comes around.

His turn in the barrel is coming.

Over the years I have had CODELs and Senators visit in theater for helicopter rides, briefings that they don’t understand, get a meal at the DFAC, shake paws with constituents and are generally a nuisance until they leave. Should Mr. Franken come to visit I can guarantee him an interesting time.
He will be safe but no lollipops or a pat on the head. He is just a politician since Air America tanked.