Senate Democrats Wheeling & Dealing To Get ObamaCare Passed

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According to all reports Sen. Harry Reid has caved to Lieberman and will now cut out pretty much everything important to liberals in ObamaCare to get him on board and get this POS passed.

Reporting from Washington – Senate Democratic leaders, scrambling for the 60 votes they need to pass the healthcare overhaul bill, moved Monday to strike a controversial proposal for expanding Medicare and proceed without a new government insurance program, the so-called public option.

So now Reid needs to get to 60 votes to pull the public option crap out of the bill just to get it passed. But the hardcore Socialist amongst them is resisting. Specifically Burris, Franken, Brown, Feingold and Sanders.

But according to Redstate the Democratic leadership is threatening Sanders to get him on board:

The White House and Democratic Leadership in the Senate has told Senator Nelson they will close every military base in Nebraska — a threat that is not credible, really — but they have also offered Senator Nelson between $300 million to $500 million in earmarks, according to key hill health care operatives. These hundreds of millions will be available for whatever he wants to spend them on in Nebraska.

Given Senator Nelson’s hard core earmarking history as an appropriator, the word on the street is that this is the real carrot that could get Nelson to agree to some cover amendment that would allege to protect the innocent unborn from government funding of abortion, but, in fact, would not.

Unless a Sanders or Burris — or some other liberal — objects to the bill having no public option, then if Nelson holds the bill dies, and if Nelson does not hold, the bill passes. Given that the Dems have caved to Lieberman — this is the whole ball game — Senator Nelson.

More backroom dealings then ever from this Administration. Not shocking at all.

They now understand ObamaCare will not pass with their Socialist dreams so they want to pass anything, absolutely anything, to help them in 2010 and with Medicare gone the cost of this bill has been reduced.

Some may say we have won in pretty much killing this bill but I would disagree. All that matters is the bill passes and then Obama can create another czar to implement everything he wants, just like he did with the EPA recently.

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Is this the way a banana republic is supposed to work?

It’s now time for the Repubs to put forth every procedural tactic they have.

The Zero is now learning a huge difference between being President and campaigning for the job. It is much more difficult for the lapdog press to completely hide your shenanigans when you actually hold the job. The Zero has been reduced to bribery in order to get this skunk of a bill passed. Once he dolls out those earmarks he promised would have no place on his watch, he still has to reconcile the Senate POS with the House POS. Both Chambers of Congress will need to pass different versions which I am certain will contain more bribery. All this will occur in an election year. Bend over Liberals, your turn in charge unchecked will last for all of two years. It would be funny except for the damage you were able to inflict on the country during that time.

I knew that with a little leverage Leiberman would knuckle under. Anybody that does not understand that this guy is a dyed in the wool liberal democrat, needs his head examined.How stupid can a man get, he caucuses with the same people that tried to throw him out of the senate. God save us from these fools!


There is some talk that the House may attempt to pass the Senate version without any changes nor debate.

Call me naive but aren’t these payoffs illegal? They are not even trying to hide these bribes. And do these senators really think they can buck the American people and get off scot free? When we take the house and maybe the senate I do hope there will be investigations into this nonsense. These people are screwing us with our own money. They act as if they are answerable to nobody.

Looks like Lieberman is up to his antics again…

See Barbara? It’s like this.

Where you see a payoff, what that really is, is a: “Infrastructure, education, transportation, litigation, developmental assistance grant” that was already approved in the Omnibus Spending bill as a Rider under: “Miscellaneous Expenditures”, subsection 43c, under the heading: “Flexible Accounts”, included in part B of the “Discretionary Spending” in the chapter titled: “Disbursals Subject to Commission Oversight Subcommittee Members Council”, which consists of Pelosi, Reid, and Emanuel, or their approved unicorns deputies.

Payoff?! I’m shocked. SHOCKED I say!… that you could accuse our benevolent public servants, of such a dastardly motive!

Where’s your Hope?

@ Patvann
Tell me it aint so. They only passed the house version of this POS by a whopping 3 vote margin. I am hopeful that enough or these morons will come to their senses to prevent this from happening. It makes me a little angry that so called conservatives who voted for this idiot serving as President are actually surprised by his actions. Colin Powell, I hope you are completely unable to sleep at night.