Over the last few Tonight Show’s with Conan O’Brien, William Shatner has been on to read a few excerpts from Sarah Palin’s new book Going Rogue: An American Life, in an obvious attempt at humor. Selecting sentences out of a book without context can always be funny….on tonights show Sarah had a chance to do the same thing to Captain Kirk’s book:

See author page
That was so effing funny.
The look on Shatner’s face when Sarah stepped out was priceless. But was he actually caught out or was he in on it and just acting surprised? I guess we’ll never know for sure.
I did note the audience enthusiasm for Sarah.
My opinion of Shatner has gone up a few notches recently. He did a great interview with Rush on his show: “Shatner’s Raw Nerve”. It was clear he disagreed with El Rushbo on politics but he did a genuine interview–not a cheap, nasty debate or “gotcha” session–al la Bill Maher or perky Katie. He established a rapport, discussed their mutual hearing afflictions, drew Rush out, then just let him talk.
Reagan,capt.Kirk is for kids:we the people defend the mankind,in the original Mr.Bush’s vision
I had no idea that William Shatner was that short.
I really admire that woman. Look at the way the audience reacted when she walked out!
The crowd reaction to her was stunning
It’s not that Shatner is short, its that Conan is tall (6′-4″)
Why does it feel as if, with each appearance, Schmit and Wallace crawl deeper into the holes to hide themselves from the embarrassment of how they mishandled and suppressed her last year?
Off the charts imbecilic, what they did.
Love ya, Bill, especially when Denny Crain supports the NRA, but …
… she GOTCHA !!!!!!
Elephant watching in his underwear??????
Way to go, Sarah!!!!!!
A mischievous thought just popped in. Please try to hold your gut reaction for a while and think it over before you start typing out your contempt. You did love him once, you know.
Palin-Gingrich 2012!
I’m not sold either, but… Hmmmmmm.
Shatner’s expressions were straight out of World Wrestling Federation, it was either real or the best acting he has ever done.
I appreciate the audience response to Sarah, hard to imagine any other GOP man alive getting that kind of welcome.
That audience reaction says it all: Sarah is a HIT. No wonder the lefties hate her so much.
And doing shows like this helps her reach that wider audience whose only information about her so far has been the Tina Fey impersonation on Saturday Night Live and the hit pieces by David Letterman.
Sarah’s back and her star is on the rise. Now, what does she intend to do?
I lean more towards a Gingrich-Palin ticket… although I’m not happy about Gingrich’s endorsement in the NY23. Had even considered a Huckabee-Palin ticket ’till Huckabee came under fire for his commutation of a 16 year old kids 100 plus year sentence, which has turned out in hindsight to have been a terrible thing, but alas, I think that decision has pretty much ended Huckubee’s chances for future high office.
Palin in a VP role, would allow her to spend her time rooting out corruption, which is sorely needed and set the stage for a future presidential run. I also like Tancredo of Colorado, his stance on immigration and willingness to be vocal about it is refreshing and believe that Palin would be appropriate at the head of such a ticket.
I guess we’ll see who else has the moxy to take a leadership role over the course of the next couple of years.
It’s a good thing Sarah’s book talked about moose eyeballs and not moose balls!
I don’t want Gingrich anywhere near the White House. He and his kind are what went wrong with the Republican party. I’ll agree that he was useful in 94, but he has become too ingrained in the Republican “system”. He facilitated Cap & Tax back in back in 96, and is still for it today. His morals are on par with Tiger’s, and he needs to shut up and retire.
Palin with Lynn Cheney as VP would be cool, just to watch the heads of liberals explode, but I need more time to flesh-out who I think would make a good ticket.
listen to that crowd roar!
thats quality entertainment… bravo conan.
gingrich will never catch on… hes seen as old blood and will never resonate with those under 30. I hope the same is true of mitt. I want someone to step up like maybe pence or mitch daniels.
could you even imagine a ron paul/palin on a libertarian ticket?
Yes, Gingrich’s endorsement of “what’s her name, I’ll endorse the democrat over the conservative” in NY23 was a “party over principle” decision that soured me greatly on Gingrich. However, Gingrich is a very accomplished speaker with a very good grasp on issues. Unfortunately too many voters don’t reason well and vote based on emotional missconceptions of reality.
Palin/Paul that’s an interesting idea.
Good grief! Now you guys are throwing Gingrich under the bus?
I agree he’s probably too smart to win the top job but let’s cut him some slack until, or if, he decides to run.
And Ron Paul? Oh GOD NO!
If the message is truly going to be fiscal responsibilty… I dont think there is any better choice.
The longer obama is in office the more libartarian i feel myself becoming.
Please note, concerning Ron Paul, I say “interesting”. I’m not ready to throw Gingrich under the bus, I still think, at the present time he’s a great option and unless someone steps up to the level of leadership that Gingrich has displayed, he may be the best option.
Shatner looked like he was afraid Sarah was going to hit him. That was too funny! Thanks for the laughes.
Get real Donald Bly! Newt Gingrich is unelectable. He would be a horrible POTUS. He can`t relate to real Americans any more than BHO can. Also, forget Palin as a Veep candidate again. Nobody runs for #2 twice. She heads the ticket or bust….
She has a charisma and good acting skills in the TV sketch( a little bit of Reagan) that makes her so appealing.
How about Palin- Thune?\\
Captain Kirk knew about the skit beforehand. Sarah showed pictures on her Facebook page of him signing his autobiography for her before the show. Well done by both Sarah & Shatner. I bet he was impressed.
Curt thanks for posting this! I got rid of my TV again so in the rare times there is something worth watching, glad to know I can usually find it on FA.
Palin is simply a natural in front of the camera. While I do and have always had high regards for her, I’ve become convinced since her book tour that she is “not ready for prime time.” The fact that she even ‘entertained’ the Obama birther idea was very troubling/naïve. On the other hand, and to use her words of “Shaking things up”, no ticket would be more extreme than Beck and Palin, (in any order). On one hand, the mere thought of that ticket could send one into hyperventilation. On the other, I can’t think of two well known Americans who have more passion and love for America and the conservative cause than Palin and Beck.
As extreme as it appears, I do have my moments when I actually wonder if that’s the kind of elected it will take to really house clean the government, get rid of 80% of superfluous government “departments”, and give the country back to the people. If I had to pick two high profile people who would be the last to sell out to anyone, it would be Beck and Palin. Let’s face it, they couldn’t be any worse than Obama and Biden, would never give the Queen of England an IPod, apologize for America, or let Tony Hawk skateboard down the halls of history. Who knows, what can happen after “ Historic Obama” gets finished with us. Surrounded with good advisors, the all presidential decisions can be informed and well made, even more so with people of character calling the shots.
All said, I think Beck is best to stay on right where he is and Plain’s best role would be to replace and undo the damage of Oprah Winfrey. Initially I though Palin’s best role would be as a US Senator; another Michelle Bachman of sorts. After more thought, I’m convinced Palin could do the most for America by becoming the “Palin effect.” Unlike Oprah’s diminishing (albeit still huge) audience, Palin would bring in EVERYONE, lovers and haters, men and women. Every word would be analyzed, from John Stewart to Pat Robinson. Unlike Oprah who’s main impact is with women, Palin could reach most of America, on a daily basis, in unprecedented ways. Just as I believe Glenn Beck has reached a demograhic that had never been reached before, Palin would do the same, except on steroids!
There’s actually a TV show called the “Oprah Effect” which I once watched. Nothing in it surprised me except for the fact that there really are millions of people in this country who can’t make a move or decision until “Oprah says so.” Little do most of them realize that she has led them all down a clandestine path of New Age, anti-Christian, materialistic, immoral, self-centeredness, and I dare say, perhaps even a bit racist path. Without question our culture has been shaped and corrupted by Oprah, which is all the more reason, we need a REAL woman who loves America, life, and family values in the spotlight. While I still believe Palin would make a great Senator, she could never have the impact she would on America as she would “reaching them where they are”, in front of the TV. Consequently, I nominate Sarah Palin as the new “Queen of daytime TV.”
In regards to the best ticket out there, I still like Bobby Jindal, who with some “media/speech coaching” I believe still has the right stuff. Ron Paul could NEVER be considered simply owing to the fact that he continues to blame America for 911. Who could ever support a person for POTUS who believes this? That, like Palin’s missed opportunity to squash the birther argument, should be an automatic deal breaker. For the record, I do think Ron Paul does get a bit right, especially going after the Federal Reserve and of course, the right to every human life (he marches and speaks in DC every January with the pro-lifers).
As for Newt, I sure do like him, and can’t think of anyone smarter and more informed, but could/would probably only vote for him if it was down to the final ticket. My preference would be for someone “fresher” like Jindal. As for the NY 23 thing, I could see his side on not wanting to interfere at the local level, but I could just as much see the danger of supporting the RHINO.
I continue to predict that Palin WILL run for POTUS, but not under the GOP, and maybe even win! I could certainly live with that, but I still think both she and Todd (and Trig) could do more for America by being the first real TV role models since the days of ‘Leave it to Beaver’ and the 60’s. America is starved for authenticity, and love them or hate them, the Palins are not only the real deal, but have a lot to teach.
Sorry about my typos. I wasn’t logged in when I posted so no way to edit them; consequence of posts going to spam.
The thing that jumped out at me, which is something I feel time and time proves Sarah Palin’s impressive intellect though some call her dumb is that she was able to give lines from Shanter’s Book completely from memory. Republicans are fools if they don’t get behind this woman. If you can’t see the potential in this woman you deserve to fail.
Ex Dem, not to take anything away from our beloved Sarah, but I believe they’re called “cue cards.”
I don’t think so, Palin unlike Obama has proven her ability to speak without teleprompters or cues, during her speach to the RNC her teleprompter couldn’t keep up with the audiences applause, Sarah gave the speach from memory. The only other president i know who has done that is Clienton and for his tendencies for the debased, Clinton is Highly intelligent.
Sarah you continue to suprise us at how relaxed you are when confronting liberalism even on their turf.