Keep underestimating her:
A HarperCollins insider told The Daily Beast that the book sold a staggering 300,000 copies on the first day alone, which was Tuesday. “Sales are phenomenal, and we are convinced that the book will continue to sell phenomenally for some time to come,” says the insider. They’re not prevaricating: As of 2:30pm today, the book was #1 on Amazon, ahead of both Stephen King’s new novel, Under the Dome, and Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. The latter sold 1 million copies on its first day, but that figure included the UK, and top fiction generally trumps non-fiction.
The books are selling so well the publisher is printing out an additional 100k of em:
Sarah Palin’s memoir just hit the stands today but demand for “Going Rogue: An American Life” is so strong that HarperCollins Publishers is going back to press for an additional 100,000 run, bringing the total number of hard-covers in print to 1.6 million copies.
~~~Three major booksellers declined to release sales figures for “Going Rogue” on Tuesday. However, a spokeswoman for Inc.’s Web site noted in an email that the title “is already one of our bestselling nonfiction books of 2009.”
And a few numbers the lefties will not like, and will try to turn around is these:
As Sarah Palin blankets the media on a whirlwind book promotion tour, the former vice-presidential contender is clearly back on America’s radar screen. Despite being characterized by many as a divisive force in her party and the nation, Americans are much more likely to give Palin a positive rating (47 percent favorable) than another prominent female leader — Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (28 percent favorable). Moreover, about six in 10 Americans (61 percent) think Palin has been treated unfairly by the press, according to the latest Fox News poll.
And one nut (out of many) on the left is just a bit obsessed.

See author page
I have this strong positive feeling that should Sarah Palin take on Mr Osama, she’ll be our next
She will kick his butt . She has more experience around her pinky than Mr Osama has around his
big head.
As an hispanic conservative…and yes I’m anti illegal aliens from anywhere, who once was lead
by the left wing, will vote for her at the drop of a dime.
And yes, not all hispanics are held within the democratic plantation of political slavery. There are
many hispanics who have been there, done that and saw the GOP light.
So don’t think hispanics are all political monolithec.
Hi Jim,
I totally agree with you and more of us, Hispanics conservatives, have to spread the word. The ‘political slavery” that you mention is alive and well in so many hispanic homes due to the lack of real information. La Raza is a center to reclut all these illegal inmigrants to get a new radical political base. Remember Alisnky..attack, attack and attack..that is what we Hispanics conservatives must do to save others from the Democratic party’s lies.
I hope that Mrs. Palin can visit consevative Hispanic communities as well.
Hi guys, I work with Hispanics and live around them and my girl friend is half Mexican and Half Irish. I have been trying to make people realize that there is a true small business man wrapped in every Hispanic hide, that is a serious complement by the way.
Please campaign and make your feelings known, there are too many of us gavauchos who have written off the Spanish vote. I campaign among my Hispanic friends, but voices like yours could accomplish a great deal more.
G-d Speed mi companeros. forgive my spelling, I have a hard time with English
From Curt’s post above:
From the Quin/poll Mike linked to in his “Chickens coming home” topic:
And, it’s only day 1…….chuckle, chuckle, chuckle!
It’s a great pay back day for a much maligned honest and decent lady.
In your faces lefty scumbags!
Sarah Palin has suffered because she has been in a one sided fight until now. The media has never let up on her despite the astonishing incompetence of this administration. She’s doing well now that she is in personal contact with the public and will only continue to rise.
Just tickles me pink to watch the left and elitist right and left squirm. Revenge of fly over country! How delicious.
So inquiring minds want to know…. with Oprah, “queen of talk shows” announcing she’s calling it quits after the next season, will Palin be seeking a talk show forum to usurp the retiring queen? Or will she remain a contender in the political/elected office realm?
All depends on where she thinks she can be the most productive. The money surely lies in the talk show media forum, and there is the ability to combat the prozac news we are all subjected to now.
Just for fun, but not to overdo a good video:
Have ya’ll bought your second copy yet? And third, fourth, ect., ect.. Christmas is just around the corner! 🙂
During the elections, it would have been a great move by the McCain-Palin camp to send Sarah to Mexico. She has an incredible charm and so many Hispanics are curious to get to know her and her ideas, specially women.
The large number of Hispanics that I was in contact with during the election were sold on the idea that the Republicans and /or conservatives are racists. This is the biggest lie that the Liberals have been able to spread and the GOP and conservatives have not refuted in a forceful manner. (We should talk more about the Kansas-Nebraska Act). Somehow, the GOP has let the Liberals monopolize that argument.
I would love to see Sarah visit Mexico and other Latin American countries and she will be amazed as how much support she will get there.
Skookum: I want to congratulate you for your time and effort in trying to learn and speak Spanish. It took me a long time to speak English, and I am still learning, specially writing. It is not my forte.
Yes, I bought a second copy. This time I gave a donation to SarahPac in order to get a signed copy of the book which I’m convinced will become a collectable item with increased value when she is elected president.
I did the very same thing, and the copy I received from Barnes & Noble will then be able to be given as a gift. May buy a couple more for gifts as well.
I like your not so subtle acknowledgement of how it will be a valuable item when she is elected President! Very nice indeed!
Here’s the link to SarahPac, to make it a bit easier for folks to do what you and I did.
Well, since it’s Hispanic Conservative Night here at Flopping Aces, let me say that I’m a Hispanic conservative from California, and I’m almost done with Going Rogue (page 250). I honestly didn’t care for the first 12 or so pages, but after that I’ve been pleased.
Palin has my vote if she decides to run. I trust her, she’s a true conservative, she has a track record of fighting political corruption, she has plenty of executive experience, and she makes savvy decisions for her constituents. But mostly, she respects the Constitution of the United States.
Palin/Guliani 2012?
i will vote for sarah in 2012!
be at the polls in 2010 and vote out these horrible democrats that are ruining our country.
A Palin/Giuliani ticket would be quite formidable. Giuliani, whether one agrees with everything he’s done or not, could never be accused of not wanting to put country first, or his ability and resolve to defend it.
BTW, it’s great to hear from you, a Hispanic Conservative, and I’ll bet you are having a positive influence on others in your family, so thank you. I think, as you probably are well aware of, many in the Hispanic community have been led to believe that the Democrats are on their side. We need to change that, not only amongst Hispanics, but all nationalities!!
Here are lots of photos and a write up by this blog owner that attended the Fort Bragg event with his daughter. He tells of a moving event when Sarah hugged one of our female troops, very tender moment.
Blog owner:
He seems similar to the warriors we have in our FA family.
Missy, thank you so much for that link to Sean Linnane’s blog on Sarah. Loved it. That was really touching, and very well written! And, love the photos with commentary–and, the photos period!
(On a side note, I’ve meant to ask you before…what does P&T stand for? I know I’m probably the only one who doesn’t know, but had to ask.)
@SoCal Chris:
I found his blog on Veteran’s Day, wanted to spend a bit of time following links from one milblog to another to see what our military folks were doing for that special day, it was a neat experience.
Please and Thanks.
Thanks Missy!
What I’m about to say has nothing to do with Mrs Palin. I’ve heard that Obambang is not going to
give a “cost of living” increase to those on social security.
Yet I have the understanding that Congress will give themselves a 4% cost of living pay increase.
Also the military and those government employees are also suppose to get that cost of living
If this is true, where’s the justice in denying those on a fixed income a cost of living increase?
Besides those on social security not getting a cost of living increase will get a double wammy by
having to pay the part B medicare cost increase and that of Rx drug benefits.
In other words, those on social security will see their pay stagnated but they will have to pay more
their medical.
Not to mention the rationing if they get this Obambang care passed.
As an hispanic conservative I wholeheartily reject this health care plan being shoved down our
Believe you me, Obambang is methodically changing our democracy into a vision of his twin
associate Hugo Chavez.
You watch and see if a new war between the states don’t erupt just like in the civil war.
If that doesn’t trigger it the discovery of an ilegitimate president will. If it is found out that Obambang is not US born and does not meet our constitutional credentials you will see a war within
the US.
He’s yet to provide a valid birht certificate and open his school records, passports etc.
Jim, welcome to FA! What you are saying is true, but to compensate for the loss, Obama and company are proposing cutting them a check for $250 in 2010. Needless to say, they are not pleased: