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Yep, imaginary jobs in imaginary districts. Peter Pan and the boys ought to be ecstatic.

I wouldn’t jump to conclusions – after all, everyone knows there are 57 states! The 15 district might be in one of those! (sarcasm stongly intended)

The Stimulus was only meant to stimulate the financial portfolios of Obama cronies at the expense of American citizens. It is a double dipping scam of monumental proportions, first we lose any possible benefit that might have accrued and then we lose again with a higher tax rate and a higher deficit.

This is a political scenario right of Rhodesia or Zimbabwe, tax the people who are working to support those who contribute nothing, print money in an orgy of financial fantasy until the country is completely destroyed; then print ten trillion dollar bills so that people can do basic retail like buying a loaf of bread. It’s called hyper inflation and it is the inevitable next step when you have printed more notes in ten months than any other president has printed in eight years.

This is the way of Marxist Social Justice, hold on the ship of state kids because it is now a canoe flying down the wild river of fiscal incompetence and corruption. Obama has become the boatman of the River Styxx, he is more than happy to lead us to the other side, the other side is Hell.

Oh yeah, the ol’ human error trick-a-rino. Remember all through the campaign it was always someone elses fault? He didn’t do it, his secretary filled out that questionaire, Sarah Palin made him say it, excuses just rolled off his tongue. Used every excuse in the book outside of his dog ate his homework, expect that one soon. Kennedy finally had to step in and make an honest man out of him and gave him a dog.


Found you a cool “Inflated Jobs By State” interactive map:


Not only are they finding brand new districts in Arizona, it’s being reported today that there are six additional states and territories that are doing the same thing. Must be that $18 million website the White House had to have, it’s really working out well for them.

The employment rate will NEVER reach 8% if we pass the stimulus bill NOW! IT CAN’T WAIT! Unemployment will drop to the lowest level in modern history if we pass this bill NOW!
Gee, how times change. Bill passes, unemployment jumps to new high since the depression. Tell me some more lies Oh exalted one!

The handy dandy gov’t site says that my ZIP code has gotten in the neighborhood of $3 million…and that ZERO jobs have been created for that amount of investment.

The curious thing is that I have spoken to the County Manager and the Mayor of this little town and guess what? We have received no stimulus dollars.

Zip. Zero. Nada. None.

Not a dollar. Not $3 million.

Somebody is lyin’ to our faces.

@Skookum: great line: “a canoe flying down the wild river of fiscal incompetence and corruption.”

@Missy: good find on the map. Embed is below:

View Bogus jobs ‘created or saved’ by the Stimulus in a larger map

Does anyone have a source/site link listing ALL the bogus districts in question?


Okay, guys,

Upon my continued digging and contacting Washington Examiner writer for further info this site is the one that seems to have the most up to date listings of the “districts” thus far:



The bundles of money aside (which I wonder what the slush fund dollars were really being held for) anyone want to speculate on what this kind of bogus ‘districting’ might have done to future elections and states’ gerrymandering???

I mean, it’s never about just the one thing with these people … is it now?

I just wonder if anyone in the fictional Congressional Districts is paying income taxes, or even filing tax returns.
Next, they will tell us that their not raising our taxes, it’s just that our money is strangely attracted to the Form 1040.

@Maggie: Thanks Maggie. If we’re not careful we might find some of these phantom Members of Congress voting on the next health care bill. Of course you know all the phantoms will be Democrats. Sort of like fraudulent ACORN voters.

Using Obama’s statistics, I can claim I’ve had sex with Christina Hendricks ten times now!

Driving by downtown Melbourne, Brevard County in Florida, was terrible. The business are all empty and you can tell that there is no economic activity. The same thing in Volusia and Flagler counties. No sign of stimulus money there. Furthermore, I can report the same situation in the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.
These government statistics are fabricated and repulsive. Do they think that we are going to believe their reports when we can see the reality of unemployment all around us?
I am eager to learn what the Radical Ecologists of Alaska are going to do against the Gov. Of Alaska who would like to drill for oil to get people to work. Anybody watched Cavuto today?
Americans need jobs!

Uri, I do a bit of driving myself, I often pull off on an exit to visit a mall for a meal and the mall will be vacant, not one store open! Last year it was a thriving mercantile center. Thank G-d we saved Goldman and Sacks, otherwise we would really be in trouble. Those guys need their hundred million dollar bonuses. Think where the country would be without them! So what if our grandchildren’s children will still be in debt, we saved Goldman and Sacks and a bunch of other incompetent buffoons who contributed to the Marxist in the White House and his campaign.