The desecration has begun. A ground-breaking ceremony was held at the Shanksville crash site on Saturday. Bulldozers will start reshaping the land this week. Never mind that the only rule for the Flight 93 memorial’s design competition was that the landscape had to be left as it was. In order to complete the full arc of the Crescent of Embrace (now called a broken circle, but still a giant Islamic-shaped crescent), an earthen causeway will have to be built across the wetlands that lie about 50 vertical feet below the crash site.
A contractor posted recently about his decision to turn down work on the memorial, despite economic hard times. Our friend Jeff just could not stomach the idea of helping to build a tribute to the enemy, a sentiment that is easy to understand and much appreciated. To anyone else who might find themselves in this situation, just be aware that there are other options. Someone is going to do the work, and if the pay is lucrative, it could be better for our cause to have that money go to someone who is on our side.
Blogburst author Alec Rawls has succeeded in driving quite a bit of Western Pennsylvania news coverage through the purchase of a half-dozen half-page full-color ads in the local Somerset paper. If anybody wants to fund another, Alec will gladly put the ad together. Call it anti-dhimmi jiu-jitsu. We can use the Park Service’s own money against them.
If we don’t succeed, then we have to live with knowing that we helped to build an abomination. There is no simple answer.
On the subject of worthy causes, long-time blogburst participant Curt at the excellent Flopping Aces blog is helping to orchestrate fundraising for Project Valour-IT, which helps provide voice-controlled computers and other technology to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries.
Soldiers Angels, which hosts Valour-IT, is also fundraising for the victims of the jihad attack on Fort Hood.
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The perfect memorial for the new world order of Obama.
This is the first that I have heard of this outrage. Has this been confirmed? Why have I not heard anything about this in the blogosphere? Let’s see Prince Abubu give the opening address at the opening of the memorial ceremony! This outrage must not be allowed to stand! Who is responsible for this? This is the last straw!
Do you think that the patriots who went to war against the terrorists in the plane, would approve of dedicating the place of their deaths to the religion of the sick perverted bastards that caused the man made disaster?
I realize that patriotic Islamics serve our country with honor; but as a Christian, I don’t claim protection for White Supremacists or Klansmen, I distance myself as far as possible from these sick bastards.
I have posted this on Facebook. I hope there is enough outcry to stop this and proceed with another design. I remember when the design originally “won”, and there was a huge outcry from the public and families of Flight 93; then the furor died down. And now it is back! Disgusting, and my hat is off to the contractor who refused to work on this unAmerican project!
Another interesting factoid I picked up in Jerusalem last May is:
Did you know that every mosque in the world is topped by a crescent moon symbol except in one city? That city is Jerusalem. All the mosques in Jerusalem are topped with a full moon symbol. As my guide explained, this symbol also represents the earth. The hidden meaning behind this symbol that every follower of Islam knows is, ” Isalm shall rule the world from Jerusalem”. This is why they are determined to hold or take that one city regardless of the cost.
Make no mistake, they mean to rule the world and will utterly crush anyone who opposes them. The Jihadist has no choice in this matter, if you don’t convert, you MUST die.
Thanks, Languille. I jokingly refer to myself as “one who counts dirt”.
A NY sitework contractor requested my services to calculate the volume of work to be involved in this project. What I do involves careful, tedious digitization of paper construction plans into a computer program that helps analyze the quantities of earthwork, paving, soil strata, flatwork, underground utilities, etc. But, it is not the actual construction. To the best of my knowledge, the company whose business I declined, continued pursuing this job and may be the ones doing the work. And my lack of participation will not stop (or even substantially delay) the project.
My small action pales in comparison to the heroism of those passengers aboard Flight 93, when they decided to storm the cockpit. I would not, and WILL not, contribute to their dishonor, regardless of the profit.
If you are of like mind regarding this, please contact your elected officials, your local media and the media around Shanksville, PA…and what the heck, every national media bigshot that has a blog, website, or radio/TV show.
The only thing that gives them license to rape our Liberty is our silent assent. There will be more storming of cockpits in our future, long before we are through. Let none of us assume that guarding that Liberty is someone else’s responsibility. The terrorists have taken control of OUR plane. If we are to die, let us go down fighting. “Let’s roll!”
@Jeff: Lets not assume guarding that liberty is someone else responsibility, yeah, like our government. We should be completely outraged at the total failure. complete incompetence, and highly unacceptable response on that day. The vice president doesn’t “command war games” that’s a complete fabrication. The head of NORAD gets a promotion? That’s very unusual. When he should be on trial. Nobody ever asked bush how he saw the first plane hit.