US Beating Europe…..In Numbers Unemployed

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The left got what they wanted….we’re like Europe now:

Unemployment is now higher in the U.S. than in Europe,  reports the Washington Post.  “The official U.S. unemployment rate, reported last Friday, now stands at 10.2 percent,” compared to “9.7 percent” in Europe.   This is the highest rate in more than 26 years, and marks a huge change from the recent past, in which unemployment was double the American rate in much of Europe.

Unemployment is at 10 percent in France, which refused to adopt a U.S.-style stimulus package, and only 7.6 percent in Germany, which adopted a stimulus package that was smaller relative to its economy than ours was.  (Countries that refused to adopt big stimulus packages have fared better than those that imitated President Obama. And the biggest-spending countries have suffered worst in the recession.)

A “broader measure of U.S. unemployment,” including discouraged workers, puts U.S. unemployment at 17.5 percent, reports the New York Times.

As the Post notes, “For many on the left, the lament for years has been: Why can’t America be more like Europe? Why can’t rustic Americans be more like sophisticated Europeans? The sentiment has resurfaced in recent months as the health-care debate has raged on — why can’t the American health-care system be more like Europe’s?”

Well, America is now more like Europe when it comes to unemployment.  But not when it comes to social benefits and protections.  The American Left knows how to import Europe’s failures, but not its successes.

And the left is just pining for some more failure:

The massive health-care bill passed by the House on Saturday is a classic example.  It would expand health care coverage somewhat, but not to European levels, and it would vastly increase the costs of our health care system, rather than reducing it to European levels.   It would also increase taxes to “European levels of taxation.”  The health care bill contains politically-correct provisions that Europeans would never put up with, like pork for trial lawyers and racial preferences.  And restrictions on national competition in health insurance, which do not exist in Europe.

In France, doctors don’t need to be paid as much, because competing professions, like lawyers, are paid less.  French law is much more conservative than American law when it comes to lawsuits, including lawsuits against doctors.  There are NO punitive damages, and France discourages lawsuits by making unsuccessful plaintiffs pay the other side’s legal bills.  (Other European countries have specialized health courts, rather than American-style jury trials, to cut lawyers’ bills, speedily compensate the injured, and prevent American-style baseless lawsuits against doctors.)

Come on lefties…..cheer away!

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Now, THERE’s a goal! Thank you to our MOST.ETHICAL.(and clueless) ADMINISTRATION. EVAH!!! Can’t wait for the grown-ups to get back into office. VOTE EVERYONE OF THEM OUT and let’s start over!

When taxes go up 10% to 45% and all of a sudden you people with guaranteed (government) jobs are not able to maintain your current standard of living, the lefty base will crumble. Taxes are an anchor for an economy, the more money taken from the private sector, the more stress an economy suffers. Kaching, Kaching, Kaching, mmm mmm mmm

Wise investors are looking at investing in the staples of Third World Economies. In the mean time sneeze on your sleeve.

It’s off to work. For those of you who can relocate, Ireland has a thriving economy. They offer incentives to international companies to relocate to Ireland and do business there. How many international companies are setting up their home offices in the Obamanation? Oh that’s right, corporate bad, Socialism good. No wonder they look elsewhere.

We finally can stand tall and be proud once again. Our brave and fearless Leader has led us into new frontiers of outshining those trashy Europeans. Why, with a little hard work and Socialist know how we may rise to heights that would be the envy of all Commies worldwide.