No bias in the reporting of this new poll eh?

They fail to report on some pretty significant drops in the poll….drops that if it had been swung the other way would of been in big bold letters:
Fifty-four percent of respondents to the latest CNN poll disapprove of Barack Obama’s performance on the economy, a 17-point swing in six weeks. That isn’t the worst of the poll, either; 57% now disapprove of Obama’s performance on health care, a 19-point swing in that same time.
~~~a 17-point reversal on the economy and a 19-point reversal on health care would be, well, news. One has to wonder why neither get mentioned in a report on the popularity of a president whose central issues are health care and the economy. The rapid disintegration of his popularity on these positions will have enormous implications for Obama’s ability to push his agenda through Congress in both arenas, and also on the midterm elections a year from now if this becomes a trend.
In fact, it’s hard to find an issue where Obama has not lost ground:
- Economy – 46%/54%, was 54%/45%
- Foreign affairs – 51%/47%, was 58%/38%
- Health care – 42%/57%, was 51%/47%
- Afghanistan – 42%/56%, was 49%/46%
- Taxes – 49%/50%, was 52%/42%
- Helping the middle class – 50%/49%, was 67%/32% (six months ago, last time question asked)
His numbers stayed roughly the same on Medicare, with just a rounding difference. Otherwise, Obama has lost serious ground on every issue, mainly over the last six weeks.
17 point and a 19 point swing into the disapproval area and nary a peep in the article. Ed also notes they fail to note the party identification numbers. Quite telling.
Another quite telling note about the poll. His approval rating on nearly every issue has declined but he is still approved of by 54% as a whole?
Bradley effect?

See author page
A case of “like the messenger…hate the message”? or I don’t really want the first black president to fail, even though his policies suck?
I personally like my neighbor but I think he’d make a lousy president
This is something that I feel as well. I really DID want our first Black president to do well. The ramifications of his failures, is that it may be a long time before another is ever elected. If the next attempt is by a Republican Black, I fear one or some of the following:
The southern-democrat racists will rear-up.
The average Black voter will stay home.
The present Black leadership will work against him/her, even if he/she is fairly moderate.
The only unbiased polls and the only ones worth quoting are Rasmussen’s, in mho.
This is the network that can’t understand why their viewers are disappearing in record numbers. All you have to do is watch Wolf or Campbell to understand why. Wolf’s “Panel” of right to left talking heads is a joke. Borger, Martin, Frum and a selected guest usually Carvell, Brazile, Begalla or God help us Gergen. This is certainly a fair and balanced group and one can imagine how even handed they are. The bottom line is that they are biased but are either so dishonest or stupid that they won’t admit it.
It’s amazing that people continue to believe in the left vs. right dichotomy.
You’re living in a failed state!!!
I find it equally amazing that there are people who are so empty, that they have nothing left to believe in, other than to “go-along-to-get-along.”
To no longer believe that there is a difference between right and wrong, and that all conclusions are somehow “equal” is nothing more than a relinquishing of ones humanity.
Your supposition that the left and right are equally wrong, also says that they are equally correct. One can not have it both ways.
To say that the the “middle-road” is therefore “perfection” is a cop-out of one ability to be objective, and by default, a rejection of existing as a higher-thinking mammal.
If i was to say 2+2=5 and you were to say 2+2=4, the “perfected” answer is not 4.5.
You also seem to assume that “left/right” is the ONLY dichotomy in regards to the thinking going on around here, but it is not, because we are for the most part “conservative.
What “conservative” means is a strict adherence to our Constitution. For example, if the Federal government says that gay-marriage is legal, we would fight that with both fists, and both feet….Because it is NOT a power given to them to make. However, if a referendum is held in a particular State, and the majority of those voters have chosen to accept gay marriage, then the Constitutional Conservative WILL accept it. That conservative may fight against it during the election (1st amendment), and may even be personally against it, but in the end he/she WILL accept it as law, as you see in Maine. At that point the Conservative will either quietly accept it, or move out. They might even start a campaign to reverse the law through another referendum.
Welcome to the site, please expand your viewpoint, so that we may learn form each other.
Nothing but the best from Comrade News Network,
and friends. I no longer have cable, or a job and read
CNN, PMSNBC for entertainment. I get my news from
over 25 different sources online. I even read Huffy Po
and Daily Kos. Usually the last two just to post some
comments and upset the flaming leftards and commies
that live and die there.
Call me a Consitutionalist all the way. Your response
to Tammy was excellent. So many people still are
caught up in right and left. Tammy is right on one
thing: Since the election of Obuma and his ilk, we
are living in a failed state. But today and tomorrow
may be the first steps in resolving what we have been
suffering with, and from since the demosocialistacrats
grabbed power back in 2006.
Thank you to all who are and have served in the
Special prayers and thanks to those whose loved
ones have given the ultimate sacrifice to keep us
FREE. Freedom never is free, nor is it ever cheap.
CNN is so biased in favor of Obama, it’s disgusting. In addition, they unfairly moderate their online postings, delete postings which disagree with their pro-Obama ideology, and close their posts before any opposing views can be added.