Weekly Open Thread – Palin Endorsement Version

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With the news that Palin is backing Hoffman comes a big cheer from me. This is an endorsement that draws a line in the sand between conservatism and the Republican Party establishment. Putting a Scozzafava into the house is just as bad or worse then a Snowe. Enough with the RINO’s, don’t care if they are Republicans or not. I care about the Conservative values.

This is a open thread so I may have hijacked the start of it but pontificate on whatever your heart desires in the comments below.

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Nice way to end my day!

This is her first backing of anyone in a race, and since the numbers are pretty close right now between all three contenders, it will be interesting to see how effective her endorsement will be.

I think it was Steyn–sure wasn’t me–that coined DIABLO as a truth-in-labeling thing.

In New York 23 we have two “D”s and an “R:

Democrat (Leftist)
DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only)
Right (Mr Right).

I’m loving this. I’m a single issue voter who would vote for a pro-life Democrat like the elder Casey of PA over a Rand Paul or an Olympia Snowe any day of the week. I’m also a diehard Palin supporter and, as of tonight, a donor to the Hoffman campaign.

Babies don’t commit crimes. Let the babies live.

Thanks for the thread.

Was so glad to finally hear the news. One of my favorites, Fred Thompson, had already endorsed Hoffman, now Sarah. My night is complete and Mr Hoffmans’s kitty is a few dollars richer.


Since this is an open thread, and I am hip-deep in GloBull Wormining data, (along with knowing vast amounts chemistry) I thought I would give all of you a simple set of numbers in which to bash those who think CO2 is Satan’s own breath…

CO2 is .038% of the atmosphere.

Humans are responsible for 3.225% of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Human’s CO2 is therefore .00122% of the atmosphere.
(Source: 4th grade math and a calculator.)

Total CO2 is responsible for 3.618% of the Greenhouse Effect Warming.

Human CO2 contribution is responsible for .117% of the Greenhouse Effect Warming.

From 1900 to 2000 the temp went up .60degC.
(If we use 1909 to 2009, it went up .18degC)
(If we use 1890 to 1990, it went up .32degC)

Therefore, human-added CO2 was responsible for .000702degC of the warming between 1900 and 2000.
(Source: 4th grade math and a calculator.)

I am contemplating sending Sarah a whole bunch of easy-to-convey data-sets, and that is why I’ve semi-hijacked this post…And the fact that I have no shame. 😉

The decision of the GOP to support a Dem-lite in NY does not bode well for their 2010 decision making. Apparently, they are slow learners, and hard of hearing.

Their stubborness to be “inclusive” (I guess meaning to solicit liberals to the tent) while simultaneously backing away from the conservative/small government/fiscal responsibility platform will be an ugly eye opener for them. And unfortunately, it is the nation that will pay the price for their leaning disability by continued progressive rule and further “remaking” of America.

Count me with Lisa, and others who’ve said it before. I care not about the letter after the name, but their principles and ability to resist corruption, and swaying from those principles. The GOP is doing little to win my heart and mind here.

Amen Mata…they are not hearing us and that is why I send back all their solicitation material with “I only support conservative candidates”….maybe they will get the message…but I doubt it, at least for this election cycle…..a shame

Sarah is the perfect storm that the Dem’s fear the most.

BTW Curt EXCELLENT picture! I just noticed that Reagan looks to be “toasting” Palin. Very, very nice.


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My letters from the GOP have been unopened and tossed in the trash for quite some time. For some reason they aren’t seeing what we are or wanting what we want. Maybe Sarah could take the time to change that before running for Pres.

Same thing is going on in that race out in California where the GOP is pulling for Fiorina instead of the conservative.

I live in Ga. and can attest to the power of Palin. She came here to stump for Chambliss, a man who couldn’t collect a crowd giving out $20 bills, and had lines circling the block to get into his Palin attended events. She could very well be our new Paul Revere in the sense that she will bring our attention to the issues that conservatives cherish. She has the heart and soul of nation and we all see that she speaks for us. I hope it doesn’t happen but if the RNC doesn’t wake up there could very well be a third party abirthing. One small correction Mata, Scoozafava is not a Dem lite. She is to the left of the the Dem running!

Ah how I wish that Palin had been able to endorse Steve Lonegan in NJ so many months ago for the gubernatorial race.

I also have lambasted the GOP – when they telephoned me (again) looking for money in the NJ race, I let them know, again, that they backed the wrong candidate from the get go. They let the conservative hang, and they backed the RINO.

The Republican Party leadership long dominated by northeastern corridor elites seems immune to learning from past drubbings by its base. With the RNC locked down with corridor myopia & cluelessness the party leadership and their media masters always chasing non-existent “moderate voters in the Northeast has doomed itself to extinction. The history books twenty years hence will list the dead political parties from the American past as Republicans, Whigs, and the Federalists.

I’m loving it too. When Hoffman loses, everyone will be able to see Palin for the fraud she is. Her endorsment means nothing to people in NY. Hell, the people in Alaska don’t even like her much anymore.


I am very happy that Palin is going against he RINO Party! We need more people like her! God do I wish we had one like her in my District of Barney Frank Commie from Massachusetts.

Sarah Palin Quote of the day:

“Consider the source of the most recent attention-getting lies — those who would sell their body for money reflect a desperate need for attention and are likely to say and do anything for even more attention.”

Is she talking about Carrie Prejean??

Sarah would never think of allowing pictures of her body to be taken and get paid for it




I have a bad feeling that before this Levi-Palin thing is over, Levi is going to reignite some heavy rumors, and Sarah can play the victim, which she does so well, so it will be a win for both.

Personally, I do think Levi is stupid for posing in Playgirl, seeing how he has a young child who has to live with his choices and all….

Well, you can’t really knocker, I am just trying to keep abreast of the situation, since I can’t always rely on mammory, but some folks think she is just putting on a big front, while some will cleave to their beliefs. When her book comes out she should get a bounce in the polls, and with the money she will get, she won’t have to worry about being flat busted.

Hey Moosedroppings…

Your tax dollars go toward keeping Pelosi the best-looking Demo you’ve got.

Patvann: Palin’s a looker, I’ll give ya that much


Can’t blame these kids myself…..


Sarah Palin could use that!

A Mooseburger On Every Plate, because you will be able to afford it.


I’ve seen that same look when the “men” of NBC/CNN/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/PBS look at Obama.

I never noticed that myself, but, if that is what floats your boat keepin’ an eye on the men, hey, whatever works for you I guess…..

…keepin’ an eye on the men, hey, whatever works for you I guess.

He says after eying the adolescent boys three posts prior.

I knew you would like them and talk about them later……and sure enough you did…

Moosebuger– That earlier comment was udderly disgusting.

Davey said: “Moosebuger– That earlier comment was udderly disgusting.”

LOL, yes, no doubt. When you get this kind of tit for tat going, you have to realize when to stop milking out the thread and moooove along….


How r u all
I am from AUS,and just started watching this new show, The Vampire Diaries, what a show, great story line, hope it does well.
Im only on episode 5 at the moment but so far its great, Just wondering if any one here watches it, and what they think.
If you have not seen it yet, you should
I have been watching it online, as we dont get it over here yet,


Defo worth a look, let me know what you think
