Obama Awarded Nobel Peace Prize


Update: Video added at bottom.


No, this is not a joke. Sadly, this is not a piece from the Onion.

President Obama has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.

There are some moments in history which are just stunning in their audacity. This is one of them:

OSLO (AP) – President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” the Norwegian Nobel Committee said, citing his outreach to the Muslim world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation.

The stunning choice made Obama the third sitting U.S. president to win the Nobel Peace Prize and shocked Nobel observers because Obama took office less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline. Obama’s name had been mentioned in speculation before the award but many Nobel watchers believed it was too early to award the president.

Last Friday, he failed to win the 2016 Olympic prize because it was not deserved. This Friday, he succeeded in getting a prize he doesn’t deserve.

So, for less than two weeks of actual time on the job, he gets the Nobel. Less than two weeks of what exactly?

This stunning example of O’fellatio is proof of what a joke the Nobel Prizes have become.

h/t – madeleine7

This video just in. Roll the tape:

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This becomes even more of a hoot when you consider the timeline of the NPP selection process.

February – Deadline for submission. The Committee bases its assessment on nominations that must be postmarked no later than 1 February each year. Nominations postmarked and received after this date are included in the following year’s discussions. In recent years, the Committee has received close to 200 different nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The number of nominating letters is much higher, as many are for the same candidates.

Mata Musing: Obama nominated 12 days after being sworn in… for the first time. Or was someone crazy enough to nominate Candidate Obama??

February-March – Short list. The Committee assesses the candidates’ work and prepares a short list.

Mata Musing: the candidates work? That should have taken all of five minutes with the Big Zero.

March-August – Adviser review. The short list is reviewed by permanent advisers and advisers specially recruited for their knowledge of specific candidates. The advisers do not directly evaluate nominations nor give explicit recommendations.

Mata Musing: Since I doubt they are giving the award for how fast a POTUS can burn thru taxpayers cash, maybe he made the short list on the close Gitmo promise?

October – Nobel Laureates are chosen. At the beginning of October, the Nobel Committee chooses the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates through a majority vote. The decision is final and without appeal. The names of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates are then announced.

Mata Musing: Guess closing Gitmo wasn’t a consideration after all…

December – Nobel Laureates receive their prize. The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony takes place on 10 December in Oslo, Norway, where the Nobel Laureates receive their Nobel Prize, which consists of a Nobel Medal and Diploma, and a document confirming the prize amount.

Mata Musing: another expensive date night for the Obamas and family/friends. Wonder if this is considered State business and charged to the taxpayer? Or maybe he can use his prize bucks to pay for it himself. If not, I sure hope they take the same dang plane and save costs and carbon footprint!

Ya know, this almost makes the AlGore joke of being prize recipient look logical. heh

Michail Gorvachov got one too for destroying the Soviet Union, remember Perestroika?
Well, we got Obamastroika. This was the kiss of death.

So, a bunch of European America-hating liberals awarded Ozero for infiltrating the White House and setting the wrecking ball in motion. It’s something they’ve been trying to accomplish themselves for decades. Of course they’re cheering him on.

Great fun and distraction with the varied responses… below a couple of Lucianne comments that made me grin in response to an article on Slate by Mickey Kaus, “What Obama should do with his Nobel Peace Prize”. (boy don’t that leave one imagination’s open to the plethora of possibilities…)

Kaus sez he should politely refuse as it would solve his “narcissism problem and his Fred Armisen (‘What’s he done?’) problem, demonstrating that he’s uncomfortable with his reputation as a man overcelebrated for his potential long before he’s started to realize it.

Here’s a few priceless observations from the good humored Lucianne crowd worthy of sharing:

zoidberg: “Mmm, mmm, mmm.”

cameraeye: “Bill Clinton has a nasty bump on his head from banging on the wall!”

jrtrhd: “He’ll pass on accepting? Wait, was that a pig flying past my window a moment ago? Highly unlikely”

Paul Revere: “In support of the fight against global warming, he should put it where the sun don’t shine!”


LambiePie: “Deleted by me”

Ah yes… as thebronze said above, “the jokes just write themselves”.


And, of course, Lucianne’s Friday Video, the Russian reaction. “ridiculous decision”….

SoCal Chris, thanks for noticing I was gone. :0) Swamped with work, and may have to dive under again starting tomorrow. So I’m trying to play catch up. Thanks for your concern.

Mata, it’s good to hear from you. I’ve thought of you of late because I hadn’t seen much of you. Unless you’ve been here as much as usual and I cluelessly missed it, which is entirely possible, too! Anyway, glad to see you are alive and well!

@james: #46 What does that have to do with the topic being discussed?

Should I feel guilty that I now want to emigrate to Russia?


I agree with Obama, he doesn’t deserve to be in the company of other award recipients but, he’s going to accept it anyway.

Not sure; he fits right in, with some of the company: Al Gore in 2007, Jimmy Carter in 2002, Arafat in 1994…

When does the U.S. military get its peace prize?

Ha, given the Nobel for “good intentions” based on thought process.

“We should all eat”
“We should all have medical”
“We should all get along”

So, without accomplishing any of these goals, but thinking them he gets a prize.. Aww, i offer him an M n M Cookie and a smiley face sticker. But a Nobel Peace Prize… HARDLY!


Definately should have thought of the clown posse before making that statement. What a bunch, they don’t even deserve to have the Publisher’s Clearing House Prize Patrol show up to their door with a 4’X 8′ check and balloons let alone a trip to Norway to pick up a medal and a million.

None of them would be personally sifting through all the junk to find the right sticker to put in the proper place or be rejected, it would be their poor secretary. But, they just might be lured into it by one of those Buxton expando briefcases in popular colors and Algore might want to spend time shredding and recycling some of the garbage that comes in those “official envelopes.” They still don’t deserve either prize because none of them did or will do anything of significance to earn either. Posers!

@MataHarley #56:

Great fun and distraction with the varied responses

I like this tweet, linked over at HotAir:

A good one from Ezra Klein:

Obama also awarded Nobel prize in chemistry. “He’s just got great chemistry,” says Nobel Committee.

And blogforce One’s mention of the beer summit diplomacy as justification for the award.