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How disgusting that this was posted on Obama’s website and how fortunate that news about it has gotten out. There’s no way he can plausibly back away from this since his name is on the webpage. This guy is scary.


I’m speechless. Even if what these whack-jobs say were true, who would follow this kind of leadership? Even if they were 100% true, we ‘right wingers’ are out of our minds and 75% of people (cough) want the government option, what is all the hub-bub about? If the numbers are that high, and that agreeable, then why didn’t it go through in Aug when it was supposed to? 25% of people is relatively small when you talk about active voices. That means any disagreement should merely be echoed in a whisper. I hear a chorus of God fearing, baby loving, gun toting people saying enough. Its no wonder they are afraid.. if God acts, babies survive, and guns start being armed, these crazies will be the ones left in the sites.

hell, 75% is way more than the landslide victory tha the dems are claiming. me thinks this idiot is delusional.

Nutbar postings like this do not exactly promote trust in Fearless Leader! And right now, he’s a wee bit LOW in the trust department. You’d think these thugs would lose just a little of their breathtaking arrogance, given the public response to their hubris, programs and outright fraud-laced agenda. But no…it seems they go right on, figuring that between the MSM and other hired thugs everything will be OK in the end.

Obama is grasping as he is going down. How great the fall. The Fall of Obama. Further falling in the polls, Obama is now just an ordinary socialist left-winger, the kind we were taught to beware of in grade school.

Obama is a socialist low-life. Obama is the kind of socialist creep we were told, as children in grade school, to beware of.

RE the scrubbed post from the My Barack Obama Web site:

This is your mind on drugs.

The nutbar is lying. Lies on steroids. They have no shame.