The Democrats Socialist Plans To Be Rammed Down Our Throats


Political suicide: (h/t Macsmind)

The talk in Washington is that Senate Democrats are preparing to push through health care reforms using parliamentary procedures that will allow a simple majority to prevail in their chamber, as it does in the House, instead of the 60 votes needed to overcome the filibuster that Senate Republicans are sure to mount.With the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, the Democrats do not have the votes just among their 57 members (and the two independents) to break a filibuster, and not all of these can be counted on to vote in lock step. If the Democrats want to enact health care reform this year, they appear to have little choice but to adopt a high-risk, go-it-alone, majority-rules strategy.We say this with considerable regret because a bipartisan compromise would be the surest way to achieve comprehensive reforms with broad public support. But the ideological split between the parties is too wide — and the animosities too deep — for that to be possible.In recent weeks, it has become inescapably clear that Republicans are unlikely to vote for substantial reform this year. Many seem bent on scuttling President Obama’s signature domestic issue no matter the cost. As Senator Jim DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, so infamously put it: “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.

Bring it….

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What a marvelous way to assure a Republican majority in 2010 when there still will be time to reverse the whole darned thing. You think that Obama is low in the polls now, just watch what happens if they try to pull off this stunt.

This “right” to health care idea needs to be sunk (oops, unfortunate Kennedy reference.) There’s nothing wrong with people who can’t or won’t work depending on the charity of those who do, especially in a country as generous as this one. There is a lot wrong with telling them they’re entitled to steal from others’ pockets, though. We should be the ones who tell our “representatives” how generous we’re willing to be with our taxes. We can’t let them keep making life cozier for their dependent voters at our expense. This really is Waterloo, for the taxpayers as well as for the tax-taker in chief.

It’s only political suicide if Americans are able to vote. Intimidation and outright fraud will be on a scale unimagined by the most cynical conspiracy wonks. The radical left have power now and no intention of giving it up. The democrat party, media and thug groups will be out in force next November. The act of voting will require courage, determination and probably involve a fair measure of risk.

What if democrats threw a healthcare reform bill “party” and no one participated? Woudln’t it be interesting to see the insurance companies, doctors and yes – us patients “just say no” and refuse to participate? A mass civil disobedience. What if States passed legislation OUTLAWING the legislation from Congress or in some way denying its implementation in a given State?


You’re right on. We may not have another honest open election. Check out how many Secretary of States are Democrats… as Lenin said “It isn’t about who votes, it’s about who _counts_ the votes” …

Check this out: