Was He Lying Then or is He Lying Now?

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President Obama has a problem keeping his story straight.

Today he told us this:

This is what he told us before.



Sorry President Obama, I don’t believe anything you say.

You have never earned my trust.

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Obama was either lying then or he is lying now. Either way, HE”S A LIAR! You can’t trust one word of what he says. Just look at all the campaign promises he has broken if you need more proof!

I wish I could at least like this guy, but I can’t because of this very reason: I can’t trust him. That’s the deal breaker for me.

He can’t even weasel out of it by saying he’s for a universal plan, not a single payer plan, because in the early video he distinctly says “single payer universal health care plan”.

It doesn’t matter in Kenya, why should we be so picky in America.

He was lying then and lying now. Every campaign promise was a lie.

* Transparency in Government
* No lobbyists in Government
* Legislative bills to be posted to a .gov website before voting for proper review & comment
* He will not take your guns
* He was going to get Bin Laden and invade Pakistan to do it
* Bipartisanship (Hah!)
* He was going to Veto any bills padded with Earmarks or frivolous spending

He has not governed yet because he’s still campaigning. He is unfit for Office on the basis of experience and judgment. If you catching him telling the truth it had to be purely by accident.

that was 2003. he wasn’t even a senator then.

@herman What does that have to do with the price of tea in china? obama’s words, obama’s lies.

do you know what a campaign platform is, kelly? a campaign pledge? they sometimes change from one office to the next. they did here. that’s the business of politics.

i am not saying obama doesn’t lie. but he didn’t lie here.

to show he lied, you need to show that in his presidental campaign he endorsed single payer.

If he lied or giving him the benefit of the doubt he changes his story. Do we chalk that up to a failure of his memory? Or do we say “you do not have to have a perfect memory if you tell the truth”.

Old Trooper, you got it!! Zero has been a liar from day one. Right from the beginning of the campaign, I knew that he was not telling the truth, that every word he was saying was a lie. He has not changed a bit, except that the lies come more fast and furiously every day. What a snake!

The majority of decent people will wipe and then FLUSH the democraps.

As far as the many are concerned, including myself, let the recalls of liberals begin already, now — today! Let Congress know that we’re ready to remove them; so be careful what you do.


Obama NEVER advocated single payer during his presidential campaign. He advocated a public health care insurance option for anyone who wanted it. The only major party presidential candidate who advocated single payer health care was Kucinich.

that’s his vision, his hope, his interpretation of the future of heath care; it’s not his PLAN.

make the distinction.

i hope my kid goes to harvard; i _plan_ on sending him to a public state college; even here, one finds is another difference: i’m in charge 10 -15 -20 years down the road for my kid, obama is not in charge for those years. –that’s why it’s not a PLAN, it’s just a vision he sees.

Maybe Herman’s kid can get a Harvard law degree and become a community organizer.

so you don’t believe there’s a distinction between a ‘plan’ and something ‘envisioned’ –especially when there are time constraints that lay outside of the plan?

you’re one dumb son of a beach.

i hope sharks don’t eat me at the ocean. i have a plan to stay in the shallow water.

i hope to read a book at the beach. i plan to schedule some time.

i hope i don’t get sun-burned. i plan to bring an umbrella.

…”And now these three remain: Faith, [a Plan] and Love. The greatest of these is Love.”

yeah, that works!

one’s expectation and other strategy

As they will always do, Obama and his puppet Gibbs will just say “They are taking my words out of context.”

Its part of the game plan.

Georgia Democratic Congressman David Scott was called out on the carpet about the health care by a doctor who lives and votes in his district. The *AHEM* “good senator” accused the white doctor (Dr. Brian Hill) of being one of the “turfers” and got visibly upset.

I point out race because it seems like the doc did a bit of racial profiling in my opinion – but that is a separate issue.

When it was revealed to the senator of the facts that Dr. Hill IS HIS CONSTITUENT, did he have the courtesy to apologize? NO! He went on to say “They took this out of context”

How convenient!

If you watch this, notice how Davis thinks he can avoid the question and the doctor just keeps pegging him.

@Herman:”obama is not in charge for those years. ”
You will be correct. Obama will not be in charge then. BUT …

How can you tell? Every word out of his mouth is a lie including the words ‘and’ and ‘the’

How faulty is Obama’s town-hall illogical lies?

Obama says that it’s scarier to do nothing rather than do something about health care.

Since when is running a car into a tree in a horrific accident better than not?

Go figure.

They We and Them. Hmm not acceptance of any Personal Responsibility. Tells the story here.
Half Truths and Lies are what got the Bastard Kenyan elected.

Oh and Herman, get a life that You create and hold Personal responsibility for.

Maybe Herman’s kid can go to Harvard, become Editor of the Harvard Law Review and publish nothing.

@Herman: I guess it depends on what the definition of ‘is’, is. Some folks call it semantics, others call it bull$hit.

Herman, his plan is to have the dimocrats in congress push his hope of a single payer to his desk. In the meantime he will go about his business of hoping to change the rest of his radical plans the same way. There’s your distinction.

Liar liar, mom jeans on fire.

Thanks to all the half-truths and lies, the Big Zero is turning out to be a uniter after all — just not in the way he “envisioned” or “planned.” The town hall protests must be quite a shock for the community organizer-in-chief. It’s sure put him and his minions in a tizzy.

Maybe Herman’s kid can get a Harvard Law Degree then hide his grades cuz they are so sparkly bright they would hurt people’s eyes.

Herman, that Obama Kool Aid OD may qualify for treatment under your current medical coverage.
Go now before your buyers remorse hits and you become suicidal.
Under Obama Care you would get zip, zero, nada.

Were your parents like closely blood related?

@Herman: Did you bother at all to watch the videos of Obama in 2007 telling the unions he is FOR a single payer health care system?

Did you notice at ALL how many other Dems are on record saying that is their goal?

Does a house have to fall on you before you get a clue?

Lying? Then and now…even within the same speech.

Now, I know that politicians typically change their stances on issues. Frankly, I’d be surprised if there was even one that never ever changed a stance on an issue. Still, Obama takes this to an entirely new level. He doesn’t just change his stances. He acts like he never held a different opinion than the one he currently sports. I swear, the guy is like a freakin’ first grader. He blatantly lies, but thinks you’re dumb enough not to notice. Of course, I also think he’s dumb enough to think no one will notice. It’s like what Eddie Izzard said about children lying: “‘Did you brush your teeth?’ ‘No! Yes! What’s correct?'”

If his lips are moving, he is lying. Also did you notice his telepromter up and died from the weight of all those lies? It put up with it for 6 months, the collapsed from the sheer volume of lies. Poor Gibbsy – he has to try and smooth ruffled feathers. No small feat considering BHO has spent his whole life lying. It is almost laughable listening to Gibbsy stutter and stammer trying to come up with something somebody, just anybody will buy. Sorry loser—we don’t buy, we don’t rent, we don’t lease, we don’t want anymore of your lies, your bullsh*t, your arrogance and your criminal conduct. You have stolen money from us for the stimulus package, then you use it to pay back your criminal friends who bought the election for you. What a disgrace you are. You make fun of our troops who are literally dying to protect you, and you have the audacity to visit a health club in Germany instead of visiting the wounded troops in the hospital. YOU MAKE ME SICK!!

When I said “health club” I meant to say “gym”. We know you have to keep in shape to try and outrun all your lies and the people you backstab. That trip to the gym was more important to you than our troops. My husband spent 21+ years in the military, and served proudly. You didn’t serve a day and act like our military owes you something. WRONG!! God, I can’t wait until you are impeached or tossed out of office on your “arse”.

Hmmm, the left calls us astroturfers and Conservative sites get bombed by leftists defending obamacare.
Oh yeah, we’re the ones taking orders. (roll eyes)

“that was 2003. he wasn’t even a senator then.”

Thanks for the laugh…..

Was he a citizen/elected office holder then….? Yes he was!

I was living in downtown Chicago during the early chapters of his masquerade…here was/is my opinion of his integrity/authenticity after observing/hearing him speak/debate/run for the next office (always) with support from the far left and the Daley/Chicago political machine…He couldn’t remember what he said from speech to speech/debate to debate, at that time, either.


Madalyn, Obama has no stake in America because he did not serve in the Armed Forces, was an Affirmative Action product and was raised by Communists/Socialists and was “Entitled” from the day he found his way out of the womb.

Pretender Obama was well coached by Socialists and groomed to destroy America.

He will not prevail.

Herman isn’t alone, I heard the same defence on the radio yesterday, must be part of their game plan – Barack Obama was for single payer, but President Obama says he isn’t.

Question: when you look at other statements of belief Obama made before running for president, how many of those has he continued to push through to this day?

His “I’m not for single payer” stance right now is the fulfillment of his “10, 15, 20 years” down the road philosophy.

I call it obammunism – plain and simple!

Islam has a concept called Al-Takeyya, which permits, and even encourages, Muslims to lie to protect one’s self or fellow Muslims, or to advance Islamic goals. It’s as if Obama and the Obamedia have adopted this concept in aid of their socialist causes.

This is from the DNC/Obama’s website ‘Organizing for America’ website on January 21, 2008:

Fact Check: Obama Consistent in His Position on Single Payer Health Care
January 21, 2008

Rhetoric: “Today, he opposes single payer health care, and attacks Sen. Clinton for proposing a plan that covers everyone”

Reality: Obama Has Consistently Said That If We Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System, But Now We Need To Build On The System We Have

If Obama Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System. The New Yorker wrote, “‘If you’re starting from scratch,’ he [Obama] says, ‘then a single-payer system’-a government-managed system like Canada’s, which disconnects health insurance from employment-‘would probably make sense. But we’ve got all these legacy systems in place, and managing the transition, as well as adjusting the culture to a different system, would be difficult to pull off. So we may need a system that’s not so disruptive that people feel like suddenly what they’ve known for most of their lives is thrown by the wayside.'” [New Yorker, 5/7/07]

If Obama Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System. “At a roundtable with a handful of invited guests at Lindy’s Diner in Keene, Obama said if he were starting from scratch, he would probably propose a single payer health care system, but because of existing infrastructure, he created a proposal to improve the current system.” [Concord Monitor, 8/14/07]

If Obama Were Starting From Scratch, He Would Support A Single Payer System. Obama said, “Here’s the bottom line. If I were designing a system from scratch I would probably set up a single-payer system…But we’re not designing a system from scratch…And when we had a healthcare forum before I set up my healthcare plan here in Iowa there was a lot of resistance to a single-payer system. So what I believe is we should set up a series of choices….Over time it may be that we end up transitioning to such a system. For now, I just want to make sure every American is covered…I don’t want to wait for that perfect system…The one thing you should ask about the candidates though is who’s gonna have the capacity to actually deliver on the change?…I believe I’ve got a better capacity to break the gridlock and attract both Independents and Republicans to work together.” [http://iowa.barackobama.com/page/community/tag/Ames]


Anyone who thinks that Obamacare is not a trojan horse into a single payer system is living in a State of Denial…maybe that’s the 51st state that Obama referred to when he visited “57” states during his campaign? I know I was wondering what the names of those 7 states were, now I know one of them! Just to refresh our memory:

I have to wonder this:

How many people will be STUPID ENOUGH to vote for this idiot again!?!?!?

And to ask the “elephant in the room question”
How will this impact ANY future black American running for president?
Will people be hesitant to vote for that candidate based on (Zero)bama’s limp-wristed, Dictator hugging, failure at doing what is right for this country?

Obama and the Nazi’s dim-o-craps are trying really hard to force us down that line whether we want it or not.
I wish I had caught the name of the idiot who is going to vote for this PoS bill AGAINST HIS CONSTITUENTS wishes – and his reasoning? “It is what the country needs… even if they do not know better”

How humble and such a shining example of humility.

I sincerely believe the one truth Barack Obama spoke was back in October 2008 when he told ‘Joe the Plumber’ that he (Obama) intends to take the profits of business owners and “spread the wealth around” to those with less. Everything Obama has done, the porkulous package, the cars for clunkers, the ‘free money’ to seniors, the $200 back-to-school giveaway for needy kids in NY state…………. Its a never ending robbing Peter to pay Paul to level the playing field ……. its fantasy quest and it won’t end till we are either all flat broke and get issued with our government tin cup begging bowls or get ‘Team Obama’ and the Democrat lead Congress and House into minority lame duck status.

Question: “Was he lying then or now?”

Answer: Yes.

There is no inconsistency at all. He is in favor of *single-payer* but understands that it’s a nonstarter politically because Americans are too entwined in the employer-based model (for some ungodly reason). Therefore, he backs the next best thing, which is *universal* care thru private insurers– so the Private insurance companies can continue to take 15% of the health care dollar off the top.

Listen to the two top clips again.

I know it’s tough to get through the terminology, but it’s kind of the entire argument, so if you don’t try to understand it, then it’s really pointless to discuss it further.