The candidate who told his supporters “to argue with them and get in their face” now finds the shoe on the other foot. How cool is that?
Never ever trust the Joker.
Old Ez
15 years ago
I just wanted to drop a line and say how much I appreciate this site. Over a long period of time, this has become (generally) my 1st stop on the daily browse. Part of the reason is that I can see the regular posters are real people who make slips of the tongue (typing fingers?) and occasionally go off not-fully-cocked. No, really, I’m bragging on ya, as hard as that is to believe from the previous descriptors. Real people write here, real people who care and are putting forth their best effort without trying to pretend to be anything except real.
None of the regular posters act too superior to jump into the comments and discuss things, at any level. None of the regular posters is too good to make mistakes or cede a point. You guys don’t “put on airs” and I think that’s a large part of what draws and drives the comments section.
Here, I have the distinct impression that during any given discussion, you could possibly be reasoning with persons with multiple higher degrees, a high school diploma, a foreign education with no American equivalent, a couple of wealthy persons, perhaps an un-employed person, a housewife, a college professor, a truck driver, a lawyer, a broker, and/or a farmer without anyone bringing up race, education, class, wealth, or any of those separators that tend to so impede reasonable discussion among peers. The American idea is clear to see here.
Okay, occasionally a few people get a little out of hand in the comments, but that’s to be expected if you aren’t heavy-handedly censoring the real life out discussions. We’re all big boys and girls. If we get our feathers lightly ruffled every now and again, well, that’ll just remind us not to get too cocky. Even the regular commenters from the loyal opposition are (usually) real while (usually) being civil (wrong as they may be).
What put this site over the top for me, what made this my no. 1 site, is the reader posts. You really get some good insights from those posts. Alright, not every one is brilliant, but they all bring something to the table from a fresh perspective. It keeps this blog itself fresh.
Part of it also, is that I know that if I get seriously pumped about an issue, I have an outlet. And it is a quality outlet, with quality readers. I may never use that outlet, but it’s nice to know that it’s there. When I was in business for myself, just knowing that if things got too tough I could take off as any time and as much time as I wanted/needed to was one of the largest benefits. I never did take any time off, but the peace of mind that I had just from knowing that I had the option any time that I choose it, was great. That’s about the way that I feel about FA now. It’s made me feel involved, like I have something invested in FA’s well being. Domn, you guys suckered me in real good!
Keep up the good work. I’ve got to go rub the brown off my nose now, so I’ll catch ya later.
Old Ez, I really appreciate you taking the time to type that out. It does mean a lot to me and the rest of the authors that many people make this their first stop in the morning. Thanks!
15 years ago
Has anyone seen the video from the St. Louis Town Hall Meeting Riot?
I have four words: Obama: The Great Uniter!
Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started. “It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said
Kathy Castor – Healthcare Town Hall Meeting in Tampa – 8/6
Looks like bhos goons should have been arrested for assault look how this guy is beating up this guy?
Any bets on Obama getting up in a press conference and saying the SEIU acted STUPIDLY.
15 years ago
Riddle me this Joker: How do you insure 47 million new patients, including illegals, with no new doctors and say the costs will go down?
Yes I know the 47 million is bogus but it makes my argument even the more ludicrous.
15 years ago
Not likly
I am so pissed at these democrat goons called out by bho to attack the American people hope some boby followed that fat boy home so well can’t say but fat boys like that like little boys know what I mean?
Never hard to get dirt on people?
This gizzer is wrong. he has health care it is called Medicare all the people who worked do. So this is a false argument!!
I am so sick of these democrats and their lies and stealing the American people’s money and pride.
Looks like Green [in TX] needs to tell his people they will being paying those fines?
As for unemployment only 9 and a ½ million unemployed and 34 million on food stamps Yea looks good to me [well funny meter off]
Mel Hoffer, 67, of Monroe, a retired Ford quality control worker, said he supports reforms because the country needs it. There’s no assurance autoworkers will continue to get health care they now have. “We don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Mel Hoffer, 67, of Monroe, a retired Ford Motor Co. employee, said retired autoworkers have no guarantees. “We may need something to fall back on,” he said.
Nanny State alert, Fox News: Senate Bill Would Fine People More Than $1,000 for Refusing Health Care Coverage
Fox News:
WASHINGTON — Americans who refuse to buy affordable medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.
U.S. Rep. Gene Green, a Democrat who represents a blue-collar area from Baytown to Denver Harbor east of Houston, has held four meetings on the health care plan and received mixed reviews.
“There seems to be an organized Republican effort to have people come to a Democrat’s town meeting and dominate the discussions,” Green said. “Some have admitted they don’t live in my area. This has never happened to me before.”
He plans to hold more meetings and only admit those who live in his district. Green said many citizens seem to have misconceptions about the plan. He said it will be a boost for his lower-income district, which has many more uninsured residents than The Woodlands.
“This plan will provide health care for 223,000 of the 243,000 who have no health care plans in my district,” he said,
I’m with Curt, Old Ez. Perhaps you, too, will become more vocal in our threads. Not that we don’t mind dedicated lurkers, but another voice to the fray is always welcomed. And I suspect you have much to contribute.
15 years ago
After all the hostile and or, depressing news I’ve just read today, coming across Old Ez’s post was a breath of fresh air. Perfect timing, uplifting and you sound like someone we would all like to know. Thanks for the visit, hope you come back, I’ll have another “must read” to add to a big collection of favorite authors and posters in here.
Hey FA authors, what a treat, an accurate observation, meaty contribution and you all deserve the kind words!
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
@Old Ez:
Old Ez, I also appreciate very much your comments and just will say, “ditto” to that. This is my regular “browse” as well, and appreciate so much all the input and information from authors and commenters here. Here’s something that hopefully will bring a smile to you and all other posters (it’s a chain type email, but it was a bit humorous all the same.)
Things To Do To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked car With Sunglasses on and point a
Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don’t Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries
with that.
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label it ‘In’.
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone has Gotten
Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ‘ For Sexual Favors’
7. Finish All Your sentences with ‘In Accordance With The Prophecy’.
8. Don’t use any punctuation.
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is ‘To Go’.
12. Sing Along At The Ope ra.
13. Go To A Poetry Recital. And Ask Why The Poems Don’t Rhyme?
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area and Play tropical Sounds
All Day.
15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can’t Attend Their Party
Because You’re Not In the Mood.
16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream ‘I Won! I Won!’
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling
‘Run For Your Lives! They’re Loose!’
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, ‘Due To The Economy , We Are Going
To Have To Let One Of You Go.’
20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity . Send This
E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile.
15 years ago
Old Ez,
I have to say a big amen to that!
The same thing happened to me a year ago in the heat of the election. After some bad experiences elsewhere, I was attracted to how real they are here and screwed up the courage to contribute myself. I felt accepted and free to be myself.
When you come to visit here in the morning, I’ll be right here with you!
And there’s no one else here who can carry off that neon polka-dot tube top and fuzzy slippers the way you do.
Ducks and runs…..
15 years ago
Ha! Ha! Hey! I just noticed that…they are NOT tube top…they’re authentic New England neon polka-dot one piece thermal underwear. Well, you were right on the fuzzy slippers.
luv yuz,
15 years ago
This resulted from a Mom in Alabama asking her high school son to help with a commercial for the Tea Party she was involved in organizing. Boy, does it slam the message home. Very impressive.
Thanks right back at ya for the very nice responses.
But actually, I’ve been coming by for a good while. I was stopping by before they took the internet from us at work (gave up the business for a real job) and I believe that was 3 or 4 years ago (Hate to admit, I liked the old FA logo/branding/design better). Not sure exactly sure how long ago, my poor memory isn’t what it used to be. Any how, after all that pure lurking, I’ve been lightly commenting for a year or two. Only had one tiny spat worth remembering and that was because someone TOTALLY misunderstood what I was saying. With so many seeming to think this is a first post, I must not have been very controversial. I hope that doesn’t mean I’m boring!
I may actually shoot something over to Curt & Company and let ya’all decide if it is publishable material. I frequently have time to write an article or two. Unfortunately though (or fortunately, depending on your view of my writing skills), I don’t have enough time to manage a blog. Of course I’ve been saying that I would contribute an article since FA announced that reader contributions were welcome.
Keep up the good work everyone. I thank you for the exceptionally good product.
Oh, to SoCal Chris; I think I’ll try no. 6 on the settlement check to the Ex next month. Nothing is funnier than the truth. In truth, the settlement check worked out to be $666 a month. People say they were married to Satan incarnate, but I have proof!
Oh, to SoCal Chris; I think I’ll try no. 6 on the settlement check to the Ex next month. Nothing is funnier than the truth. In truth, the settlement check worked out to be $666 a month. People say they were married to Satan incarnate, but I have proof!
Godspeed to you, Old Ez, that’ll be sure to raise an eyebrow or two!! I’d bet you’d like to be a fly on the wall when your ex gets that one! 🙂
On Thursday evening, Aug 6, I was half-way listening to Greta Van Susteren interview Wall Street Journal Writer, Stephen Moore….they kept playing NoBama speech clips from Indiana and I tuned out…They were talking about jobs, NoBama’s trip to Indiana, and status of the “green jobs.”
Within their conversation, Moore said that the green jobs would be starting overseas first?? Such as building “green batteries”….he declared the President had not been totally honest with the American people about the green jobs and that US $$ would be paying for green batteries to be first built in countries such as Russia, South Korea, and others????? Turkey?? Further, said some of these jobs MAY/may not come back to the US at a later point in time??? But US $$ are paying for this???
I tried to find the video of this interview — not yet posted. (Although, not every interview is posted) Additionally, tried to find any op-ed/financial piece that Mr Moore may have penned – with further explanation….or by any other writer.
Did anyone else happen to catch this program last night? IF this is true…what in the world is going on? (I have my theories)
Senior citizens who voted for him are now feeling rather sick about what will happen to their healthcare under the administration’s plan. Those of us who didn’t drink the Kool Aid are beginning to hear regrets from friends and family who did, and we can help them recover from their Obamamania with a twelve-step program.
The twelve steps for Obamamania recovery
1. We admitted we were powerless over his appealing aura and that our lives and our nation had become unmanageable.
2. We came to believe that powers such as democracy, liberty, loyalty to nation, and independence were greater than personal charm and empty promises and could restore us to sanity.
3. We made a decision to turn away our will and lives from the false messiah as we understood him.
4. We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of the shallow reasons for voting for him.
5. We admitted to ourselves and to friends and family members (who had serious concerns about an inexperienced person with shameful associates being qualified for the most important position in the nation) the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. We were entirely ready to read the Constitution and learn more about the Founding Fathers and the principles of this nation in order to remove these defects from our character.
7. We cleared our thinking so that we neither discounted associations with rabid anti-Semites nor found convoluted rationalizations for such associations convincing.
8. We made a list of all persons we had harmed (people who use banks, people who drive cars, people who might get sick and die in a nation with a single medical provider, Israelis who are left to fend for themselves against the murderous intentions of the Iranian regime, the Iranian protestors whose cries we ignored, Muslim women, whose abusers we protected in the name of cultural diversity, bloggers who were reported to the authorities for contradicting the official White house position. Radio talk-show hosts whose criticisms were silenced by the “Fairness Law.” The list is too long to complete. ) and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. We spoke up at town hall meetings to protect our rights as Americans. We lobbied our senators and representatives for legislation that would re-strengthen the almost severed ties between Israel and the U.S. We were relentless in our demands that this nation not blame Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East, but put the full force of our power on Tehran which threatened the existence of the Jewish State of Israel. We insisted that our elected officials and media not appease our enemies by refusing to even name them and undermine the security of our country and the world by expressing more concern for terrorists than for their victims.
10. We continued to take personal inventory, read the Weekly Standard and the American Thinker and watch Fox News to keep ourselves from succumbing to the pandering, paid for propagandists that make up much of the major media. We volunteered to help and financially supported candidates who had a strong record of upholding the best interests of the U.S. and its allies. We applied facts and reasoning to the comedic outbursts of Bill Maher, Al Frankin and Nancy Pelosi and when they were wrong, we promptly admitted it.
11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our spiritual contact with God, as we understood Him/Her, praying only for wisdom to stop dismissing those with strong religious affiliations as “kooks” and start showing respect for the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our nation’s success.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to Obamamaniacs, and to practice these principles in all our affairs so that the United States of America could survive until the next election.
A friend suggested a perfect meeting place for these OA (Obama Anonymous) groups–reform synagogues, liberal churches (eg, Unitarian), community centers in liberal ‘hoods, eg Upper West Side, Chicago’s North Shore, just about anywhere in Massachusetts and the San Francisco Bay area.
I didn’t Vote for The Kenyan Socialist but I have noticed on my last trip to town that Obama bumper stickers seem to be scratched off a few vehicles now.
15 years ago
Old Ez’s post was a nice read to start my day… thank you buddy I look forward to your future participation here. I don’t post a lot myself, I’d like to be more involved but between, work, husband, home, daily dog jog and the complaining daily e-mail to Rep. Kanjorski (I didn’t vote for him, I’m a registered Republican..but he keeps sending mail saying he’d like my inputs so I let him have them)… time there simply aint enough when I find extra like you I come here to read the opinions of real honest down to earth people.
SoCal Chris Your post made me smile, I’m (cough) “borrowing it” 🙂
Old Trooper, as usual an enlightening informative post buddy, thanks for the link I often read American Thinker, but for you I would have missed that article….thank you.
15 years ago
@American Voter:
“*>>> the green jobs would be starting overseas first?? Such as building “green batteries”….he declared the President had not been totally honest with the American people about the green jobs and that US $$ would be paying for green batteries to be first built in countries such as Russia, South Korea, and others????? Turkey?? Further, said some of these jobs MAY/may not come back to the US at a later point in time??? But US $$ are paying for this???
American Voter, the Washington Times has an article on that subject.
In general, recent research has been building a case that the sun has a slightly bigger influence on Earth’s climate than most theories have predicted.
April 16, 2009
Stimulus funds to pay for two Great Lakes research vessels
Deb Price / The Detroit News
Washington –The Great Lakes will get two new research vessels, paid for by money out of the $787 billion economic stimulus package, Michigan’s senators announced today.
“The House’s plan to spend $550 million to buy eight business-class passenger jets to ferry senior government and military officials around the globe represents more than double Mr. Obama’s request for $220 million to buy a total of four passenger jets, including two that are currently being leased by the Air Force.
The House Appropriations Committee, which approved the order for additional passenger planes, has said the new planes were needed to replace aging ones.
Ellis Brachman, a spokesman for the House Appropriations Committee, the panel that approved the spending, declined Friday to discuss the planes.
The fight will continue when Congress returns from its recess. The administration persuaded lawmakers to kill plans to build more F-22 fighter jets. But a veto threat hangs over any added funding for the F-35’s second engine, as well as for further money for new White House helicopters.”
So Congress wants Pelosi’s sweet deal for world Travel for her entourage and our Air Force will be flying second rate aircraft for Defense. I’d make Congress & the Senate fly commercial or self powered Hot Air Balloons(!!!!)
and have first rate aircraft for our Defenders.
Wanna take a guess on how old the F-15s and F-16s are?
F-15 27 years old
F-16 21 years old
In other words worn out & obsolete. Congress can fly coach on commercial flights and go through the security lines like everyone else or maybe go Greyhound, arrogant self absorbed SOBs!
Old Trooper
15 years ago
Catherine, I will not shake hands with him because he is a Socialist and a Liar.
I moved to North Carolina in January 2002. But before that I lived about half a mile from Trussville, Alabama and am very familiar with the mall there. My grandchildren went to school at the top of the mall and I drove that way to work a lot of times.
That is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Thanks for showing it.
15 years ago
@BarbaraS You’re very welcome, it was quite a lift for me, something like that being produced by a high school student, brains, talent and love of country. His parents did a wonderful job with that young man and are still setting a fine example for him.
The candidate who told his supporters “to argue with them and get in their face” now finds the shoe on the other foot. How cool is that?
Never ever trust the Joker.
I just wanted to drop a line and say how much I appreciate this site. Over a long period of time, this has become (generally) my 1st stop on the daily browse. Part of the reason is that I can see the regular posters are real people who make slips of the tongue (typing fingers?) and occasionally go off not-fully-cocked. No, really, I’m bragging on ya, as hard as that is to believe from the previous descriptors. Real people write here, real people who care and are putting forth their best effort without trying to pretend to be anything except real.
None of the regular posters act too superior to jump into the comments and discuss things, at any level. None of the regular posters is too good to make mistakes or cede a point. You guys don’t “put on airs” and I think that’s a large part of what draws and drives the comments section.
Here, I have the distinct impression that during any given discussion, you could possibly be reasoning with persons with multiple higher degrees, a high school diploma, a foreign education with no American equivalent, a couple of wealthy persons, perhaps an un-employed person, a housewife, a college professor, a truck driver, a lawyer, a broker, and/or a farmer without anyone bringing up race, education, class, wealth, or any of those separators that tend to so impede reasonable discussion among peers. The American idea is clear to see here.
Okay, occasionally a few people get a little out of hand in the comments, but that’s to be expected if you aren’t heavy-handedly censoring the real life out discussions. We’re all big boys and girls. If we get our feathers lightly ruffled every now and again, well, that’ll just remind us not to get too cocky. Even the regular commenters from the loyal opposition are (usually) real while (usually) being civil (wrong as they may be).
What put this site over the top for me, what made this my no. 1 site, is the reader posts. You really get some good insights from those posts. Alright, not every one is brilliant, but they all bring something to the table from a fresh perspective. It keeps this blog itself fresh.
Part of it also, is that I know that if I get seriously pumped about an issue, I have an outlet. And it is a quality outlet, with quality readers. I may never use that outlet, but it’s nice to know that it’s there. When I was in business for myself, just knowing that if things got too tough I could take off as any time and as much time as I wanted/needed to was one of the largest benefits. I never did take any time off, but the peace of mind that I had just from knowing that I had the option any time that I choose it, was great. That’s about the way that I feel about FA now. It’s made me feel involved, like I have something invested in FA’s well being. Domn, you guys suckered me in real good!
Keep up the good work. I’ve got to go rub the brown off my nose now, so I’ll catch ya later.
Old Ez, I really appreciate you taking the time to type that out. It does mean a lot to me and the rest of the authors that many people make this their first stop in the morning. Thanks!
Has anyone seen the video from the St. Louis
Town Hall MeetingRiot?I have four words: Obama: The Great Uniter!
St. Louis Town Hall
I am pissed the American people stan up and fight back.
Bho called up the goons this just pisses me off thought he was going to bring America together instead brown shirts are out and his.
Six people, including P-D reporter, arrested at Carnahan meeting
Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started. “It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said
Kathy Castor – Healthcare Town Hall Meeting in Tampa – 8/6
Looks like bhos goons should have been arrested for assault look how this guy is beating up this guy?
@ Catherine
Any bets on Obama getting up in a press conference and saying the SEIU acted STUPIDLY.
Riddle me this Joker: How do you insure 47 million new patients, including illegals, with no new doctors and say the costs will go down?
Yes I know the 47 million is bogus but it makes my argument even the more ludicrous.
Not likly
I am so pissed at these democrat goons called out by bho to attack the American people hope some boby followed that fat boy home so well can’t say but fat boys like that like little boys know what I mean?
Never hard to get dirt on people?
This gizzer is wrong. he has health care it is called Medicare all the people who worked do. So this is a false argument!!
I am so sick of these democrats and their lies and stealing the American people’s money and pride.
Looks like Green [in TX] needs to tell his people they will being paying those fines?
As for unemployment only 9 and a ½ million unemployed and 34 million on food stamps Yea looks good to me [well funny meter off]
Tempers flare over health care plan
Mel Hoffer, 67, of Monroe, a retired Ford quality control worker, said he supports reforms because the country needs it. There’s no assurance autoworkers will continue to get health care they now have. “We don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Mel Hoffer, 67, of Monroe, a retired Ford Motor Co. employee, said retired autoworkers have no guarantees. “We may need something to fall back on,” he said.
Nanny State alert, Fox News: Senate Bill Would Fine People More Than $1,000 for Refusing Health Care Coverage
Fox News:
WASHINGTON — Americans who refuse to buy affordable medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.
U.S. Rep. Gene Green, a Democrat who represents a blue-collar area from Baytown to Denver Harbor east of Houston, has held four meetings on the health care plan and received mixed reviews.
“There seems to be an organized Republican effort to have people come to a Democrat’s town meeting and dominate the discussions,” Green said. “Some have admitted they don’t live in my area. This has never happened to me before.”
He plans to hold more meetings and only admit those who live in his district. Green said many citizens seem to have misconceptions about the plan. He said it will be a boost for his lower-income district, which has many more uninsured residents than The Woodlands.
“This plan will provide health care for 223,000 of the 243,000 who have no health care plans in my district,” he said,
I’m with Curt, Old Ez. Perhaps you, too, will become more vocal in our threads. Not that we don’t mind dedicated lurkers, but another voice to the fray is always welcomed. And I suspect you have much to contribute.
After all the hostile and or, depressing news I’ve just read today, coming across Old Ez’s post was a breath of fresh air. Perfect timing, uplifting and you sound like someone we would all like to know. Thanks for the visit, hope you come back, I’ll have another “must read” to add to a big collection of favorite authors and posters in here.
Hey FA authors, what a treat, an accurate observation, meaty contribution and you all deserve the kind words!
@Old Ez:
Old Ez, I also appreciate very much your comments and just will say, “ditto” to that. This is my regular “browse” as well, and appreciate so much all the input and information from authors and commenters here. Here’s something that hopefully will bring a smile to you and all other posters (it’s a chain type email, but it was a bit humorous all the same.)
Things To Do To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked car With Sunglasses on and point a
Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don’t Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries
with that.
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label it ‘In’.
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone has Gotten
Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ‘ For Sexual Favors’
7. Finish All Your sentences with ‘In Accordance With The Prophecy’.
8. Don’t use any punctuation.
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is ‘To Go’.
12. Sing Along At The Ope ra.
13. Go To A Poetry Recital. And Ask Why The Poems Don’t Rhyme?
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area and Play tropical Sounds
All Day.
15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can’t Attend Their Party
Because You’re Not In the Mood.
16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream ‘I Won! I Won!’
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling
‘Run For Your Lives! They’re Loose!’
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, ‘Due To The Economy , We Are Going
To Have To Let One Of You Go.’
20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity . Send This
E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile.
Old Ez,
I have to say a big amen to that!
The same thing happened to me a year ago in the heat of the election. After some bad experiences elsewhere, I was attracted to how real they are here and screwed up the courage to contribute myself. I felt accepted and free to be myself.
When you come to visit here in the morning, I’ll be right here with you!
@Old Ez:
Let me add my thanks to you for your kind thoughts.
I got attached to this site because of its’ open, unashamed embrace of true American values.
God, Family, Country are all proudly held up here. The unwavering support of our military was also a reason I settled in here.
I look forward to seeing you around as often as possible Old Ez.
Thanks for being a part of the FA community.
And there’s no one else here who can carry off that neon polka-dot tube top and fuzzy slippers the way you do.
Ducks and runs…..
Ha! Ha! Hey! I just noticed that…they are NOT tube top…they’re authentic New England neon polka-dot one piece thermal underwear. Well, you were right on the fuzzy slippers.
luv yuz,
SoCal Chris
I like #5
Well things might be heating up?
A must see video and copy to send around?
“We Snuck In With Castor’s Union People” Kathy Castor Town Hall
Thanks right back at ya for the very nice responses.
But actually, I’ve been coming by for a good while. I was stopping by before they took the internet from us at work (gave up the business for a real job) and I believe that was 3 or 4 years ago (Hate to admit, I liked the old FA logo/branding/design better). Not sure exactly sure how long ago, my poor memory isn’t what it used to be. Any how, after all that pure lurking, I’ve been lightly commenting for a year or two. Only had one tiny spat worth remembering and that was because someone TOTALLY misunderstood what I was saying. With so many seeming to think this is a first post, I must not have been very controversial. I hope that doesn’t mean I’m boring!
I may actually shoot something over to Curt & Company and let ya’all decide if it is publishable material. I frequently have time to write an article or two. Unfortunately though (or fortunately, depending on your view of my writing skills), I don’t have enough time to manage a blog. Of course I’ve been saying that I would contribute an article since FA announced that reader contributions were welcome.
Keep up the good work everyone. I thank you for the exceptionally good product.
Oh, to SoCal Chris; I think I’ll try no. 6 on the settlement check to the Ex next month. Nothing is funnier than the truth. In truth, the settlement check worked out to be $666 a month. People say they were married to Satan incarnate, but I have proof!
@Old Ez:
Godspeed to you, Old Ez, that’ll be sure to raise an eyebrow or two!! I’d bet you’d like to be a fly on the wall when your ex gets that one! 🙂
That is pretty darn funny, eh?!? You’d have fun watching all your co-workers bouncing off the walls on espresso day!! 🙂
On Thursday evening, Aug 6, I was half-way listening to Greta Van Susteren interview Wall Street Journal Writer, Stephen Moore….they kept playing NoBama speech clips from Indiana and I tuned out…They were talking about jobs, NoBama’s trip to Indiana, and status of the “green jobs.”
Within their conversation, Moore said that the green jobs would be starting overseas first?? Such as building “green batteries”….he declared the President had not been totally honest with the American people about the green jobs and that US $$ would be paying for green batteries to be first built in countries such as Russia, South Korea, and others????? Turkey?? Further, said some of these jobs MAY/may not come back to the US at a later point in time??? But US $$ are paying for this???
I tried to find the video of this interview — not yet posted. (Although, not every interview is posted) Additionally, tried to find any op-ed/financial piece that Mr Moore may have penned – with further explanation….or by any other writer.
Did anyone else happen to catch this program last night? IF this is true…what in the world is going on? (I have my theories)
The Twelve Steps of Obama Anonymous
By Peggy Shapiro
Senior citizens who voted for him are now feeling rather sick about what will happen to their healthcare under the administration’s plan. Those of us who didn’t drink the Kool Aid are beginning to hear regrets from friends and family who did, and we can help them recover from their Obamamania with a twelve-step program.
The twelve steps for Obamamania recovery
1. We admitted we were powerless over his appealing aura and that our lives and our nation had become unmanageable.
2. We came to believe that powers such as democracy, liberty, loyalty to nation, and independence were greater than personal charm and empty promises and could restore us to sanity.
3. We made a decision to turn away our will and lives from the false messiah as we understood him.
4. We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of the shallow reasons for voting for him.
5. We admitted to ourselves and to friends and family members (who had serious concerns about an inexperienced person with shameful associates being qualified for the most important position in the nation) the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. We were entirely ready to read the Constitution and learn more about the Founding Fathers and the principles of this nation in order to remove these defects from our character.
7. We cleared our thinking so that we neither discounted associations with rabid anti-Semites nor found convoluted rationalizations for such associations convincing.
8. We made a list of all persons we had harmed (people who use banks, people who drive cars, people who might get sick and die in a nation with a single medical provider, Israelis who are left to fend for themselves against the murderous intentions of the Iranian regime, the Iranian protestors whose cries we ignored, Muslim women, whose abusers we protected in the name of cultural diversity, bloggers who were reported to the authorities for contradicting the official White house position. Radio talk-show hosts whose criticisms were silenced by the “Fairness Law.” The list is too long to complete. ) and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. We spoke up at town hall meetings to protect our rights as Americans. We lobbied our senators and representatives for legislation that would re-strengthen the almost severed ties between Israel and the U.S. We were relentless in our demands that this nation not blame Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East, but put the full force of our power on Tehran which threatened the existence of the Jewish State of Israel. We insisted that our elected officials and media not appease our enemies by refusing to even name them and undermine the security of our country and the world by expressing more concern for terrorists than for their victims.
10. We continued to take personal inventory, read the Weekly Standard and the American Thinker and watch Fox News to keep ourselves from succumbing to the pandering, paid for propagandists that make up much of the major media. We volunteered to help and financially supported candidates who had a strong record of upholding the best interests of the U.S. and its allies. We applied facts and reasoning to the comedic outbursts of Bill Maher, Al Frankin and Nancy Pelosi and when they were wrong, we promptly admitted it.
11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our spiritual contact with God, as we understood Him/Her, praying only for wisdom to stop dismissing those with strong religious affiliations as “kooks” and start showing respect for the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our nation’s success.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to Obamamaniacs, and to practice these principles in all our affairs so that the United States of America could survive until the next election.
A friend suggested a perfect meeting place for these OA (Obama Anonymous) groups–reform synagogues, liberal churches (eg, Unitarian), community centers in liberal ‘hoods, eg Upper West Side, Chicago’s North Shore, just about anywhere in Massachusetts and the San Francisco Bay area.
I didn’t Vote for The Kenyan Socialist but I have noticed on my last trip to town that Obama bumper stickers seem to be scratched off a few vehicles now.
Old Ez’s post was a nice read to start my day… thank you buddy I look forward to your future participation here. I don’t post a lot myself, I’d like to be more involved but between, work, husband, home, daily dog jog and the complaining daily e-mail to Rep. Kanjorski (I didn’t vote for him, I’m a registered Republican..but he keeps sending mail saying he’d like my inputs so I let him have them)… time there simply aint enough when I find extra like you I come here to read the opinions of real honest down to earth people.
SoCal Chris Your post made me smile, I’m (cough) “borrowing it” 🙂
Old Trooper, as usual an enlightening informative post buddy, thanks for the link I often read American Thinker, but for you I would have missed that article….thank you.
@American Voter:
“*>>> the green jobs would be starting overseas first?? Such as building “green batteries”….he declared the President had not been totally honest with the American people about the green jobs and that US $$ would be paying for green batteries to be first built in countries such as Russia, South Korea, and others????? Turkey?? Further, said some of these jobs MAY/may not come back to the US at a later point in time??? But US $$ are paying for this???
American Voter, the Washington Times has an article on that subject.
“*Obama sends stimulus aid to foreign firms:
Damn how did that get into there
russians wont shake hands with obama because he is black OUTRAGIOUS VIDEO
Damn how did that get in there
August 4, 2009, 9:32 am
Conflict Over Clotheslines in Greenwich
By Kate Galbraith
Maxine Hicks for The New York Times Is this a safety issue?
A row has broken out in Greenwich, Conn., after the ritzy suburb and haven for New York City’s elite banned clotheslines from public housing.
So Much for GWarming
Sun Oddly Quiet — Hints at Next “Little Ice Age”?
In general, recent research has been building a case that the sun has a slightly bigger influence on Earth’s climate than most theories have predicted.
and then we have watch your money?
‘Cloud ship’ scheme to deflect the sun’s rays to cut global warming
well that fits
April 16, 2009
Stimulus funds to pay for two Great Lakes research vessels
Deb Price / The Detroit News
Washington –The Great Lakes will get two new research vessels, paid for by money out of the $787 billion economic stimulus package, Michigan’s senators announced today.
Damn how did that get in there
National Guard asked to explain ‘internment’ jobs
Campaign recruiting for workers at ‘civilian resettlement facility’
Better speed up that aa for x bho followers
Pentagon Takes Aim at Jets for Congressional Travel
Appropriations for Weapons and Other Items Drain Resources Needed to Fight Wars, Says a Spokesman for Defense Secretary
“The House’s plan to spend $550 million to buy eight business-class passenger jets to ferry senior government and military officials around the globe represents more than double Mr. Obama’s request for $220 million to buy a total of four passenger jets, including two that are currently being leased by the Air Force.
The House Appropriations Committee, which approved the order for additional passenger planes, has said the new planes were needed to replace aging ones.
Ellis Brachman, a spokesman for the House Appropriations Committee, the panel that approved the spending, declined Friday to discuss the planes.
The fight will continue when Congress returns from its recess. The administration persuaded lawmakers to kill plans to build more F-22 fighter jets. But a veto threat hangs over any added funding for the F-35’s second engine, as well as for further money for new White House helicopters.”
So Congress wants Pelosi’s sweet deal for world Travel for her entourage and our Air Force will be flying second rate aircraft for Defense. I’d make Congress & the Senate fly commercial or self powered Hot Air Balloons(!!!!)
and have first rate aircraft for our Defenders.
Wanna take a guess on how old the F-15s and F-16s are?
F-15 27 years old
F-16 21 years old
In other words worn out & obsolete. Congress can fly coach on commercial flights and go through the security lines like everyone else or maybe go Greyhound, arrogant self absorbed SOBs!
Catherine, I will not shake hands with him because he is a Socialist and a Liar.
Heh, enjoy:
Six Months of B.O.
Obamacare 101 explained
I moved to North Carolina in January 2002. But before that I lived about half a mile from Trussville, Alabama and am very familiar with the mall there. My grandchildren went to school at the top of the mall and I drove that way to work a lot of times.
That is one of the best videos I have ever seen. Thanks for showing it.
@BarbaraS You’re very welcome, it was quite a lift for me, something like that being produced by a high school student, brains, talent and love of country. His parents did a wonderful job with that young man and are still setting a fine example for him.