New Evidence Daily On The Left’s Hypocrisy….This Time Over The White House Snitch Program

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Since Obama was elected we have seen the left and the MSM becoming some of the worst hypocrites imaginable.

Here is another nail in the hypocrite coffin:

Remember when Ari Fleischer said Americans should “watch what they say?” Back then, the ACLU said that was a warning to “remind us how easily our precious First Amendment rights can be lost.”

The White House snitch program under President Obama, though, is just a “bad idea that could send a troublesome message.” They also want you to know that even though the White House may be collecting personal information, it’s cool…they’re totally sure Obama won’t do anything with it.

Their exact quote?

“While it is unclear at this point what the government is doing with the information it is collecting, critics of the administration’s health care proposal should not fear that their names will end up in some government database that could be used to chill their right to free speech.”

My my, how times have changed.

With this statement the ACLU has proven itself to be for free speech, as long as its speech that fits with their world view, ie liberal. They trust in Obama…because…well, he IS the one dontcha know? Hell, Obama’s press secretary said they aren’t collecting names and that’s good enough for the ACLU. Nevermind The Privacy Act of 1974 or this other statute:

Evan Coyne Maloney suggests the request may be illegal under the Privacy Act and the Dept of Justice’s statement about its purpose.

As a recovering bureaucrat, I can point to a much, much, bigger illegality under that Act.

5 US Code §552a(e)(7) commands that any Federal agency:

“(7) maintain no record describing how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment unless expressly authorized by statute or by the individual about whom the record is maintained or unless pertinent to and within the scope of an authorized law enforcement activity;”

Agency is defined as:

“agency” as defined in section 551 (1) of this title includes any executive department, military department, Government corporation, Government controlled corporation, or other establishment in the executive branch of the Government (including the Executive Office of the President), or any independent regulatory agency;

Someone sending an email about his/her beliefs is free speech.

Now it looks to me that maintaining that kind of communication is a violation of the above statute, and since they are mandated to keep all communications then the White House is violating that statute.

But the ACLU apparently isn’t worried.

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The oh-oh from that legal citation above should be a warning: “maintain no record describing how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment unless ….unless pertinent to and within the scope of an authorized law enforcement activity.”

Obama’s Reich has already given new guidelines to the Dept. of Homeland Security regarding Right Wing political activity. They may very well view this as an “authorized law enforcement activity.”

Seig Heil!

“Ja wohl!” *snap-click of heels* “Herr OberststurmFuhrer Obama!” Thus spaketh the ACLU.