Accuse Your Victim Of What You’re Doing [Reader Post]

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horakovaThe picture above shows Milada Horakova, a really dangerous-looking elderly lady who was a Czech dissident put to death after a Soviet show trial simply for disagreeing

This is just a short observation on the White House’s campaign against the citizens’ anger expressed at Town Halls this month about Obama-care.  Many have pointed out in the last 48 hours that this is a page right out of the Saul Alinsky ‘community organizing’ book:  attack, mock and marginalize those who might stand in your way.  That’s true enough.  But its similarity to another Marxist tradition rang a bell with me.

In the Soviet Union, they used to have ‘show trials’.  The victim was already doomed to death or gulag.  The purpose was propaganda.  In virtually all cases there was no truth whatsoever to the allegations, but Marxism is never about truth, it is about power.  What was truly ironic about all this was that the secret state, the Comintern and the KGB actually did all the crimes of which the victims were accused and yet were innocent!  The Soviets were the ones conspiring behind the scenes, intimidating, etc.

This knee-jerk reaction on the part of the White House betrays Marxist muscle memory.  The SHOW TRIALS railroaded people by the dictum ‘Accuse the victim of what you’re doing’ and that’s exactly what they’re trying to do in these TOWN HALLS.

How interesting is it that the ‘community-organizer-in-chief’ and his forces are accusing the ordinary citizens at the town hall meetings of organized, disruptive behavior, of trying to achieve political ends by subversive means.  Isn’t it painfully obvious that this behavior is at the very CORE of the identity of ACORN and all the other far-left activists who engage in ‘community organizing’?

I feel very confident that the vast majority of these people this month were not ‘bussed in’ or paid to disrupt the meetings.  They are just ordinary people, many of them Democrats, who are justifiably fed up.  On the other hand, the very behavior falsely attributed to the town hall attendees is exactly what ACORN and their ilk has done, by their own admission.  Their PLAN is always to hire claques of haranguers to harass and intimidate, not to ASK QUESTIONS like the people at the town halls did.

The bottom line is, in the Marxist tradition, they are accusing their victims of doing exactly what they are doing, despite the fact there is no truth in the accusation.  The one difference is that Obama and his Communist Czar and his Marxist Czars haven’t quite got totalitarian control yet.

I’m just saying….

Town Hall meeting

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The sort of behavior is second nature to a Marxist, and we see Zero and his minions performing like old, well practiced hands. They have clearly been planning for this for many years, looking forward to the day when they could swing into action.

To a degree, I think that they really believe this also. They know that this is what they would be doing, so they project their approach onto those who oppose them and assume that the opposition must operate in the same, warped manner that they do. They simply cannot imagine that this is an honest, spontaneous grass-roots response, not something coordinated and orchestrated from above like all of their efforts.

That is one big difference between Left and Right. One is phony as as a three dollar bill, while the other is entire authentic.

Amen, Dr. D!!

Authenticity and witness has always been the antidote for the twisted, lying domination of the power-hungry. Well said!

mlajoie2 –

Very, very good! I was just thinking this in the last few days as things heated up.

The dems and Obama are banking on the fact the current majority of the population has not concept or knowledge of how the USSR, or the Nazis, operated.

Fact is, they spent the last 8 yrs. slamming and sucker punching the last republican administration, with the full-fledged help of the MSM, so that the republicans would be damaged goods in the next election (yeah, I know they shot themselves in the foot prior to the 2006 election) … but they wanted the repubs good and bloodied with bullshit accusations and negative spin and withholding of Iraq war facts so that the voters would shake their heads to anyone that ran on the GOP ticket. The country had successfully been divided in two after the 2000 election … which was their building platform for where we are today … only they expected that friggin puke Kerry to win in 2004 …

They spent 8 yrs accusing the Bush admin. of doing things unConstitutional, and illegal … but nothing ever was. In addition to “Accuse your victim of what you’re doing” the left also telegraphs this by false accusations (see the Bush admin.) so that it’s never really established to have been a bullshit accusation … and then do exactly what you accused the other person of, comfortable in the fact that the dumb-assed public now believes “Well, Bush did it … everyone does it …” mantra. And unlike the Bush admin., the MSM will not spend night after night or front page after front page blaring the accusation of impropriety or illegality.
The last 8 yrs. the left and the MSM spent not only bashing Bush and bloodying the GOP but softening the mush-headed American population who can’t think for themselves past “next week’s” American Idol results.

They aren’t at the level of “executions” … yet. But they are currently mass murdering character … just ask Sarah Palin.

Unfortunately, most of the American populace does not think very much, and really does not care as long as their own little world rocks along. They cannot imagine that this is eventually going to shake their cozy little world to its roots. For now, they are happy to go to work, come home, cut the grass, have a beer, watch a little TV, and ignore what is happening. They say, “Its not my problem” but it will be their problem, just as it is yours and mine, all too soon.

In large measure we have 50 years of Marxist public education to thank for this. Right about 1960, the public schools began to change drastically, and it has been downhill ever since. The no longer teach a true history, civics, proper English, rigorous math and science, etc, but they make sure every body passes and feels good about themselves. Self-esteem is the big thing these days! Oh, boy, is that important. We can’t have any kid thinking himself inadequate, even if he is dumb as a post.

A population of this sort is rather easily led. They don’t pay much attention, and they simply don’t care. They accept whatever they are told, and they certainly don’t put up a fuss. They vote for whatever sounds good, without giving it much serious thought. No wonder we are in such trouble.

Good points; good post. We need to look no further than the WH to understand the dummying down and entitlement mentality of America. Between the MSM, the universities (especially the Ivies), and ‘Pseudo’ Women’s Lib, we have now officially lost an entire generation; most clueless to their brainwashing. Short of growing up in either a strong military or strong Judeo/Christian home, who’s there/here to teach?

FYI, “political correctness” came right out of the ‘Manifesto’. The only thing left to knock out are the religious Jews and Christians (Marxism certainly can’t work with God in the way). Between “Pelosi/Kennedy ‘Catholics’”, and mega churches “feel good, everyone goes to Heaven Christianity”, American now has less than 15% authentic Christians. I don’t know the number for religious Jews but it has to be quite small.

What we have done/allowed to the current youthful generation is up there with the greatest evils of mankind, as they will pay the biggest price.

The only thing worse than what is coming is no knowing that it’s coming.

Reposted here under the rule of free virtue during emergency: “It is better to seek forgiveness than permission.” ;->

Thank you, mlajoie2 and Flopping Aces.

You are correct in your analysis.

When I heard that the Obamunists were claiming that Obama-care protesters were becoming violent, my first thought was “It’s a setup. They are beginning to falsely accuse the Obama-Care protesters of doing that (violence) which they themselves are about to do.”

Recipe for fixing blame on the innocent:

1. Obama press release: “Health-care protester are becoming increasingly violent.

2. Nancy Polozzi press release: “protesters are carrying swastikas.”

3. Obama press release: “Elected officials might be injured or worse.”

4. Let the public simmer for 48 hours.

5. Dispatch violent Obama-thugs to non-violent protests.

6. Bring the Obama-thugs to a violent boil.

7. Obama press release: “We warned you that they were a violent fringe!”

I wonder how many of the “right-wing nut jobs” mentioned (With Nazi flags etc.) are really Democrats in disguise working to undermine and discredit the protests.


Exactly, and how did Pelosi know about the supposed swatstika? After hearing her remark Glenn Beck decided to do some research, he found one photo of one with a slash through it meaning, no swatstika.

They’ve pulled stunts like that before, their bag of tricks is quite large and not to clean.

Marxism, Communism, socialism, sexism, terrorism, and all other “-isms” are creations of the Zionist Jews. It is no wonder that the operations are identical as it is the same group under control of the Zionist International bankers per the House of Rothschild that is carrying out every operation against the freedom of man.

You all should study rather than basing your comments on Zionist Jew propaganda. If not, all is lost. Their goals were set almost two millennia ago and, in regards to America, before America was founded.

Please, before you condemn me as some nut job, search for the truth as indicated by facts rather than the babbling in Jewish publications known as the mainstream media. Find out how many in government are dual citizens with the secular state of Israel (has nothing to do with the chosen people and the Jews homeland), how many are Crypto Jews, and how many have allegiance to Zionist Israel rather than to America.

There are probably hundreds of documents by Jews against Zionists that reveal the truth about the quite Luciferan so-called Jews of Khazarian (Asian Mongol) descent. But you won’t know until you have the courage to search, study, and accept the facts from their own mouths.

For a start, try Israel Shahak, Benjamin Freedman, Jews against Zionism, Victims Accuse, Encyclopedia Judaica, the quotes by leading Rabbis, the Zionist control of the world’s media and most particularly of America’s media, its control over pharmaceuticals, the medical profession, transportation, communication, the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution in which it is reported by Jewish researchers that 66 million white Christians were starved to death or slaughtered, the fact that Germany in WW II was controlled by Zionists (lots on this through a search for Victim’s Accuse, and all of these will lead one to additional documented verified facts about Zionism and its intent to separate themselves from non-Jews, establish supremacy, and then slaughter. Ask the Armenians that suffered a Jewish holocaust against them in 1915.

Anyway, unless you know who the enemy is, you will lost everything.

“Their goals were set almost two millennia ago and, in regards to America, before America was founded. ”

Ed, how do you suppose some group set goals for the destruction of America long before America was founded? Doesn’t this seem just a bit self contradictory to you?

DR.D: hi, you ask the right question . bye 🙄

I did not mean they planned what has happened to America two millennia ago but that while America was being founded, they were already planning for its demise. The answer is in the Holy Bible, as Palestine was never meant to be the final home of the Israelites (Jews are not the Israelites).

Be that as it may. They are many sites that explain it all much better than I can but suffice it for me to state that the Jews knew what they were doing. Get others to found new lands, settle the lands, discover its resources, build it production, agriculture, and then like and then establish central “banking” under a system of usury and fractional reserve banking and gain control of all property without lifting a finger.

You see, Zionists and other Jews are essentially worthless when it comes to building, farming, and creating machines and the like, and do not like or often do work that they believe is better suited for animals (all non-Jews to them). After all, why do such work when one can capture all the wealth through usury and eventually controlling every aspect of governments and of people’s lives.

Sorry if I misled you about the two millennia.

By the way, I am not anti-Semitic as the Jews are not Shemites (proper spelling). 90 to 95 percent of them are Khazarian Mongols from Asia, and the rest were not Israelites or from the Tribe of Judah (and Benjamin). None are descendants of Abraham but are in the very mixed up bloodline of Cain (offspring of Eve and Nachash).

I do not even hate the Jews but I damn sure do not like what they are doing to destroy the most of mankind. I take every man or woman as individuals, and can only form an opinion if I know them personally. Much of what I write is quotes of the Jews against Zionism, many of which warned all people for the past couple of centuries.

Finally, I appreciate the question even if it may be it was intended to make me feel like a dummy. Such can be quite enlightening.

No, Ed, it was not intended to make you feel like a dummy. The point is to try to get at the truth as well as we are able.

Your comments about the the Jews being worthless at farming is belied by what the Jews have done in Israel. They have done wonders in creating farms, greenhouses, etc. there, so I don’t think you comment will stand up.

You say that they cannot create machines, but I know for a certainty that is not true. I am a mechanical engineer, and I know that they do some very fine engineering, building some very fine weapons, aircraft, and a host of other machines.

I am familiar with the line of thinking that you are presenting that these Jews are not the true descendants of Abraham, but I don’t think we can do anything with that fact. If they are not the true Jews, then they are simply another group of people living in the Holy Land, such as there have been many throughout the ages. It would not be our job to root them out. If they are in fact the true descendants of Abraham, then they have the rightful claim to the land and it is still not our job to root them out.

As far as their role in America and other countries, I am inclined to agree that we must keep them at arms length. They very often tend to betray us. They did so in their strong support for Obama, even though he clearly telegraphed his intention to betray Israel, something that was utterly irrational, but they did it anyway. On the other hand, as American Christians, I don’t think we can expel them either. That only leaves keeping a watchful eye on them.

Hello, Dr. D.,

I remind you of Mark Twain that visited Palestine on his world tour. He wrote about the beauty of Palestine and its plants and agriculture long before any Zionist or other Jew set foot on the land. I know that many credit Israelis with such, but as far as I know, they have destroyed far more agriculture in dozing down orchards that were centuries old than any accomplishment they might have made without US help.

Judaism is Talmudism with the most extreme – the ultra orthodox – also having as its authority the Zohar or Kabbalah, as occult as any Satanic organization can be. Here is what the Talmud says about agriculture/farming: “No occupation is inferior to that of agricultural labor.” (Yeb 63a., Exh. 161.)

As far as I know, Jews, whether Ashkenazim Mongols or Sephardim descendants of Cain, seek out occupations such as the medical profession, pharmaceuticals, education, law, writing, journalism, movie making (all Hollywood studios Jewish owned), TV (all major networks and nearly all programming owned or controlled by Jews), and entertainment as these are the fields most conducive to causing damage in people, gaining control over their thinking, and indoctrinating to the Judaized way of thinking. I thought I had coined the term, Judaized, but found today that a Rabbi used it long ago in the Jewish aspirations of taking over and converting Christianity to Judaism. Let me see if I can find the quote.

Well, what luck. Found it in the first of hundreds of files on Zionism, the New World Order, and all the other associated information. Here is the quote: Rabbi Martin Siegel: “I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-idealogical blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish” (New York Magazine, January 18, 1972, p. 32). word.htm

Many, many Jews, both former and current, have warned the world about Zionism and expressed their hatred of the secular, Lucifer worshipping State of Israel.

Why do I consider the matter important, as to the Zionist control here and in every successful country or formerly successful country? Because an enemy cannot be defeated unless one knows who the enemy is.

Ours is the Zionist owned Federal Reserve System, every one of the foreign banks in this cartel of thieves being Jewish, primarily Ashkenazim so-called Jews, as Benjamin Freedman called them.

Watch the Money Masters (although he doesn’t relate the masters to Jewry) by William Still, a four hour documentary on the overthrow of our money for the fiat fractional banking and Jewish currency that creates currency out of the thin air and then charges usury interest on nothing. Along the same lines is the research by G. Edwards Griffin.

We must learn from history. WW I and WW II against the then most successful country on Earth, Germany, should have taught us. There is much documented and verifiable research by a huge number of people, one of them being Jim Condit, Jr. in his Hitler DVD.

Dozens of researchers and historians, many that can be found in interviews on I Am The Witness, those imprisoned for questioning the validity of the so-called “holocaust”, a situation that no writer in or in at least two decades after WW II wrote about, not even Eisenhower or Churchill or the International Red Cross, or any Russian historian/military/politico wrote about.
In fact, the first time my generation (I am 64) heard of the Holocaust was through the 1977 NBC miniseries, “The Holocaust”.

I question it because Germany only had 497,000 Jews in it; there weren’t six million in all of the occupied land; the first time the figure was used publically was in the American Hebrew Magazine in an article written by a former major of New York City (first called New Amsterdam by all the Ashkenazi Jews that have moved there), Martin Glynn. I think it was the April 1919 issue. And, lastly, because the Final Solution agreed with between Hitler and the Zionist was to move the Jews to Madagascar. Anyway, the history one can learn about the true facts, such as the U.S. turning away boatloads of refuge Jews, is mind bobbling as the truth is far removed from the propaganda spouted in Jewish (every major publisher is a Jew) publications.

I do not defend Hitler but when he invaded Poland it was because Polish Jews had just killed 5500 Germans that lived in Bomberg (sp??? – anyway, a polish town just across the line – got to watch the video again).

I have a three and a half hour video in short segments that has some outstanding irrefutable evidence and another hour to hour and a half video by Toben, a German also sent to prison because no one accused of Holocaust denial can present any facts in the courts. Any attorney for the defense that tries to is also arrested and accused of hate crimes against Jews. Heck of a racket they have.

Anyway, the true history of the Bolshevik Revolution (not a revolution by the people but an overthrow by the Zionists) and the treatment of Germany (and we shouldn’t forget France or the Zionist involvement is the stealing of Africa’s wealth) should have taught us or we should have listened to dozens upon dozens that tried to warn our people and the world.

But we didn’t listen; we didn’t learn from history; and nearly all American property is now in the hands of the Zionists, including the 700 million ounces of gold owned by the people that was once in Fort Knox. Did you know that there was no such thing as “foreclosure” until the Jews gained control of the issuance of currency? In fact, attorneys are actually to “return property to the King, and not to act as council. Now they control the system of injustice created by them, the corporate ones writing bills congress “endorses”, attorneys holding dual offices (officer of the court and Representative, for example), judges, and various NGOs. Although most do not know of it, the original 13th Amendment was in Missouri’s Constitution until 1875 when somehow it was removed, an act which the Missouri Archives cannot justify so they just quit corresponding with me.

I have taken enough of your time.

@Ed Lewis (or what ever your name is)

(…Yawn…) More Democratic socialist neo-Nazi conspiracy garbage. Better be on the lookout. Next time you go to your clan meeting, some of those other white hooded fanatics might really be infiltrators sent by Obama and Rahm.

I see a pattern emerging here. Bomb us with racist posts than the liberal poster points out how we have racist posts on our site per the moby method. Moby than uses his own posts to show out how racist we are.

I hate racists of any stripe. You do not speak for those here ed.

Want some real fun? Go to the Daily Kos and search for zionists, zionism, or Jews and watch what comes up. You’d think Hama or Al-Qaeda was posting there. Actually, it’s just anti-semitic liberals. I know calling them anti-semitic is redundant, but it needs to be explained for some.