The Sarah Palin Divorce Idiocy

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I’m sure you heard about the Sarah Palin divorce nonsense yesterday.  Conservatives 4 Palin stomped on the rumors quickly and gave a bit of a back story to the idiocy:

The release is in response to a ludicrous rumor being spread by Alaskan CNN stringer Dennis Zaki. Zaki, who previously bought into rumors of Trig Truth, picked up these allegations from the same source – the rabidly anti-Palin, Trig Truth-espousing anonymous blogger “Gryphen” of the blog “Immoral Minority”. Gryphen is a friend of Zaki’s, along with fellow Team Truth members Shannyn Moore, Phil Munger, and “AKMuckraker” of the Mudflats.

The rumor was already being picked up and spread around the echo chamber of the Alaskan Team Truther blogs…not only by Zaki, but by fellow Trig Truther “Doctor Phil” Munger of Progressive Alaska.

And they document quite well why the story is so bogus, including statements from Palin and her spokesperson plus pictures of Sarah and Todd definitely being cozy with each other at the same function that these idiots were reporting they were not speaking to each other.

So what do you think the MSM would do about this?  Ignore it maybe?  I mean Team Sarah put the rumor down quickly right?

No, they blame Sarah for answering these false charges.

By having her spokeswoman repeat the charges to rebut them in a public form, Palin effectively guaranteed coverage from the mainstream media that otherwise would not report claims attributed to unnamed sources on an anonymous blog.

OK, Sarah, listen to me. You ignored my very nice open letter, but this is important. You have to fire Meg Stapleton, or give her something easier to do. There are no “so-called journalists” reporting this rumor, but now, they’ll all get to report Stapleton’s denial on your behalf.


Was Mr. Martin around during the campaign? The rules are different when it comes to the media covering Governor Palin. Mr. Martin, do you remember this?

– Palin banned books.
– Palin said that she believed that dinosaurs and humans co-existed.
– Palin charged victims for rape kits
– Trig Palin is not the governor’s son.

And where did all of these things, among others, originate? Blogs, usually with unnamed sources.

Actually Sarah and her team do a fantastic job of putting out these wildfires quickly. Politico can claim that “real” journalists wouldn’t have reported on a story from blogger till they get red in the face but the fact remains many of the stories put out during the 2008 election CAME from bloggers.

Sarah saw how the McCain campaign (specifically Steve Schmidt) handled internet rumors during the campaign. The whisper campaign by the left wing blogs went unanswered, then seeped into the msm, and by then it was too late. People couldn’t differentiate fact from fiction. Was she a book banner? Did she join a secession movement? Is Trig really her baby?

I find the charges from the “real” journalists to be quite telling actually. Sarah cannot win with them. If she doesn’t answer the rumors then the rumors have to be true. If she does answer them then she just helped get the story mainstream…she should of just kept her yap shut.

They are so afraid of this woman.

Meanwhile, Rick Moran believes this may have all been a set up:

I might add that Alaska Report has a about as good a record as Gawker in breaking news – which is better than some MSM outlets but far from perfect. And Gryphen, who apparently started the whole divorce rumor, is even worse.

Nevertheless, once both those sites hit the internet with the story, the blog feeding frenzy on the left began, with a couple of MSM outlets joining in.

As someone who doesn’t consider himself a journalist but who has been around newsrooms for many years, let me just say that if this had come across my desk, I would have smelled a set up. It’s too pat, the pieces fit too nicely together (an “explanation” for why she resigned) not to raise alarms with real journalists. So I think there is at least the possibility, that either someone in the Palin camp with an ax to grind with the media – or, less likely, Palin herself – whispered a few words to a birdie they were sure would get the word to people who would publish it.

The definition of “pwn” is “1. An act of dominating an opponent, and 2. Great, ingenious; applied to methods and objects.” If this was a set up by the Palin camp, it worked magnificently. Now, most of the lefty blogosphere has egg on their face.

Several Alaska bloggers hounded the former Alaskan governor with bogus ethics complaints while she was in office – Alaska Report being one of them. Could a little payback be at play here?

Not far fetched at all, and it just proved to many people how friggin mad those Alaskan bloggers are. The same ones who made bogus ethics claim one after another.

The left is in full freak out mode as they watch their supposed messiah fall to earth. Not only are the poll numbers dropping they see his promises made becoming broken promises. They are freaking out and view Sarah as one of the big threats to their dreams, so she….must….be….stopped.

Pretty funny actually.


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This is great fodder for the regular wing nuts on this board who are nothing short of delusional. Eat up, there be more coming your way at the pig trough…

[Actually Sarah and her team do a fantastic job of putting out these wildfires quickly.]

I completely agree with you, Curt. I think Meg Stapleton’s response was appropriate and professional, and nipped the rumor right in the bud. I personally didn’t give the rumor credence, but unfortunately some might.

I suspect that the “divorce” rumor may be in retaliation for the “Ethicsgate” video that is circulation all over the net. This video shows the intimate connection between the bloggers, the “ethics” complaints, and the democratic party in Alaska.

The dems have been trying to stamp out that brushfire, but more and more people keep reposting it everytime it has been taken down.

I prefer Sarah’s simple quote, as confirmed via phone to Palin by Robert Stacy McCain

“Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I’m not blind!”


But, ya know, look at the bright side. While the rabid left tries to tie the conspiracy birthers to the conservative movement (*not*), the PDS loonies, who relish and spin every frivolous charge possible, belong to the *mainstream* left. Heaven knows that’s easily confirmable by our resident left FA’ers here who demean Palin at every opportunity.

Sarah can hold her own. This kind of press reflects only on those spreading the gossip. And if Sarah was crazy enough to kick Todd to the curb, there would be no end to the lines of women, ready to give him a home cooked meal.

Liberals such as myself want to stop Sarah? You are delusional. Not only are we not “freaking out”, I can’t get enough of her. Every time she expresses a coherent thought (which isn’t often) she further marginalizes the Republican party. She’s the best you have to offer?

… ah, right on cue. LOL Thanks for the demo, TerryS.

BTW, while we’re on the subject of liberals making fools of themselves… how about that Al Franken, making a fool of himself with T. Boone Pickens? And, of course, John Kerry found other places to be…. LOL

TerryS: Terry, you CHOOSE to ignore the fact that EVERYTIME that your troops
* … file an FRIVOLOUS ethics charge
* … make up some story that requires DRUGS to even believe
* … try to malign her and then get busted

That you loonies folks not only lose credibility but show yourselves out to be the fools we believe you to be.

Have you read the messages? Come on, what derogatory stuff do you have to say about Trig? After all the postings I have read, I am sure you can post something about him.

Your fringe group has become the equivalent of the *ahem* BIRTHERS. While I am not with the birthers … most just want to see the long form – the birth certificate.

Obama and the court jester Gibbs say they can’t do anything …
(All this reminds me of the Car Facts Report commercials”)

“Can you show me your birth certificate?”
“Hey, what if I show you my certificate of birth?”
“Well, that’s nice but can you show me your birth certificate?”
“Hey, how about some stimulus money?”
“Well, that’s nice too but can you show me your birth certificate?”
“Is there ANYTHING ELSE that I can do WITHOUT SHOWING you my birth certificate?”

“Hey, try this ethics violation!”
“Hmmm, try this ethics violation!”
“Well, ummm, try this ethics violation!”
“Hey! Let make up stories!”
“Well, lets try this next…”

Do ya see a pattern here? Do ya Terry?

TerryS is busy wiping the froth from the lips. Don’t think he can do that and think at the same time, Hawk. You may have to say it again, slower, at a later time.

by my own informal count the story of the “divorce” appeared on at least 3 times as many uber right wing blogs as left. Actually many other frivilous ethics charges were found to be unethical, but not illegal. BUt certainly many many people will miss Sarah, I for one would be happy to see her as the GOP nominee in 2012, I would even consider a donation during the primaries

John Ryan, you are stupid every which way from Sunday, dude. Out of the 17 ETHICS complaints… ahem, note the word ETHICS… there were no findings of unethical *or* illegal behavior. There is still one complaint in the system left to be resolved.

Why don’t you go read the extensive research on the details and outcomes of the ETHICS complaints here with my ‘Alinsky Perfected” series before opening your mouth to change your keyboard feet.

When you’re done with that, go back and read the Troopergate series so you might grasp what the Personnel Board does and the system in place to offer oversight as per Alaska’s ethics law.

The FA neighborhood cannot afford to keep sinking to you as the lowest common denominator.

I hope the inbreds like ken, terry, and jr are back here after the 2010 elections. I’m betting they won’t be.
You leftist morons think you’ll be in charge forever, at least you behavior does. Your political payback is going to be every bit as ugly as you are. Just a matter of time…tick…tick…tick.

MataHarley:”You may have to say it again, slower, at a later time.”

Also, I could possibly use smaller syllables if needed. 🙂

@Hard Right:
There was another blog I visited before finding floppingaces. There was about an even split of people there. I found ONE level headed democrat with whom I still exchange e-mails.
He was not very happy about Obama getting the nomination. He wasn’t even sure about voting for him but eventually did although a bit reluctantly.

He has said the same about 2010 and going forward. And he KNOWS the truth that it is the democrats who can blow their future chances. And right now … he is pretty pissed on how things are going. There’s hope for him yet 🙂

Hard Right, I’d be happy to continue stopping by for a good laugh…

It just keeps getting better and better. Behold:

You won’t be laughing much longer, red ken. How’s your messiah doing these days? Hmmm?
Please, do tell us what left wing sites you haunt so we can return the favor when obama is a one term president…just like carter-THE FORMER WORST PRESIDENT EVER. Now obama holds that title. You will be upset very, very, soon. For now I’ll just take comfort in the fact that being a leftist, you are a very miserable and unhappy “person.”

OT, your link just proves what I say about the left. There are nowhere near as smart as they think they are. If Sara decides to get some payback against those people they are in deep shite. We all know what she does to that which she hunts.

Priceless on the American Spectator links, Occam. LOL

The below link leads to a pic of the bozo (aka Dennis Zaki) who “outed” his “National Enquirer’esque” blogger source pal.

After almost of year of wearing the bullseye on her back, there’s a new “target” in town…

UPDATE 9:21 p.m.: Dan Riehl, who has even better sources in Alaska than I do, reports that we are now “gold” on the tipster’s identification of “Gryphen” as Jesse Griffin, a part-time teaching assistant at Trailside Elementary School in Anchorage. At his Immoral Minority blog, Griffin now confirms the basics (without using his real name), saying he has “every confidence that I will be vindicated.”

Huffington Post reports on the controversy, and the blogosphere is beginning to fan the flames. Good luck with that vindication, Mr. Griffin. Im sure the taxpayers of Anchorage won’t mind you calling Mrs. Palin all those ugly names — “trailer trash Barbie” being a relatively mild example.

Below’s “Mr. Griffin’s” staff photo from Trailside Elementary in Anchorage. I had to laugh when the website said “click on the links to contact us!” and provided his school email. That would be in quite poor taste, innundating him at the school for Jesse’s personal character flaws.

How is it Forrest Gump put it? “stupid is as stupid does”….

Blogging is not for the faint of heart, nor idiots. And I suspect ol’ Jesse’s about to get a taste of his own mean spirited assaults. Let’s see how fast Jesse squeals and whines, eh?

And, if the 5th graders have any luck, they’ll get a new instructor that isn’t a vindictive gossip queen. But I have no doubts the media will give this one his 15 minutes of fame as well. When you consider what it’s for, it’s a sad commentary on civil society and social manners anymore.

As for the letter from the Palin attorneys? Long overdue, IMHO. Or, Alaskan pollster Dave Dittman’s comment:

The Alaskan landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah Palin.

Yep… as an ex-Governor, the gloves are able to come off, and those who have been casually engaging in both libel and slander will not rest as easy in the night.

BTW, if you’re thinking of wasting time giving ammo to Jesse Griffin by speaking with him directly or thru his sophomoric website, you should do the students a favor instead. Express your dismay that someone closeting such questionable civil manners, and bearing no respect of a Governor’s personal life is teaching impressionable five years olds.

This you can do, nicely, to the principle of Trailside Elementar, Patrick Freeman.

Per the school website, and the “contact us” invitation, his email is: And you should keep your comments polite. Leave the groveling in the mud to Jesse and his ilk.