All doubts are removed now… straight from the donkey’s mouth. Single taxpayer is the goal of this POTUS. Even if it takes a decade or so….
tomorrow AM post on the seniors and boomers “choice”
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
I am glad to see this out there and in HIS own words. I saved it off as I am sure I will need it. And I don’t need it MIA when I do want to cite it.
If they pass this PoS, this is the kind of junk we have to look forward to:
From: (and we know just how wonderful the UK’s services are.)
Tens of thousands with chronic back pain will be forced to live in agony after a decision to slash the number of painkilling injections issued on the NHS, doctors have warned.
Cuts to treatments would save the NHS £33 million.
The Government’s drug rationing watchdog says “therapeutic” injections of steroids, such as cortisone, which are used to reduce inflammation, should no longer be offered to patients suffering from persistent lower back pain when the cause is not known.
But “Hey! At least I have healthcare. Too bad it doesn’t fix my health problems!”
Don’t tell me words don’t mean nothing….or sumthin’ like that….
First it was the banks, then they added on life insurance companies. Next were the auto makers. Now its a takeover of the healthcare system. What is next? A takeover of all communication systems?
Sleep well future Komrades!
Great find Mata.
I’m not sure who took the clips and combined them all together but I had found some of them individually and posted them as a response to Larry W on one of the other health care threads.
The Barney Frank clip is especially telling. These CongressCritters want to use the public option as a first step toward their goal.
The third clip below is also chock full of interesting information.
Read up on the Tides Foundation and you will find tentacle like links to none other than ACORN and SEIU.
It’s amazing to see the complex web of deception that is being woven right before our eyes.
Barney Frank is one of many who supports single payer. He is also one who admits that this current move regarding health care is just one step on the road toward single payer.
Roll the tape:
Hmmmm….seems even the guy you voted for last November is a single payer proponent.
Roll the tape:
The American People are being purposely deceived in this health care debate.
Roll the tape:
Good posts, thanks.
I have written my senators and congressman – to no avail at this point – and repeatedly ask them why they are even doing this. If it is a plan that, once again, does not cover the Congress, then they should stay out of it all. If they want to address the issue for those who do not have insurance, then perhaps work on it (though much of their argument is dubious at best – but htat’s another post). Fundamentally, I tell them that it is none of their business to interject themselves and the governemnt into my healthcare needs or concerns. If they want to do anything I tell them to do two things 1) get the government out of healthcare completely and 2) stop the restriction on healthcare insurance by keeping it within one’s home state. Open it up to real competition.
The statist’s stealth plans are nothing short of infuriating.