The Disaster Known As ObamaCare

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The Heritage Foundation has the top 10 reasons why ObamaCare is just wrong for this nation:

  1. Millions Will Lose Their Current Insurance. Period. End of Story: President Obama wants Americans to believe they can keep their insurance if they like, but research from the government, private research firms, and think tanks show this is not the case. Proposed economic incentives, plus a government-run health plan like the one proposed in the House bill, would cause 88.1 million people to see their current employer-sponsored health plan disappear.
  2. Your Health Care Coverage Will Probably Change Anyway: Even if you kept your private insurance, eventually most remaining plans–whether employer plans or individual plans–would have to conform to new federal benefit standards. Moreover, the necessary plan “upgrades” will undoubtedly cost you more in premiums.
  3. The Umpire Is Also the First Baseman: The main argument for a “public option” is that it would increase competition. However, if the federal government creates a health care plan that it controls and also sets the rules for the private plans, there is little doubt that Washington would put its private sector “competitors” out of business sooner or later.
  4. The Fed Picks Your Treatment: President Obama said: “They’re going to have to give up paying for things that don’t make them healthier. … If there’s a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half for the thing that’s going to make you well.” Does that sound like a government that will stay out of your health care decisions?
  5. Individual Mandate Means Less Liberty and More Taxes: Although he once opposed the idea, President Obama is now open to the imposition of an individual mandate that would require all Americans to have federally approved health insurance. This unprecedented federal directive not only takes away your individual freedom but could cost you as well. Lawmakers are considering a penalty or tax for those who don’t buy government-approved health plans.

And the people are waking up from their messiah coma and starting to understand this is not the direction they want to go in:

…the latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 22-26 among 1,506 adults reached on landlines and cell phones, finds that many of the health care proposals being debated in Congress are sparking negative reactions, especially from those following the debate most closely. By a 44% to 38% margin, more Americans generally oppose than favor the health care proposals now before Congress. Opposition rises to 56% among people who say they have heard a lot about legislation to overhaul the health care system. Concerns about the costs and increased government involvement in the health care system are volunteered most often by Americans critical of the health care proposals.

Hell, Mike shows us that not only do the people not want socialized health care, they are starting to find some negatives in the Obama armor.

In a number of polls Obama is at or below the percentage of votes he had in the 2008 election meaning he is losing support directly from the people who voted for him.

And it only took six months. I didn’t think it was possible. I believed it would be a good two years before this came about.

Back to the topic at hand, who do the Democrats blame for this ObamaCare negative press? The evil insurance companies. Not the frivolous lawsuits and the ambulance chasing lawyers, but the insurance companies because….get this…they don’t want the competition from the Government.

More like they know this will put them out of business:

A day after formally delaying a vote on a healthcare bill and having to accept a further weakening of a public option to compete with private insurers, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) lashed out at the health insurance industry and urged her members to do the same during the August recess.

“They are the villains in this,” Pelosi said of private insurers. “They have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening. And the public has to know that. They can disguise their arguments any way they want, but the fact is that they don’t want the competition.”


We just don’t want this to happen to our country:

Millions of adults in England and Wales haven’t been to an NHS dentist since April 2006 mainly because they couldn’t find one to treat them, says new research carried out for national charity Citizens Advice as it urges Primary Care Trusts to spend newly allocated resources to improve access.


It was mentioned by 31% of respondents in England and Wales who have not been to an NHS dentist since April 2006. This is the equivalent of approximately 7.4 million people who have not been to an NHS dentist since April 2006 because of difficulties in finding one. Of these, the equivalent of approximately 4.7 million have sought private treatment instead and the equivalent of approximately 2.7 million have gone without treatment altogether.


A [charity] in North Yorkshire reported a pensioner on a low income who needed emergency dental treatment in hospital. They advised her she would need further treatment and would need to find an NHS dentist. There were two available in the area but both have 12 month waiting lists…

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The biggest mistake was not taking the vote before the recess. As people learn more about this bill, the more the native will be restless.

Senator McCaskill got a thumping when her staff tried to sell this at a public meeting (tea parties sent her a message). I believe this will only get worse in the next 30 days.

I’ve already wrote to my senators and congressman. I plant to visit their offices soon.

Here’s an anti-Obamacare petition approaching one million “signatures” for those who are fed up with unconstitutional federal government interference in our lives.

. . . more and more Americans are asking…Mitt Romney posed that very question in print this week and offered how the Massachusetts health care reform could be improved/what could be done differently….regardless of one’s agreement with the Massachusetts approach, this is interesting.

With poll numbers sinking, Nancy Pelosi and iWon started demonizing the insurance companies…Alinsky style. Within a day, the ObamaCare proposal was being framed as Health Insurance Reform…and the usual suspects were claiming there was never a deadline to get this bill finished (whenever-according to Pelosi)…..laughable if this was not so serious.

In his weekly column, Charles Krauthammer predicts that iWon will be signing some watered down version of Health Insurance Reform by end of 2009. It is interesting — if you have not read — here is the link

Because the Dems are so invested in iWon being successful, we must stay on top of everything they put on the table (and under,) along with the details in any bill they try and ram through..(rumor going around is the Dems are going to try and slip in Card Check on another bill so they do not have to hold debate/dialogue.)

Our future is a stake and we must remain vigilant…The founders never promised keeping a republic would be easy…but I wonder if they could have ever envisioned the three stooges – Pelosi, Reid, and iWon – with most of the Press serving as their subservient lapdogs.

I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: Don’t bother signing internet petitions. You are only wasting your time as politicians ignore them. Instead, call their offices or importantly send them a real letter. The latter gets more attention than anything else. (Aside from possibly being a lobbyist or big campaign contributer.)