Why is it they are talking about stopping the sell of Cig.s on military bases well look it is about money no taxes on cig.s on bases and all those retirees who shop?
It is always about the money follow the money>
Cig.s are legal Yet these same people want an illegal substance legal?
Nothing better than a brunette with a gun. Unless it’s a redhead or blond with a gun.
15 years ago
Ahhh… good old Colt model 1911. I could field-strip that with my eyes closed.
Fit fit
15 years ago
I can field strip the blond with my eyes closed…
15 years ago
How is it that Murtha is able to get away with continuing to call the soldiers involved with the Haditha killings murderers? They were exonerated in a military court. So it seems that his public statement should be considered slander. He even says something like -yes, I knew the courts martial found them innocent but I still say they are murderers –
Any criminal caught in the act is still referred to as ‘alleged’ until convicted. I have even seen newspapers use ‘alleged’ _after_ conviction. Why are actual criminals coddled, yet our military men are open targets?
Fit fit
15 years ago
Busy day in Iran, check it out on twitter since the news stoped covering it…
What is this military spending bill that has a “Hate Crimes” bill attached to it? Anytime they try to tie a social engineering bill on to something completely unrelated my radar goes off.
One of the anchors this morning on Fox said that this will give an opening to Sharia Law; criticizing a Muslim or Islam could qualify as a hate crime. Because we are already under assault in every quarter by Muslims, including instituting Sharia Law in finance, this is extremely troubling. Another assault on free speech by the burqua lovers.
I have to be out all day today…anyone able to get a handle on this?
Busy day in Iran, check it out on twitter since the news stoped covering it…
Speaking of twitter, I wanted to do a blogpost around this, but never got around to it:
Are Iranian authorities more sophisticated than we think?
Fri, 07/10/2009 – 1:52pm
A scary anecdote from Iran. A trusted colleague – who is married to an Iranian-American and would thus prefer to stay anonymous – has told me of a very disturbing episode that happened to her friend, another Iranian-American, as she was flying to Iran last week. On passing through the immigration control at the airport in Tehran, she was asked by the officers if she has a Facebook account. When she said “no”, the officers pulled up a laptop and searched for her name on Facebook. They found her account and noted down the names of her Facebook friends.
This is very disturbing. For once, it means that the Iranian authorities are paying very close attention to what’s going on Facebook and Twitter (which, in my opinion, also explains why they decided not to take those web-sites down entirely – they are useful tools of intelligence gathering).
Second, it means, as far as authorities are concerned, our online and offline identities are closely tied and we have to be fully prepared to be quizzed about any online trace that we have left (I can easily see us being asked our Facebook and Twitter handles in immigration forms; one of the forms I regularly fill flying back to the US has recently added a field for email address).
Third, this reveals that some of the spontaneous online activism we witnessed in the last few weeks – with Americans re-tweeting the posts published by those in Tehran – may eventually have very dire consequences, as Iranians would need to explain how exactly they are connected to foreigners that follow them on Twitter (believe me, I’ve observed enough bureaucratic stupidity in Eastern Europe to know that even some of the officials who follow Twitter activity on a daily basis may not know how it works).
Look at the trigger guard. It’s not round. Do you hvae a link for what you think it is? I’d like to see it. Thanks.
Old Trooper
15 years ago
A S&W MP.45. A very keen pistol in a very effective caliber. That gal is not hard on the eyes either.
Finger on the trigger. Looks to me like she means business.
I just sent letters to my Senators and Congressman re: voting on legislative bills they haven’t read. It is the very harsh equivalent of handing out signed blank checks to the Adult delinquents that are appointed Czars, not vetted by anyone or held accountable to the much abused US Taxpayer. I reminded them that the next elections will have some consequences.
Iran currently resembles Germany in 1939 in my opinion. Since I retired, one my standing rules is not to visit any Middle Eastern or Third World countries. An American Passport means less than nothing to those folks. Holding dual citizenship in ME or 3W countries marks you as a target in those places if you are holding a US Passport.
On the attachment of a Hate Crimes provision to the Defense Spending Bill, the foolishness in DC never ends. Wait until the Socialists that ignored the warnings of the CBO on upcoming pieces of legislation jack taxes up to pay for their Social Engineering experiments. Things We do not need and cannot afford and voted upon by Congress characters that never read the bills. Those clowns need to adjourn for Summer Recess and go back to their Districts to face their constituents. I’d rather have someone lie to me eye to eye than on CSPAN.
Congress is a sad joke, the Economy is still a train wreck and I’m headed out to the stream to fly fish for some trout for dinner. Have a great Sunday afternoon and evening. Take the time to write to your Reps in the Parliament of Whores, registered mail works best. Remind them who they work for and are held accountable to. Be firm but civil. View that effort as the cost of doing business. If you don’t think that it is business just wait til you get the bill for this mischief…
OK, bottom line, I copied the picture into Irfanview, and blew up the pistol. To compare, I copied a 1911, and pasted it in so it would be the same size. The bore on the lady’s “piece” is MUCH smaller (one half or less). It could be a .22, or maybe a Hollywood blank pistol, or an air gun. But it is NOT a .45.
UPDATE – A closer look tells me that it depends on the lighting. It actually could have a larger bore, thought it’s hard to tell.
That’s enough of that.
15 years ago
If you want Irfanview, it’s here and it’s free. http://www.irfanview.com/
It’s not as versitile as I would like, but it suits most of my needs.
Gimp is also free, and quite good, but I haven’t had the patience to learn it yet. It can be found here… http://www.gimp.org/
15 years ago
Oh look, our Department of Agriculture just spent over a million bucks for 2lbs. of sliced, frozen ham. I would have given them the whole damn hog! Truth be told, I would have died from a heart attack if a figure like that showed up in our bank statement.
We know it couldn’t have been for that party the Social Security Admin had for their execs because that was ONLY $700,000! They must have been fed the left over hot dogs the Iranians didn’t get.
Good News: Dept. of Ag Paid $1.1 Million for 2 LBS of Ham
I remember during the debates when Obama sneered at McCain’s grumbling about waste, fraud and abuse, Obama was not too alarmed by the figure McCain used, million here, million there even though it adds up fast, got the impression he thought it was a paltry sum. So, I suppose Obama won’t be too concerned with these incidents, now will the cabinet secretaries, they’re busy wasting big money.
yonason, I have fired Glocks, Kimbers, Colts, Springfield Armory .45s and the current carry pistol for the US Air Marshall’s is a the Sig Sauer in .357. The favored Capone era hit man piece was a Browning Buckmark .22 with a four inch barrel or the 1908 Colt pocket semi auto pistol in .25 for close wet work.
I’ll be quite frank with you. I don’t want to take a hit from any caliber pistol, rifle or even a well thrown rock. Looking down the barrel of any pistol pointed at you is like looking down the bore of a 105mm howitzer in the heat of the moment.
Missy, the current Obama Regime is wasting OPM, Other Peoples Money. They are neither prudent, accountable or responsible so far. No hog is worth that kinda cash. Obama’s Cabinet, Czars and other strap hangers are living high on the hog and crapping in tall cotton. The backlash is coming. A sound investment would be found in tar, feathers, rails and braided leather bullwhips.
Rest assured, the rape, pillage & plunder of the US Taxpayer can’t continue for much longer and the mischief will be paid for 10 fold.
I raise some of the better grass/corn fed beef in Montana. My cost per steer is affordable. I have a few lambs and no piggies. If the Magic Half Kenyan & his pals want to throw taxpayer cash down a rathole they can shop elsewhere. I don’t have any $800 toilet seats here or any other nonsense.
Tar, feathers and bullwhips I can afford. Nothing but the best for those rascals. I have no tolerance for liars, thieves and pretenders. But tar, feathers and bullwhips are in my budget.
Lets exile them All to the 57th State or Somalia as Ambassadors at large on full Social Security compensation and not a penny more.
Old Trooper
15 years ago
Now on Diversity, Equality, Social Justice, Tolerance and Political Correctness:
NAACP Head/Felon Arrested for Child Sex & Firearms Charges
I’m not sure what I find most offensive about this: the fact that the local media chose to try to sweep this under the rug as much as possible without completely being derelict in their duties, or that the NAACP would allow a convicted felon—one convicted of multiple homicides and an apparent attempt to cause a third— to hold office.
So much for standards and accountability:
Stokes County sheriff’s deputies arrested the president of the local NAACP chapter on child sex and firearms charges Monday.
CBS affiliate WFMY reports that Larry Lash, 54, of Walnut Cove, was charged with six counts of statutory rape and two counts of sex offense and first-degree sex offense, among other sex charges.
Sheriff Mike Joyce told WFMY that there were three victims, including two under 16-years-old and that the alleged sex acts took place at Lash’s home over a period of time.
Investigators found five guns and ammunition at Lash’s house when they arrested him, leading to a charge of possession of a firearm by a felon. According to state Department of Correction records, Lash was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 1974 and assault by pointing a gun and discharging a firearm into property in 1978.
If the there is any evidence at all that Lash used the influence and prestige of his position to carry out his assaults, I hope that the families of the victims sue the state and local organizations into bankruptcy as a warning that no organization is above the law, and especially one chartered to fight for equality.
In this day and age where you have to submit to a criminal background check for everything from applying for loans, to applying for jobs, to volunteering in many organizations, there is no excuse at all for the NAACP not vetting their officers on every level, including Lash.
The other possibily—that the NAACP knew Lash was an convicted killer, and allowed him to serve anyway—is even more dangerously negligent, and I hope is far from the truth.
You won’t see coverage of this on ABC, CBS, NBC or any of the other EIEIO networks.
I wonder if the ACLU is going to represent him on his 2nd Amendment Rights?
“Looking down the barrel of any pistol pointed at you is like looking down the bore of a 105mm howitzer in the heat of the moment.”
No argument there, Troop.
“Tar, feathers and bullwhips I can afford. Nothing but the best for those rascals.”
re the NAACP article in Confederate Yankee (good blog), here’s the article link. http://confederateyankee.mu.nu/archives/289811.php
You just gave the website, where people will only be able to find the article until it scrolls off the page. If you want the article to be available for permanent review, you have to give the URL for that article.
Does anyone have any figures relating to the typical Gov’t investment (grants, bond, loan guarantees) in the average wind farm? I’m interested in finding out if the construction of a wind farm is economically feasible without government financing (which I doubt). They are planning on building one along about 15% of my visible skyline and I want to know that it is feasible for private investors, and no gov’t money is involved, before I lend my support one way or the other, or just stay out of it. Most of the information I’m finding on Google is koolaid posted by the wind industry, but I haven’t found much in the way of hard numbers.
Hopefully, I remember that you’re in Wyoming, yes? Which wind farm, Wisdom? (meaning taking one question at a time… ala stimulus money?) We can contribute data if we know the particular project, and the players involved.
If it’s in any grouse area, you have a friend in the WY Fish & Game guys… and I’m here to tell you, *they* have black helicopters! Good to have as “friends”. :0)
But then, any wind farm many have already fallen under previous government energy grants. But I do have to say, it looks like your Governor has put in his bid for the government stimulus before Obama even too his oath of office…. This wish list dated Jan 5th No wind farms in that, tho…
I just ask since what you’re asking for is a remote, mini business plan. All depends the the land acquisition costs, the market for the generated green power (this stuff is being subsidized elsewhere because oil prices are down…). Also considered, cost of links to an existing transmission line and grid, and if that transmission line is cheap and free of eminent domain land. And of course, the add on just in case… how many enviros with lawsuits stand inbetween the construction permit.
15 years ago
31 yonason
You mentioned him first. So I have a question. They still haven’t interned his body. Why don’t they just finish what the Pepsi commercial started?
Well, I guess it wasn’t in his will to be cremated. Probably didn’t want the CO2 to count against him, or some other stupid greenie thing. Say, I wonder if any of his facial reconstruction had to do with fixing that? Maybe that accident forced him to have some of the surgery THAT made him so weird looking as a result?
A SpanishCatalannewspaper is reporting that Honduran authorities have seized computers found in the Presidential Palace belonging to deposed president Mel Zelaya. Taking a page right out of the leftist dictator’s handbook, these computers, according to the news report, contained the official and certified results of the illegal constitutional referendum Zelaya wanted to conduct that never took place. The results of this fraudulent vote was tilted heavily in Zelaya’s favor, ensuring he could go ahead and illegally change the constitution so he could remain in power for as long as he wanted to. ACORN, I’m sure, is taking notes.
… strange how that Venezuelan technology works … it comes with the results predetermined. I wonder if the “rubes” in Venezuela have taken note.
And then today …
Honduran officials are investigating allegations that President Manuel Zelaya and his chief of staff stole millions of dollars from the central bank before the military ousted Mr. Zelaya last month, according to a senior Honduran official, government documents and other evidence.
A security video from the Central Bank of Honduras made available to The Washington Times shows officials entering the bank June 24 and withdrawing large amounts of Honduran currency. The money was driven to the office of Mr. Zelaya’s chief of staff, Enrique Flores Lanza, according to depositions by three witnesses to Honduran prosecutors.
Government documents and testimony by the three say that about $2.2 million was taken.
15 years ago
As disturbing as this breaking story is, read the next to the last paragraph.
PHOENIX — Four boys, ages 9 to 14, have been arrested in connection with the sexual assault of an 8-year-old girl in a vacant shed, Phoenix police said.
Officers said the boys used chewing gum to entice the victim into the shed near 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road at about 5:15 p.m. on Thursday.
The girl was then restrained while four of the children, ages 9, 10, 13, and 14, sexually assaulted her, according to a police news release. Police said the boys and the girl are children of West African refugees.
Phoenix police officers responded to an emergency radio call of unknown trouble with a young girl screaming hysterically as she ran out of a storage shed partially clothed, investigators said.
Several boys were seen running from the area and one of them was caught by officers, according to the news release.
As the investigation unfolded, detectives learned the identities of all the suspects.
The four boys were arrested Tuesday while they were at home by officers from Maryvale Precinct.
Patrol officers then assisted Child Protective Services with removing the victim from the custody of her parents, who, according to detectives, blamed her for being victimized and bringing shame to their family, investigators said.
Police interviewed the boys who police said admitted to planning the sexual assault.
Hard Right
15 years ago
Patrol officers then assisted Child Protective Services with removing the victim from the custody of her parents, who, according to detectives, blamed her for being victimized and bringing shame to their family
Was the victim Asian? From the Middle East? Major WTF moment. Her parents should be sterilized
@MataHarley: I’m interested specifically in the White Mountain/Sweetwater County wind farm being forwarded by Tasco.
If Tasco is using 100% private funds, and 100% private land, and guarantees no interruption of access to surrounding public lands, then I am all for them building a wind farm. My opposition to it will come from the use of public money, public land, and any threat to access of public land that may come from the plans.
Yes, I am unhappy about the possibility of losing a beautiful skyline, but I am also a capitalist, and if that property belongs to a private party then I support their right to do with it what they will, but not with my money.
As for the Wyo Game & Fish, you are right, we do have a friend there, but WGF isn’t an all powerful agency like the USFGS. Their primary motivation is to keep plans in place protecting the grouse in order to keep them off of ESA listing and to keep the feds off their back.
As for the governor, he has submitted the name of his wife to the President as a nominee for the federal judgeship that has been unfilled after the Senate Dems refused to allow a vote on Bush’s nominee to the same bench for the last two years. I can imagine where his loyalties are now.
If I decide to fight this, the best chance at winning will be at the County Commission level. Our commissioners are basically mindless sheep, who mostly like to keep people happy, but if I can sway a crowd at their meeting, I may be able to sway them at the same time.
15 years ago
Last night should go down as the single most embarrassing moment for the White House press corps and the press overall, in the history of this country. Even questions that could have been considered a little tough were delivered with an almost apologetic tone. The rest of the press corps should have just moved to the front of the room and knelt in admiration.
Why is it they are talking about stopping the sell of Cig.s on military bases well look it is about money no taxes on cig.s on bases and all those retirees who shop?
It is always about the money follow the money>
Cig.s are legal Yet these same people want an illegal substance legal?
Calif tax officials: Legal pot would rake in $1.4B
Jul 15 2009
Panel wants an end to military smoking
Nothing better than a brunette with a gun. Unless it’s a redhead or blond with a gun.
Ahhh… good old Colt model 1911. I could field-strip that with my eyes closed.
I can field strip the blond with my eyes closed…
How is it that Murtha is able to get away with continuing to call the soldiers involved with the Haditha killings murderers? They were exonerated in a military court. So it seems that his public statement should be considered slander. He even says something like -yes, I knew the courts martial found them innocent but I still say they are murderers –
Any criminal caught in the act is still referred to as ‘alleged’ until convicted. I have even seen newspapers use ‘alleged’ _after_ conviction. Why are actual criminals coddled, yet our military men are open targets?
Busy day in Iran, check it out on twitter since the news stoped covering it…
What is this military spending bill that has a “Hate Crimes” bill attached to it? Anytime they try to tie a social engineering bill on to something completely unrelated my radar goes off.
One of the anchors this morning on Fox said that this will give an opening to Sharia Law; criticizing a Muslim or Islam could qualify as a hate crime. Because we are already under assault in every quarter by Muslims, including instituting Sharia Law in finance, this is extremely troubling. Another assault on free speech by the burqua lovers.
I have to be out all day today…anyone able to get a handle on this?
So, how could Americans ever vote for someone like Obama? I mean, what are we, stoopid?
(Patience, it takes a while to load)
Your probably right. That’s how Muslims have used that in other countries. But our lawbreaking lawmakers are too stupid to realize it.
And, speaking of burka’s, enjoy…
@ Fit fit
Yeah it is. I usually check it out on twitter daily. The religious leaders are fighting each other now. Nothing but good can come of that.
@Fit fit
“I can field strip the blond with my eyes closed…”
Not if she doesn’t want you to. She might just pop your caps and leave you that way.
@Fit fit #6:
Speaking of twitter, I wanted to do a blogpost around this, but never got around to it:
Curt, now THAT’s what I’m talking about! FA needs more of these types of pics.
DaNang – It’s a Smith and Wesson, not a 1911.
NJ Senator Menendez promising health care to illegal aliens http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2009/06/red-alert-la-raza-if-american-people.html
Are you sure? (S&W makes a 1911, but it doesn’ look like that…
…and it also doesn’t look like any currently available for sale as shown on their website.)
Look at the trigger guard. It’s not round. Do you hvae a link for what you think it is? I’d like to see it. Thanks.
A S&W MP.45. A very keen pistol in a very effective caliber. That gal is not hard on the eyes either.
Finger on the trigger. Looks to me like she means business.
I just sent letters to my Senators and Congressman re: voting on legislative bills they haven’t read. It is the very harsh equivalent of handing out signed blank checks to the Adult delinquents that are appointed Czars, not vetted by anyone or held accountable to the much abused US Taxpayer. I reminded them that the next elections will have some consequences.
Iran currently resembles Germany in 1939 in my opinion. Since I retired, one my standing rules is not to visit any Middle Eastern or Third World countries. An American Passport means less than nothing to those folks. Holding dual citizenship in ME or 3W countries marks you as a target in those places if you are holding a US Passport.
On the attachment of a Hate Crimes provision to the Defense Spending Bill, the foolishness in DC never ends. Wait until the Socialists that ignored the warnings of the CBO on upcoming pieces of legislation jack taxes up to pay for their Social Engineering experiments. Things We do not need and cannot afford and voted upon by Congress characters that never read the bills. Those clowns need to adjourn for Summer Recess and go back to their Districts to face their constituents. I’d rather have someone lie to me eye to eye than on CSPAN.
Congress is a sad joke, the Economy is still a train wreck and I’m headed out to the stream to fly fish for some trout for dinner. Have a great Sunday afternoon and evening. Take the time to write to your Reps in the Parliament of Whores, registered mail works best. Remind them who they work for and are held accountable to. Be firm but civil. View that effort as the cost of doing business. If you don’t think that it is business just wait til you get the bill for this mischief…
The trigger guard looks a lot like a Glock…
…or a Sig…
…but the barrels doen’t look like any of them.
OK, bottom line, I copied the picture into Irfanview, and blew up the pistol. To compare, I copied a 1911, and pasted it in so it would be the same size. The bore on the lady’s “piece” is MUCH smaller (one half or less). It could be a .22, or maybe a Hollywood blank pistol, or an air gun.
But it is NOT a .45.UPDATE – A closer look tells me that it depends on the lighting. It actually could have a larger bore, thought it’s hard to tell.
That’s enough of that.
If you want Irfanview, it’s here and it’s free.
It’s not as versitile as I would like, but it suits most of my needs.
Gimp is also free, and quite good, but I haven’t had the patience to learn it yet. It can be found here…
Oh look, our Department of Agriculture just spent over a million bucks for 2lbs. of sliced, frozen ham. I would have given them the whole damn hog! Truth be told, I would have died from a heart attack if a figure like that showed up in our bank statement.
We know it couldn’t have been for that party the Social Security Admin had for their execs because that was ONLY $700,000! They must have been fed the left over hot dogs the Iranians didn’t get.
I remember during the debates when Obama sneered at McCain’s grumbling about waste, fraud and abuse, Obama was not too alarmed by the figure McCain used, million here, million there even though it adds up fast, got the impression he thought it was a paltry sum. So, I suppose Obama won’t be too concerned with these incidents, now will the cabinet secretaries, they’re busy wasting big money.
It definitely isn’t a Sig, Glock or a 1911.
It’s a S&W 645 or it’s successor the 4506.
Either that or it’s a photoshop of a 1911/645 mix.
THANKS. I’ll buy that, or a reasonable facsimile.
You’re quite welcome!
yonason, I have fired Glocks, Kimbers, Colts, Springfield Armory .45s and the current carry pistol for the US Air Marshall’s is a the Sig Sauer in .357. The favored Capone era hit man piece was a Browning Buckmark .22 with a four inch barrel or the 1908 Colt pocket semi auto pistol in .25 for close wet work.
I’ll be quite frank with you. I don’t want to take a hit from any caliber pistol, rifle or even a well thrown rock. Looking down the barrel of any pistol pointed at you is like looking down the bore of a 105mm howitzer in the heat of the moment.
Missy, the current Obama Regime is wasting OPM, Other Peoples Money. They are neither prudent, accountable or responsible so far. No hog is worth that kinda cash. Obama’s Cabinet, Czars and other strap hangers are living high on the hog and crapping in tall cotton. The backlash is coming. A sound investment would be found in tar, feathers, rails and braided leather bullwhips.
Rest assured, the rape, pillage & plunder of the US Taxpayer can’t continue for much longer and the mischief will be paid for 10 fold.
I raise some of the better grass/corn fed beef in Montana. My cost per steer is affordable. I have a few lambs and no piggies. If the Magic Half Kenyan & his pals want to throw taxpayer cash down a rathole they can shop elsewhere. I don’t have any $800 toilet seats here or any other nonsense.
Tar, feathers and bullwhips I can afford. Nothing but the best for those rascals. I have no tolerance for liars, thieves and pretenders. But tar, feathers and bullwhips are in my budget.
Lets exile them All to the 57th State or Somalia as Ambassadors at large on full Social Security compensation and not a penny more.
Now on Diversity, Equality, Social Justice, Tolerance and Political Correctness:
NAACP Head/Felon Arrested for Child Sex & Firearms Charges
I’m not sure what I find most offensive about this: the fact that the local media chose to try to sweep this under the rug as much as possible without completely being derelict in their duties, or that the NAACP would allow a convicted felon—one convicted of multiple homicides and an apparent attempt to cause a third— to hold office.
So much for standards and accountability:
Stokes County sheriff’s deputies arrested the president of the local NAACP chapter on child sex and firearms charges Monday.
CBS affiliate WFMY reports that Larry Lash, 54, of Walnut Cove, was charged with six counts of statutory rape and two counts of sex offense and first-degree sex offense, among other sex charges.
Sheriff Mike Joyce told WFMY that there were three victims, including two under 16-years-old and that the alleged sex acts took place at Lash’s home over a period of time.
Investigators found five guns and ammunition at Lash’s house when they arrested him, leading to a charge of possession of a firearm by a felon. According to state Department of Correction records, Lash was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 1974 and assault by pointing a gun and discharging a firearm into property in 1978.
If the there is any evidence at all that Lash used the influence and prestige of his position to carry out his assaults, I hope that the families of the victims sue the state and local organizations into bankruptcy as a warning that no organization is above the law, and especially one chartered to fight for equality.
In this day and age where you have to submit to a criminal background check for everything from applying for loans, to applying for jobs, to volunteering in many organizations, there is no excuse at all for the NAACP not vetting their officers on every level, including Lash.
The other possibily—that the NAACP knew Lash was an convicted killer, and allowed him to serve anyway—is even more dangerously negligent, and I hope is far from the truth.
You won’t see coverage of this on ABC, CBS, NBC or any of the other EIEIO networks.
I wonder if the ACLU is going to represent him on his 2nd Amendment Rights?
@Old Trooper:
“Looking down the barrel of any pistol pointed at you is like looking down the bore of a 105mm howitzer in the heat of the moment.”
No argument there, Troop.
“Tar, feathers and bullwhips I can afford. Nothing but the best for those rascals.”
re the NAACP article in Confederate Yankee (good blog), here’s the article link.
You just gave the website, where people will only be able to find the article until it scrolls off the page. If you want the article to be available for permanent review, you have to give the URL for that article.
This is a good one too…”I’m too sexy for my burka”…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZwC-VH8OnI
And an all time favorite:
Here’s something the MSM aren’t going to tell you about Hillarity Klingon’s Honduran buddy, Mel Zelaya …
Narcissist? Noooooooooo! Not him.
Found at Drudge. Don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m certainly stimulated.
$2,531,600 for sliced frozen ham – water added
$1,191,200 for sliced frozen ham Apparently adding water is more expensive
$351,807 replace and update a dumbwaiter
$1,562,568 Mozzarella cheese
$5,708,260 Process cheese I thought mozzarella would be more expensive than process.
$16,784,272 Canned pork
$1,444,100 Repair a door I’d do it for have that and include travel.
$541,119 Install a traffic signal This one is in Hawaii, so I’d have to charge most of this, but I think I could come in just under $500K.
Crap, I’m stuck in Spam-abama.
Does anyone have any figures relating to the typical Gov’t investment (grants, bond, loan guarantees) in the average wind farm? I’m interested in finding out if the construction of a wind farm is economically feasible without government financing (which I doubt). They are planning on building one along about 15% of my visible skyline and I want to know that it is feasible for private investors, and no gov’t money is involved, before I lend my support one way or the other, or just stay out of it. Most of the information I’m finding on Google is koolaid posted by the wind industry, but I haven’t found much in the way of hard numbers.
Hopefully, I remember that you’re in Wyoming, yes? Which wind farm, Wisdom? (meaning taking one question at a time… ala stimulus money?) We can contribute data if we know the particular project, and the players involved.
Is it the Anschutz Corp windfarm in southern Wyoming? This is a particularly thorough article that takes names, so to speak. May 24th, 2009 AP article.
There was also a 237 turbine farm discussed on White Mountain/Sweetwater County area. Also news of the water pipeline to Colorado in that same area.
If it’s in any grouse area, you have a friend in the WY Fish & Game guys… and I’m here to tell you, *they* have black helicopters! Good to have as “friends”. :0)
But then, any wind farm many have already fallen under previous government energy grants. But I do have to say, it looks like your Governor has put in his bid for the government stimulus before Obama even too his oath of office…. This wish list dated Jan 5th No wind farms in that, tho…
I just ask since what you’re asking for is a remote, mini business plan. All depends the the land acquisition costs, the market for the generated green power (this stuff is being subsidized elsewhere because oil prices are down…). Also considered, cost of links to an existing transmission line and grid, and if that transmission line is cheap and free of eminent domain land. And of course, the add on just in case… how many enviros with lawsuits stand inbetween the construction permit.
31 yonason
You mentioned him first. So I have a question. They still haven’t interned his body. Why don’t they just finish what the Pepsi commercial started?
Yipes! I didn’t know about that!
Well, I guess it wasn’t in his will to be cremated. Probably didn’t want the CO2 to count against him, or some other stupid greenie thing. Say, I wonder if any of his facial reconstruction had to do with fixing that? Maybe that accident forced him to have some of the surgery THAT made him so weird looking as a result?
… strange how that Venezuelan technology works … it comes with the results predetermined. I wonder if the “rubes” in Venezuela have taken note.
And then today …
As disturbing as this breaking story is, read the next to the last paragraph.
PHOENIX — Four boys, ages 9 to 14, have been arrested in connection with the sexual assault of an 8-year-old girl in a vacant shed, Phoenix police said.
Officers said the boys used chewing gum to entice the victim into the shed near 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road at about 5:15 p.m. on Thursday.
The girl was then restrained while four of the children, ages 9, 10, 13, and 14, sexually assaulted her, according to a police news release. Police said the boys and the girl are children of West African refugees.
Phoenix police officers responded to an emergency radio call of unknown trouble with a young girl screaming hysterically as she ran out of a storage shed partially clothed, investigators said.
Several boys were seen running from the area and one of them was caught by officers, according to the news release.
As the investigation unfolded, detectives learned the identities of all the suspects.
The four boys were arrested Tuesday while they were at home by officers from Maryvale Precinct.
Patrol officers then assisted Child Protective Services with removing the victim from the custody of her parents, who, according to detectives, blamed her for being victimized and bringing shame to their family, investigators said.
Police interviewed the boys who police said admitted to planning the sexual assault.
Was the victim Asian? From the Middle East? Major WTF moment. Her parents should be sterilized
@MataHarley: I’m interested specifically in the White Mountain/Sweetwater County wind farm being forwarded by Tasco.
If Tasco is using 100% private funds, and 100% private land, and guarantees no interruption of access to surrounding public lands, then I am all for them building a wind farm. My opposition to it will come from the use of public money, public land, and any threat to access of public land that may come from the plans.
Yes, I am unhappy about the possibility of losing a beautiful skyline, but I am also a capitalist, and if that property belongs to a private party then I support their right to do with it what they will, but not with my money.
As for the Wyo Game & Fish, you are right, we do have a friend there, but WGF isn’t an all powerful agency like the USFGS. Their primary motivation is to keep plans in place protecting the grouse in order to keep them off of ESA listing and to keep the feds off their back.
As for the governor, he has submitted the name of his wife to the President as a nominee for the federal judgeship that has been unfilled after the Senate Dems refused to allow a vote on Bush’s nominee to the same bench for the last two years. I can imagine where his loyalties are now.
If I decide to fight this, the best chance at winning will be at the County Commission level. Our commissioners are basically mindless sheep, who mostly like to keep people happy, but if I can sway a crowd at their meeting, I may be able to sway them at the same time.
Last night should go down as the single most embarrassing moment for the White House press corps and the press overall, in the history of this country. Even questions that could have been considered a little tough were delivered with an almost apologetic tone. The rest of the press corps should have just moved to the front of the room and knelt in admiration.