Obama losing some support among nervous Dems

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Conservative House Democrats are balking at the cost and direction of Obama’s top priority, an overhaul of the nation’s health care system. A key Senate Democrat, Max Baucus of Montana, complains that Obama’s opposition to paying for it with a tax on health benefits “is not helping us.”

Another Democrat, Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma, tells his local newspaper that Obama is too liberal and is “very unpopular” in his district.

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I though this part of the article was hillarious:

Obama traveled to Michigan this week to unveil a $12 billion program to help community colleges prepare people for jobs. There, he made an audacious declaration.

“I love these folks who helped get us in this mess and then suddenly say, ‘Well, this is Obama’s economy,'” the president said. “That’s fine. Give it to me!”

So who’s economy is it then? Dems were more or less running things a while ago. He is obviously doing two things: First, neglecting ownership by adding stipulations into ‘inheriting’ an economy (i.e. if the economy was great, he would be bragging that it was all him). He had no problem inheriting an already won war in Iraq. Two: Adding a rallying cry, by showing how tough he is and accepting the challenge by those who are/were in charge. At some point the campaigning needs to stop, and the president needs to begin. Either you’re William Wallace or you are Robert Bruce

Well, limousine liberals and MSM “elites”, you had your fun… and probably almost broke your arm patting yourself on the back after you got the Dear Leader elected.

Now you are getting the taxes you deserve, as Barack Obama is going to BLEED YOU DRY. And you can forget writing off your local taxes on your overpriced eastcoast/leftcoast home… you’ll be paying more on that, too.

And here’s the kicker: you’ll be sending alot of that money to people in red states… to people whom you can’t stand.

New Yorkers, Californians, residents of the Northeast and the D.C. Corridor, you elected Obama… so step-up and pay those absurd taxes without complaining. You wanted bigger government.. so try THIS on for size.

Those who live in places with more rational state tax structures will welcome you when you want to move there… well, not really, LOL.

So head-out first-thing Monday morning and jump in your Prius with the “Change” bumper-sticker on the back and GET TO WORK… Chairman O needs your money.
