No official print media or wire yet. Just on the cable talking heads at the moment.
Fast bit I get is that there’s a 35 yr old injured dead. No one is getting in or out of Congress, and that Capitol police may have been involved.
Stay tuned for updates as they become available.
3:10pm Pacific Time: Per Reuters via ABC wire:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A shooting occurred near the Capitol, home of the U.S. Congress in Washington, and police have closed a road adjacent to the Senate side of the complex, Capitol Police said on Wednesday.
At least one person was taken to the hospital after the shooting incident, according to local news reports.
Entrances to the Capitol building were temporarily locked on its North side, where the Senate is, but they were later reopened.
Relay via Fox News latest… police cars chasing suspects in vehicle. May be high speed chase that just ended near Capitol. All Capitol employees are not allowed to leave. Sotomayor hearings shut down.
5:pm even… routine traffic stop when suspects began to flee. Vehicle entered Columbus Circle, struck an officer. Took off again, entered another street area when suspect produced weapon. Shooting ensued… suspect dead.
I’m done with this one… except I wish they’d lock the doors and keep all those losers locked up in there, sans food, for about a week.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Mata – I wholeheartedly agree with your last sentence, but just a couple of additions… turn off the A/C and stop up all the toilets…
LOL! Well, FedUp… I’d say no amount of AC within Obama’s PC energy use limits could combat that amount of hot air and “talking” sheeeeet emitted. May not be necessary!
Saw this on drudge earlier
But there is this again a distraction with help from his friends?
Deleted by Mata…. Really like you Catherine, but every thread is not your personal RSS feed to take off topic at will. I can control my own threads only. But on those, I assure you, I will be deleting your personal news feeds that are totally unrelated thread topic in the future.
Sorry just thought Hugo Chavez’s talking about killing the President and a shooting on capital hill just a little weird?
And that states enacting the 10th amendment was pretty cool some of up don’t have US TV
No, Catherine… they are totally unrelated. And Chavez didn’t speak of killing a President. He was referring to his belief that US covert ops killed JFK, and wondered if the same would happen to Obama.
Where are you that you don’t have US TV?.
I didn’t do it. The 10th Amendment is the Law enacted by some very smart old guys that feared big government. It is the Law. They saw an Kenyan Pretender coming down the road years ago.
Stops in Balitimore train to Philly and a long run to home. AMTRACK. The VP has AF2. I get a subsidized train with restrooms that are filthy. The Government will run Health Care as stupid as AMTRACK. The new American experience. Lower Quality of everything thanks to Team Obama.
Shooting in DC? Can’t be. They have a Gun Free Zone. WTH?
Let’s just say out of the Country.
10 pm here have had a few sleepless nights tonight is an early one so sweet dreams to all