Akron police say they aren’t ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation. But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.
It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend’s home in South Akron.
Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ”This is our world” and ”This is a black world” as they confronted Marshall and his family.
The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.
”This was almost like being a terrorist act,” Marshall said. ”And we allow this to go on in our neighborhoods?”
They said it started when one teen, without any words or warning, blindsided and assaulted Marshall’s friend as he stood outside with the others. When Marshall, 39, jumped in, he found himself being attacked by the growing group of teens. His daughter, Rachel, 15, who weighs about 90 pounds, tried to come to his rescue. The teens pushed her to the ground. His wife, Yvonne, pushed their son, Donald, 14, into bushes to keep him protected.
I blame Bush. Obama will fix it. You just have to give him time. It’s a big mess that he inherited.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Well let’s hope they catch those thugs and send them down. Too many people get away with this crap and go on to do even worse crimes.
I found some interesting stats
FBI Hate Crime Stats 2004
That’s subjective nonsense based on the “feelings” and admissions of those arrested. You want a more honest look? Consider the grand canyon difference between white on black crime vs. black on white crime http://www.libreopinion.com/members/standarteslc/race05.html and the murder rate committed by blacks based on their percentage of the population versus the murder rate committed by whites using the same metrics.
“The black murder rate was 38.8 per 100,000. Based on their murder rate in 1986, Hispanics committed an estimated 2,242 murders in 1993. This is 10.7 per 100,000. 76 percent of the U.S. is White (European-American) and they committed only 29.5 percent of the murders. On the other hand, Black and Hispanic minorities combined constitute 21 percent of the population, yet they committed a staggering 68.7 percent of the murders in the U.S. during 1993. This means, on a per capita basis, a Black person is 12.3 times as likely to commit murder as a White person.
Since GaffaUK raised the issue, I want to make sure that the percentages quoted are in proper perspective
The purported source of those minority crime statistics in the link Mook provided is a “Neil” Sheehan, Australian reporter. It seems his real name is Paul Sheehan, and nowhere does he footnote his sources, if in fact he wrote the piece at all. There’s no mention of it in his Wiki bio, which is curious considering how inflammatory it is. The error of using “Neil” is repeated in the various conservative websites I checked, which shows a lack of diligence on the part of those posting that, uh, “information”.
The real Neil Sheehan is an American reporter famous for his coverage of the Vietnam War.